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Due April 2016



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Healthy heartbeat here this morning! So so happy after my spotting.
    Back in two weeks to get an accurate date.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2 20_kg_loser

    Awh that's lovely news javagal!is anyone else popping out already?I'm only 5weeks&starting to show already,its my 4th but didn't think id pop out this early!I know its not baby but I'm seriously boated!

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 taylorsterling

    hi all

    i had a bit of a scare yesterday morning. popped into holles st and was seen straight away. had a scan and sure enough saw baby and a heartbeat. had an internal exam as well.

    back on Monday morning for a bigger scan which the doctor said is to reassure me, she's happy there's nothing wrong but I was so panicked she booked me in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 479 ✭✭Mac0783

    hi all

    i had a bit of a scare yesterday morning. popped into holles st and was seen straight away. had a scan and sure enough saw baby and a heartbeat. had an internal exam as well.

    back on Monday morning for a bigger scan which the doctor said is to reassure me, she's happy there's nothing wrong but I was so panicked she booked me in.

    You must have been so worried, I'm so glad everything is ok. How lovely to have another scan on Monday, enjoy.

    I'm the same, I'm five weeks and I feel like my belly is bigger already. Surely it's my imagination or bloating??

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 taylorsterling

    yeah i got a terrible fright. the midwife said i needed to calm down, my heart rate was really high. first pregnancy though so it's a scary/exciting time.

    yeah I am super bloated somedays. I can't button my skinny jeans anymore.
    I've heard thats very normal. its the progesterone.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12 earlyriser

    hi all, can I join in - this is my 2nd have a 2 year old already - got my BFP on tuesday - line was so faint you could bearly see it but I just knew. I had shocking heartburn the past 2 weeks. By my dates im due the 22nd of April, so 5wks today! Going to the doctour next friday when im 6 weeks, should be in with OLOL at 12 weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 cakescakes

    Taylorsterling... I'm listening to meditation music every night .. Soft music and whitenoise... I think it's helping me to relax already! I just downloaded an app to my phone! I highly recommend it for any anxiety!
    Earlyriser welcome!!! Congrats!! Do u feel different now with this ur second pregnancy?
    As for myself I'm still cramping quite badly!? Some days enough to make me lay down until it goes away! I will be starting week 5 next Tuesday! (3rd pregnancy... First DD is now almost 5, last pregnancy ended at 10 wks) I've not had any bleed with the cramping tg!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    cakescakes wrote: »
    Taylorsterling... I'm listening to meditation music every night .. Soft music and whitenoise... I think it's helping me to relax already! I just downloaded an app to my phone! I highly recommend it for any anxiety!
    Earlyriser welcome!!! Congrats!! Do u feel different now with this ur second pregnancy?
    As for myself I'm still cramping quite badly!? Some days enough to make me lay down until it goes away! I will be starting week 5 next Tuesday! (3rd pregnancy... First DD is now almost 5, last pregnancy ended at 10 wks) I've not had any bleed with the cramping tg!

    Cakes, had that the first few weeks too. Sounds like your doing too much(i know, its hard not to with other kids) Is it normal though as long as they aren't very,very bad.
    If they are, it's still prbably nothing but worth mentioning to GP, they'll refer you to EPU and they'll put your mind at ease with scan..

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 cakescakes

    Thanks so much javagal!! I phoned my gyni this week and he will see me at 8weeks so I've 3 weeks to wait for early scan! If I bleed I am to go straight to the hospital! The pains are bad enough to knock the wind out of me at times.... But once I rest up they ease and then they go away again eventually! I'm thinking there's gonna be a LOT of bed rest with this pregnancy! But I'm 38 and honestly whatever it takes to carry this precious baby to full term I will do!! My mum is a fantastic help to me and will mind my daughter which I am so blessed in that regard! Fingers and toes crossed here;) x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    cakescakes wrote: »
    Thanks so much javagal!! I phoned my gyni this week and he will see me at 8weeks so I've 3 weeks to wait for early scan! If I bleed I am to go straight to the hospital! The pains are bad enough to knock the wind out of me at times.... But once I rest up they ease and then they go away again eventually! I'm thinking there's gonna be a LOT of bed rest with this pregnancy! But I'm 38 and honestly whatever it takes to carry this precious baby to full term I will do!! My mum is a fantastic help to me and will mind my daughter which I am so blessed in that regard! Fingers and toes crossed here;) x

    Try do as little as possible! House work can wait till the second trimester!
    I'm two weeks ahead of you and they've definitely eased off at week 6 so hopefully you'll be the same!
    It's great You have a great support network, my parents live 45km away so on my own with my daughter most the time, she's mostly independent but insists on me picking her up. Its like she knows something is going on, so wants to be up in my arms and goes to bed at 10pm!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 42 cakescakes

    Isn't it amazing how they just "know something is up" my daughter is playing with her teddies and saying things like "me and my sister will play with you" :-) shes been on her own for 5 years now and all of a sudden she's talking about babies and sisters and brothers and she's definately not overheard anything. Funny isn't it x glad ur feeling better at 6 weeks Java!!! Thank God eh!

