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Stuck in an emotionally abusive relationship

  • 08-08-2015 2:08am
    Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭

    I’m 30 years old and with my bf 3 years now on and off going threw the same cycles.. He is emotionally unavailable and struggled with drink on and off. Since the start its been a completely unhealthy relationship and I never felt loved or secure. Thing is we have lots of history since we were young and he can be so nice and sweet and make me laugh more than anyone ever could. But I know it’s not enough I feel like my life is slipping away and I’m getting nowhere. All my friends are having kids and I’m afraid I’ll never get the chance. I want to move out and face that this will never work but I’m afraid that I’m making the wrong choice as I do love him so so much. Leaving an emotionally abusive relationship is not like anything I’ve ever experienced. I’ve had other long term boyfriends and was always well able to deal with reality and breakups before but this is so different and I’m lost and confused and need help to know what is right for me.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 511 ✭✭✭TheBiz

    When have you ever heard of someone being happy in an emotionally abusive relationship?
    You don't, you never do. And if your not happy why stay?

    You can't cling onto a relationship solely because the guy was good a few years back.
    Your being held back.. Move on, you'll be happier because of it

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Irishgirl12345

    TheBiz wrote: »
    When have you ever heard of someone being happy in an emotionally abusive relationship?
    You don't, you never do. And if your not happy why stay?

    You can't cling onto a relationship solely because the guy was good a few years back.
    Your being held back.. Move on, you'll be happier because of it

    I meant he was good now a days, sometimes very thoughtful when he wants to be, but if I'm honest it's 90% bad. I think it's that 10% that gives the glimmer of hope that I cling onto to try convince myself it can get better and I stay saying to myself I'll give it another few weeks.

    It's frustrating that he has no drive to change things and make life better for himself never mind me.

    I guess it's just trying to come to terms with the fact I won't be with him forever and try believe it's for the best.

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Irishgirl12345

    I think it's an emotionally abusive relationship anyways, meaning he is often cold, distant, dissmive, untrusting , suspicious and basically gives me no level of respect, closeness or affection.

    Just in case I'm classing it wrong

  • Registered Users Posts: 941 ✭✭✭Typer Monkey

    You're ultimately responsible for your own happiness so the responsibility is on you to leave. You have time to meet someone else who treats you well to be the father to your children. If you have children with this man you'll be intentionally bringing them into an unhappy and unhealthy environment and that's really not fair. How could they grow up happy, secure and emotionally healthy with that start and example in life?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,564 ✭✭✭JeffKenna

    You need to take responsibility for your own life. Based on your description of this guy you obviously don't love him so be fair to him as well.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Irishgirl12345

    Thanks for your replies.

    I do love him but those things I listed are also the harsh reality.
    I guess I've excused his bad behaviour on him being messed up mentally and he didn't want to act or live this way and I'd see glimmers of a sweet person that keeps you hopeful.

    Was awake half the night and just woke now and meant to be packing and leaving today but dunno do I have the strength.
    He will start begging me not to go, cry and give me all the empty promises in the world. This cycle has happened before so I know, and every other time none of those talks made any difference. But im sick in my stomach still wondering am I right to leave the man I love so much. I feel like I'm going a bit insane as I am seeing all sides of the argument and can't process a plan that I'm happy about and feel is right.

    This is just so confusing. 3 years of this bizarre relationship has took its toll on me, I honestly thought I'd marry this man and it would all work out perfectly. The longer it goes on this seems less likely and more a pipe dream

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,947 ✭✭✭✭anewme

    You might love him but you should love yourself more and not settle for less than you deserve.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,736 ✭✭✭✭kylith

    You're in a good position to leave, the only thing keeping you stuck with him is you. Tell him it's over and move on. If you live with him move out. Block him on your phone and on social media. Make a list of why you're unhappy and keep it in mind to stop yourself from giving in. You know his promises are meaningless. Talk to your family and friends and lean on them for support. If you stay with him not only will you never be happy but it will get worse and over time you will get more and more bitter. You're 30 now, if you want to have children you need to get away now and work on what makes you happy so that you can find someone who will make you happy.

