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Take Your Lumps Like a Man, Private Twinkle Toes!!!



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    dintbo wrote: »


    Congratulations!!!! Super time. Delighted for you! Hope you're celebrating!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Great time, well done sir.

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Well done. Great running

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Very well done Dintbo - well within your target, congrats

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    dintbo wrote: »


    Great time, well done!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Saturday 9th: WAC Half Marathon 1:34:03

    There are times when adverse conditions on race day can almost be a blessing. A ready made excuse in case things don't go your way. If anyone was hoping for that on Saturday, they would have been very disappointed. These were ideal racing conditions. I felt pretty good. My weight has gone up enough over Christmas that I do notice it when I run, but I've still been doing my sessions so all in all I had no excuses. Thankfully, I didn't need them.

    After the usual warm up jog, strides and swingy legy thingys I made my way up to the start. I tried to gauge where I should start and plonked myself there. By the time I noticed the pacers had assembled and I was behind 1:40 there was very little I could do about it. I knew I make my way to a better spot eventually so I wasn't going to panic. The start was slow and congested but once we got to the downhill section it opened up and I was able to stretch out the legs. After a few hundred metres I realised I hadn't started my watch. My plan of using time and mile markers to pace myself was now out the window so I started and used the average pace as a guide to help me on my merry way. I was aiming for 7:15 but decided to go for 7:12 to make up for missing the slow bit at the start and general Garmin inaccuracies. My shins felt tight for the first three miles, a symptom of knotted calves I fear, but once they eased out maintaining the pace started to feel easy. I pushed on every now and then to try and take advantage of feeling good, without burning out too early. There were a few changes to the course but it was mostly familiar territory so I had a good idea where to push and where to fall back.

    I hear the first sound of a Stook cow-bell in the industrial estate when made me grin a little. I really must do that race this year.I was starting to steadily pass people at this stage in the race and by the time we headed into Ballybeg I was starting to feel as if I was pushing too far. I mile time of 6:59 confirmed this so I eased back just a little. The next mile was on the Lacken Road, one of the dodgy surfaced sections. Between this and the slight incline a few people strode past me. I wasn't willing to go too hard in this section for two reasons. I felt the need to recover slightly after the last mile and also I knew there was a nice downhill coming up. If I felt fresh enough I wanted to take advantage of that to make up a few places. I often find I lean back on downhill sections which can really hurt the legs. So I was leaning forward, I was gonna go for it, I was gonna run fast!!! And I did. Well fast for me at least. And it was a lot of fun :)

    After spending a very short amount of time on the Tramore Road, we were back on busted up country road for a while. I kept the pace nice and steady here I overtook a few as I went. I knew one of the toughest parts of the course was coming up. This hill wasn't on the route last year, but I have run on it a lot. On fast, it is part of the route I ran when I did my first ever 10 mile run, so I know it well. We turned the corner, there it was. I decided to put the head down and just go for it. Not too fast but enough to feel like it wasn't going to last for ever. But I really did feel like it was going to last for ever. Once we got to the top I felt absolutely shattered. This was where the hard work was going to have to kick in.

    More often in not in races I have to have a chat with myself at some stage about going as hard as possible until the end. A time always seems to come when it really feels like you have to stop. Oddly enough that didn't happen yesterday. If it was going to happen it would have been just then but for some reason I knew that whatever happened I could at least maintain a decent pace once we hit the flat/downhill to the finish. Ironically enough this almost caused me to have a different chat with myself about why I wasn't having a chat with myself. Luckily I was too bloody tired to think about any of this at the time so I just ran as fast as my tiring legs would take me. The last bit of country road running past the Holy Cross pub nearly killed me but once we got back to the main road I knew I had done well. As the time on my watch as wrong I couldn't tell what I was actually on for so I had to wait until the finish line clock was in sight. I passed my OH just as we hit the 13 mile marker and that gave me the little boost I needed to get up that cruel little hill at the finish. I saw the clock turn to 1:34 a little before I crossed the line so I knew I had made my target comfortably. A big smile followed by 5 minutes of wheezing and coughing like an emphysemic 90 year old and I was ready to collect my goodies, grab a blaa and head back out to see a few others cross the line.

