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Need advice - council housing and other entitlements

  • 24-07-2015 10:07pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1

    My partner succeeded his fathers council home after he passed and myself and our daughter moved in with him from private rented accommodation. We have been living in it for about 5 months but I need out now as our 7 year relationship has come to an end. I am also an adult dependant on his claim. Because I only lived there for 5 months my name isn't even on the rent book yet. So I have absolutely no Idea what to do. I obviously have no rights to the house even if there was a chance he would leave it to me and our daughter, do I? If I do find somewhere that would take rent allowance, would I qualify for it after leaving a council home? And how do I come off my ex's claim? I'm just so lost and confused at the moment so I really appreciate any advice


  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Regional South Moderators Posts: 6,854 Mod ✭✭✭✭mp22

    Step one call into your local unemployment office and ask them to separate your claims.
    2)Go into your local council office and get the necessary forms to apply for council housing.(This will also help with rent allowance )
    3)Contact you local CWO and ask about rent allowance.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 518 ✭✭✭FluffyAngel

    1. you have no rights over the house (your like a sub tenant )
    2.go to the cwo and they will point you in the right dieriction re rent allowance
    3.begin the house search asap,you will need deposit of a months rent and two months deposit (it varys from landlord ) and its getting harder to secure if your in a big city

    4 go to medation to resolve any issuses re your child etc

    that link will show you entiltments etc ..

    take care of you as you journey forward ..
