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The Balancing Act

  • 23-07-2015 9:39am
    Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭

    Hey all, so I have always wanted to start one of these mainly for accountability and something to look back on, and as I suffer from my first crossfit session I believe this is the best time.

    The title - well I am a keen gaelic footballer and have up until this year been part of an intercounty set up. I am training once/twice a week with a local team I have been gym goer for the last year now and now I feel like a change, and this is where crossfit comes in. Balancing these will be my greatest task.

    About me, well im 6'7 and currently 103.5kg and my goals are broad yet attainable. I want to win a county chamionship with my home team (lost final last year) and better myself in every aspect of crossfit, mainly strenght and mobility. Current maxes sit at 100/130/175 (bench/squat/deadlift).

    Jesus I am rambling, anyways im going to post workouts, times, how I feel pre/post football trainings and games, that kinda stuff. :)

    Last nights workout
    5 rounds for time:
    5 front squats 65Kg
    25 wall balls 20lbs ball
    25 abmat sit ups
    15 pull ups
    Time: 28.43

    Onwards and upwards.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,723 ✭✭✭MightyMandarin

    Darrenon91 wrote: »
    About me, well im 6'7 and currently 103.5kg and my goals are broad yet attainable.

    Well f*ck me I wouldn't want to face you on a GAA pitch that's for sure :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Well f*ck me I wouldn't want to face you on a GAA pitch that's for sure :pac:

    I suppose i will take that as a compliment anyways :pac: the height helps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Last nights crossfit session was alot of gymnastics and all my flaws came out pretty quickly. Wrist mobility is borderline non existant and as for handstands, I have a long way to go.

    We then tested 1rm strict press. Hit 65kg which I was happy with considering my shoulders were beat.

    12 mins:
    800m run
    300/600 Double unders/single
    Row for calories in remaining time.

    I cannot do double unders yet which Im expecting to take alot of time to get used to.

    Row for cals - 73. Very happy with that.

    Today I rest and fuel up. Championship first round tomorrow :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 393 ✭✭ninamc

    Will be following your thread and see how you get on with the Crossfit. Am toying with the idea myself, just the whole gymnastics thing is the only thing putting me off. My mobility/flexibility and inability to even walk in a straight line are telling me not to do it :) But the fact I could have 3 serious workouts done a week, that only takes an hour would be a godsend for me. Plus, I play Camogie so the cardio side would benefit me as well. Decisions, decisions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    ninamc wrote: »
    Will be following your thread and see how you get on with the Crossfit. Am toying with the idea myself, just the whole gymnastics thing is the only thing putting me off. My mobility/flexibility and inability to even walk in a straight line are telling me not to do it :) But the fact I could have 3 serious workouts done a week, that only takes an hour would be a godsend for me. Plus, I play Camogie so the cardio side would benefit me as well. Decisions, decisions.

    The gymnastics is the fun bit. you really find out where your tight and what you need to work on. Finding out last night that my wrist mobility is non existant is something i probably never would have known. Fixing your mobility will benefit your camogie long term in terms of speed and power. Thanks for following, im enjoying it but lets see what next week has in store :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Rested Friday as stated and woke up saturday feeling fresh and ready for the game.

    Game did not go to plan though. Lost by two points. Felt just not right for most of the first half so still have a good bit to do fitness wise. Stayed in saturday night after which is unusual but just wasnt up for it.

    Felt like I needed to do something sunday before I returned to dublin so I hit the gym:
    DB Flat Bench - 5*8 @ 35kg
    Incline BB bench - 5*8 @ 65kg
    Dips 4*8 BW
    Chest Press 5*8 70kg.

    Feeling determined today. Crossfit tonight :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Crossfit last night was extremely enjoyble. Long stretch, strenght work and a quick intense wod.

    Strenght work was DB shoulder press 3*8 each arm. 20kg
    + 3 sets of stritch pull ups - For me this was 7,6,4. Id like to think its my weight thats holding me back on these but its something I really need to work on.

    WOD - 3 rounds for time:
    25 American Kettle Bell Swings 24kg
    15 ABMAT sit ups.
    TIME: 3.59 - Happy with this - that kettle bell is heavy.

    Friends are preping for a competition so they were getting in an extra wod after class. I couldnt say no.

    21-15-9 reps of each:
    Wall Balls 20lbs
    Box Jump overs
    Time: 4.42

    Really enjoyed last night. Ps. sorry for the long posts. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Hit a double session at crossfit last night. Football team I train with have a midweek game so doesnt look like I am going to get a football session in.

    First hour was a weightlifting class. I spent the hour working on my snatch. I already know this is going to break my heart. The mobility needed is just not there at the moment, but im determined to work on it.

    Second hour was strength following by a wod.
    Strength was back squat:
    Went like this - 10*60kg 8*75kg 8*80kg 6*90kg 4*105kg 2*2*115
    Happy with that I havent heavy squated in a while.

    400m run
    50 wall balls 20lbs
    50 box jumps 24'
    400m run
    TIME: 8.44
    Nailed that wod :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Did a double session again last night after I rested wednesday. First session was gymnastics working on grip strength and muscle up progression. Grip strength is something I never really worried about in the gym but this is a different story at crossfit. My hands are sore today. Nailing a muscle up will be so rewarding though.

    Second hour was again strenght followed by a wod.
    Bulgarian Split Squat 5*5 - 40kg.

    10 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
    6 ground to overhead (snatch/clean + push press) 40kg
    200 sprint
    ROUNDS: 7 + 6 GTO
    Legs were comepletely gone at the end.

    Gonna train tonight but not at full intensity - Game tomorrow morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Did Friday's session at a decent intensity considering I had a game Saturday.

    Strength work was clean and jerk. Had the strength to get 80kg but wasn't happy at all with technique so lowered it to 50kg and worked on technique.

    Wod was tough. 8 min AMRAP
    12 deadlifts 50kg
    6 power cleans 50kg
    3 burpees over bar.
    Got 5 rounds finished which was ok I felt.

    Felt good for the game Saturday. We lost a challenge but felt strong and fitness is up for sure.

    Just on the way to crossfit 😀

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  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Session yesterday started with some mobility work and 3 max effort planks to test core strength. I always neglected core work in the gym so a lot to work on here.
    1 - 1.30 mins
    2 - 1.05 mins
    3 - 45 secs

    Strength was back squats.
    5*60kg - 5*75kg - 5*85kg - 5*95kg - 5*100kg.
    Felt strong in the bottom position just need to keep building.

    21-15-9 reps
    Air Squats
    Box Jump Overs
    TIME: 3.29

    GAA background means box jumps come easy to me.

    Quick and intense wod. Good session

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Did a double session last night. First hour was a weighlifting class.
    We worked on snatch again. I have been working on mobility a lot recently and it paid dividends last night. Landed right into my first ever snatch. Felt really good.:D Not a lot of weight but I can build from here.

    Second class was again loads of mobility which I am starting to love ,followed by strength
    Strength was muscle up progression so we worked on strict pull ups.
    3*5 Strict
    2*3 Weighted (20lbs vest)

    WOD was horrible really.
    3 rounds of 2 min burpees with 2 mins rest between each.
    R1 - 33
    R2 - 31
    R3 - 29

    Completely f**cked after that. Sore this morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Last nights session was tough.

    Strength work was deadlift - which has always been my favourite lift. Task was to build up to a 5 rep max.
    5*60kg - 5*100kg - 5*120kg - 5*130kg - 5*145kg - 5*150kg :)
    Wasnt expecting that.

    Using 50% max 5 rep deadlift:
    5 Deadlifts - 200m Sprint
    10 Deadlifts - 300m Sprint
    15 deadlifts - 400m Sprint
    Time: 5.07

    Didnt think my legs would carry me through the last 400m. So happy with that time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Took thurs off crossfit and went to the pitch for a kick around. Team I train with weren't training this week so I decided to do my own.

    Went to crossfit Friday and did a really good session. Got there early and mobilised a lot.

    Strength work was strict press. Probably the most frustrating for me. I always seem to dip my legs first even the smallest bit. No rep as Ive been informed. Anyways it went as follows:
    5*40kg - 5*45 kg - 3*50kg - 3*55kg - 2*60kg - 2*62.6kg.

    WOD was a 10 minute ENOM (every minute on the minute)
    4 thrusters 40kg
    4 box jumps overs.
    Workout was a lot harder than it looks on paper.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Also went to crossfit Saturday morning. Didn't have to travel home this weekend as I was going to croker Saturday so why not.

    Started with a lot of core work which I feel is getting easier for me.

    Strength work was clean and jerk. I feel I gotten the technique fairly quickly. Idea was to work up to a max of the day in 15 mins. Essentially work towards a 1rm.
    Went like this: 1*40kg - 2*55kg - 1*60kg - 2*65kg - 1*70kg - 1*75kg - Failed on 77.5kg but very happy overall.

    WOD was a partner workout:
    400 m sprint (each)
    50 wall balls @20lbs
    400 m sprint (each)
    50 box jumps 24 inches
    400 m sprint (each)
    50 kettle bell swings 24kg
    Rules: only one partner can work at any time.

    TIME: 14.23
    Loved that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Last night session had a fun element to it which I enjoyed. I wasn't really feeling up to training but I have a strict never skip Monday policy.

    Strength was back squat 5*5 building.
    5*60kg - 5*70kg - 5*80kg - 5*90kg - 5*100kg.

    Three 1min plank holds.
    BW + 10kg
    BW + 15kg

    We had a sprint competition at the end instead of a wod.
    Its 10m + 20m shuttle * 2.

    I won in the end so happy with that however, left knee is sore today. Don't really know why as I didn't hurt it so Ill see how this feels later.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Did a double session last night. First class was weightlifting and I hit a 40kg snatch all be in from the hang position (so not from the ground) but im delighted with that. My mobility has come on leaps in the three weeks ive been here.

    We then did a 10min EMOM (every minute on the minute)
    2 Clean + Jerk at 75% (therefore 20 C+J altogether)

    Second class was muscle up progression including pull ups, negatives and dips.

    WOD was known as "CINDY"
    8 min AMRAP
    5 pull ups
    10 push ups
    15 air squats
    ROUNDS: 8 :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Did a double session last night. Didn't push myself too hard. Championship weekend and training tonight.

    Session one was gymnastics working on handstand push ups. Very interesting to say the least. I surprise myself a little. Need more strength in the shoulders.

    Second class started with mobility as always.
    Strength was back squat:
    5*65kg - 5*75kg - 5*85kg - 5*95kg - 4*105kg.:mad:

    Disappointed I didn't get the 5 reps. But the one thing I've noticed about crossfit is the minimal rest time you are given to bang out these sets. We had 12 mins to build this up. In the gym I would have taken 2+ mins rest. Gotta get used to this.

    WOD was:
    3 mins AMRAP
    5 Ground to Overhead 50kg
    5 pull ups
    ROUNDS: 3

    Take 3 min rest.

    Another 3 min AMRAP
    5 KB swings
    200m row
    ROUNDS: 3

    Could of pushed harder but again I've a big game the weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Didn't train Friday before the game.

    Lost the game - out of championship :mad:

    Didn't train Sunday. Overall depressing weekend.

    Back to the grind tonight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Did a really good session last night. Was happy to get back into it.

    Strength was back squats again. Felt good. 15 mins:
    6*70kg - 6*75kg - 4*80kg - 4*90kg - 3*95kg - 2*105kg - 1*112.5kg - 1*117.5kg

    Wod was so tough.
    4 rounds for time:
    200m sprint
    20 wall balls 20lbs
    20 AKBS (American style = overhead with KB)

    Didn't finish in the 15 min time cap. Back started to get really sore from the KB swings. Had to stop and stretch. Need to focus on firing my hips forward and using the momentum to bring the KB up.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Did a double session last night. Again first hour for weightlifting.
    First task was to build up to a max of the day overhead squat. I have never done this before. The mobility needed in the thoracic area and hips is unreal. Went like this
    3*Bar - 3*25kg - 3*30kg - 3*35kg - 3*40kg. - Missed 45kg- Work needed.

    Second task was max clean + 2 front squats.
    1*50kg - 1*60kg - 2*65kg - 1*70kg - 1*75kg:) - Missed 80kg:mad: - 1*75kg
    3*3 clean deadlifts with max kg (75kg)

    WOD was know as FRAN for any crossfitters.
    21-15-9 reps.
    Thrusters 42.5kg
    Pull ups
    Time: 8.00
    If I can get the kipping pull up working more efficiently I can cut a min + off this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Got caught in work last night so missed crossfit. Felt fresh after and it was too nice to go to the gym at that point.
    5km run
    TIME: 27.34

    Was just out for a casual run, didn't push myself too hard.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Last nights strength was back squat 6*4. 12 mins:
    4*60kg - 4*70kg - 4*80kg - 4*90kg - 4*100kg and 4*105kg

    Felt good in these. Happy enough with the back squat at the moment.