    Obviously someone's opinions of a race are influenced by how the race went for them but I have to say I really enjoyed this one. There was lots of stewards on the course and plenty of support en route. It's true that it isn't an attractive course but to me that has it's own appeal as well. It is a good course for a race I think and I'll definitely run this race any year I'm able. And let's not forget the most important thing. It's on a Saturday. I do love races on Saturdays. An evening of pints in Tully and a tasty bag of Hillbilly's chicken rounded the day off nicely. A suitable celebration for a 2 minute 24 second PB :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Thanks all :)

    Sunday 10th: 6.1mi @ 9:50

    Monday 11th: 6mi @ 9:25

    Tuesday 12th: 7mi @ 9:09

    I've decided to postpone what should have been this week of my plan until next week. I figured trying to jump into sessions too soon after Saturday was a potential recipe for disaster so it's a week of easy runs for me. Nothing overly interesting about any of these. There were some icy bits and windy bits but no wet bits. The legs were pretty tender on Sunday but since then they have been loosening up. I've purposefully been walking lots during the day as well. That always seems to help me after a hard race.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Thursday 14th: 8.2mi @ 9:24

    Friday 15th: 6.1mi @ 8:28

    Saturday 16th: 7.7mi @ 8:49

    Sunday 17th: 12.1mi @ 8:34

    For the most part this was all easy running. Friday and this mornings run were done with less icy patches so I threw in a few steady miles to keep things ticking over. After a week of easy runs I'm looking forward to getting back into running some sessions. I'm doing the Ferrycarraig 5 mile next Sunday so I'll have to jiggle a few sessions around that but I won't be taking another easy week like this week. My 5 mile PB is 35:18 from this race last year so that's marshmallowy soft at this stage. I'd like to see 33:XX but we'll have to wait and see.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Monday 18th: 6mi @ 9:05

    Tuesday 19th: 2E + 5 sets of (200R + 200 jg + 200R + 400jg + 400R + 200 jg) + 2E - I'm now into the second last week of phase 2 and the amount of R running in these sessions has increased slightly to get me ready for the longer intervals that I will be doing in phase 3. Because of this session I had to measure out another 200m stretch and make a slight adjustment to the 400 I was running as it was a little long (I hope). the weather was perfect for this one so I had no excuses other than myself. The first two sets were good but the 400s were a little too fast. I figured to myself that was grand but struggled a little in the last three sets. Nothing too disastrous but the balance could have been a little better. I paused the watch after the second set to attend to a brief call of nature and forgot to start it again before I hit the lap button the start the third set. I realised a few seconds in that the watch never vibrated when I started but I just kept on going and figured I was hitting the pace perfectly :) the targets were 45 for the 200 and 92 for the 400. Actual times:

    Set 1: 45s, 44s, 88s.
    Set 2: 44s, 44s, 89s.
    Set 3: ??s, 44s, 94s. (ouch!)
    Set 4: 45s, 45s, 94s.
    Set 5: 45s, 45s, 93s.

    Overall I'm very happy with this one.

    Wednesday 20th: 5.9mi @ 9:19

    Thursday 21st: 2E + 4 x 1m T w/1min rest + 4 x 200R w/200jg + 2E - This should have been friday's session but with a race on Sunday I figured I'd move it forward a day and give myself an extra day to freshen the legs. Again this is another session that has upped that amount of quality running. I knew the area I was using for this session would mean the first and third threshold miles would be a little harder than the second and forth. When I stuck my head out the door and realised how wet and windy it was I really wanted to duck back in but I persevered. The T (hreshold) pace I have been using for these sessions is 7:10. I ran the WAC half around 7:11 so I definitely need to move up one notch on the vdot scale. Wohoo!!! 48 here I come!!! Because of the wind I figured the paces would be a little all over the place so head down and get it done. Considering the weather it was pretty enjoyable once I got going. On morning like this I just remember a line I read in Myles Splitz log: 'winter miles mean summer smiles'. Actual times:

    Mile 1: 7:14 - just getting warmed up :)
    Mile 2: 6:52 - down hill with wind at my back for most of it.
    Mile 3: 7:03 - Considering this was the same as mile 1 I was very happy to see this.
    Mile 4: 6:52 - Same as mile 2, consistency in a world gone mad :)

    200s: 42s (stopped the watch too early, closer to 44 I'd reckon), 46s, 45s, 44s.