    Unfortunately sometimes love isn't enough and you have to walk away for your own good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,830 ✭✭✭✭Taltos

    Right now you have 10% good him.
    In 5 years it will be 7%
    In another 5 it will be 5%
    In another 5 it will be 2%
    and then finally it will be 0%

    And you'll be you, wondering where the last 20 years have gone. Why you feel so alone and surely you deserve to be with someone who shows more warmth to a piece of toast that he does to you, at least when he's telling you to stop interrupting the TV or something else.

    No OP, there really is NO reason to stay with him. Promises are empty and will only come out because he sees he'll be left alone and will have to find someone else to twist to his idea of a relationship.

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Irishgirl12345

    Thanks everyone, I came on to check yer replies in the middle of talking/arguing and it has given me strength. Packing my things and moving out is so draining and I'm not 100% with my decision but I think I know in my gut it's right to leave and follow through and your words definitely helped

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 106 ✭✭vertmann

    Don't tell him you're thinking of leaving because he'll just turn on the waterworks again, promise you the sun, moon and stars and manipulate you into staying. He has had his chance many times over and has shown that he's not capable of being the boyfriend you want him to be.

    For the leaving part, it would be great if he works or is gone out of the house for several hours on a given day. That'd give you time to get your things together and get out of there. If you can at all, please turn to someone you can trust and confide in. Is there anybody in your family who'd help or a trusted friend? It would be easier for you at this difficult time if you had moral support.

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭mapaca

    He only treats you well 10% of the time? You never felt secure and loved? You would be better off alone than staying miserable with this guy.
    Can you wait till he's out of the house to do your packing, etc? If he's not there he can't manipulate you into staying. Have you somewhere to go - family, friends? Someone to help you move your stuff? Access to money/bank account? Just take one step at a time, be brave, and you'll be starting your new life soon! Best of luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Irishgirl12345

    Thanks everyone, I have started packing and he is promising the moon and stars to try get me to stay. I considered waiting till Monday to move while he was at work but felt like I was putting it off and also I do love him so felt like he deserved to hear in person I'm leaving rather than leave a note.

    I still have this niggling doubt that I'm throwing away the man I'm meant to be with. I know he loves me in his own ****ed up way but he isn't capable of the basic fundamentals I need for a happy relationship.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 106 ✭✭vertmann

    Is there anyone belonging to you who can come around and help? Keep him at bay. He's going to be in your ear all day now and I fear for you. It would not surprise me if you've decided to stay by the time midnight tonight comes around.

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Irishgirl12345

    My parents are well aware and said they will do all they can to help once I decide to leave. They will be able to drive up to help me move in an hour or two and I'll stay at theirs until I find a place of my own in the city.
    Even though I know they are empty promises they are still ringing in my ears making me doubt my decision. Once I get emotional I lose all my strength. But these replies are deco helping get back on track... The next few hours won't be nice but I think I have to do it..

    Why did I bring so much crap into this house, now I'm trying to pack it seems a never ending task!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,602 ✭✭✭✭The Princess Bride

    Why don't you just take the absolute necessities for now and leave.
    When you've the physical presence of family or friends,and you're feeling emotionally stronger return for the rest.
    Best of luck - taking this initial stop is the most difficult but it will get easier.
    Well done you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Irishgirl12345

    That might be an option alright. I'll try finish upstairs anyways as he is downstairs so at least then I've it mostly done. I just hope this is the right decision but i think the fact I'm posting on this forum asking for help makes it fairly clear

  • Registered Users Posts: 211 ✭✭florawest

    Good luck, don't worry about the material things, your emotional/mental well being is more important, the time has come for you to be true to yourself and kind too. We all make mistakes, for some love works out great, others myself included not so good, thought I could/would have been enough to overcome all his crap, two decades later called a halt to relationship after lot of mental abuse and bit physical abuse, have lovely children, great friends and family support, five years later, he still can text some nasty ones as children sees him when it is suitable for him, I say TG we live apart, sorry about long post you will be fine,

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Irishgirl12345

    I have my stuff half packed my and I'm starting to feel very uneasy about my decision. I feel like a physco now since my mind is going 90 thinking it's the right decision and few mins later I feel like it's a bad one and want his promises to be true..

    I can't think straight and just want to have the strength to know what is right.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 106 ✭✭vertmann

    Please pick up the phone and give your parents a call right now. You are making the right decision but you've got to follow through on this. So before you pack another thing, please pick up the phone and call them, OK?