    Lots of core work followed by a tough, heavy wod.

    8 min AMRAP
    5 Power Cleans from ground - 60kg
    5 Shoulder to overhead - 60kg
    ROUNDS: 6 + 2 reps

    Tinkering over the idea of going tonight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Did a pretty good session today. I like Saturday morning sessions.

    Wod 1:
    Row for cals
    Double unders
    TIME: 4.34

    Wod 2:
    Thrusters 42.5kg
    Row for cals
    TIME: 7.24
    Very tough.

    Worked on snatch for half hour
    2*30kg *6 - 2*35kg *3 and 2*40kg * 3

    Wod 3:
    5 rounds for time:
    24 overhead plate lunges 20kg plate
    250m row
    TIME: 13.15

    So basically I will sleep like a baby tonight. 😀

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Back at it again last night. I have a relegation game on Saturday but the team I train with have a midweek game again so i will have to do a football session on my own this week.

    Strength was back squat:
    80% of last weeks max - 6*3
    95kg * 6 * 3
    Felt good. Quads were sore from Saturdays lunges but got through them.

    5 rounds for time
    12 Box Jumps 24'
    12 American KB swings 24kg
    12 ABMAT sit ups
    TIME: 6.43
    Flew through that.

    Quick and snappy workout to start the week :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Did a double session last night. First was weightlifting class.

    Task 1 was to build up to a max of the day front squat in 10 mins.
    Hit 105Kg which felt easy. Had like 30 seconds left so put on 110kg but failed here. I have only tested front squat once before and got 100kg so im counting this as a PR.:)

    Task 2 - Snatch balance (muscle snatch- snatch - o/h squat) for 15 mins:
    5*30kg - 3*35kg - 2*40kg - 1*45kg

    Snatch pulls with max snatch balance weight:
    3*3 @ 45kg

    Second class strength was pull ups - 3 * Max Effort
    7 - 6 - 5 strict.

    Front Squat 50kg
    Push ups
    TIME: 6.11
    Not happy with the time. Legs were beat from the weightlifting class.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Had a really good night last night. Decided to get some food in and go to the later class.

    I have started practising Double Unders before each class. If you had asked me at 7pm yesterday id of told you I was a mile away from hitting them unbroken.

    7.15pm - 7 DU's unbroken. Not quite sure what clicked but :):)

    Strength was max of the day deadlift.
    I felt a PR coming. Previous 175kg.
    100*1 - 120*1 - 130*1 - 150*1 - 160*1 - 170*1 - 180*1 (PR Felt Easy) ---185kg *1 and my new PR. :D

    WOD - 12mins AMRAP:
    3 Wall Balls 25lbs - 3 Pull ups
    6 walls balls - 6 pull ups.
    Ascending in 3's.
    Finished 21 wall balls and 21 pull ups.

    Great night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Been away from this for a few days.

    Thursday night did a bit of football training just staying sharp.

    Friday we had an event at crossfit where members could challenge other members to a workout. (6 min time cap so I felt it was ok to do considering the game was at half 5 Saturday)

    I challenged my housemate.
    21 Thrusters - 12 cal row
    15 thrusters - 9 cal row
    9 thrusters - 6 cal row.
    I won by 10/15 secs.

    Saturday we won our game. Year over from a football point of view.

    Back at it tonight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭Darrenon91

    Oh and I signed up for my first crossfit comp. Its a paired competition in crossfit Tipperary.

    Whether I am ready or not who knows but there is only one way of finding out. :)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 24,647 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Darrenon91 wrote: »
    Been away from this for a few days.

    Thursday night did a bit of football training just staying sharp.

    Friday we had an event at crossfit where members could challenge other members to a workout. (6 min time cap so I felt it was ok to do considering the game was at half 5 Saturday)

    I challenged my housemate.
    21 Thrusters - 12 cal row
    15 thrusters - 9 cal row
    9 thrusters - 6 cal row.
    I won by 10/15 secs.

    Saturday we won our game. Year over from a football point of view.

    Back at it tonight.

    There's no victory as sweet as the one that wins you bragging rights :D
