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Take Your Lumps Like a Man, Private Twinkle Toes!!!



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Nice one, d, looks like you planned and executed that one well, not much you could have done about the hamstring. Plus it's an improvement over Cork so well done.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    That 21 seconds is irrelevant... well done! Sounds like you managed the pace perfectly.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    It's been a while, time for an update.

    Sunday 1st: 4mi @ 9:21

    Monday 2nd: 6mi @ nice 'n' slow

    Tuesday 3rd: 5.7mi @ 9:43

    Wednesday 4th: 3.5mi @ 9:41

    Thursday 5th: 8.7mi @ 9:14

    Recovery has been going well. I had decided on a full week off, but after not caving into itchy feet on Saturday morning, I caved on Sunday. I kept everything very slow for the week and my legs feel the better for it. I was looking back over my own my handwritten log from the week or two after Cork and I seemed to be mentioning the same niggle a few times in it. This time around, other than some residual stiffness everything feels pretty good. Foam rollong has been getting less and less painful as well, so I'm taking these as all good signs. My watch hadn't picked up a signal by the time I was ready to leave on Monday, so it got left behind. I had intended to take Wednesday off, but my new runners arrived on Tuesday afternoon, so a short test run had to be done and I took yesterday off instead.

    I signed up for the Waterford AC half during the week. My plan is to do another week of all easy running, and maybe do a gentle progression run next Sunday if I feel up to it. I'd like to do one session running at the pace I plan to run the half at (whatever that might be) so I'll most likely do that the Sunday after. Other than that, all easy pace stuff with some strides thrown in every now and then. Basically I'm hoping the gains picked up during the marathon training cycle will get me there :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Saturday 7th: Johnstown parkrun with warm-up and cool-down

    Sunday 8th: 5mi @ 9:00

    Monday 9th: 6mi@ 9:35

    Tuesday 10th: 5.8mi @ 9:05

    Wednesday 11th: 4mi @ an amount of time.

    So it should have been a bunch of easy runs since I posted last, and for the most part it was. One thing I had realised recently was that I had never done a parkrun without giving it full or close to full effort. I decided to remedy this on Saturday in Johnstown. Naturally I ran it much faster than planned, but still at what felt like a pretty easy pace to me. it was incredibly enjoyable, and is something I plan to do a lot more. I realised something else after this run. I had broken one of the golden rules. Including the run out and back, I had totalled 12.5 miles and also ran 3 of them at close to MP. I had upped my distance and pace at the same time. Shame on me, but I'm glad to report I survived.

    I don't think I've arrived home from a run dry since the last time I posted either. I think it was Ososlo that posted somewhere recentlyish about the joy that comes with running in the different seasons and I couldn't agree more. My favourite weather to run in is bright, cold and windless (Hmmmmmmnnnnn....) but I really do enjoy running in windy wet weather sometimes. Especially when you know there is a hot shower at the other end. Legs are feeling a little better every day so looking forward to doing some MP miles at the weekend. Once again my watch took longer to find signal than I did to get ready this morning so it was left behind.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Thursday 12th: 9.1mi @ 8:55

    Friday 13th: 6mi @ 9:04

    Saturday 14th: 9.3mi @ 8:41

    I'm upping the mileage this week a little so all easy running. Thursday's run was meant to be an out and back but I noticed a lot of traffic cones on one of the 'back' sections that would have made running there pretty unsafe so I made this one up as I went. Meant to do 8 but I'm sure the extra mile won't kill me. This morning I went up towards Forth Mountain, one of my favourite placed to run in Wexford. Even though it was pretty soggy and grey it was still very nice, and I got a very friendly hello from a fellow runner who had the foresight to wear a headlamp while the sun was up (but hiding very very well). It never struck me to wear mine unless it was actually dark, but maybe there is merit in the idea to make yourself more visible. One of the reasons I like running up there is there is very little traffic, especially a the weekends but there are some twisty narrow roads so the safer the better I guess.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    I wrote a beautifully worded post earlier including details of recent running adventures which didn't post (database error or something like that) so will try to find the time to redo it later. Work has been busy. My running has not suffered but my log updating has.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Second time lucky, hopefully.

