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Taking a Year Out/ Deferring

  • 11-07-2015 10:53pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,277 ✭✭✭

    Debating writing this but just for future reference as I, once again, got very lucky..
    The reason I debated writing it was that's it's too late to apply to take a year out this year, which makes post almost pointless; but for future years, this is what you do..

    Took quite a bit of looking for me to find it but it's extremely simple in the end.
    There's a form by the SAA, a green form labelled 'Leave of Absence' or something to that effect.

    Fill it in, give valid reasons and submit it before the 26th June.
    There's a meeting then on 1st of July and they send a letter out about a week later stating whether or not your request has been accepted or not.

    Mine was accepted so will be back again next September.
    Need to update my student card again. I will say it's not a decision to be taken lightly or on a whim. I spent months debating the pros and cons before eventually applying for it.

    Will still frequent forum, but this is the reason I put off discussions about accommodation until I knew for sure.. Glad I did.. :P