    Overall a good week of running so far. After the half two weeks ago I knew I should move my paces up a little. My worry is I only just manage to hit the paces during most of the R sections and miss others completely. But the theory is you train at the paces based on what you've actually achieved in a race. I only have one more week of phase 2 to go though so I'm going to hold off on moving up till phase 3.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Saturday 23rd: 5.9mi @ 8:36

    Sunday 24th: 2.6mi @ 9:27

    Just a couple of leg looseners ahead of the Ferrycarrig 5 mile today.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Sunday 24th: Ferrycarrig 5 mile 33:08 P.B.

    The easiest way to sum this one up is I'm very happy with the time but not so happy with the way I ran. I ran the first mile like a total idiot, and the worst part is I knew it at the time. I could feel myself under pressure from the start but somehow managed to convince myself that I would be able to hold on. I have found that when I line up at the beginning of a race the couple of minutes before it starts I often end up back further than I intended. I was determined not to let that happen today, so I ended up too far in front. Not wanting to be that guy who holds everyone up I ran too fast, and was still overtaken by about 20 people before we even left the football grounds. Maybe I'll learn someday. Mile 1 6:15

    I realised just before the end of the first mile just how much of a mistake I had made so I tried to pull it back a little. We headed onto the main road and I tucked in behind a couple of runners hoping that would even out my pace. It was working pretty well until the guy in front of me just stopped. If I was any closer to him I would have ploughed into his back. I'm not sure if he was injured or just went off way too fast but there went my pace maker!! (I know I'm a selfish b*@t@*d!!) Mile 2 6:39

    The next mile was pretty much more of the same. Still plugging on up the main road still suffering due to the ridiculous start. I had my first 'hey dint, let's stop and go home, you can still drink your P.B. beer, I wont tell anyone' moment!!! I haven't pulled out of a race yet and today was not going to be the first time. When the watch buzzed I was surprised the time wasn't worse to be honest. Mile 3 6:42

    Well if I thought I was working hard here, things were about to get a hell of a lot worse. My breathing had become very erratic. I'm usually a 2 in 2 out breather. When I start to work very hard it can turn into 2 in 1 out. By the fourth mile it felt like 1 in 1 out 2 in 1 out 1 in 1...who the hell knows. I had little or no control over what was happening with my lungs so I slowed slightly in order to get some control back. We had turned off the main road at this stage and after another left turn soon after we were running into the wind with a couple of drags to contend with. Now I run this road a bit and these drags are usually nothing to worry about. But today, with that wind and these lungs they were mountains. Why oh why did I not keep this in mind earlier. Mile 4 7:04 :eek::eek:

    Last mile, head down, dig deep and just pray for the finish line. The slight up hills meant there must by slight down hills as well so I tried to use these to get a little speed back. Once we got back into the football grounds I knew we were 400m from the finish so I tries to treat it like the last interval of a session and went for it as best I could. My OH was there taking and took a couple of pics of me so I don't even have to imagine how dishevelled I looked. I saw it afterwards with my own eyes. I got a little shout out from Sean Hehir which I must say gave me a little boost. In fact even during my all too short cool down he was still standing near the finish line cheering people on. Kudos to that guy!!I crossed the line and clung to a fence for dear life. It took a while to move again but once I got a look at the time on my watch I couldn't help but smile. A little over 2 minutes faster than last year. Mile 5 6:43