    Sunday 15th: Progression Run (13.8mi @ 8:18) - I'm a little unsure of my paces at the moment so I decided just to run by effort for the time being and see what happens. So this was to be easy miles followed by a shift in gear, followed by another. It was a pretty blustery one so I was surprised to find the paces weren't as all over the place as I thought they would be. 4 miles easy followed by 4 miles a little faster (8:01, 8:04, 8:00, 7:55) followed by 3 miles a little faster again (7:28, 7:36, 7:28) and a little cool down to finish off. Happy with that one.

    Monday 16th: 4.3mi @ 9:33

    Tuesday 17th: 6mi @ 9:12

    Wednesday 18th: 4.2mi @ 9:57

    Thursday 19th: 9.8mi @ 9:07

    These were all easy/recovery runs. Nothing too taxing. I realised I had run for 13 days straight so took Friday off.

    Saturday 21st: 7.6mi @ 8:13 (inc. four 5 minute sections @ HMP effort) - This was meant to be a proper session but I completely forgot to set it up on the watch so I went with a fartlek style version of what I had planned.

    Sunday 22nd: 14.2mi @ 8:38 A lovely morning for a LSR though this one should have been a little slower really. Felt good all the way until towards the very end when my right hamstring started tightening like it did during DCM. It cramped pretty badly a couple of times during the day as well. It was pretty tender today, though not in anyway sore to walk on. I took the day off running and will do the same tomorrow if needs be. I had hoped to get one more proper session in before Waterford, but if it doesn't happen in the next couple of days it will be pretty pointless. Either way, I'm not going to force the issue. It's been a good year for PBs so as much as I'd like to get one more in if it doesn't happen, I'll survive.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    My hamstring remained pretty tender for a few days so I did the sensible thing and rested it. I have come up with a way to decided whether I should run on a sore leg or not. If it's too sore to foam roll, its too sore to run! Its probably a nonsense rule, but at least this way I have a gauge. three days off seems to have fixed the issue, and so back to running:

    Thursday 26th: 6.2mi @ 8:52

    Friday 27th: 6mi @ 9:05

    Two handy enough runs. I didn't pay attention to the watch when I was running them so the pace was very much by feel. On today's run the watch read 5.99 when I stopped it. I'm calling that 6 :) It was nice to be out and about again. I tend to get a little fidgety when I'm not running.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Saturday 28th: 8.8mi @ 8:31

    Sunday 29th: 12.6mi @ 9:01

    I was down in Waterford over the weekend, It's been a while since I stayed overnight there and completely forgot the clock in the room hadn't been changed. So without realising it I ended up leaving the house around 7 instead of 8. I was really surprised that the sun hadn't come out and eventually I twigged what had happened. This meant changing from my planned route as I had to stick with street lights for longer. Twas a little blustery but not as bad as a lot of people had it by the sounds of things. Legs are feeling good all in all. Lots of foam rolling this week and Hopefully I'll be able to give Waterford a good go next weekend.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Monday 30th: 4mi @ 9:33

    Tuesday 1st: 4.9mi @ 9:15

    Thursday 3rd: 8mi @ 8:38

    Monday and Tuesday's runs were both short and handy which seems to be a recurring theme around here :) I took Wednesday off as Tuesday was the OHs birthday so were were out dining like kings (greedy b@stards). This morning I decided to do some strides during my easy run. I hadn't really done any strides since before the summer as Hanson doesn't include them in the plan. I'd forgotten how much fun they could be. I'm not fully sure if I do then 'correctly' but I simply accelerate to close to full effort for 80 - 100 steps (counting 40 - 50 on one foot) then ease off. Make sure you're fully recovered, rinse and repeat. I think I did 6 all together.

    It looks like the weather is pretty bad for the weekend so I'm not sure if a PB is on the cards for Saturday. I'm still looking forward to giving it a good shot though.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Friday 4th: 3.7mi @ 9:08 Short leg loosener to get ready for the race that didn't happen. Like many others I was tapering ahead of the Waterford AC half. It was disappointing that it was cancelled but they absolutely made the right call. Even more importantly than that, they made the call early and used every means at their disposal to get the word out. many others have said it on these boards but I'd like to add my 'well played Waterford AC' to the list!! I had thoughts of doing the Johnstown parkrun instead but listening to the wind on Saturday morning, convinced me to stay put. I'd reckon that's probably the secons or third time on over three years that I let the weather stop me going for a run.

