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IVF Journey



  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Not at all YH, the more the merrier! When have you your down-reg scan? I got a terrible cold with the nasal spray, had it for days... I find drinking the 2 litres of water per day keeps the headaches at bay for me. Not long left stimming now I hope, all going good should be moving onto the next stage on Thursday. Good luck with your cycle too

  • Registered Users Posts: 95 ✭✭Yellow diamond

    Not at all YH, the more the merrier! When have you your down-reg scan? I got a terrible cold with the nasal spray, had it for days... I find drinking the 2 litres of water per day keeps the headaches at bay for me. Not long left stimming now I hope, all going good should be moving onto the next stage on Thursday. Good luck with your cycle too
    thanks Hollywood, that doesn't sound to nice, you poor thing! As if it's not bad enough without getting sick too! Throwing back the water alright all day, feel a bit better! I am on buserlin for four weeks so have my down reg scan on the 29th august!

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Best of luck with it YH, I was put on a nasal spray from my day 21, was on it for 15 days then had down-reg scan, still on it now though, that will stop at Egg collection.

    Just wanted to mention this because it can quite often happen. So I have the drugs payment scheme and I collected all my meds in June for a cost of €144, what I had the clinic deemed as enough however I did not respond well to the Gonal F dose they put me on and so I had to increase the dose, this meant that I did not have enough Gonal F to last me the 2 weeks so yesterday I went back to my chemist with a new prescription and collected more meds for a further €144. If I need anything more this month it won't cost me anything but once it goes into another month it'll cost the €144

    So I'm on Day 13 of stimms and I've woken up with a headache today, drinking lots of water so hoping it disappears soon, feeling quite tired, for some reason once I take my meds in the evening I'm zonked. Not fit for anything. Tummy is quite bloated now and I do have pains at times, hoping it's all for a good reason. Have my scan in the morning at 9:15 so I'll be up at 6:30 and on the road at 7am to get there, then straight home and into work, only took a half day incase I need another scan, fingers crossed I don't

    Hope everyone else is doing ok

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Hi Ladies

    So I had my third scan today, lining has increased since last day, totally forgot to ask for thr measurement but is is thicker than monday.
    Follicles have improved too I now have 1 x 17, 1 x 16, 1 x 13 and 1 x 11. They took bloods too to check hormone levels

    They called my this afternoon to tell me the hormones improved BUT they want 2 more days of stimming in hope that the other follicles catch up. Back to Galway again on Saturday for what I hope will be my 4th and final scan before egg collection.

    Tummy is sore and very bloated since last night, feel huge, trying to see it as a positive but its hard when I'm not used to it! All for a good cause. Absolutely exhausted now the journey really takes it out of me, 4 hour round trip 😒

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭saraj14

    Delighted it's going well for you all. I had a second scan this morning. 4 follicles, to be honest I'm gutted. The reason we are doing IVF is due to me having endometriosis. I seriously didn't expect to have any issues with stimming. I thought having 3 surgeries and part of my bowl removed was enough to deal with, oh well i was wrong.
    She still couldn't find the left ovary, seriously who loses an ovary! WHO! I'm seriously considering saying a few prayers to St. Anthony to try and find it!
    Going for EPU on Tuesday, so going to take the day off and the following day is a public holiday. Should i be ok to go back to work on Thursday?
    Also my gyno gave me a prescription today for some extra medication, told me to get it filled for the next cycle as well. Seriously that doesn't instil much confidence.
    So from now until the implant day my moto will be as follows "We only need one! We only need one!"
    Oh god i want some wine....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 932 ✭✭✭brokensoul

    saraj14 wrote: »
    Delighted it's going well for you all. I had a second scan this morning. 4 follicles, to be honest I'm gutted. The reason we are doing IVF is due to me having endometriosis. I seriously didn't expect to have any issues with stimming. I thought having 3 surgeries and part of my bowl removed was enough to deal with, oh well i was wrong.
    She still couldn't find the left ovary, seriously who loses an ovary! WHO! I'm seriously considering saying a few prayers to St. Anthony to try and find it!
    Going for EPU on Tuesday, so going to take the day off and the following day is a public holiday. Should i be ok to go back to work on Thursday?
    Also my gyno gave me a prescription today for some extra medication, told me to get it filled for the next cycle as well. Seriously that doesn't instil much confidence.
    So from now until the implant day my moto will be as follows "We only need one! We only need one!"
    Oh god i want some wine....

    Ah, big hugs.

    We kinda prepare ourselves for certain difficulties I think, and then when some other difficulty presents itself it knocks us for 6.

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Saraj don't give up, I too have Endo, on my first scan all I had was 3 follicles and they were 6,7 and 8, tiny. I responded well to stimms last year with Ovulation Induction so I thought I'd be fine, got such a shock when I realised I barely responded, left the clinic crying and in a state. So they increased my Gonal F from 262.5 to 350, on my second scan the follies had grown, I had 6 of them and they were 13,12,8,8,8,6. I went home to do 3 more days of stimms and had a scan on Thursday, the follies grew again to 17,16,13,11 those were the bigger ones that they told me about. So sent home again for 2 more days of stimms so I have my 4th scan tomorrow and hopefully will be ready for egg collection.
    Have they increased your stimms dose? I needed more meds too, on my 6th Gonal F pen.

    It's not an easy road and it's certainly not straight forward, there is plenty of twists and turns, my moto is the same as yours. Not sure what EPU is but good luck with it!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    Aw Sara, sorry you're not having an easy time. But as you said, you only need one little miracle! Is there anything (except a prayer to St. Anthony or lighting a candle) they can do to find your missing ovary?

  • Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Mod ✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Sara, that hidden ovary might have another clutch of follicles too? I'm so sorry that you got disappointing news.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭saraj14

    Thanks for the kind words. Yesterday was a bit of a crap day. It can be very lonely doing this. My husband doesn't seem to care too much. He just says that we can't give up on the first try.

    EPU is egg pick up. Things are a little different here. I only had two scans. Have no measurements of the follicles. Also she didn't up my meds at all, just told me to take an extra day of medication.

    To find out what is going on with the hidden ovary, i would have to have another laparoscopy. So maybe next month.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 932 ✭✭✭brokensoul

    saraj14 wrote: »
    Thanks for the kind words. Yesterday was a bit of a crap day. It can be very lonely doing this. My husband doesn't seem to care too much. He just says that we can't give up on the first try.

    EPU is egg pick up. Things are a little different here. I only had two scans. Have no measurements of the follicles. Also she didn't up my meds at all, just told me to take an extra day of medication.

    To find out what is going on with the hidden ovary, i would have to have another laparoscopy. So maybe next month.

    It really can. I think that it can seem a little academic to the men in our lives sometimes. It isn't happening to them to the same extent so I guess it is harder for them to "get" how it feels.

    Thanks for explaining EPU, I was thinking early pregnancy something!

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Sara, I definitely don't think it's that your husband doesn't care, it's not that, men just deal with it totally different than us, my fella is the same, he's always like 'it'll work, don't be negative', you need to just sit him down and explain to him how you are feeling. You should ask them about the measurements, if I were you I'd sit there and ask questions until you feel content to leave. See how it goes, you have some follicles and maybe when it comes to EPU the left ovary will be there with some nice sized follicles too, anything can happen in this game xx

    AFM: Had a scan on Saturday (4th one) which showed a nice thick lining of 10.3, my clinic like anything above 8. My follicles were 21, 20, 17, 16 and 13, oh there was an 11 too. So they have booked me in for Egg Collection tomorrow at 9:15. Took my trigger shot of Pregnyl last night at 10:15. To be honest, that one was a bit tricky so I didn't get it into my until 10:25, I'm sure it doesn't make much of a difference but I'm going to mention it just incase when I get there tomorrow. With it there is little glass bottles you need to break and you need to mix powder with water and I was just nervous that I got it all. Found that shot a little painful compared to the Gonal F, not sure why, maybe my body is just fed up of injections. I started an antibiotic yesterday too that's to ensure I don't get an infection after EC.

    My tummy is SO bloated today, my work trousers are tight on me, this is the first morning I have been so uncomfortable, roll on tomorrow!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,008 ✭✭✭skallywag

    brokensoul wrote: »
    I think that it can seem a little academic to the men in our lives sometimes. It isn't happening to them to the same extent so I guess it is harder for them to "get" how it feels

    I agree with you that it's different of course for the woman, being more centrally attached to the process by default so to speak :)

    It can definitely be just as harrowing a journey for the man though. He will also be feeling the same along the way, and may also be going his best to keep his partner's head up, etc.

    All in all my own experience is that it's a very fine balance between trying to stay positive on the one hand, while at the same time accepting that another crack at it may be needed. We ourselves were not successful the first time, nor were most others I know who took this route. That is not to say of course that it's not possible, of course it is. It can be a good idea to keep the bigger picture in mind at the same time.

    All the best.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭saraj14

    Well the egg pickup happened this morning. We got 1 egg. So now we just wait and see how it develops. Pray that fertilisation occurs and that we can implant.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 199 ✭✭TomeeTipee

    Hi Sara, sorry to hear that you just got the one egg. I know everyone says that it only takes one, and that is true, but it is disappointing at the same time not to have a few back ups. I've been there myself so I understand how it feels. The very best of luck with it, I hope it is a special egg for you.

    One thing I will say is that doctors always say the first cycle is where they learn a lot about how you respond etc so if things don't work out (but of course I really hope they do!), they should be in a much better position the next time to change your protocol etc. They really should have some answers also for why you got 1 egg from 4 follicles so even if you don't have success with this egg, hopefully you will get a lot out of this cycle, in terms of knowledge gained. I really wish you the very best of luck with your egg and I have heard lots of success stories from a single egg so hopefully you will be one of them xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Keeping everything crossed for you Sara xx

    I had EC yesterday, they told me they got 6, they called me this morning to say 1 was an empty shell so immediately I was down to 5, of the 5 two have matured and one is showing some signs. I had hoped more would mature even 3 would have been great, I'm greedy I know but I had hoped for a frostie. All we need is one though and I'm sticking to that motto, will get another call in the morning so I'm praying for them that they grow.

    EC was fine, I was sedated, felt 3 bouts of pain during the whole procedure and they were all bearable, the nurses were lovely, so so nice, one of them even sat down beside me talking to me and telling me when they got eggs. My partner could have sat in but he decided not too because he is petrified of needles and I didn't mind either. Spend the day on the couch in and out of sleep, I was so tired. Have a bit of pain today but I'm just taking panadol for it.

    Started on Crinone gel last night, need to use this every night now think it helps the endometrium prepare for pregnancy. Fingers crossed it all goes to plan. The doctor had on my chart to put 1 embro back but the embryologist is maybe suggesting 2 back but she will speak to the doctor. If it is 2 it will be a 3 day tranfer, so I'll be having ET either Friday or Sunday

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    Sara, sorry they only got one egg, but fingers crossed this is one special strong little egg that will make it! Are they contacting you today to let you know if it fertilizes? Are they using IVF or ICSI?

    Hollywood thats great news. When is your transfer? We are being put on a freeze all, so looks like it will be another few weeks x

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Not sure yet Sticky, hope to know in the morning when they call me. Not sure if it's going to be Friday or Sunday. Not sure if one is better than the other. If they are putting 2 back then I think it will be Friday and if its going to be one then I think it'll be Sunday, that's what I took from the call but will see in the morning. Fungers crossed they are still growing away anyway!

  • Registered Users Posts: 932 ✭✭✭brokensoul

    stickybean wrote: »

    Hollywood thats great news. When is your transfer? We are being put on a freeze all, so looks like it will be another few weeks x

    I should hopefully be doing a FET in a few weeks - maybe we can be FET buddies :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    So I got the call from the clinic today. Today is Day 2. 1 of the embryos is growing normal, they said it should really be a 4 cell today and it is a 5 cell but so far they are happy with that. The other one is growing way too fast and is at an 8 cell already. Generally when they grow too fast they run out of steam so this one they are going to grow until Sunday and see what happens, sometimes they can figure themselves out apparently. The first one they are so far going to transfer tomorrow as long as it keeps growing at the normal rate. Keeping everything crossed it does. Feel a bit sick at the moment, I'm just praying that little one keeps going ok. Will get a call later today with a time for tomorrow and if it is not going ahead they will let me know long before I need to leave for the clinic tomorrow. We have a 2 hour drive to get there.

    Still have slight pains in my tummy from the egg collection so I am taking panadol.

    Hope everyone else is doing ok

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  • Registered Users Posts: 212 ✭✭chanelfreak

    Best of luck Hollywood, I will keep my fingers crossed that you get good news xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Thanks Chanelfreak, well I got a call just now, my transfer is booked for 11am tomorrow, the consultant is keen to put 2 back but they will make a decision about it in the morning, definitely putting one back tomorrow anyway, so you know, I suppose I am in with a class, I'll be pupo (pregnant until proven otherwise) tomorrow :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 932 ✭✭✭brokensoul

    Thanks Chanelfreak, well I got a call just now, my transfer is booked for 11am tomorrow, the consultant is keen to put 2 back but they will make a decision about it in the morning, definitely putting one back tomorrow anyway, so you know, I suppose I am in with a class, I'll be pupo (pregnant until proven otherwise) tomorrow :D

    Love it!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    brokensoul wrote: »
    I should hopefully be doing a FET in a few weeks - maybe we can be FET buddies :)

    Hey brokensoul, looks like they are making me take a rest cycle. They are concerned the level of hormones is to high and want to give me a month to flush them all out :(

    I'm actually really upset. I know it's only another month, but after 4 years it just feels like everything is another month, another week, another day

  • Registered Users Posts: 932 ✭✭✭brokensoul

    stickybean wrote: »
    Hey brokensoul, looks like they are making me take a rest cycle. They are concerned the level of hormones is to high and want to give me a month to flush them all out :(

    I'm actually really upset. I know it's only another month, but after 4 years it just feels like everything is another month, another week, another day

    Ah, I am sorry to hear that pet. I know how you feel. It is only ever an extra month or whatever but you do feel them adding up.

    I suffer from cysts periodically, so as sure as anything there will be a f**king cyst when they scan me anyway!

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Sorry to hear that Sticky, the set backs are a killer, month after month it's so tough. But the only thing is you will be in a better position to have a tranfer in another month and at least you are not starting from scratch, it'll be straight onto transfer

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭stickybean

    Thanks girls xxx

    Feeling a bit better today. After I posted yesterday the clinic contacted us to say that 2 of the 11 had made it to day 5. I was a little disappointed as they were not top quality, but they were good enough to freeze.

    Today they call to say that another one reached day 6 and is also good quality. So we no have 3 little snow babies waiting for the next cycle :)

    We have asked was there a reason why the numbers dropped so much, given that on Tuesday they were saying at least 50-60% were excellent and 30% were good and strong. But they just said that's nature...

    Anyway! Onwards and upwards. The weekend is just here x

  • Registered Users Posts: 686 ✭✭✭Hollywood130

    Ah that's great news Sticky, 3 little frosties waiting for you, thats fantastic, hope you are well

    I had ET (embryo transfer) today. Got to the clinic, had 2 glasses of water (they like a semi-full bladder, makes it easier). Got into my gown and in I went. The procedure was very much like a smear, they used the same tools basically!!! They then place a catheter and insert the embryo/s. Thankfully the procedure was painfree, a small bit of pressure at the beginning but that was it

    I now have 2 little embryos onboard which I'm very happy about. OTD is 28th so fingers crossed.

    We are at a small risk of twins but that doesn't bother me in the least!

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭saraj14

    Well ladies, some positive news to report! The egg fertilized, and they implanted on friday morning.
    Thursday evening i went to a chiropractor.
    My acupuncturist was brilliant and saw me at 6.50 on the morning of transfer, and again after.
    So i spent the rest of the weekend doing nothing!
    So i have fingers and toes crossed it works.
    The clinic has told me not to test until the 7th of September! I really can't wait that long.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 199 ✭✭TomeeTipee

    Sara that's fantastic news, delighted for you! Must have been a nerve wreaking few days and now the real torture starts! Can't believe the clinic are saying not to test until 7th Sept! 2 weeks from transfer seems to be the typical recommendation here. I always test really early with the first response tests!! Will you hold out until your official test date do you think?
