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Take Your Lumps Like a Man, Private Twinkle Toes!!!



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Friday 25th: 5.8mi @ 9:27 - nothing particularly interesting about this one. It early and pleasant.

    Saturay 26th: 9 mile tempo (7:42) with Warm-up and Cool-down - This was the run I have been waiting for. As my last marathon cycle was my first 'proper' one I saw great improvements very quickly. I know the law of diminishing returns plays a big part in running improvement but I was hoping for one more cycle of big gains. as that clearly isn't happening, I'm now just hoping for small ones, and today was one of those. It felt as easy as the last couple of tempo runs I have done (ignoring last weeks failed run) but I was able to maintain a slightly faster pace comfortably. I have three 10 mile tempos left and I'm going to run those all by feel and use it to decide what pace to go for in DCM.

    I did an out and back on the main Waterford road. Not the most interesting run, but I figured it was similar terrain to DCM. There are a couple of slow slight drags, similar to Chesterfield Ave. and a couple of slightly hillier bits as well. the way back was made a little harder because I had to run into a pretty hazy sun. Not too strong but it was difficult to see any cars until they were close. No disasters happened though!

    7:48 - Not too slow a start for me, especially as there was a bit of a hill in this one.
    7:34 - Effort felt even and manageable.
    7:54 - It was getting a little tougher here, mile 6 was a hillier one. Still wasn't working too hard though.
    7:30 - The fast last mile was a lot of fun. I was trying not to go too out of control but knowing the 'faster' miles were coming to an end I couldn't help pushing a little on the downhill.

    Very happy with this one overall.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Sunday 27th: 10mi @ 8:44 - It was a lovely morning for this one. I was out nice and early, up towards Forth Mountain. I turned the watch to the time of the day as soon as I started and ran by feel, trying to keep it on the speedier side of easy. Lots of foam rolling later in the day.

    Monday 28th: 7.9 mi @ 9:19 - This was another one to prove I'm not OCD about distances. Between the tempo on Saturday and the fast side of easy 10 yesterday I knew this one needed to be slow. Its difficult sometimes wrapping your head around a 8 mile run first thing on a Monday. I got very used to P&D's recovery Monday, it's a far gentler way to start the week!

    Tuesday 29th: 2x3mi w/1mi rec (10.5mi @ 8:24) - Another Tuesday another strength session. These are fast becoming my favourite non-easy run of the Hanson plan. My go to out and back route is a little over 3.5 miles which was just enough for a rep and half the recovery before turning to complete the recovery and the second rep. Excellent plan but it turned out to be kinda windy. Regardless I Stuck with it so I had the wind in my face for most of the first rep. After Saturdays tempo run, and he Ferns HM I decided to go a little faster on these sessions. I was thinking of 7:25-7:35 but knew it would be pretty uneven once I felt the wind in my face. Head down and go for it, and all in all it was pretty good. I was happy to be finished when I was but could have done a couple more miles if I had to.

    Rep 1: (7:34 7:43 7:25) The middle mile had a slight incline as well as being unsheltered from the wind. I knew if I fought to keep the pace down I would have nothing left for the second rep. Happy with the pace of the other miles though.

    Rep 2: (7:30 7:25 7:21) This is where the advantage of running into the wind for the first rep comes in. Towards the start of the last mile I was coming to an awkward corner and decided to change route a tiny bit to avoid it. I completely forgot how much of an idiot I can be sometime though. The turn I took brought me through a car park into a very narrow and low ceilinged tunnel onto main street. This slowed me down far more than the awkward corner would. I started to speed up once I could, but obviously took it a little too far.

    Less than a month to go and I'm feeling pretty good about this. I doubt I take much, if anything of my P.B. but I'd like to think I'm in a position to run a good race and finish strong (ish!!)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Thursday 1st: 10mi tempo (7:48) with warm-up and cool-down - This is the first of three 10 mile tempos, the last of which will be the last session of the plan. It's getting close!! I tried to run this tempo without looking at he watch. I did glance at it during the first mile to make sure I was running a reasonable pace, then switched the display to the time and ran. I felt mile 7 was a little fast pace but for some reason I didn't ease off. When the watch buzzed for the end of the mile I couldn't help but look, and of course I was running HMP. I was quite annoyed at myself for not slowing until I saw numbers on a screen. I need to react to how I'm feeling rather than what a watch tells me. I picked a route with a tough last mile to test myself. Boy was that a hard mile to run. I kept the effort as even as possible here and was pleased overall with the average pace. Miles were:

    7:41 - So not exactly even here but the route has slight pulls and drags . The effort felt pretty even here.
    7:25 - This is the one that's annoying me. I really should have slowed before the end of this mile. Silly!!
    8:16 - I guess I was paying a little for a fast paced mile here. I had slightly misjudged the light and though it would be bright by the time I got to mile 8. It was no longer dark, but not exactly fully bright so I did have to be a little more careful than usual. Last mile was very nasty and was very happy when it ended.

    Friday 2nd: 7.1mi @ 8:54 - I ordered a headlamp for running which arrived Thursday afternoon, no needless to say I had to give it a test run on Friday. I was kinda foggy as well as dark so I decided to stick to a wide road with a hard shoulder. Fist time ever running with a headlamp and it was a lot of fun. I was already looking forward to tomorrow's run!

    Saturday 3rd: 9.3mi @ 8:41 - When it comes to running with a headlamp, this test run was a lot more important. How good would it be on narrow country roads. These are the kinda of roads my favourite routes tend to take me so I'd like to feel comfortable running them in the dark, and I did! Like yesterday it was great fun. I was never unsure of my footing and oncoming cars had a decent bit of warning that I was there. Happy days :) Looking at it now, the pace was probably a little fast for this one.

    Sunday 4th: 16mi @ 8:56 - I was down in Waterford for this one so I decided to hit the Deise Greenway again and go as far as I could. The last time I had been there once the tarmac ran out I turned back as I was running at MP and didn't fancy loosing my footing. This time I was all about the easy pace so I went on for another while. Eventually the path changed from loose gravel, some of it compacted by a steamroller, to large loose rocks. Time to turn around. I guessed heading for the eco park for a lap then home might bring me to the 16 in the plan for today. I got back at 15.75 miles so did a little up and down to bring me to 16. Sometime I can be a bit OCD I guess.

    That bring my mileage for the week up to 64.7, my biggest week since May. I celebrated with some chocolate milk and a banana.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Monday 5th: 6mi @ 9:10 - Another nice and easy one to start the week off. Didn't look at the watch, just ran it nice and easy.

    Tuesay 6th: 2x3mi w/1mi rec (10.4mi @ 8:20) - the plan called for a 4 x 1.5 for this session, but I'd already messed with the strength sessions a a little when preparing for the Ferns HM so the 4 x 1.5 seemed a little out of context. I really enjoyed last weeks session so I decided to replicate that using almost exactly the same route. It was an out and back, but this time it wasn't as windy as it had been last week so I was hoping for more even splits. My aim was for 7:25 - 7:35 range and for the most part I hit the paces well. The first mile was a little fast and that made the rest of the first rep a little harder than it needed to be. Regardless I was happy with how this went.

    Rep 1 (7:25, 7:39, 7:33): The second mile was the one that got me last week as well. As I said there was less wind today but the inclines, small as they are, were enough to slow me down. Well that and mile 1!

    Rep 2 (7:31, 7:23, 7:25): The second mile of this rep was pretty much the second mile of the first one backwards which is why there is such a difference in pace. The other corresponding miles are reassuringly similar. I think I'll take these numbers as a random sign of success and pat myself on the back :)

    I really do enjoy these sessions, and even if I never repeat this plan again, I'll certainly run these strength sessions (or cruise intervals I think??) from time to time. Next week's will be the last one. I'll probably do a 3x2mi for that one.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Wednesday 7th: 3.9mi @ 10:12 - This would usually be a day off. However I still woke very early and it seemed like a nice morning to be out, so I decided to do a short and slow recovery run. There are no specific recovery runs in the plan, just easy runs, some of which I take pretty slow. So for this I decided to run as slow as felt comfortable, then slow down a bit more. Any time I realised I wasn't working on running slowly, I slowed down a bit more. I took a little while to get into it, but eventually I did and enjoyed it. The legs definitely felt fresher after it as well.

