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Bata Neart - Book 1 Finished

  • 06-06-2015 5:55pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,453 ✭✭✭

    Hello all,

    I haven't posted here in a long while, mostly cause I really don't like to spam about my work, but this week is a little special.

    After the guts of 10 years of stubbornly relentless work I've somehow managed to complete the first book of my webmanga Bata Neart, with its last page posted this week.

    Bata Neart is my take on the magical girl genre set in the Wicklow Mountains.
    If you are curious, and would like a read, please go here:

    If you do choose to read, I hope you enjoy it :D

    I will soon focus on work for Book 2, which starts with work I am currently doing with Manga School Nakano. I'm hoping to improve quality even further :)

    In case you are curious, here is that last page for your enjoyment:

