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Due February 2016



  • Registered Users Posts: 60 ✭✭janus83

    Getting a lot of stuff of my family second hand so very lucky. I've set after Christmas as when I need to have stuff together as it's a late Feb probably March baby.

    Feeling OK. Not too much to complain about. Having leaky boobs so that's a bit gross. I wore a nice white jumper to work last week and when I got home realised I looked like a snowman all day.

    Hitting 24 wks this week so definitely feel more secure that things will be OK.

    I'm due late Feb also, maybe I'm trying to be too organised so and after Christmas is time enough to have things together!
    I've not had the leaky boobs yet, that sounds a right pain...the joys of impending motherhood ugh!
    I'm 24 weeks now too and feeling more reassured about things and can feel the baby more lately which is quite nice :-)

    anyone know what size babygros, vests yet you're supposed to get for hospital? Like is "newborn" size way smaller than "0-3 months". Do we need some of each or will 0-3 do? Clueless I am!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭Lashes28

    One packet of newborn to do the first few days and everything else 0 to 3 from my experience. My son was 8 lb and no newborn would fit him!

    I can stress it enough don't buy any other vests only next. The rest loose shape after a few washes, also learned the hard way on that one too

  • Registered Users Posts: 60 ✭✭janus83

    Lashes28 wrote: »
    One packet of newborn to do the first few days and everything else 0 to 3 from my experience. My son was 8 lb and no newborn would fit him!

    I can stress it enough don't buy any other vests only next. The rest loose shape after a few washes, also learned the hard way on that one too

    thanks that's great advice, will check out Next for vests. had seen a good deal on a pack on littlewoods (Ladybird brand) but since I've not heard of that brand before I might stick with Next. How many would I need, I've seen some people recommend 3 long/3 short sleeve vests, others say 5 and others 8 for hospital. No idea now how many to get!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭Lashes28

    Well next vests come in packs of five so I've one packet of long sleeve newborns,I was in mlu last time so literally spent 6 hrs in hospital and then home so I can pack light lol .

    Had my first visit to hospital today. She was a little dithery recommended I go to ante natal classes and seemed worried babies transverse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 60 ✭✭janus83

    Lashes28 wrote: »
    Well next vests come in packs of five so I've one packet of long sleeve newborns,I was in mlu last time so literally spent 6 hrs in hospital and then home so I can pack light lol .

    Had my first visit to hospital today. She was a little dithery recommended I go to ante natal classes and seemed worried babies transverse.

    thanks Lashes28!

    how did you find the hospital? is transverse not okay up to a certain stage?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭Lashes28

    Well I'm in the mlu again so its like a home from home at this stage lol. Yeah I thought transverse was ok too at this stage but she was surprised as its not my first baby .Also I have no immunity to German measles going by my bloods so have to get the vaccine done after I have the baby!!

    How is everyone doing?? Toilet runs are back at night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 941 ✭✭✭Typer Monkey

    God yeah at least two toilet trips during the night. I'm also waking up for a couple of hours anytime between 3.30 and 5.30. I'll just be falling back asleep when my daughter wakes up :(

    Very achy pelvis too, across my pubic bone particularly. Mentioned it to the doc and she suggested a trip to a physio. As she put it 'Well it's only going to get worse over the next couple of months so you might as well try all you can to manage it'

    Isn't pregnancy marvellous???:cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 850 ✭✭✭Cakerbaker

    Has nesting mode hit anyone else? I think my poor husband is about to drop from exhaustion. Downstairs is nearly all freshly painted, there's new shelves up, we've fabric samples for new bedroom curtains and we're going ripping out our old built in wardrobe and putting in a new one! I've also started cleaning everything!!! And that's with me leaving out other jobs I want done like a new front door and fireplace!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,025 ✭✭✭smallerthanyou

    Yes! We've just moved into new house. Would not recommend at 28 wks. But all I see everywhere is dirt and I don't have the energy to do anything about it. Cleaned the windows last week and wrecked since. But getting there.

    Had awful pain in ribs just under boobs. That seems to be lifting now but now having weird numbness in one leg on one side. I'll ask mid wife on Monday but Internet says it's all normal. Anything weird or out of the ordinary seems to normal for pregnancy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,172 ✭✭✭Wompa1

    Due date is Feb 3rd. Will be moving into a new place around the second week of January. She's actually still very active. She walks a few miles a day and does Yoga in the evening. She's getting forgetful, though. Her job has made her anxious lately, so baby arriving will be a relief in that sense too. She gets 6 weeks of maternity leave.

    In the US, they are serious about baby showers. We haven't had ours yet but we've already received hundreds of diapers, a changing table, a crib, bottles, clothes, a breast pump. Pretty much all of the major things. All we've had to buy so far is some clothes that she wanted to get because she thinks it's cute and a couple of car seats. The lady organizing her baby shower keeps buying stuff. She's as excited as we are. She got us a really great Christmas ornament the other day. A Snowman with a pregnant snow woman. With our names on the Snowman and Snow woman and our sons name on the pregnant belly.

    Unfortunately, I just found out that I will need to travel for work for 3 weeks at the end of May, early June. So, that's going to be tough.

    Other than that. All scans were good. She constantly has check ups (no scans) and everything has been fine so far. She actually works in Child protective services at the moment. That has made her come around to having a boy vs having a girl. She has had more problems dealing with girls than boys.

    Can't wait for his arrival. We did a tour of the hospital. It's pretty nice here...they give you a tour so you now where to go, how things will go. It was a bit cheesy but they do the deliveries on the first floor. After 12 hours, mother and baby get transferred to the next floor for their private room. Any time a mother and baby are moved, they play a little chime. America! Where childbirth costs thousands so you need to see value, I guess.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25 pp1401

    Count down is really on now that we are in to the new year!! How's everyone feeling... all organised and ready to go or still things to do/buy?

  • Registered Users Posts: 850 ✭✭✭Cakerbaker

    I'm starting to panic at the lack of progress!!! Have loads of lists but it's slow getting things ticked off! Loads of people have offered us things, which is great, but no one is in any rush to get them to us so we're kinda in a limbo not really knowing exactly what we need to buy cos we don't know exactly what we're being given. At least I'm not due till towards the end of Feb but would still like to be a bit more organised as I've loads of aches and pains so getting around isn't that easy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭Lashes28

    I only started to proper shop in the sales. Very laid back this time,need to get Moses basket and crib out of the attic so I can sort out New mattresses . Have been looking at double buggies but there's too many to choose from and I'm too choosy!!
    Clothes wise I'm sorted, bottles and sterilized I've gotten, my bags packed for hospital since before Xmas. It will all work out in the end. I hope 😖

  • Registered Users Posts: 60 ✭✭janus83

    Cakerbaker wrote: »
    I'm starting to panic at the lack of progress!!! Have loads of lists but it's slow getting things ticked off! Loads of people have offered us things, which is great, but no one is in any rush to get them to us so we're kinda in a limbo not really knowing exactly what we need to buy cos we don't know exactly what we're being given. At least I'm not due till towards the end of Feb but would still like to be a bit more organised as I've loads of aches and pains so getting around isn't that easy.

    hey, due end Feb so also trying to get things organised and ticked off! Bit confused over what I should get in advance for breastfeeding/bottle feeding? Planning to try the breastfeeding but I assume will need some things? And won't know until baby arrives how we take to it really. Anyone any advice?
    Also what does a new born wear home from hospital??! It probably sounds daft but wanted to pick and outfit with my husband in the coming weeks for bringing baby home in when time comes but no idea what they'll wear!
    anyone else sleeping less now? between night sweats, baby kicking and nocturnal toilet runs it doesn't make for good nights sleep!

  • Registered Users Posts: 850 ✭✭✭Cakerbaker

    I'm also planning on breast feeding but have gotten my sister in laws old steriliser and bought a set of bottles to have just in case. Figure they'll get used down the line anyway. Will also do a bit of research into formulas so I'll know what one I want to get just in case things don't work out with the breast feeding. Figure that won't be a decision I'll want to be trying to make at that time!

    At my ante natal class I was told to have a vest, baby grow, cardigan, hat and a snowsuit type thing (can't remember the exact name) for coming home.

    Am with you with the lack of sleep!!! The shock of the early alarms now I'm back at work isn't helping either!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 941 ✭✭✭Typer Monkey

    Hey ladies. Can't advise with the breastfeeding as I bottle fed from birth last time and will do the same again this time.

    As regards what baby wears going home..a long sleeve vest, sleepsuit, hat and a nice warm cardigan and a blanket. It's not recommended to put them in a big puffy sleepsuit in the car seat as it prevents the straps tightening sufficiently and in the case of an accident they could come out of the seat.

    I'm so ready to not be pregnant anymore. Such a sore pelvis and I'm exhausted all the time and not sleeping great. Roll on the arrival of baby Typer Monkey!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,172 ✭✭✭Wompa1

    Herself hasn't slept a full night over the last 4 days. She had really bad pain, which we think is the baby flipping over. She's exhausted and sore all the time. Unfortunately, as we're in the US she doesn't get the same kind of maternity leave as in Ireland. She'll work until she goes into labor and then has to go back after 6 weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 941 ✭✭✭Typer Monkey

    God yeah maternity leave in the States is shockingly bad isn't it? I mean at 6 weeks you've barely recovered and are still finding your feet. I'm taking the 16 weeks unpaid at the end of the 26 week paid maternity and then taking annual leave to bring me up to the 17/01/17! Pretty much a year off 😁

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,172 ✭✭✭Wompa1

    God yeah maternity leave in the States is shockingly bad isn't it? I mean at 6 weeks you've barely recovered and are still finding your feet. I'm taking the 16 weeks unpaid at the end of the 26 week paid maternity and then taking annual leave to bring me up to the 17/01/17! Pretty much a year off 😁

    Wow!! I won't show her this :)

    It's brutal. It's 8 weeks if she needs a c-section. Also, the birth is being covered by her insurance so she really needs to hold on until the birth at least.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,025 ✭✭✭smallerthanyou

    Anyone have their 'February' baby yet. At 34 weeks and anytime they want to make an appearance would be grand with me. Getting tired creaky cranky and sore!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 941 ✭✭✭Typer Monkey

    36 weeks yesterday here and more than ready for jnr to put in an appearance! I'm huge and uncomfortable. Awake half the night too. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭Lashes28

    Have a shocking cramp that comes on me like a leg cramp only in my groin. I'm sure I frightened a few people in Dunnes the other day with the yelp I let out .

    I need to get cracking on the maternity benefit forms, have them sorted just need to send them away. Times just flying by!!

    Looking forward to this bubs coming too. My two cousins and even my next door neighbour have had their babies in the last week. Now they were due .But I'm still so envious!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 60 ✭✭janus83

    hi, hows everyone feeling? I'm 36 weeks tomorrow and feeling a bit pathetic at this stage, just feel huge and slow and achey, someone mentioned the word creaky, it's a good one! Been in and out of hosp appointments as amniotic fluid a bit low and having dizziness/palpitations but baby seems happy where it is at the moment anyways.

    got the baby's going home outfit today which was fun :-) and just repacking the hospital bag (for after delivery). Anyone know if the 2 cardigans the Coombe recommends are a necessity or if they're used at all in the hospital? We don't know if we're having a boy or girl and I can only seem to find white blue or pink ones around. Are these items that are used often after the hospital? FTM so a bit clueless.

    also, anyone use the JJ Cole Bundle Me before in their car seat? A friend has one and I loved it, looked very handy but when I googled I got some old links talking about safety so I'm dithering now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭Lashes28

    I'm 37 weeks today and my ankles are so swollen, I slept with a rolled up blanket underneath them last night and it's helped.
    Tbh in the Lourdes it's so so warm the cardies are not needed. I had one cardie for my last bubs but it was just for nightfeeds as it was Jan and cold,this year it's not as cold so I'm not sure if I'll bother.
    I'm just so eager to have this baby now!!
    Have ye set up everything?

  • Registered Users Posts: 18 rozmiss

    Morning all, was an early poster and lurker on this thread. But daughter Alannah was born 29 Jan at 8.01 pm.

    Wishing you all the very best of luck and may your labours be short!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭Lashes28

    A huge congratulations Roz Miss . I am so so jealous of you,when was your due date? I absolutely love her name,what weight was she??

    Officially our month!!woohoo bring it on!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 850 ✭✭✭Cakerbaker

    Just over 3 weeks to go. Really hope I have a February baby. Think I'll crack up if I go over!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭Lashes28

    But. I think it's best to prepare yourself mentally incase you do go over. Has anyone got their cots/Moses baskets set up yet?

  • Registered Users Posts: 850 ✭✭✭Cakerbaker

    Have the Moses basket ready! The crib hasn't made it down from my in laws yet although I have everything ready for it when it arrives! Feel like I'm nearly ready at last!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭Lashes28

    Oh wow. I have nothing like that set up! I need to get cracking,I did get all the sheets and stuff out of the attic I just need to wash them and I'll be sorted on that front .
    Have you started maternity leave yet?
