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Year 4: "It's a game of inches"



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,414 ✭✭✭Testosterscone

    Mon AM 3 easy (7.50 min/m) PM 8 easy (7.54 min/m)
    Tues AM 3 easy (8.55 min/m) PM 6.7 easy (7.39 min/m)
    Wed 14x200m hills (90 rec)

    Thurs AM 4.2 easy (7.00 min/m) PM 8.4 easy (7.47 min/m)
    Fri AM 6.2 (7.37 min/m) PM 4 easy (7.40 min/m)
    Sat OFF

    Sun Raheny 5 mile - 26.57 - 31st
    Splits: 5.16, 5.27, 5.22, 5.41, 5.19

    Back to normal service somewhat this week albeit a mad one between work, collecting car, hospital appointments and club AGM. First session back and had the company of DR from these parts and coach who kindly gave us a 50m head start :eek: Went fairly well and there was zip in the legs though energy levels were a little low as session went on, indication of what the previous week had took out of me still was happy to finish it.

    Thursday was a handy one with the club ideal as rarely get up so nice to have a big group running together.

    Saturday was an unscheduled off day as I left the house at 8 in the morning and didn't arrive back till 11, temptation was there to get in an easy shake out but decided the foam roller and the compression boots would do the trick instead.

    Out early to Raheny as we had a number of kids running in the Junior races. To be honest felt fairly god awful on the warm up. Kinda had it in my head 27.30 would be a solid result as it would be around where I was this time last year (have never gone faster than 27.21 at this race)

    Gun went and I took off at solid pace, no looking at the watch I was more concerned with trying to run relaxed (driving the knees and relaxing the shoulders) and making sure I got in a good position before we turned into the wind. Settled in with a group lead by Gosh with Anne Marie Mcglynn and Michelle Finn. The climb up by the Garda station caught me a bit off guard as forgot there was an incline in this addition to the course but was feeling good going up it. Rattled off a 5.16 here a very solid split considering I didn't feel like I was working too hard though I knew with conditions the way that splits would slow a good bit.

    Second mile and Gosh had pulled away a bit but I was happy with the effort tipping up all Saints Road. Feeling the wind and scrambling for a bit for cover this mile so alot of chopping and changing with a few familiar faces 5.27, definitely one of the slower miles but it was solid none the less and sub 5.30 which was the aim (27.30 pace)

    3rd mile and I knew this was where I could make good ground. At this stage I was at a point where strength was kicking in for me and a few others and we started taking a few who had been victims of aggressive starts. Around me was one of my clubmates coaches a (handy Masters middle distance runner) and a lad from Raheny who I had a good battle with in cross country before Christmas. I was working hard but trying not to overcook it as I was apprehensive of a blow up given last week and knowing that I was right on the edge. A 5.22 mile here with the the wind on my back had me set up nicely though I was doing everything in my power to avoid looking at the watch as I knew looking at it would have seen me panic.

    Coming back into the park and the MD lad was playing it smart and tucking in in anticipation of the avenue which I knew was directly into the headwind. When I turned into it I felt the full extent of it. Sensing the lad behind was trying to conserve energy I was anticipating him making a charge in the last mile. I backed off ever so slightly going up the avenue to ensure I would have the energy to tail him when he made his move and hopefully come back at him later. Saw the watch read 5.41 but knew I had made the right call as I had pulled myself a little from the bring and was now pushing on again.