    Sunday 6th: 7.1mi @ 7:50 (4 @ HMPish) I was geared up to run 13 miles at HMP but I settled for 4 :) I had intended to do more but I slept late, and had a pretty busy day ahead of me. Very enjoyable run, especially after spending Saturday almost entirely indoors!!!

    Monday 7th: 4mi @ 8:43

    Tuesday 8th: 5.3mi @ 8:38

    Two easy enough runs to start the week off. There isn't going to be much running for the next couple of days. I'll be working late every night this week other than friday, and still have my usual start time so I'll endeavour to get a few easy miles in the mornings, but sleep has to become a priority. My vague idea for the future is to start a JD 5k-10k plan next week with a view to using the Roslare 10k at the end of March as the goal race. I've never had a goal race of less than a marathon before. All other distances have been raced as part of a marathon plan, or soon after one. I'd like to get a little faster if these old legs will take me there, so time to bite the bullet and work on shorter stuff for a few months. Though it won't be part of the plan, I'll certainly give the Waterford half a good lash in January.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Thursday 10th: 6mi @ 8:34

    Saturday 12th: 7.1 mi @ 8:11

    So I was right about the not much running over the next few days, but that should be it now. At least I didn't miss two days on a row, which I dislike unless recovering. This mornings run was a pretty wet and windy affair but after letting the wind and rain keep me in last week I wasn't going to let that happen again. On a down hill section with he wind at my back I unintentionally upped the pace to what felt like MP so decided to stick with it for a couple of miles.

    I'm calling tomorrow day 1 of my new plan (J&D 5-10 k starting at phase 2) so I'll be heading out for a 2 hour run in the morning. Hopefully the weather will be a little more pleasant. I'm still undecided which mileage to go for so I'll start with 40 - 50 and see how it fits. I've never followed a plan like this before so I think it makes sense to go for a lower mileage plan to begin with.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Sunday 13th: 11.9 mi @ 8:41 A quick check over my plan for the week told me that this was meant to be 2 hours or 25% of weekly mileage, whichever came first. I plan to run about 45 - 50 miles this week so I went for (almost) 12. A nice not quite as slow as it should have been run up Forth Mountain and home the main road, where I discovered they're laying pipes to finally bring natural gas to Wexford. Excellent!!!

    Monday 14th: 5.3 mi @ 8:38 A handy jaunt around the town, including 10 strides. For the strides I didn't really push the pace too much and concentrated on stretching out the legs a little and keeping the upper body nice and relaxed. I I'm being honest I'm never sure if I'm doing them correctly but my legs usually feel looser after a run with strides than they do without so I think I'll keep doing what I'm doing.

    Tuesday 15th: 2E + 2 sets of (8 X 200 R w/200 jg) w/ 800 jg between sets + 2E. I think one of the reason I've thought of JD plan as being daunting is because of long session names like this one. And that's not even that complicated!! I discovered doing speedier stuff in my last plan that I dislike waiting for a watch to buzz for the end of a section of a session and would much rather have the distance pre measured and use the Garmin as a stopwatch instead. As I have no access to a track I made out a nice pretty flat 200 metre section and ran up and down that for a while. I wasn't sure what time to plug into the Vdot calculator. My best 5k is from a parkrun a few month ago. So I gave myself some leeway and went from 20:24 - 21:00 which gave me 45 seconds per 200. The book mentions R pace should around mile race pace. I've never raced a mile but I reckon I could give 6 minutes a descent whirl so 45 sounded about right to me.

    I made a mess of the first rep by stopping early but realised my mistake and moved on, until the second last rep of the morning where from reasons unknown I started in the wrong place, also leaving me short. Other than those the session was a success as far as I'm concerned. I was working hard but as the reps were very short, I found I recovered well in the 200 metre jog. I was happy to have the longer break in between sets but found it took me a couple of goes to find the pace again:

    Set 1: 37s (short), 43s, 45s, 43s, 44s, 47s, 42s, 45s

    Set 2: 46s, 47s, 45s, 45s, 46s, 44s, 38s (short), 45s

    Not exactly bang on pace but for me that's pretty consistent. The second set felt less consistent than it was which is kind of odd. Nice to get a session like that done and dusted as there will be a few more like it in the coming weeks.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Wednesday 16th: 6 mi @ 9:09

    Thursday 17th: 8.2 mi @ 9:09

    Two easy run in between sessions. Included some strides on Wednesday.

