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Paper never refused ink...and I never refused a spud!

  • 12-08-2015 4:28pm
    Registered Users Posts: 341 ✭✭

    OK so this is my first log and not really sure how it's going to/supposed to go. Bit of background, I am a 25 year old male who started into the world of fitness and lifting about a year ago. Went well for about three months last summer and then dropped off a good bit since then with the odd burst here and there. So time to get back into it while I have a bit of time off work!

    Starting out as follows:

    Height = 5ft 9 inches
    Starting weight = 12st 10.8lbs
    Starting waist measurement = 39 inches

    Program I am following is Jason Blaha's modified 5x5 (mostly) as the main goal for the minute is fat loss. Diet is not great but have been steadily improving with main information and motivation coming from Pat Divilly's stuff (big fan!). No set diet as yet, just trying to eat real foods and get healthier to drop some weight and tone up, then I will probably consider size.

    Started last Saturday and brief log of there to today is as follows:

    5km jog/run/walk - 39 minutes (walking a lot of this at the start with my aim to get it below 30 mins)

    Gym session -
    Squat - 5x5 - 65kg
    Bench Press - 5x5 - 40kg
    Barbell Row - 5x5 - 35kg
    Barbell Shrugs - 3x8 - 40kg
    Barbell Curls - 3x8 - 20kg (bar only)

    5km jog/run/walk - 36 minute (big improvement but pushed very hard to get this)

    Gym Session -
    Squat - 5x5 - 67.5kg (not great form so will stick with this weight)
    Deadlift - 5x5 - 60kg, 70kg, 80kg, 70kg, 60kg
    Overhead Press - 5x5 - 30kg
    Barbell Curls - 20kg (bar only)

    5km walk (Sore enough today so just gonna walk the 5km and not time it)

    Diet today will be as follows (need to start measuring more!):

    Breakfast - Microwavable porridge with low fat milk
    Lunch - 3 free range eggs with dash of skimmed milk and two slices of cheese scrambled
    Dinner - half sweet potato chips and two breasts of chicken (all roasted in oven in coconut oil)
    Snacks - Rice cakes and Casein Protein shake before bed

    Finally, my goals are simple enough for the minute. I want to hit 11 stone and see how I look then (mainly lose stomach/chest/thigh fat although I know I can't spot reduce) and also run a sub 30 min 5km.



  • Registered Users Posts: 341 ✭✭IR1SH RANG3R

    Alright day today! Diet was as follows:

    Breakfast: microwave porridge with low fat milk
    Lunch: scrambled 3 eggs with 2 slices of cheese and two handfuls of spinach
    Dinner: 2 chicken breasts fried in coconut oil
    Snacks: slice of cheesecake (it is my birthday) and tae ��

    Gym session done this evening as follows:

    Squat 5x5 at 67.5 kg
    Bench 3x5 and 2x3 at 42.5kg
    Row 5x5 at 35kg
    Shrugs 3x8 at 42.5kg
    Tricep extension 3x8 at 40kg (this was too heavy though and didn't do them great)
    Curls 2x8 at 22.5kg and 1x5 at 20 kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 341 ✭✭IR1SH RANG3R

    Gym session today and it was one of those days where everything just clicked and went right!

    Was as follows:

    Squat - 5x5 - 67.5kg (nailed this finally, onwards and upwards!)
    Deadlift - 5x5 - 65kg, 75kg, 85kg, 75kg, 65kg
    Overhead Press - 5x5 - 32.5kg (struggled but pushed out the last couple of reps)
    Barbell Rows - 5x5 32.5kg
    Close Grip Bench Press - 3x8 30kg (always struggle with form on this one!)
    Barbell Curls - 3x8 22.5kg
    Plank - 5x 45 seconds each with 45 second break between each (loving the planks lately, literally bucketing the sweat during them)

  • Registered Users Posts: 341 ✭✭IR1SH RANG3R

    Had a weigh in this morning and slightly disappointed with it, but at least it's going in the right direction! Need to be stricter with the food and measurements!

    Current Weight = 12st 8.4lbs
    Waist = 38.25 inches

    This was followed swiftly by a 5km run which was completed in 37 mins 42 seconds!