    Came out of the park and could hear familiar names being cheered for a few competitors which had me nervous as these are lads I usually race and was uncomfortable knowing they were hot on my heels. Came onto the square and the cheers were getting louder, they were closing the gap. With 300 to go I starting upping things slightly not quite sure how much I had to give. Second last turn and spotted the guy I raced cross country against in Tymon in a tussle with another lad. I made a tactical decision and went very wide. He was keeping an eye on the other guy over his right shoulder so much that I slipped under the radar till I was edging past him came around the bend neck and neck and made an aggressive move. It had worked and caught him on the hop and he had nothing to respond with

    Finish time was my second fastest 5 mile and a testament to being relatively sensible over Christmas in terms of keeping the training going. Hopefully sets me up for a very solid year given that it is nearly 40 seconds quicker than same race last year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    Came out of the park and could hear familiar names being cheered for a few competitors which had me nervous as these are lads I usually race and was uncomfortable knowing they were hot on my heels. Came onto the square and the cheers were getting louder, they were closing the gap. With 300 to go I starting upping things slightly not quite sure how much I had to give. Second last turn and spotted the guy I raced cross country against in Tymon in a tussle with another lad. I made a tactical decision and went very wide. He was keeping an eye on the other guy over his right shoulder so much that I slipped under the radar till I was edging past him came around the bend neck and neck and made an aggressive move. It had worked and caught him on the hop and he had nothing to respond with

    Finish time was my second fastest 5 mile and a testament to being relatively sensible over Christmas in terms of keeping the training going. Hopefully sets me up for a very solid year given that it is nearly 40 seconds quicker than same race last year.

    Well done, excellent run. That manoeuvre is great when it comes off :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,414 ✭✭✭Testosterscone

    Well done, excellent run. That manoeuvre is great when it comes off :)

    Ha to be fair I went all in. I was practically hugging the outside rail think I probably added about 10m to the last bend haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    This whole "not looking at the watch" thing is definitely the way forward. Great run. It's one thing seeing a fast time on Strava. Another story hearing how it was ran. Fair play. Proper racing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,414 ✭✭✭Testosterscone

    Mon AM 3 easy (8.02 min/m) PM 9 easy (8.05 min/m)
    Tues AM 3 easy (8.25 min/m) PM 5.3 easy (7.32 min/m)
    Wed OFF
    Thurs 4x2km (3 min rec

    Splits: 7.04, 7.03, 7.02, 7.01

    Fri AM 8 miles easy (8.05 min/m) PM 5 miles easy (7.54 min/m)
    Sat AM 4x2 min, 5 min, 4x2 min XC (90 sec rec)
    PM 4 easy (8.08 min/m)
    Sunday 4 easy (7.53 min/m)

    Total Weekly Mileage: 63

    Definitely not a vintage week by any stretch of the imagination. Struggled from start to finish to be honest. Dunno whether it was a hectic workload and alot of early starts/ late finishes but was missing my mojo. Had I not ran Raheny I would have said that the body was still lacking energy after sickness.

    Thursday's session was a day late. Up to the track and got going. It was a little cold and windy but nothing too bad body was just sluggish and couldn't get near the paces I was supposed to be based off Raheny but effort was there so just got it done. Can't all be awe inspiring sessions but important to slog them out on the days you aren't feeling good just as much as the days you nail them.

    Saturday was a return to the muck. Again a bit lack lustred but a better session in general. Amazing how quick my body forgets the mud despite spending most of the winter training and racing on it.

    Sunday and had arranged a long run but I was a shell when I woke up so bailed (for the second time in a week) and got a few extra hours kip. Was needed as I only started to properly feel human half way through work shift (7 in the evening) managed to sneak out for a short one but was all I was getting done as I was on a horror stretch in work (18 out of a total 26 hours) Superbowl.... great craic :rolleyes:

    Fresh start today and we go again :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Sorry to hear you had a rough week. On a positive note it is a little reassuring to see if the super quick lads struggle at times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    I wouldn't be too quick to rule out any lingering after effects from the viral thing - it seems to be taking a couple of weeks for people to get back to normal. Fair enough you ran Raheny, but maybe it took more out of than you would normally expect - as in you had to energy to run a good race, but the recovery is taking longer than expected.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    All the best in Galway tomorrow L. Run well!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,414 ✭✭✭Testosterscone

    OOnegative wrote: »
    All the best in Galway tomorrow L. Run well!!

    Don't mention the war.

    I WILL BE RACING TOMORROW (just not sure where yet :rolleyes:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,414 ✭✭✭Testosterscone

    Mon AM 3 miles easy (8.42 min) PM 3 miles easy (7.07 min/m)
    Tues 11 miles comfortable(7.07 min/m)
    Wed AM 5 easy (8.02 min/m) PM 5 miles easy (7.50 min/m)

    Thurs 8x400 (75 rec), 6x200 (60 sec rec)

    Splits: 75, 73, 73, 73, 73, 76, 73, 74, 31, 31, 31, 32, 32, 33

    Fri AM 4 miles easy (8.07 min/m) PM 7 easy (7.11 min/m)
    Saturday OFF
    Sun Athgarvan 10k - 36.09 - 3rd

    Total Weekly Mileage 56 miles

    Let the excuses begin :p

    Bit of a crappy week in general chasing every moment Monday I was coming off a short turnaround in work (7 hours ) Had intended on getting out again in the evening but sleep caught up on me.

    Tuesday and another horror day due to being stuck on phone with Eir tech support the most useless crowd in existence took most of the morning before work out of the way. 11pm was first chance I had to get something done and had an errand to run so ended up leaving the car and running to and from to kill two birds with one stone. Felt good on this one.

    Thursdays session was solid nice and controlled and good to have a bit of turnover work. Probably pushed the 200s a little but was happy with the splits and seeing a bit of speed in the legs

    Saturday was another long day in work followed by relation back from the US for his 40th. Stayed good and on the water for the evening, had the extra motivation of seeing the cousin's debut for Senior team in Croker causing a few headaches for the Dublin backline was gonna have to raise my game performance wise this weekend to keep up with his sporting achievements :P

    Despite being named in Dublin team for Cross country and aiming to run cross this weekend I found out that I had to be in Kilkenny in the afternoon on Sunday which ruled out a trip to Galway. Irony is I would have been grand 2 weeks ago as I wouldn't have had a car to drive down :rolleyes: Text the coach and gave me the go ahead to run Enniscorthy instead.

    Unfortunately the morning of even Enniscorthy was a struggle to make time wise so I nearly gave up on racing and at 9.30 I remembered DR had mentioned another race close to home with an hour earlier start time. Jumped in the car and tore off down to Athgarvan. Made it there about 10.25 and frantically got number sorted and attempted a shortened warm up, getting closer to the start found out that start time was delayed.. Typical :rolleyes:

    11.20 and we were off me still without a clue of the course but hoped it would be well marked out. Hit the front and was shortly met by another lad Thankfully was not gonna be a solo run.

    Came around the first turn and tucked in behund and figured I would let him take it on for the first mile or two. Second coming back onto main road and saw someone jump out of the Civil defence truck in front of lead car to stop traffic. Only problem with this was the two trucks had stopped on a narrow road right in front of us. Ended up out in front of oncoming traffic cursing a blinding (three of us in a group at this stage)

    Came through first mile in 5.30 but to be honest the head was gone and the lads pulled away from me a little here. Wind was a killer and I had shot myself in the foot by letting the concentration lapse leaving the concentration lapse. Few large cow grates also left me nearly on my face as the flats had feck all grip.

    2nd and third miles were P!$$ poor (6.17, 6.11) as the lads put about 30 seconds on me. however Mile 4 I came off a downhill and realised the 2nd lad was no longer pulling away from me and started to wake up. The next few miles though slow were solid effort and started to get into my running as the wind was on my back started rattling off 5.40s. Gap was big but I knew if I could close it up a bit any waver from him and I would start to mount a decent comeback. Coming into 5th mile and saw that I was over 2 min outside where I was in Raheny. 2nd place had stood firm and knew that I would find it tough to reel him in. All the while 4th place had been closing the gap.

    Last mile and he was sitting on my shoulder. I was moving well enough but not exactly comfortable. With 400m to go there was a bit of a climb. I made a mini surge to try and break him but he responded well and came past me. Despite motivational words from a supported I gave up and let him get about 15m on me however with 200m to go I could see he was spend and I had the element of surprise as we were amongst the 5k runners coming in at this stage. Launched a strong kick (evidence of the poor effort earlier on in the race as there was a good bit left in the tank) and came blitzing by him in the last 15m completely catching him off guard.

    Initial sheer frustration at the poor result turned as I settled down. Slowest time in a few years but I think that says more about head not being in it than anything still I salvaged a decent workout from it and course and conditions were honest.

    Onwards and upwards.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,414 ✭✭✭Testosterscone

    Monday 10 miles (7.43 min/m)
    Tues AM 5 easy (7.53 min/m) PM 6 easy (7.57 min/m)
    Wed AM 4.1 easy (7.53 min/m)
    PM 1km, 4x300, 4x200, 1km (75 sec)

    Splits: 3.36, 55, 53, 53, 52, 32, 34, 31, 33, 3.35

    Thurs AM 6.3 easy (8.03 min/m) PM 4 easy (8.25 min/m)
    Fri AM 3 easy (8.07 min/m) PM 6.5 easy (7.54 min/m)
    Saturday OFF
    Sun AM 5 easy (8.02) PM 5 tempo - 29.13 (5.50 min/m)

    Splits: 5.47, 5.51, 5.49, 5.51, 5.51

    Total Weekly Mileage 63.2 miles

    Couldn't catch a break this week. Felt I had a really productive week and probably managed to squeeze in 80 hours of good productive work, the only problem was I had about 90 hours of stuff to do :rolleyes:

    Due to numerous hospital appointments, work, Valentines, more work, treatments and trying to get stuff starting to take shape for the new arrival meant that 11/12 was regular starting time for my PM runs.

    Wednesday's session had couldn't be pushed any later as I was down to run National's Saturday morning so was cutting fine as was. Between 6 am starts with treatments before work and late night running I was definitely in zombie mode somewhat and in no mood for the session. There was an icy driving wind causing a sharp headache as it hit my forehead and for the first time in a long while I questioned WTF I was doing standing on a track in this weather at midnight. Fell asleep in first lap, was supposed to be controlled threshold pace and I was came through in 90 seconds. Woke up a bit from there but felt needed to cop on and actually get something from this session considering I went to the trouble of fitting it in. The shorter stuff was solid and I felt nice and controlled at pace. and finished the session with a renewed motivation as I felt I had broken the back of the mental angst I was feeling trying to get everything done.

    Sadly it was not the end of it with work scuppering chance of racing Saturday and another week of National Championships going down the drain which left me a little frustrated but out of my control. Got to Saturday night and come 12.30 I was putting on the shoes to head out for run, exhausted and simply fell back on the bed and made the executive decision for my bed. I had not got more than 5 hours sleep all week and just couldn't face another night of it.

    Felt good bit better Sunday then and made the decision to get in a bit of tempo work on the way home from work. Effort was very controlled and tipped along nicely. Felt like could have gone on another 15 miles at that which is funny considering its same pace I could muster for the race last week (albeit less wind and hills)

    The only consolation is that I don't think I possibly can have a repeat of that kinda week again for a good while and despite the increased demands I actually managed the week alot better than last week.

    #Noexcuses :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    I'm in awe of your time management! You should write a book about it in your spare time.

    Hope you get some more sleep this week. It's my favourite type of recovery training! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,414 ✭✭✭Testosterscone

    chickey2 wrote: »
    I'm in awe of your time management! You should write a book about it in your spare time.

    Hope you get some more sleep this week. It's my favourite type of recovery training! :)

    It helps that I am currently in a dispute with eir over my broadband and closed my account over it :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    chickey2 wrote:
    I'm in awe of your time management! You should write a book about it in your spare time.

    What spare time?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    It's one thing seeing all this on Strava but the logs always add an extra layer to a person's week. Fair play man. That's tough going. Those sleepless nights will stand to you over the coming months. Consider it endurance training.;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Jesus, I'm tired just reading that. If I didn't know better I'd say we lived in different time zones.

    for the first time in a long while I questioned WTF I was doing standing on a track in this weather at midnight.

    I think I'd be questioning myself regardless. :eek:
    That's some going at that hour of the night.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    No sympathy.

    Most of the additional things are his own doing with treatments.
    And as for getting ready for the baby, well that was his doing too.............. (I hope).

    Sorry Boss - really......

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,414 ✭✭✭Testosterscone

    No sympathy.

    Most of the additional things are his own doing with treatments.
    And as for getting ready for the baby, well that was his doing too.............. (I hope).

    Sorry Boss - really......

    Think I may have to change up your Sunday Session (5x 3/1 )


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Sorry Boss - really......

    Looking forward to seeing what's on the cards for you next week session wise ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,414 ✭✭✭Testosterscone

    Funnily enough this literally popped up on my facebook by 2.29 female marathoner
    When I first started running marathons I was working full time (45-8hrs) as a sports development officer and still fitted in 120mile a week.
    I would get up at 4.45am, drive to Work in Newcastle, start my first run about 5.45am, straight into the gym for S&C, shower and be at my desk eating breakfast for 8am.
    I'd then spend the day doing all kinds of sports activities with work. Finish at 5/5.30 drive home and do my 2nd run/session.
    I was usually in bed and asleep by 9pm. That set up didn't change until after I'd competed at the World Champs in 2011. Shortly after I was made redundant and I started working for Sweatshop where hours were much more flexible but I was still doing 30 hours plus (sometimes 10 hour shifts on my feet) whilst running 110-120 miles a week.
    I remember doing an afternoon shift one sunday and struggling to get up after measuring a customer's feet. The customer gave me a hand and I apologised to her saying sorry, I ran a marathon this morning. She just giggled until I showed her my watch with a 2.47 Marathon recorded from that morning, she quickly offered me her seat and told me to rest my legs!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    I’m so jealous of your energy levels L!! Lucky for you you’re only a chizzler :p

    Standing on a track at midnight is either pure dedication or pure madness or maybe both equally:) either way I hope it pays dividends.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Standing on a track at midnight is either pure dedication or pure madness or maybe both equally either way I hope it pays dividends.

    All the best runners are a bit mad I reckon

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Looking forward to seeing what's on the cards for you next week session wise ;)

    Well the advice seems to be that the session involves some up hills! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,414 ✭✭✭Testosterscone

    Mon AM 4 easy (7.24 min/m) PM 7 easy (7.00 min/m)
    Tues AM 4 easy (7.59 min/m) PM 7 easy (7.48 min/m)

    Wed AM 5x1 mile (reducing rec from 3 min to 90 sec) PM 4 easy (7.49 min/m)

    Splits: 5.29, 5.38, 5.29, 7.10* (5.37), 5.40

    Thurs 10.5 easy (7.04 min/m)
    Fri AM 4 easy (8.28 min/m) PM 2.5 shakeout + strides
    Sat AM Leinster Indoors 1500m - 6th - 4.25.22
    Sunday 10 easy (7.41 min/m)

    Total Weekly Mileage: 71 miles

    Good start to the week. A solid night sleep Sunday after a rough two weeks and I felt like a new man. Kinda showed to as I was cruising at 7 min pace on hilly loop home.

    Didn't last too long though as a number of treatments in are having to be done at 6am and 7am so early starts to the work day but sure has to be done at moment.