    Friday 18th: 2 E + 4 X 200 R w/ 200 jg + 2 X 1 T w/ 1 mins rests + 4 X 200 R w/ 200 jg + 2 E - Last session of week one. It's basically half of Tuesday's session with 2 miles @ threshold pace thrown in. V dot told me to aim for 7:10 so that's what I did tried to do. All in all a good session that I was happy with, though I ran some bits too fast which left me lacking in the end. The 200s felt easier this morning, even though it was windier and wetter than Tuesday. I'd like to think that it's a sign that I'm getting faster already, but even I'm not that naive. There were a couple of cars parked on the road on Tuesday that weren't there today so I had a straighter run. Plus I only had to run 8 instead of 16 all together. Numbers time:

    First set of 200s: 43s, 44s, 40s (I reckon I stopped the watch a little early here), 44s
    Threshold miles: 7:03, 7:02 - both too fast
    Second set of 200s: 47s, 46s, 45s, 47s - Much harder than the first lot. Felt like I was close to puking at the end. Those fast threshold mile definitely took their toll!!

    I just noticed the picture my map made this morning looks like a lady with no hips and one leg, flailing her arms wildly! I hope this isn't an indication of what my day will be like!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    You forgot to mention the most amazing part of this morning's run. It was done at fecking 5:09 AM!!!!!!!!!! Dunno how you do that! What time do you go to bed and do you have breakfast before it? I'm amazed. Truly amazed.....................................

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    I'm usually in bed and asleep around 10 so getting up early is easy enough. Makes pretty useless in the pub though! Streets are quieter which makes running sessions like that a lot easier. I wouldn't eat breakfast beforehand but would usually have a quick coffee. All in the name of maybe getting a little faster.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    dintbo wrote: »
    I'm usually in bed and asleep around 10 so getting up early is easy enough. Makes pretty useless in the pub though! Streets are quieter which makes running sessions like that a lot easier. I wouldn't eat breakfast beforehand but would usually have a quick coffee. All in the name of maybe getting a little faster.

    that is just amazing commitment. Fair play to you!
    I'd say you must be the earlier riser and runner around this place!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 730 ✭✭✭Wild Garlic

    Ososlo wrote: »
    that is just amazing commitment. Fair play to you!
    I'd say you must be the earlier riser and runner around this place!

    Close call with Network error or whatever vowel he is on lately.:)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Cheers A that's very kind of you. As Wild Garlic said though, I'm definitely not the only one who does the 'stupid o'clock' in the morning thing. Personally I'd find it much harder to do a days work, come home and deal with anything else that had to be dealt with, and then run so I have a lot of respect for the folks who can manage that. And as for commitment, I presume you realise just how much time and effort you put into this running lark, along with countless others who post here :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Saturday 19th: 4.2mi @ 9:09 Friday night was staff Christmas night so I had planned my week running so this could be a rest day. I ended up only being vaguely hungover and figured a few easy miles would clear the head. All in all a good move as I felt a lot more human afterwards.

    Sunday 20th: 12.7mi @ 8:47 And so begins week two. As soon as I started this morning a strange feeling (not unpleasant enough to call pain but not usual either) shot up my left leg and stopped at my glute. I took it very handy for the first mile and though I could feel a tightness in my glute I kept going cautiously. The tightness lessened and the caution fooked off and I ended up running this one a little too fast. After the run the tightness came back after any period of inactivity. I'll foam roll the bejaysus out of it tonight and take tomorrow off if I feel the need. With no day off last week I went over my mileage target so I can definitely afford a day off in that respect. If I do run it'll be short and slow.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Tuesday 22nd: 4.8mi @ 9:12

    Wednesday 23rd: 2E + 4 set of (200R + 200jg + 200R + 200jg + 400R + 400jg) + 2E

    I took Monday as a rest day in the hope that my glute would feel better and it worked. A good bit of rolling and stretching helped it I think. Or at least it helped me feel like I was doing something. I think I'll schedule a rest day a week for this plan. I haven't followed a plan that had this much fast running in it so recovery is more important than building up the miles. That and I'll really need to concentrate on keeping the easy days easy!!! Tuesday was kept pretty slow just to see how everything felt. It was a little stiff at the begining but loosened up pretty quickly.