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 taylorsterling

    hey all

    I think after my scare yesterday I'm feeling really worried. My boobs had been pretty sore but not since the scare. Also I had been bloated but not any more.
    I saw a heartbeat yesterday morning and doctor seemed happy. Though warned me there's nothing I can/cannot do. I just have hope for the best.

    I'm terribly worried since seeing the heartbeat the baby is gone.
    I don't have any friends with kids, and I haven't told anyone I'm expecting.
    So I'm lost....

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    hey all

    I think after my scare yesterday I'm feeling really worried. My boobs had been pretty sore but not since the scare. Also I had been bloated but not any more.
    I saw a heartbeat yesterday morning and doctor seemed happy. Though warned me there's nothing I can/cannot do. I just have hope fonr the best.

    I'm terribly worried since seeing the heartbeat the baby is gone.
    I don't have any friends with kids, and I haven't told anyone I'm expecting.
    So I'm lost....

    your risk of miscarriage dramatically reduces after seeing a heartbeat. I suffer with anxiety so I can remember feeling the same on my first but I found it kept my mind busy Just counting between scans rather than wishing away the first trimester. Your mind can make you imagine you feel a certain way.

    Try keep positive, if you've any more scares, just Go back to your doctor.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 taylorsterling

    thank you, that's very helpful advice. I didn't know that about the heartbeat.
    I went back into work today, and it was helpful to be so distracted and busy.

    I would be an anxious person by nature, I suffered with panic attacks for years.
    I also have catastrophic thinking.. as in - I always think the worst.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Yes, it lowers your miscarriage risk from about 20% to about 5%, or so I've read. I'm slightly obsessed with statistics to calm my anxiety!

    Are you back in two weeks like I am? That 5% should drop to about 0.5% then all going well!

    Try your best and relax.. lots of rest and chocolate!

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 cakescakes

    I agree with the lots of rest and Chocolate! Also I believe unless you have a bleed you are pretty safe and even if you do have a small bleed sometimes that's ok too! With my first DD I was spotting the whole way through the pregnancy!!! This time around I am cramping like hell!!! So every pregnancy is different! Try not to wish to weeks away!!! Instead.... Start a journal! Say "hello baby ... And let all your emotions on to the page" trust me this will really help you to relax and it will be a nice keepsake for the future!!! All will be as its meant to be xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 taylorsterling

    thanks ladies.

    I'm actually back on Monday morning at 8.30am. They booked me in for a big scan and an internal exam. But the doctor said this is purely for my reassurance because I seemed so upset.

    I did have a bleed on Thursday, but when they gave me an internal exam they found no blood in the cervix so they think the blood came from somewhere else (sorry TMI!!) and that it's a symptom in pregnancy.

    But I just saw blood and bolted to the hospital in an absolute panic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    Popping in from April 2015 thread :) Small bleeds can be perfectly normal, I had one at 10 weeks after sex and as I know I have a cervical erosion I figured it was either that or a miscarriage, and there's nothing I could do if it was a miscarriage so I just waited it out (it was the erosion). There's more blood in your body now and lots more in that area so you can bleed easier from cervix etc. I had a much bigger bleed at 20 weeks, all fine again.

    If you saw the heartbeat that's good, try to relax as it'll be a very long 9 months otherwise and the worrying doesn't stop when they come out!

    This might not be a popular opinion but miscarriages often occur when there's some sort of chromosomal abnormality and the baby wouldn't survive so nature does its thing. I personally found that comforting early on, I'm usually an anxious person too but everything was SO out of my control in pregnancy that I had to ease up. There was nothing I could do and whatever happened happened before 26 weeks.

    I would take this time to work on your anxiety. I tried while pregnant, and ironically it was at the end of it and during the first few days that my ability to stay calm and avoid panic attacks was really tested and I had to swim or I definitely would've sank, I spent 2 weeks in hospital having a rotten time of it and managed to dodge a massive panic attack at 2 am with NO help whatsoever from a horrible midwife. I was actually told by a doctor while they were deciding on an emergency section that I was dealing with it all very well.

    Best of luck, sorry for the essay.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 taylorsterling

    thanks, I really appreciate all the advice. I've not told anyone I'm pregnant so I really don't know what's normal or not.

    I'm 8 weeks tomorrow, and I'm thinking of telling my family on Monday evening. Even though it's earlier than planned I think I could do with the support.

    I suppose today I'm more worried than normal because I don't feel pregnant. I'm not bloated like I had been and my breasts aren't sore even though they had been. I've had a few cramps since Thursday. But that's it.