    Text from coach late Tuesday night, was kinda hoping he would have been preoccupied this week and would leave me to my own devices for a nice handy tune up specialty before the race at the weekend, but no such luck :P

    Wouldn't make the track so had to do this in morning (which are not my friend at best of times for sessions) before work. Was sluggish but this is where I need to be working at the moment as I am missing a bit of strength (might just be the mental fatigue lacking the extra push to dig in) First rep was fine, second rep and I dunno was it just the nature of the loop I was doing or whether I fell asleep but I fell asleep a bit.
    Third rep and and a nod M who was out on a run, always good to have a former Olympian to remind you to just suck it up and stop being lazy. 4th rep and I was running well, tipping along nicely but as the rep went on I was searching for the watch to go, pace started slipping a little and the rep felt like it was never gonna end. Got to a stage where I finally looked down at the watch to see that I was right, it was never gonna end. I had made a cock up with setting up the Garmin and ended up hitting lap button at 2k :o Last one and I just said I wouldn't worry about pace. The recovery was only 90 sec and given that I had done 2k last rep I knew that trying to hold pace would overcook it. Another nod to former Olympian and ex college coach kept me going through this one.
    A solid if nothing spectacular session which is a bit of the MO for training at the moment. Not too worried about smashing it though as long as I can keep the consistency for now I know it will stand to me.

    Thursday probably a bit longer than should have been with the race on Sat but TRR was around for a bit of run company which is rare at the moment so jumped at the chance. Also got up to waterworks so a nice loop with a bit of hills. Flew in and felt pretty good to be honest

    The 1500m was not on the cards for this meet originally. I figured I would hopefully be able to improve on my recent spat of indoor 3km's however once again work scuppered that but I looked at time table and 1500s were early on (scheduled about 10 min before I was supposed to start work) worked up a bit of good will during the week to buy myself some cover to be able to make this. Given that we managed to get a decent crew of 18 out to it I was eager to support the event.

    My old training partner was also running 1500 so I figured could be a good bit of rivalry. He definitely has more wheels than me but figured I was in better shape so I may be able to surprise him. Bit of a dragged out scenario with the meet running about 40 min behind so warm up was a bit all over the place. Not feeling great but figured was just in my head.
    In the call area and made a split second decision to ditch the watch. This was partly off the back of the recent Magness podcast regarding being in the moment in racing.

    The race itself went fairly predictably. leaders took off out the front, my old training partner in pursuit (fairly aggressive racer) and I sat in with the lads behind him. Start was relatively controlled with a 35 second opening lap. The plan was consistency given the lack of 1500 specific sessions. 400m in 70 which was perfect. Still not feeling great but I was controlled.
    The next few laps followed consistent pattern, 1.44, 2.20, 2.58. A bit of pushing and jostling but I was holding my position. After a km I started seeing guys wilt a little so started trying to dig in and use my strength. The litmus test for me of a 1500m is that 3rd 400m it makes or breaks my races. 3.30 at 1200 is a sign that PB chase is on. This time around 3.33, not on and had slowed slightly despite me thinking I was digging in. There was too much ground to make up on my training partner as well but passed the guys and went chasing. Made up a little ground and probably could have caught him over 2k but the distance had exposed my weakness as I cross the line in 4.25.22 (2 seconds slower than indoor PB) for 6th, probably slightly higher than that performance deserves but can only race who is there.

    Great experience to be out of my comfort zone and just go for it. A reminder that for all the sessions and even sharper stuff the sheer lack of lactate tolerance work as I was nearly coughing up a lung for the remainder of the day. Happy to do it though need to keep in touch with all energy systems once in a while to keep developing.

    Sunday was back to a late night run enthusiasm was a little lacking but I am also concious that mileage hasn't gone over 70 since start of the year and need to get it back with some longer races on the horizon.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,414 ✭✭✭Testosterscone

    Mon OFF
    Tues AM 4.1 easy (7.35 min/m)
    Wed AM 20 min treadmill tempo (17 kmph/5.40 apparently) PM 5 easy (7.52 min/m)
    Thursday 10 easy (7.44 min/m)
    Fri OFF
    Sat OFF
    Sun OFF

    Total Weekly mileage: 34 miles

    Not the best week by a long stretch. The plan was a late one Monday but got a call about doing a very early morning treatment so decided rather than be a zombie for the week that I would make it up later in the week. Little did I know:rolleyes:.