    All in all a good day, but as I said at the start I'm not very happy with how I ran. Now that I've written this out I realise it was only that first mile that I was unhappy with, but at this stage you'd think I'd know better. Maybe I'll learn eventually. I'm taking solace from the fact that I did manage to cling on and run a fairly strong finish. I haven't found results online yet so My time above is my own Garmin time. I'll update with the official time if necessary once I get it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Great stuff, two minute improvement is nice progression fair play. Results are up on Premier Timing by the way.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    Brilliant gutsy run! Sounds like you learned a lot from it too.
    You will relish that pb beer all the more now! Enjoy!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Great improvement, congrats! And good recovery from your fast start.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Well done - no pictures on the scoreboard, remember! You did well to hang on, super PB.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Well done Dintbo, nice pb run, first bullet train mile probably came back to haunt you a bit.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Thank you all very much. Definitely a few lessons learned, but whether I remember these lessons the next time around remains to be seen :)

    Monday 25th: 6mi @ 9:19

    Tuesday 26th: 2E + 10 X 400R w/ 400jg + 2E A few months ago I would have looked at this session and gotten worried about it. Last night thinking about it I felt grand. After 5 weeks of JD sessions it didn't seem that daunting. Waking up this morning I could hear the wind and rain and I started listing excuses not to bother. But no, if it didn't happen this morning it was gonna throw my weeks plan off so I sucked it up and headed out.

    I had been using this site to calculate my paces and never questioned why the 200 and 400 R paces weren't exactly double/half each other. I've been using 45 and 92, why not 90? A quick check of the book and I discovered that it should have been 90 for the 400M. Oops!!! I had been having trouble hitting the pace, but I had over-measured the distance. Bearing this, and the wind in mind, I decided to head to my usual spot and figure out which direction would be easier to run the intervals and do that. Neither direction was head on into the wind but one was easier than the other without having a strong wind at your back the whole way. There was still sideways wind, and the odd blast in the face but at least it wasn't right in my face the entire time. I was pleasantly surprised with how this one went, maybe there was more of an wind advantage than I thought. Regardless I was happy to get this done and even happier to get home and into a hot shower. Once the 10 reps were over I figured that was the hard part done. The second of my 2 E miles home was straight into the wind and boy oh boy that was tough. Not only the wind but the rain felt like tiny dagger stabbing my face. No way could I have done the session in that. Target 90 seconds.

    Actual times: 90s, 91s, 89s, 90s, 91s, 88s, 91s, 89s, 91s, 91s.

    I'm calling the race on Sunday my Q3 session for this week (JD's week starts on a Sunday) so I still have last Sunday's Q1 session to run. As I start work a little later on Thursday mornings I'm gonna do it then. It's a 9 mile MP run with some strides at the end and that will bring phase 2 to an end. I noticed in phase three there are 2 sessions scheduled one day after the other. Sounds like a lot of fun :):)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Nice! These sessions are so much easier on a track if there's any available down your way. Very consistent.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Unfortunately the only track close to me is grass so the weather over the last couple if months has rules that out. From next week I move onto longer intervals so I usually use a loop around the local horse racing track. It would make my life easier to have a track but it's a close enough approximation..... I hope.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Wednesday 27th: 6.2mi @ 9:41

    Thursday 28th: 1E + 9MP + 6ST + 1E

    Thursday's session was originally meant to be run last Sunday but I swapped it for the 5 mile race. I was unsure of what pace I should be aiming for. The last session like this I went for 7:40 pace, but I have done two races since then, both of which suggest a faster pace for MP training. (I know I am no where near this for an actual marathon yet, but I'm not in training for one at the moment so I figured that should be ok!!) My half marathon time suggests I should be going for 7:29 pace, and my 5 mile time would suggest 7:20. I figured trying to jump from 7:40 to 7:20 would be a little foolhardy so I decided to go for 7:29 pace and see what happened. Well the main thing that happened was the bloody wind. It was lovely and dry but the wind was pretty vicious in places. I decided on loops of the path around the racecourse so at least the wind would be at my back as often as it was in my face. I have to say for the most part it didn't feel that way. How can it be in your face 75% of the time on a looped course??? :)

    I had my usual slowish start but once I got going it started to feel good. I noticed the wind had died down a little for the last three miles or so, but I didn't adjust the effort levels just to see what would happen to the miles times. I was very happy with how this one went, especially as I felt I could have done another mile or two if needs be. I did the 6 strides over the remaining part of the last lap of the racecourse and then jogged the mile home. I do find the strides very difficult after a run like that, but I have noticed a I lack any kind of kick in the end of races, so It's something I must work on. Target 7:29 - average pace 7:30 (I'll take that!!)

    Actual miles: 7:46 (slow start!), 7:36, 7:36, 7:31, 7:38 (lost a little concentration here), 7:28, 7:23, 7:25, 7:12 (i decided to give it as much as I could in the last lap!!)

    On to phase 3 next week I'm going to use my half marathon time for training paces. As I said my 5 mile time would give me a higher vdot, but I don't think I've hit the paces in training enough to justify that kind of jump. Maybe in phase 4 :D

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Saturday 30th: 7.7mi @ 9:09

    Sunday 31st: 13mi @ 8:59

    A couple of easy runs while I was down in Waterford. Nothing too strenous, though I do think the old runners I've left down there are a tad worn out. Legs were feeling pretty heavy after the 13 miles on Sunday.

    Monday 1st: 6mi @ 9:54

    Tuesday 2nd: 7.9mi @ 9:22

    I've been used to doing an R session on tuesday mornings but with a new phase comes new workout days. In phase three there are two workouts done by side, in order to do the second one on tired legs. Even these two easy runs didn't feel all that easy. My legs just didn't want to move!!. I'm blaming the old runners from the weekend plus a lack of proper foam rolling recently.

    Wednesday 3rd: 2E + 4 x 1,200 I w/3 min jg + 2E

    So here it is/was, the first proper I session of the plan. I did not enjoy doing these during the hanson plan last year, so I wasn't overly looking forward to this one. The wind on Wednesday morning was pretty strong so at least I had some excuse, but not enough of one. I just couldn't hit the paces, in fact I was miles away at times, pun intended. I have moved up to vdot 48 paces, but even if I was still working off 47 paces I would have been way off. Here's hoping it was just a bad day. We all have those, right??? Target time was 4:49.

    Actual times: 5:11, 5:20, 5:04, 5:23

    The second and fourth were into a headwind so that's whay there were so much slower but overall it was all just pretty rubbish. At least I kept on going. It probably did me very little benefit physically, but mentally I'm happy I finished it.

    Thursday 4th: 2E + 4 x 1T w/1 min rest + 2E

    Again it was a pretty windy one for this, though not as bad as Wednesday. After failing to hit the paces so badly the day before I wasn't overly confident going into this one. I was using the mile autolap on the watch, though this proved pretty inaccurate as I was retracing my steps and didn't finish where it should have done each time. Next time I'm going to measure it out and use the Garmin simply as a stopwatch. Anyhoo, this session wasn't spot on either, but it was a dam sight closer than Wednesday's. Target time was 7:02

    Actual times: 7:05, 7:02, 7:07, 7:13

    I was absolutely buggered for the last one so knew it was going to be slow even before i finished it. It will be tough going doing these two sessions back to back, but as long as the legs hold out, I'll give it a good shot.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Saturday 6th: 9.3mi @ 9:06

    Sunday 7th: 1E + 10 MP + 4 ST + 1E

    In phase 2 these MP runs only happened every three weeks, but now it's every two. Because of that I nearly missed this one. I was about to head out for 13 miles easy when I double checked. All in all I'm very happy with how this one went. The plan was for 7:32 miles and my finishing average was 7:33 (I swear it said 7:32 on the watch) so that's not too bad. Some of the miles were a little (lot) off but what I'm most pleased about was the finishing couple of miles. I ran then faster than MP, but I was very ablr for it, and felt I could have done another couple easily enough. Maybe not 16.2 of them but thankfully I won't be trying that for a few months yet :)

    Actual miles: 7:56, 7:30, 7:43, 7:28, 7:31, 7:33, 7:29, 7:29, 7:24, 7:23.

    Monday 8th: 6mi @ 9:25 Slightly wet, very windy!

    Tuesday 9th: 8.1mi @ 9:05

    Tomorrow see the next Vo2 max session. 5 X 1km. Can't wait ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Tis been a few days since an update. I've been too busy trying to decide whether I should be wearing tights under my shorts. Conclusion: who gives a f@#k!!!

    Wednesday 10th: 2E + 5 x 1K I w/400 jg + 2E Thankfully it wasn't very windy for this one. There was a slight breeze, but nothing as bad as the few mornings before. The odd numbered reps were going to be slightly easier than the even, but there shouldn't have been too much of a difference. After being so spectacularly off the pace last week I was hoping for something a little better for this session. Target time was 4:03.

    Actual times: 4:01, 4:06, 4:01, 4:09, (and a final push!!) 4:00. Very happy with this one.

    Thursday 11th: 2E + 3 X 1 T w/1min rest + 4 X 200R w/ 200jg +2E I wasn't too worried about this one overall. After the success of the vO2 max session the day before what could possibly go wrong?? Well, other than run two of the miles a little too fast and not have anything left for the 200s, absolutely nothing. I was surprised to see how fast the second mile was especially. I managed the first of the 200s at around the right pace but after that I really struggled. All in all I'm quite happy with this one and when you consider it was the second session in a row I'll take it. Target times were 7:02 for the mile and 44s for the 200s.

    Actual times: Miles - 7:05, 6:44 (:eek:), 6:52; 200s - 42s (stopped the watch a little early), 47s, 47s, 46s.

    Saturday 13th: 8.9 mi @ 9:06

    Sunday 14th: 12.9 mi @ 8:36

    Monday 15th: 6.9 mi @ 8:36

    Tuesday 16th: 5.8mi @ 8:42

    Since Thursday's session it's been all easy running. I never really pay much attention to the pace of my easy runs, it's easy running so I run what feels easy. Writing these runs out now I can't help but notice the pace of the easy runs has dropped a little. They are still well within the vdot range so definitely nothing to worry about. Maybe it's a sign that I'm getting fitter. Happy days :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Thursday 18th: 2E + 6 x 800 I w/400 jg + 2E Due to unforeseen stuff Wednesday had to become a day off from running, which meant pushing my two sessions back a a day. It was not too bad a day for this one. There was a bit of a breeze but nothing that was gonna hold me back too much. I ran the odd reps with the breeze and my back the the evens with it in my face. After doing kilometre reps last week with the same recovery I wasn't too worried about this one. And all in all I was right not to worry. I'm happy with how the reps went and the effort levels put in. Target time was 3:13

    Actual times: 3:09, 3:12, 3:10, 3:15, 3:07 (oops), 3:15

    Friday 19th: 2E + 5 x 1T w/1 min rest + 6ST + 1E I'm starting to get used to these two sessions in row. My biggest problem is after the vO2 max session the threshold miles are really hard to judge and I tend to end up running some of them way too fast. Well this session was no exception. Although if I'm being honest, the strides were the hardest part. I think the idea is to get used to running hard at the very end of a race, when you're legs just wanna give up, and I do think this is an area that I need to work on, but the legs just couldn't really get going after the threshold miles. I gave it a genuine shot though. Target for the miles was 7:02.

    Actual times: 6:59, 6:52, 6:51, 7:06, 6:57

    Saturday 20th: 6.5 mi @ 8:40

    Sunday 21st: 1E + 5MP + 1E + 5MP + 1E The biggest potential problem with shifting the sessions ahead a day, earlier in the week was that there was only one easy day before my next session. I had decided that if I wasn't feeling up to it I would just run the 13 miles easy. I figured that going out last night and having a few beers would definitely help my cause. Then that last little bit of help I needed came in the form of a nice windy morning. When I left the house I still hadn't fully decided if I was going to run the session or not. Sure I figured I could launch into it and see if it was worth pursuing. The first mile @ MP was tough, but once I got remained tough for the whole bloody thing. But I got it done. The final easy mile home was one of the hardest I've 'run' in a while. Target was 7:32

    Actual miles: Set 1 - (7:46, 7:28, 7:37, 7:26, 7:29) Set 2 - (7:30, 7:32, 7:32, 7:25, 7:30)

    In retrospect I think running three sessions between Thursday and Sunday is not the smartest thing to be doing, so I won't be making a habit of it. Tomorrow's easy run will be very much in the recovery pace range.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Monday 22nd: 4 mi @ 9:41

    Wednesday 24th: 2E + 4 x 1,200 I w/3 min jg + 2E I was feeling a little banjaxed after the MP session last Sunday so I decided to take Tuesday off. The last time I ran this session I came nowhere near hitting the correct paces. I was hoping today would be a little different. I gave it a good shot but again I didn't quite make it. I was a hell of a lot closer this time though. I ended up being a little generous with the recoveries as well. I had changed the display on my watch to only show lap pace on one of the screens that would also usually have the lap time and I forgot to change it back. So I decided to estimate the 3 minute jog, and wouldn't you know it, I gave myself a little more time. Oops!!! Target time was 4:49.

    Actual times: 4:56, 4:51, 4:55, 4:52.

    So not perfect, but it's pretty positive if you compare that to the same session three weeks before:

    Actual times: 5:11, 5:20, 5:04, 5:23

    Thursday25th: 2E + 1T + 2min rest + 2T + 1min rest + 1T + 1min rest + 4 x 200R w/200 jg + 2E I realised just before I set off for this one that I have been doing an extra mile at the end of these sessions without realising it. There is only meant to be one easy mile at the end. I decided to stick to the 2 miles though, as that's roughly how far away the place I run these sessions if from my house. I also turned autolap off as I was running measured distances with one interval being over a mile. I decided to make the first mile the hardest, and therefore it was way off target. The two miles were a little fast but nothing too major, but for some reason I ran the last mile way too fast. well either that or I measured it pretty short. Either way the 400s were a bit of a struggle in the end. Again, happy enough with how this one went. Targets were 7:02 for the miles, 14:04 for the 2 miles and 44s for the 200s.

    Actual times: 7:19, 13:56, 6:46 (:eek::eek:), 43s, 47s, 44s, 45s.

    There's more easy running to log but that'll have to wait till later. Time to cook dinner :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Friday 26th: 5.1 mi @ 9:34 I was hoping to run this one on grass. The outer lap of the racecourse was pretty boggy but I managed to find a little section that was just about runnable. Then I tried to run on the grass around the track which was ok for the most part. A run that reminded me how much harder cross country must be!

    Saturday 27th: 9.3 mi @ 8:32

    Sunday 28th: 13.6 mi @ 8:21

    Monday 29th: 6 mi @ 8:57

    Not much to report about any of these really. My knees have been a little sore lately. Oddly enough, never when I run, or walk on normal surfaces, but when I walk up the stairs they hurt a little. It's not the first time this has happened, and the last time it eased up of it's own accord so here's hoping that'll happen again. If it persists, or gets any worse I'll have it looked at, but I reckon it's just middle age creeping in :) I haven't turned autolap back on since Thursday's run. At first it was due to forgetfulness, but now I think I'll leave it that way. It makes it much easier to ignore the watch for the easier runs which I'm starting to think is a good thing.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Hello log, it's been a while. Time for a catch up!

    Tuesday 1st: 5.7 mi @ 8:59

    Wednesday 2nd: 2E + 5 x 1K I w/400 jg + 2E - If my memory serves this was a horrible morning for a session. Wet and windy all the way. I ran the odd numbers with the wind mostly at my back, and the even numbers into it! I can' remember much about this one. The effort was pretty even I think, so the difference in numbers are mostly down to the wind :) Target time was 4:03.

    Actual times: 4:06, 4:13, 3:57, 4:16, 4:06

    Thursday 3rd: 2E + 3T + 1min rest + 4 x 200R w/ 200jg + 2E - The wind had settles a good bit for this run, though there was still a bit of a breeze. I found the three miles tough but manageable. As always, the 200s at the end were very difficult. I added the 1 min rest myself, there was no way I could go straight from one to the other. I forgot to turn autolap back on so I only have the full time for the miles, not the individual miles. I'm sure I paced it evenly though ;) Target times were 21:06 for the three miles and 44s for the 200s.

    Actual times: 20:43, 42s, 44s, 43s, 44s.

    Saturday 5th: 9.3mi @ 8:51

    Sunday 6th: 1E + 10MP + 1E

    For some reason I wasn't too sure how this session would go. For the most part my MP sessions have been quite good this training cycle, but this morning everything felt a little stiff and reluctant. So much so that I decided if the first felt like too much of a struggle I'd ease off and do an easy 12 or 13 instead. I didn't hit the pace on the first mile but it didn't kill me either so I kept on going. Not hitting the pace would remain a theme of the morning as it turned out. My average time for the 10 miles was exactly my target time but the paces were all over the place, and I ran the last mile way too fast in order to get the average down. So fast in fact, that I had absolutely no zip in my legs at all to attempt the strides I was meant to do at the end of this. Target was 7:32.

    Actual times: 7:44, 7:35, 7:44, 7:36, 7:24, 7:38, 7:28, 7:26, 7:31, 7:12.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    Monday 7th: 5.6 mi @ 9:28

    Tuesday 8th: 8.6 mi @ 8:47

    Thursday 10th AM: 4.9 mi @ 9:19 This was meant to be a 5 x 1 mile threshold session but it didn't really work out that way. For the first mile I have no idea what happened with my watch. It was probably me, but I really don't know what happened. At the end of the mile even though my lap pace had been reading 6:5x the time came up as 5:20, so it didn't come close to measuring a full mile. Ah well, there's still 4 more to go so no real hassle. On the second mile I encountered a rather large husky type dog (possibly an actual husky, I'm really not great with dog breeds). He was very wary of me at first but as soon as he realised I was no threat he decided he wanted to play with me. I really like dogs so I stopped and petted him for a bit. Any time I tried to run off again he ran beside me for a bit then cut across me and lay on my feet as soon as I stopped. After about 10 minutes of this I was getting pretty chilly so it was time to move. I ran off a little faster and after a short while he stopped following me. At this stage I decided to abandon the session and try again after work. Session in the afternoon!!! It's been a while. I wonder will it be too fast...

    Thursday 10th PM: 1E + 5 x 1T w/1 min rest + 1E ... Yes!!! The very few times I've run in the afternoon/evening I always tend to hit faster paces at the same effort levels than I would in the morning. In fact, it would probably make a lot more sense for me to do my running in the afternoons, but I just really like getting out when it's early and quiet. Because of this I decided to go for the vdot 49 pace instead of 48. I really did feel like I was running at my normal threshold pace but I was too fast even for the raised vdot. Any time I slowed to what the watch was calling the correct pace I felt like I was jogging, and as soon as I stopped concentrating on running slowly, I sped back up again. In the end I stopped fighting it. Maybe that made the session kind of useless, but it was a lot of fun. and it was so sunny, I was properly sweating by the end of it. Target was 6:56.

    Actual times: 6:36, 6:41, 6:48, 6:41, 6:45

    Very happy to be able to run that. This would have been a pipe dream this time last year.

    Friday 11th: 4mi @ 9:28

    I haven't run a vo2 max session yet this week because I'm going to do the parkrun tomorrow at full effort. as long as the course is in good condition and it's not too packed I'll be hoping for my first sub 20.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    Best of luck in the morning! At least you'll get to have a lie in compared to your normal super early 5am runs!!! :)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Real steady progress here! How's the knee? How'd the 5k go??
