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Best Network Suggestion?

  • 18-08-2015 7:12pm
    Registered Users Posts: 24


    Am looking to get my mother signed up to a bill pay plan - she really only uses the phone for calls and text (bearing in mind her phone is an old school Nokia she can't do much else!) and I was wondering if anyone could maybe provide some suggestions or advice?

    She's currently paying on average around €30-40 per month in PAYG top up charges on on the phone with 3 (formally o2) and we were thinking of possibly Tesco Mobile as they seem to have very reasonable rates - €25 per month for all calls, texts and data (Data as we'd like to get her finally using WhatsApp!). Are Tesco Mobile any good or should we avoid and look elsewhere?

    Also, we were thinking Sony Xperia M4 Aqua as it has a nice 5" screen that should be easy to read and a decent camera - would that be a good handset to go with the price plan?

    Any help gratefully recieved