    Thursday 8th: 10.5mi @ 9:15 - Today would have been my second last tempo run, but I decided to switch things around. On Sunday the Solas Centre Run For Life is on in Waterford. I have done this 10 mile event the last two years but never as a race, in fact my '10 mile PB' is from this last year and is only 3 minutes faster than my HM PM from this year. I always did this with a buddy of mine who I don't get to see that often, so we'd both jog around and catch up over the course of 90 mins or so. He can't do it this year but I'd still like to be involved so I've decided to run my 10 mile tempo during it. I know racing it would be a disaster as I still have a couple of worthwhile sessions to do next week. A full on 10 mile race would seriously hinder those but I figured if I concentrate on marathon pace, it's a good session and it should stop me going too fast. My only worry was I'll end up doing three sessions from Sunday to Thursday with only a day between each one. I'm sure I'll be fine, but if I feel the need to dial back the pace for any of the sessions I will do. getting to Dublin in one piece is the main goal now.

    So because of all that, I ran an easy 10 this morning. It was another headlamp run which was a lot of fun. It really feels like a first person shooter style computer game, which I am a big fan of. After 8 or 9 miles it does get a little irritating on the head, but I wonder if that will ease off once I get used to it. Even if it doesn't, the light has opened up a lot of routes for me on these darker mornings.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Bulmers74

    If getting to Dublin in one piece is the main goal would you not just drop one of the 3 sessions??

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Bulmers74 wrote: »
    If getting to Dublin in one piece is the main goal would you not just drop one of the 3 sessions??

    This is gonna make me sound really stupid, but I genuinely never thought of that! I'll definitely take it into consideration. If I'm in any dubious about either of them on the day I think I will leave them off.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Friday 9th: 7.5mi @ 9:00 - Simple, slow, clocking up the miles.

    Saturday 10th: 10mi @ 8:31 - This one started off a bit too fast and I found it hard to reel it back in.

    Sunday 11th: - 14mi including 10mi @ 7:26 (1:14:18)

    The plan was to do warm up, run the Solas Run for Life 10 mile at PMP, cool down and have lunch. Well, surely three out of four ain't bad :D

    The first error was forgetting to bring my watch down to Waterford. I realised on the way, but decided it was a good thing. This was my chance to see if I had internalised my PMP. How close could I get without the aid of mile splits. I figured I should see 1:17:xx on the clock and could consider it job done. That, however, is not what happened.

    The route is not too bad but there are a couple of nasty drags around the outer ring road, and williamstown road. The last 4 miles are pretty nice being mostly flat or downhill. I realised after a couple of miles that I was chasing a group in front of me, and had stopped controlling my pace. I'd reign it back in but the problem was I kept on forgetting myself and would keep chasing until I realised. I knew there was a reason I didn't do races as training sessions. I needed someone with me to keep me under control. The hillier sections were a bit of a slog, and several runners passed me here. I think I need to get a little better running on hills,

    From ballygunnar to the finish, I basically completely forgot about controlling my pace and I kinda raced (bold boy!!). Obviously I don't have any splits, but I'm pretty sure I was holding my PMP pretty well for the first couple of miles, and the hills slowed me down a bit, so there must have been a few speedier ones to get my average so close to HMP.