    As for your stuff - there is no chance you'll get all your things packed today. Trust me - I've moved house. It takes forever :D My advice to you is to take with you the things that are important. Your passport, your birth cert, other documentation that you could do with. Family photos and other items that are of sentimental value to you. Most of the rest are items that can be replaced.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Irishgirl12345

    vertmann wrote: »
    Please pick up the phone and give your parents a call right now. You are making the right decision but you've got to follow through on this. So before you pack another thing, please pick up the phone and call them, OK?

    As for your stuff - there is no chance you'll get all your things packed today. Trust me - I've moved house. It takes forever :D My advice to you is to take with you the things that are important. Your passport, your birth cert, other documentation that you could do with. Family photos and other items that are of sentimental value to you. Most of the rest are items that can be replaced.

    The only thing is my parents are afraid to force me to make the decision and move out because we have been threw this situation more than once and I felt like I was pressured into leaving last time and they don't want me to feel like that and want it to be my own decision, which I totally understand but also don't know if I'm capable of following threw on that decision because of the uncertainty and emotions in the mix.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 106 ✭✭vertmann

    Yes but this time it is your decision. All you are looking for is a bit of moral support and help right now. You know in your heart that leaving your boyfriend is the right thing to do. It is a very very hard thing to do because you love him. Please, pick up the phone and call your parents. You need all the help you can get right now. You are in a very vulnerable position right now. You're alone in your home with him, your mind going 90mph and full of self-doubt. He'll have you unpacking your stuff by the time it's dark, mark my words.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 106 ✭✭vertmann

    Or if you don't want to ring your parents, just grab the important things and go now. Don't engage with your boyfriend. Just go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Irishgirl12345

    I rang them and they will be here in next half hour to help me move, I still feel full of uncertainty and afraid I'm making the wrong decision. I know it's so stupid of me at the same time but I'm just an emotional wreck now. Usually people have good relationships up until a point when something happens that makes it bad and you have strength and anger to leave, but nothing has happened to help me be strong it's just sailing threw life feeling like I'm just wasting time and getting nowhere but clinging onto hope that he will change

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 106 ✭✭vertmann

    Well done. I'm glad you called them. It's not going to be easy after everything you have been through but you are making the right decision for you. If you stay with this man you will be throwing away your future happiness. For some reason this particular individual has really gotten in under your skin and you're finding it hard to rid him from your life.

    Your parents won't mind that they've been through this with you before if this time you stay away. They love you and they want what's best for you. You aren't going to find the happiness you deserve if you stay. You said you want a family too. If you leave today and get over this man you've helped your chances of getting what you deserve enormously.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 106 ✭✭vertmann

    Just to add: you should seriously think about blocking his number once you go because he's likely to be perstering you. Or would you consider leaving your phone with your mum or dad in the short term so that you'll not be tempted to talk or text him?

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,602 ✭✭✭✭The Princess Bride

    Since the start its been a completely unhealthy relationship and I never felt loved or secure.
    You wrote this.

    When you feel low or vulnerable remember this and move on.
    With every day it will get easier . You're still very young and you deserve happiness and to feel loved and wanted.

    One day at a time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 106 ✭✭vertmann

    How about printing out this thread if you've got access to a printer? Keep it in your pocket or in your bag ready for those moments of weakness and doubt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Irishgirl12345

    Well I did it. Just in car on way to parents house now (not driving obviously). It was so hard and im still not 100% sure of it but i mostly think it was for the best. seeing him sitting there so lonely and heartbroken is getting to me but I'm trying to tell myself i felt like that for ling enough.

    Ye actually have been a great help with ur advice. Im so really grateful for yer support

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  • Registered Users Posts: 20,830 ✭✭✭✭Taltos

    Doubt is totally natural OP.
    You are going to be second guessing yourself on this for quite a while.
    What will help is if you can find someone to talk to - someone who'll just listen to you and let you get it all out.

    I'm not kidding when I say your post above just made my day. Seeing someone with the strength to do what you did made me really proud of you and I don't know you from Adam.

    Take the next while slowly, you are going to have to rebuild your own identity and confidence. Finding a caring professional to help you might speed it up but keep your family close for the next while. And don't read or reply to texts, emails etc. If at all possible turn off your phone or block his number for a bit. Today is tough, tomorrow might be easier but some of the tough days are going to test you. Be prepared for that but think back on the fact that you deserve to be with someone who makes you feel special and loved all the time not just when it suits them.