    I read online cessation of symptoms can be a bad sign so I'm panicking at that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 cakescakes

    Spottybanana - your reply is so informative!!! As you say... Sink or swim!!! As I found out with my first pregnancy.... There was absolutely NOTHiNG I could do when I had all the bleeds, nothing I could do when I went into early labour, nothing I could do when my dream of a natural delivery was taken away from me... In fact everything was SO "medical" and nothing "natural" ! I didn't get to hold my baby when she was born or I didn't get to hold her for a full week!!! BUT..... Now she is a healthy happy and beautiful almost 5 year old! As a mother You just seem to cope at the time and I did! Looking back NOW I wonder how did I emotionally stay in tact at all??? It was all very traumatic however this was just "one of those things" and now I am pregnant again I am trying to stay positive (I do have bad days of course) but spottybabana I will remember your words "sink or swim" and I plan on swimming All the way this time!!! All the way! Have a nice day ladies! Look after yourselves, stay relaxed and well x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 42 cakescakes

    Taylor - don't go online!!! Seriously you will go crazy reading all that stuff! Guess what I've no symptoms today either! I'm nearly 5 weeks! Today I'm feeling fine ... No cramping.. Boobs fine too! Feel like I could go out dancing for the night and drink lots of wine!!! Ha ha ha ... Which of course I won't! But it's totally normal to have symptoms one day and nothing the next!!! Start a journal and write ur emotions into that! Tell your family soon too... Great idea! Support is SO necessary xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 taylorsterling

    ok thanks!

    good to hear I'm not alone. I feel like you - Like I could go out and do anything.
    even an aversion to tea seems to have gone...

    I wont go online any more!

    thanks again,it means a lot to me


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    My symptoms vary day to day too, my nipples were agony last week this week they are fine!
    Yesterday I was sick, today I'm not.
    Yesterday I had a headache all day, today nothing.
    On Thursday I bleed, yesterday I didn't.

    I think try and relax and count yourself lucky your relatively symptom free, I had no symptoms on my first either except for bleeds. Enjoy it, you won't have your first pregnacy again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Raging to find out I shouldn't be eating Feta, just had it in an omelette oops!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    Cakes cakes I was the same, I wanted very natural birth, labour at home as long as possible, skin to skin straight after and all that, be home 2 days later...I ended up with emcs at 36+6, 2 week stay, baby in scbu for 5 days and didn't get to hold or feed him until he was 30 hours old. Totally different! But to panic would've gotten me nowhere, trying to stay calm in the 4 hours I had to wait in labour ward for section my legs were shaking constantly by themselves, it was like all panic was concentrated to there. But I survived and myself and baby have thrived! I was off pain meds and bp meds long before I was expected to be, baby was measuring as a full term baby by his 6 week check up.

    Taylor if you think telling someone like parents or friends with kids or just a friendly ear will help then definitely do. I was ok keeping it to myself for a very long time because I knew a lot about pregnancy already (I LOVE reading and biology), but talking to someone with experience would definitely put your mind at ease. If you ever want to pm me work away :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    Taylor don't be worrying, I never had any pregnancy symptoms at all throughout my pregnancy.
    I always had irregular periods and had I not been TTC ,I wouldn't have even known I was pregnant.
    Only found out at 8 weeks so I wouldn't worry about no symptoms.
    Also I had an unexplained bleed at 18 weeks and everything was fine.
    So far so good baby was due last week so getting induced next week

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 taylorsterling

    thanks everyone. I think I'm a natural worrier, and now it's gone into overdrive.
    I was getting along fine until the bleed. I'm sure I'll get over it.

    I'll get back on here after my scan on monday.

    thanks so so much.
    you're all so kind


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Massive food aversions here today. I want lasanga, thoughts of anything else is making me want to vomit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 KarKar10

    Oh stop javagal I went to TriBeCa (the most amazing wing restaurant in lie) got my wings was half way through before I copped the blue cheese dip. I was so angry at myself but these things happen!

    Managed to get through the wedding yesterday without a hint of suspicion, I was drinking "vodka and 7up" everyone else got locked by 6 so they didn't even notice me sober.

    Spotted a little last night so rang Holles St this morning and I'm booked in for a early scan on Monday. I'm an emotional wreck, keep bursting into tears but trying to think positive.

    Spotted at exactly 7 weeks on my last pregnancy so hoping it's just one of those things. We told my partners parents as I'll need them to mind my son whilst I'm at the hospital, my partners mam wasn't surprised by our pregnancy announcement. She said she had a feeling haha...women's intuition and all that I suppose.

    Taylorsterling hope you're anxiety gets better and Monday goes well for you x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭angeldelight

    Just sticking my nose in too, I have an April 2015 baby so couldn't resist.

    I found this the best source of what to eat/not eat. Some Australian and US websites tend to go overboard