    I wasn't sure how this morning's session was going to go. It was meant to be done yesterday but I don't like the idea of doing a session with no running the day before if possible. It seems to take me longer to warm up. So i left it till today. I feel happy enough with how the 200m repetitions have been going but this involved a 400 at the end of each set which had me wondering if I'd be able for it. A quick check for paces told me to aim for 45s for the 200 and 92s for the 400. Once I stuck my head out the door this morning and realised there was a bit of wind I figured I wouldn't kill myself trying to hit the numbers, and go for effort. The paces are a little all over the place a times but the effort did feel right. For each of the 400m reps I ran out of steam towards the end so never hit the 92s target. Then again other than one stupid fast one, I didn't quite hit the 45s for the 200, reps either. As i said the effort felt right :)

    Set 1: 46s, 46s, 98s
    Set 2: 47s, 47s, 96s
    I took a 30 second or so standing rest after the 400 jg here
    Set 3: 43s, 48s, 99s - idiot!!!!
    Set 4: 46s, 46s, 99s

    I don't like to get too hung up on numbers especially as these are all hand timed on a garmin using distances measured out on plotaroute using street view as a reference, but you can't ignore how off the 400m reps are. There are several possible reasons at my disposal for this but I know myself the pace faded towards the end of each of them so I know I have to work on that. Next weeks Q2 sees a 4x400m section which will be tough but maybe I'll get a better idea of pacing it. So even though the numbers are a bit off I'm still happy with this one. Another JD session in the bank and I'm still in one piece :)

    I probably won't be updating again till the weekend so Merry Christmas to any and all who pop by here. I hope you have a lovely few days of eating, drinking, running, and any other 'ings' you care to take part in :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Well I haven't been great for updating over the Christmas so here goes:

    Thursday 24th: 5.8mi @ 9:16

    Friday 25th: 2E + 3 X 1 T w/1min rest + 6 X 200R w/ 200jg +2E

    Christmas morning session, and oh what a morning!! I was in Arklow staying with my sister and I knew there was some class of track that appeared to be 400M (ish) so I decided to seek it out and see if it was usable. It was grand for the most part. a couple of big puddles meant I would have to swerve every now and then. Plus the shape seemed a bit odd so it wasn't easy to tell exactly where the half-way point was. Still its better than anything I have to work with in Wexford so I wasn't complaining. I found I couldn't hit the paces exactly right and a bit of mental stupidity meant I ran the second T mile way too slow but overall I was happy with how this went. I was very wet and quite windy so I was just happy to get it done. Target was 7:10 for the T miles and 45s for the 200s:

    T miles: 7:17, 7:20, 7:07 - for the first mile I forgot to note exactly where I started so I may have run this a little long. For the second mile I made a stupid mistake. I hot the end of the second lap at 3:48 which was too slow. However at that moment I decided that 3:50 was 3 and a half minutes and not 3:30 like the rest of the world uses, so I slowed down. Twat!!! Last one was grand!

    200s: 47s, 49s, 49s, 48s, 48s, 49s - I realy felt like I was pacing this bit correctly even though I wasn't hitting the correct paces. Oh well!!

    Saturday 26th: 6mi @ 9:10

    Sunday 27th: 1E + 9M + 6ST This was my first MP run of this plan. Vdot suggested a pace of 7:40. My actual MP is 8:00 but I decided to try go with Vdot as I'm not actually marathon training. I manages an average of 7:38 over the 9 MP miles so I was delighted with one. At the end of the 9 miles I was 2 miles for home so I did the strides during the 2 mile cool down. I found them incredibly difficult to do after the MP miles.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Monday 28th: 6.2mi @ 9:21

    Tuesday 29th: 2E + 4 X 200R w/200jg + 4 X 400R w/400jg + 4 X 200R w/200jg + 2E I was in Waterford for this session so I headed to the People's Park which I thought had each 200 metres of a 1K loop marked. But on my warm up laps i could only find the start/1K 600M and 800M markings so I counted footfalls between them to gauge where the other marks should be. I think I got it right. At least I'd like to think so as the numbers looked pretty good this time. The weather was definitely better than Christmas morning so maybe that's why. Or maybe these ones were short, or the others ones were long??? Or who knows, maybe I'm getting slightly better :) Targets were 45s for the 200s and 92s for the 400s

    First set of 200s: 44s, 45s, 42s, 45s
    Set of 400s: 90s, 93s, 94s, 93s
    Second set of 200s: 46s, 46s, 44s, 47s

    Very happy with this one:)

    Thursday 31st: 6mi @ 8:30 A little too fast but the weather so so shockingly bad that I just wanted to get home.