    Not the training session I was looking for but I do think it will stand to me in 2 weeks. I took today off but walked as much as possible and the legs feel pretty good. I've also learned two very important things. I'm not as good at internalising pace as I'd like to be and I really need to have someone with me to control my pace in a race/run setting. the event itself was very successful from what I can gather. There was some organisational errors in relation to he was the 5 mile walk and 10 mile run intersected. I ended up running past streams of walkers for the last mile and a half. It was fine on the roads, but in the park for the final stretch it got difficult. It is very much a charity even though, people raise funds as opposed to paying an entry fee so I don't think people would be too upset.

    One positive is that I no longer have a issue around what to do with my remaining sessions. I did more than enough to call that a strength session, so I'll run easy the next two days and then do the tempo on Thursday. Depending on how the legs feel I may shorten the distance a little. Taper begins on Friday!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Tuesday 13th:

    - After Sundays run the legs were a little more tender than I would have liked. These bigger sessions will only stand to you if you come away from them uninjured and able to run. So I took Monday off and ran very slow on Tuesday. Legs felt OK, but kinda twingy. It's the typical stuff that never bothers you until you are within a fortnight of a goal race. Plenty of foam rolling to be done over the next few days.

    Wednesday 14th:

    - Definite improvement in the legs, but I decided take another slow day. It had been ages since I ran on grass, so headlamp on, and off the racecourse I went. I wonder did anyone spot a light bobbing up and down around 5:30 and wonder what was happening! This is another advantage of having the headlamp, as there are no decent grass areas that are light up in the early winter mornings.

    Thursday 15th:



    - I had already followed Bulmers74's sage advice about dropping one of my planned sessions this week, but had run my last session too fast. So i wasn't sure how to go about this one. The plan is very clear that this session is placed there 10 days before goal race (11 in my case as the plan assumes a Sunday race) for a specific purpose, so if I felt I could get it done uninjured I really wanted to do it. As it was going to be the last quality run of the plan I decided to fabricate my, so far vague, marathon plan for it - start slow and get faster if I can. I was very happy with how this one went. I really didn't really push the first 3 miles, or any uphill sections. All other time I ran comfortably within myself, and if it ever felt like it was getting too hot I pulled it back almost straight away. This is the kind of behaviour that will get me around in the best possible fashion Monday week. Miles were:

    8:09 - Nice and steady. To be honest, if I felt the legs weren't gonna play ball I would have pulled it after these first three.
    7:55 - The first real downhill of the lap I was using happened during mile 4. I used it to my advantage, but pulled back as soon as it levelled off.
    8:04 - I took it handy during this mile to not burn myself out on hills.
    7:44 - I was feeling really good by the end of this. I'm thinking it was because of the slow start but I really felt like I could have done another 5 miles at that pace. Definitely the most comfortable finish to a tempo run for this training cycle. Good confidence boost.
    Noting but easy runs of varying lengths to finish off the plan. I will play around with paces a little bit, but keep them all within easy range.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Woops, I've been a little lazy here. Time for a taper update:

    Friday 16th: 4.6mi @ 9:47

    Saturday 17th: 9.6mi @ 8:43

    Sunday 18th: 10mi @ 9:09

    Monday 19th: 4.6mi @ 9:20

    Tuesday 20th: 5.7mi @ 9:30

    Thursday 22nd: 6.1mi : 8:42

    Friday 23rd: 4mi @ 9:36

    All of these were easy runs, except for 2 MP miles thrown into Thursdays run to remind the legs how to move a little faster. Other than that it's been the usual taper nonsense. Feeling twinges in the legs and being briefly convinced that I'll never run again! Sneezing twice in a row and being briefly convinced the bubonic plague is back!! and let's not forget the good oul obsessing over the weather in Ireland, as if I have any control, or it makes any sense!!!

    Overall I'm feeling pretty good about Monday. Presuming I don't do anything stupid to myself between now and then, this will be the strongest I've felt starting a marathon. I just hope the Hanson theory of cumulative fatigue is right and the lack of 20+ mile runs won't come back to hunt me. Either way, every marathon can be a dam good learning curve, if you've been paying attention.

    Bring it on!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Best of luck Monday, hope all goes to plan for you.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Go get that aggressive target dintbo! Best of everything to you!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    You've a great cycle banked, hope you smash it.