  • Registered Users Posts: 341 ✭✭IR1SH RANG3R

    Been a couple of days, here's how things shaped up:

    Monday: Gym session -

    Squat - 5x5 70kg
    Bench 5x5 42.5kg
    Row 5x5 at 37.5kg (form is slipping a bit)
    Shrugs 3x8 at 42.5kg
    Tricep extension 3x8 at 30kg (much better weight to get the form down)
    Curls 3x8 22.5kg
    Planks 5x45 seconds with 45 second breaks

    Tuesday: 5km run which was completed in just over 3 minutes - need to pick things up!

    Wednesday (Today): Gym Session -

    Squat - 5x5 - 72.5kg
    Deadlift - 5x5 - 70kg, 80kg, 90kg, 80kg, 70kg (really struggled with this)
    Overhead Press - 2x5 and 1x4 - 35kg and 1x5 at 20kg (35kg was too heavy and had a sore shoulder so fecked up on these, probably drop back next time)
    Barbell Rows - 5x5 32.5kg
    Close Grip Bench Press - 3x8 30kg
    Barbell Curls - 3x8 22.5kg
    Plank - 5x 45 seconds each with 45 second break between each.

    Random Thoughts: The last few times I went to the gym a strange thing happened. I had fallen into a routine of going tipping away at my training and thinking it was great. However, I always stuck around the same weights and couldn't push out more reps. I tried going with a more positive attitude the last few times and MY GOD what a difference! I go in and don't overthink the weights, stick to my rest times perfectly and tell myself all the while in there that I am going to BOSS this session. The difference is unbelievable! I won't let myself slip back into the mechanical way of going to the gym anymore, make every session count!

  • Registered Users Posts: 341 ✭✭IR1SH RANG3R

    Had a weigh in this morning as I am away at a wedding from tomorrow for a couple of days and the diet is gonna go to ****:

    Current Weight = 12st 8lbs
    Waist = 38 inches

    I'm really at a loss as to how the loss is so slow. My diet is pretty good and I am training basically everyday so this is really getting to me! I suppose it is still going in the right direction I just would have thought from experience it would be going faster!

    Anyway, 5km walk today before the couple of days break as I've felt a twinge in my leg the last couple of runs and gym sessions so want to rest it a bit.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 341 ✭✭IR1SH RANG3R

    So been a few days since I posted so here's an update of the last few days:

    Sunday: Gym Session -

    Squat - 5x5 75kg
    Bench 5x5 45kg
    Row 5x5 at 37.5kg
    Shrugs 3x8 at 45kg
    Tricep extension 3x8 at 35kg
    Curls 3x8 22.5kg
    Planks 5x45 seconds with 45 second breaks

    Monday: 5km run which was completed in just over 38 minutes - was very sore after this, think it's from running on the road, might leave off the running for a bit/look into doing sprints!

    Tuesday: Gym Session -

    Squat - 5x5 - 77,5kg
    Deadlift - 5x5 - 70kg, 80kg, 90kg, 80kg, 70kg
    Overhead Press - 2x5 - 35kg and 1x5, 1x4 and 1x3 at 30kg (need to drop back)
    Barbell Rows - 5x5 32.5kg
    Close Grip Bench Press - 3x8 32.5kg
    Barbell Curls - 2x8 and 1x7 at 22.5kg
    Plank - 5x 45 seconds each with 45 second break between each.

    Wednesday: Rest because the running is out

    Thursday: Gym Session -

    Squat - 5x5 80kg - struggling!!!
    Bench 5x5 47.5kg
    Row 5x5 at 40kg
    Shrugs 3x8 at 45kg
    Tricep extension 3x8 at 35kg
    Curls 3x8 22.5kg
    Planks 5x45 seconds with 45 second breaks

    Resting again today and looking forward to lifting again tomorrow and maybe a weigh in!

  • Registered Users Posts: 341 ✭✭IR1SH RANG3R

    Gym session today went as follows:

    Squat 5x5 82.5kg
    Deadlift - 5x5 - 75kg, 85kg, 95kg, 85kg, 75kg
    Overhead Press - 5x5 32.5kg
    Barbell Rows - 5x5 35kg
    Close Grip Bench Press - 3x8 35kg
    Barbell Curls - 3x8 at 22.5kg
    Plank - 5x 45 seconds each with 30 second break between each.