    So all in all a very good 2015 running wise for me. Some calculations tell me that I ran 2,462.5 miles this year. Time for a beer.

    Happy New Year everyone!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Friday 1st: 2E+7 X 2min H w/1min jg +2E The idea of the H(ard) running sessions is to be a bit like interval paced sessions but with more emphasis placed on running at a particular effort for a set amount of time, rather than trying to cover a distance in a set amount of time. As it was pretty windy I was happy to run by effort and not by watch. All the R sessions I have done until now have had a jog back recovery which for me usually means its twice the amount of time as the rep itself. In this session the recovery would be half, and the time spent running at speed would be longer so I knew I'd be in trouble if I ran the first couple too hard. all in all I reckon it went pretty well. The effort felt right. a nice session to start the new year.

    Saturday 2nd: 7.2 mi @ 8:54

    Sunday 3rd: 12.4 mi @ 8:50

    Monday 4th: 5 mi @ 9:25

    It's been nice to have a few days of running in dry weather. This morning my legs felt pretty tired so I kept it nice and slow. I have the WAC half on Saturday and to be honest I have no idea how I'm fixed. I don't want to to impact on my current plan too much so I'm going to follow this weeks plan other than doing no session on Friday. Then I'll do a week of easy runs before trying another session. I know doing a half at this stage of a 5K-10K plan is probably a bit silly, but I'm very much looking forward to it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Tuesday 5th: 2E + 4 X 400R w/400 jg + 1E + 4 X 400 R w/ 400 jg + 2E It seems like a while since I have done a session in my usual spot. The last two were done in Waterford and Arklow where I had a slightly different way of measuring the distances. As I've said before I can be in no way accurate in measuring these distances so I just do the best I can. Having done sessions in two other places I feel pretty sure my 200 section is pretty good. At least the numbers add up regardless of whether there were done in the park in Waterford, the track in Arklow or the road I use in Wexford. The 400s proved to be a very different matter though. I only did them in Waterford in a park with 200m markings (can't say with any certainty if they are spot on or not) and a section of road I measured out on plotaroute :). In Waterford one rep took 1:30 and my Garmin called it 6:22 pace. A rep on the road here took 1:38 and the Garmin called it 6:19 pace. Of course the watch isn't entirely dependable but there is quite a difference there!

    Anyhoo that's just my long winded way of saying that my paces were all over the place for this one. It was very kind of windy so I decided to do the first set into the wind, and the second set with the wind at my back. I'm really glad I did cos there was a pretty heavy shower during the second set so was glad not to be doing the rep into it. The first 400 was a complete disaster. I my earnest attempt not to go crazy fast on the first one I must have jogged it. I know I'm not fast but 11 seconds out is still pretty bad. Better that than overcook though. I think!! Target was 92 seconds. Actual times:

    First Set: 103s, 98s, 98s, 98s - after the first one it was too slow but consistent.
    Second Set: 95s, 95s, 93s, 96s - running away from the wind made a difference.

    If I ever change the title of this log it will have to be to 'The effort felt right though' but once again it genuinely did. I remeasured that stretch again and it turns out its 409m so next time I'll stop a little sooner and see how I go :)

    Thursday 7th: 7.9 mi @ 9:12

    Friday 8th: 4 mi @ 9:10

    I took a rest day on Wednesday and took it nice and handy for these two runs. I threw a few strides in this morning just to move the legs a little. Tomorrow is the Waterford half which I am really looking forward to. I had initially decided to target 1:35 but like a few other around here I am carry a few extra pounds of Christmas excesses so I'm not fully sure. Also the training I've been doing over the last few weeks is pretty new to me so I don't how much of an impact, if any, it could have had in four weeks. I have been mulling over what to do and I decided rather optimistically/foolishly to go for the 1:35 anyway. I'll either walk away with a nice new year PB or a lesson learned :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Best of luck tomorrow, hope it goes well.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Best of luck! We're about the same level, right? You might even be faster/stronger so 1:35 is definitely not too ambitious. You got out and did a session on Christmas Day ffs, you deserve the Earth!! Go for it and loving the running by effort.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Cheers folks. Looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings.

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Best of luck with it.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo


