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Wondering about a J1

  • 05-07-2015 6:40pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4

    Im a full time student whole will be graduating in 2017. I have a friend who will be graduating in 2016. Unfortunately next summer I will be on INTRA work placement afor the whole summer and I won't be able to go on a J1. I was curious to know if me and my friend could apply to do it the following summer? My friend will have been graduated a year and may have a job by that point. The details are a little vague on the website jor the J1 visas. It states that people can still apply for one up to a year after graduating. DOes anyone know if there's a way we could both do one for the sumemr of 2017?


  • Registered Users Posts: 2 culx

    There are about 14 different categories of J1s it seems like ye are interested in the summer work and travel which is valid for 4 months. As your friend will have already graduated they would not be eligible for this category as you need to be a full time student at the time of application. Your friend could apply for a 12 month graduate visa which is generally more expensive than the standard summer work and travel J1 but it is valid for longer... Hope this helps