    Best of luck


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 785 ✭✭✭Notwork Error

    All the best dintbo! Give it socks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    as above Dintbo - enjoy the day and best of luck, its shaping up nicely for you

  • Registered Users Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Bulmers74

    Best of luck tomorrow & enjoy

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Thanks very much for all the well wishes folks! Leaves me feeling all warm and fuzzy :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,143 ✭✭✭outforarun

    Best of luck this morning!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    3:30:19 unofficial time. I refuse to let those 19 seconds bother me. Overall I'm very happy with that. Especially off 16 mile LSRS. Report to follow in a number of days. Now it's food sleep and beer time.

    Edit: official time was 3:30:20.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    that's fantastic! Well done you! On a less windy day you'd have knocked off another few mins easy.
    Super time. Enjoy the celebrations!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Well done today, fantastic time in the conditions ye had to deal with.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 261 ✭✭Ed Mc

    Great running man, looks like those shorter lsrs worked out alright. Well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Bulmers74

    Well done. Also wondered about the Hanson plan @ how it'd work out. Would you be tempted to use it again?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 785 ✭✭✭Notwork Error

    Well done dintbo! Great running today, enjoy the beers!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    I think I will use it again eventually but not for the next one. Next year is JD year. I also reckon the 12 week p&d plan I used for Cork earlier this year definitely helped.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Well done Dintbo - big congrats

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    That's a great time dintbo. Glad the gamble paid off. Looking forward to reading your race report. Looks like you're working through the marathon plans alright :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Thanks to all for the congratulations. The more I think about Monday, the happier I am with it. I have still never managed a negative split in a marathon, but I'm getting closer :)

    Anyhoo, some housekeeping before the report.

    Saturday 24th: 6.1mi @ 8:51 - This has become a sort of tradition for me. The Saturday before DCM I run this route. I was pleasantly surprised to feel no weird or wonderful twinges in my legs. I had to concentrate on keeping the pace down.

    Sunday 25: 4.1mi @ 8:52 ish - I never realised that my watch had no GPS for this entire run. The distance is about right though. Just a leg loosener before hopping on a train to the capital.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Dublin City Marathon 2015 Race Report

    Training: I felt my training had gone fairly well, though I was using a plan that could have blown up in my face. No real need to go into detail here, it's all in the previous few pages.

    Pre-Race: My OH and I were staying in a hotel in Parnell Square, so not too far a walk to the start line. I was awake around 5 but just relaxed in bed until 6:30 when it was time to get up and ready. Breakfast was my usual muesli coffee and a banana. Gear on, post race bag packed and out the door. I arrive in plenty of time to dump my bag, do what needed to be done and find the 3:30 pacers. I felt a slight nervous excitement, but mostly I felt ready. Well hydrated and pockets full of jelly babies, what could go wrong. Had a giggle when a couple of runners failed to throw their discarded garments completely to the side and watched as they landed on some unsuspecting persons head. National anthem; 3, 2,1, and we're off (in about another minute).

    My Garmin measured the course a little short, and I noticed a couple of the mile splits didn't make a whole lot of sense so I'm going to use the TDL splits for this.

    To the First Timing Mat: I had decided to head out just behind the 3:30 pacers and reassess at the halfway point. Due to some congested areas in this first section the pacers had gotten a little ahead of me. I had to keep reminding myself that the first half was all about being conservative and sensible. 'It's all about the second half, it's all about the second half'. I felt there was much more congestion that there had been in the previous two years, but maybe that was because I was a little further up the field, or close to a popular pace group. I didn't let any of this bother me, and went with the pace of the pack. I was keeping an eye on the Garmin, but mostly to make sure I wasn't going too fast. Any time it seemed I was I eased up just a little. I had to pop behind a tree on Chesterfield Avenue but that was the only stop needed thankfully. Again I had to keep myself in check to make sure I didn't tear after the pacers to try catch up. I was glad to see the end of this section of the park, Castleknock was just around the corner so I knew there was some excitement to come.

    10k in 50:09 - 2959th Position

    To the Halfway Timing Mat: I remember that corner in Castleknock from last year. It was brilliant fun to run through, you couldn't help but feel like a rock star. However last year it was also where I made a mess of the rest of my run. I go so excited in this section I started running way too fast and kept it up till i ran out of steam, around mile 17!!! That was not going to happen today. I really enjoyed this bit again, but I kept everything under control. There was some nice downhill parts in this section which meant the effort was feeling reassuringly easy. I had noticed some stiffness in my legs from early on but I was trying not to let that bother me. Otherwise, every time I 'checked myself' for the likes of breathing, shoulder position etc. all seemed well. I knew my Garmin was not going to be very accurate so I was mentally prepared to do my 8 times tables at every mile marker. I also checked my time when I crossed the halfway mat and was delighted with what I saw...

    Halfway in 1:45:00 - 2821st Position

    To the Third Timing Mat: - So I was exactly on for 3:30. The pace of the group I was running with was impeccable. It was time to reassess my plan. I wasn't 100% confident that I could break away from the group at this stage and maintain it all the way to the end. Having only done 16 mile LSRs I had to fight a little mental negativity (uh-oh you're longest distance in training is coming up, what gonna happen then??) dam you brain!!! I quickly and quietly (I hope) gave out to myself and moved on. I decided to stay with the pace group, but up my pace a tiny bit to get closer to the pacers who were about 15 seconds ahead of me. Over the next few miles I almost caught them, and felt perfectly comfortable when doing so. There was a sea of people around the pacers so I wasn't sure how I was going to get past them. As it turned out, that wasn't going to be an issue. I think it was around mile 18 that I tried to make a move to head for a decent sub 3:30. almost as soon as I tried to pick up the pace, my left hamstring started twinging in a worrying way. I was already passing a good few people who were struggling and didn't want to join them, so I eased up again. I tried a couple of more times to pick it up but it wasn't happening. No matter, I was still on for a good P.B and could possibly scrape a sub 3:30.

    30k in 2:28:55 - 2411st Position

    To The End: I can't remember exactly where it was that I started to really feel the pressure but I think it was around mile 20. It was certainly before Roebuck as I found it a huge struggle not to stop for a walk up that hill. It was knowing how hard it would be to get going again that kept me 'running'. For the last few miles I knew I was going to finish, and knew that I was on for P.B. but I remember seeing the sub 3:30 start to slip away around mile 24. I tried so hard to pick it back up, but my hamstring was still twinging with any real pick up of pace and the last thing I wanted was to have to pull up with a cramp. The support all the way around the course had been phenomenal but the final straight was a real climax. I would have loved to have gone into a sprint finish of sorts, and I really did try, but I was empty. I had nothing left. I crossed the line a relieved and happy man. Not quite sub 3:30 I had wanted but a result I'm very proud of.

    Finished in 3:30:20 - 2077th Position

    Looking over the numbers there are some things I'm very happy with. Still no negative split for me, but much closer than I have ever gotten before. I moved up positions at every timing mat, moving almost 900 places from 10k to the end.

    I will eventually use this plan again, or at least a version of it. Dubgal mentioned above that I was working through the marathon plans, which kind of is my plan. That way I try out a few different approaches, and see which ones work the best for me. I was tempted to call this log 'I've read three books so now I know everything'!!! ;)

    Next for me a week off, followed by a couple weeks of easy runs, and then possibly a crack at a P.B. in the Waterford AC half in December.

    I started this log with the intention of taking it as far as here and maybe stopping it. However, I've enjoyed logging here, and I found it really did help me at times, both in the advice given by those far more knowledgeable, and as an way to remind myself of the good, and not so good things I've done. I think I'll keep it up for another while.

    Thanks again to all here for the support :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Bulmers74

    Well done again man. You executed your race plan brilliantly, listened to the body and emptied the tank.
