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Guitarist looking for metal band Dublin city centre

  • 02-06-2015 8:20pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2

    Hi everyone, I'm looking to join an already committed band, willing to practice and get stuff done. Preferably already with their own material. If not, its no problem once the members are there and can practice without excuses.

    I'm 25 and I've attempted bands in the previous years all with people who never seem committed or as excited as me to be doing what we're doing. Been playing 10 years and I feel I've neglected the guitar the past couple years due to "life". I want to change that an get the passion flowing again with some other like minded people.

    I'm interested in the likes of Metallica to gojira, black dahlia murder to muse. Anything that sounds good I'm open minded.

    So if you have a metal band, looking for a guitarist - post a link and hopefully we can get something going!