    Late run Tuesday night and half way through got the start of the Siberian Snow Express. It was novel and a light powdering and felt good about the run. The only problem is that it didn't really stop. Wednesday was down to do a track session with Dublin Runner. I am not gonna lie motivation was lacking and I was hmming and hawing about the track session till I got confirmation that track was closed anyway so I couldn't manage it. Decided to hit the dreadmill for a tempo. Set incline to 2% and away I went. Garmin definitely not calibrated correctly as it was saying I was slowing as session went on. Figure somewhere in the middle of the 5.40 pace the treadmill said and the 6.34 the Garmin said (guessing about 5.50 ish effort) got a bit of work done so I was happy enough.

    Thursday and decided just to stay local and get a bit done before the 4pm warnings kicked in so into Bushy park on fresh snow where footing was fine. a bit monotonous but done.

    Friday and I was holding off till as late as I could with the hope things would improve. They didn't really and decided to accept the day off . That snowballed (no pun intended) and missed a few days half down to weather and half down to laziness (well that and a long list of things that never seems to be getting smaller despite spending all my free time doing in prep for the baba.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Just one thing, no amount of prep can prepare you for those baby nappies, nothing:p:p:p.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    OOnegative wrote:
    Just one thing, no amount of prep can prepare you for those baby nappies, nothing .

    The nappies were far from my biggest issue with a newborn!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Just one thing, no amount of prep can prepare you for those baby nappies, nothing:p:p:p.

    Don't mind him L, it explains how to deal with everything in the manual you get with the delivery:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I've 2 3yr olds staying with me this week. My God.

    Their Mammy is so chilled and I'm like "they're gonna fall" - "they're bouncing on my new chairs" - "take that off them"........jeez I cant cope.

    And I wish someone would make rashers out of Peppa Bleedin' Pig.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,414 ✭✭✭Testosterscone

    ^^ Sorry for the non response fear set in :P ^^

    Mon OFF
    Tues 9 easy (7.51 min/m)
    Wed AM 35 min tempo PM 4 miles easy (7.56 min/m)
    Thurs 9 miles easy (7.43 min/m) PM 4 miles easy (8.17 min/m)
    Fri AM 5 easy (7.51 min/m), Eve 5.3 steady (6.42 min/m),
    PM 4 easy (7.42 min/m)
    Sat 2.2 shakeout (8.37 min/m)
    Sun Bohermeen Half - 17th - 1.14.48 - PB

    Total Weekly Mileage: 69.6 miles

    Start of the week was a bit of a snowball to the laziness that crept in over the snow weekend. Intention had been to get out but it got to a point where late night one was gonna be only option and with a 6.30am treatment I opted for the bed instead.

    With Bohermeen on the horizon coach wanted me to get a bit of tempo work so linked in with gosh who used to be from around this neck of the woods. Plan was 10 @ 6 pace, 5 @ 5.45, 10 @ 6 pace, 5 @ 5.45 and the 5 min honest. Set the Garmin up and was all good to go, the only problem was that I forgot to hit the actual workout so 10 min came and went and by time I realised I was over 11 min. Picked up the pace here but probably overcooked it a little, Settled back into the next block and got it manually on the watch bang on the money. All feeling quite controlled despite a healthy wind. Missed the cue for the last 5 min but had an idea and kicked on hard enough for the remainder of the session. Overall the splits boded well though HR was a little high so figured I may have been working a little too hard. Great to have the company though.

    Friday herself got locked out of the house and of course I ran into work so the only way to get across was a steady run cross drop off the keys and back. Was cruising but knew it was not ideal to be trebling and also to be doing it on race week. Kept late night run short and handy to try compensate a bit but quads were very heavy next day as a result


    Training had been going through the motions somewhat the past month so I knew myself not in super shape and I haven't ran over 11 miles since Xmas but my last Half race was Dec 2014 so I figured I might be able to sneak a PB as I reckon it was soft. Also started looking back at training. Despite the fact that I have been training for indoors and I felt alot sharper and maybe a little strength lacking I started noticing a pattern. Between missed races, last min replacements etc I actually had a decent bit of tempo work done over the last few months

    4 mile tempo
    4x2 km (was sluggish so 10k pace worked closed to HM)
    4x2 min, 5 min, 4x2 min in prep for National Intermediates XC
    Athgarvan 10k as a last min replacement for the missed XC above
    5 mile tempo as a substitute for missing National Seniors
    5x1 mile
    35 min tempo

    Looking back it was actually a decent enough build up without realizing ( a product of misfortune but also the benefit of a coach and not having full control over my training)

    Down early with a few from the club managed to get a solid team out. Not quite prize winning but decent enough to give the Darragh Rennicks Cup a bash0 plenty of boardsies and other runners about but ended up missing alot on the warm up and was only half way out the road when bumped into Maria so a bit of a catch up.

    Knew what the field was like and knew it was gonna be deep this year so I just wanted to get in amongst a solid group and stay as relaxed as possible. First mile and I knew it was gonna be fast as slightly downhill as well as being a narrow enough road people didn't wanna get caught in the congestion. Despite settling in nice and conservatively the pace was still on the quick side (5.36) I knew this would settle though and found a nice group around me.

    Mile two and three groups had formed. The Lead group, a good bunch probaby in around the 73/74 pace and then ourselves about 75/76 as we had settled into the second mile a 5.44. A Donore lad had other idea's though as he started pushing on and I decided to follow suit. He definitely had the next group in mind as they weren't too far ahead and it was too big a group to be sustained, there would be a few victims spat out the back as the race went on. This mile was 5.35 and even though I knew that I was operating slightly beyond where I probably should but figured the couple of seconds faster was worth it to have someone to work with and started pushing myself to help him try to close the gap with a 5.31 mile (paces panicked me a bit but I have never been so focused in a race on staying relaxed and it seemed to be working)

    The three miles of hard work had paid off (a 5.36 here) as we were now on the back of a group of about 6/7 and thought I would get a bit of respite. Club mate (Thirstywork who used to post here) was now also in this group. Effort levels were high at this stage but controlled. Next couple of miles were a little slower showing that they group ahead were running about the pace originally wanted after they had settled (5.41, 5.44). Came through first lap and the first water station I figured prob should take a swig (was conscious of hydration even before race which normally wouldn't be an issue but just felt it today). proved to be a mistake as I missed one and by the time I had got a bottle the focus had lapsed and I found myself about 10m off the back of the group and not able to get back on the back. I was now isolated with a lap to go and knew that I was gonna have to work hard to keep it together. 8 mile was 5.47 and the lads were using the downhill to there advantage however I managed to claw it back on the inclines in the 9th mile latching onto Thirstywork with a 5.48. The hills had also made the group implode a bit and there was shrapnel up the road for me to chase. I seemed to be slowing the least and it did wonders for my confidence as I started reeling the lads in.

    Hit the 10 mile mark bang on my PB (56.54) over the distance I set in Dungarvan last year where I thought it was one of the standout performances of the year and even though I was fading (it was a 5.50 mile) i was not out on my feet. The next two miles I caught a few more but at this stage the slightest thing was gonna set me of, a bit of dry retching, the odd twinge of cramp and I was doing everything in my power just to keep it between the ditches. Paces remained healthy simply because any sort of fluctuation probably would have been catastrophic. I was on complete autopilot running with fear as I knew that TW and another lad were not too far behind. Caught another Donore lad and could see Krusty in the distance, no thoughts of catching as I had nothing left.

    Came onto the track with sheer pain etched on my face with every last bit I had trying to ensure I was under the 75 min mark. Job done and a 72 second PB to boot. Sometimes you can surprise yourself. I have often been better prepared physically for a race but very few times I have gone that deep into the well to get the performance.
