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From Couch 25k To Where Ever



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Thanks . Your advice for me to take the few days off was spot on.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Here are my splits for last nigths interval session ,the plan called for 5 x 3 mintue at 5k pace which is 8.42 for me.

    Split 1 @ 8.04
    Split 2 @ 9.03
    Split 3 @ 8.00
    Split 4 @ 8.11
    Split 5 @ 8.00

    As I expected I ran quicker than I should have on most of the splits despite trying to run @ a steady 8.42, as you can see I'm not too good at looking at the watch when doing tempo run. Hopefully i will get better at judging my pace.

    On to week 4 today
    Week 4
    Day | Workout | Notes
    Sunday | 45 mins easy |
    Monday | 8 x 30 secs hills |
    Tuesday | 45 mins easy |
    Wednesday| 90 Minutes Easy |
    Thursday | rest |
    Friday | 60 Min with 30 Min Marathon Pace | @9.49 pace
    Saturday | 45 Minutes Easy |

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Todays easy 45 minutes completed. I took it nice and easy 4.16 miles @10.51 pace. It was a lovely evening for a run.

    1 @ 11.06
    2 @10.49
    3 @ 10.46
    4 @ 10.35
    5 @1.52

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    Some nice 5k splits there!
    you'll get the hang of the pacing with more practice. No harm using the watch as a guide until you can hone into it by feel.

    Good luck with the week ahead! All systems go!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Today's hill sprint session completed . 8 x 30 seconds wit recovery between.

    This was a tough but enjoyable session . I walked back down the hill for the recovery between the sprints as I was out of breath.

    Did a 1 mile warm up and 1 mile cool down.


    1 @ 6.25 min mile
    2 @ 5.56
    3 @ 6.07
    4 @ 6.13
    5 @ 6.32
    6 @ 6.23
    7 @ 6.23
    8 @ 6.26in

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Had a lovely teatime run this evening in Newbridge Park. Despite it being only down the road from me I have never ran there before. Running in the shade of the woods was especially enjoyable.

    The plan called for 45 minutes easy. My legs were a little stiff when i started but was grand after I warmed up. I kept it easy as tomorrow is my long run and last weeks wasn't great, I think that was down to me running to quickly of my Tuesday run. Tomorrow will tell

    4.22 miles @ 10.44 pace

    Average HR 143

    Mile Splits

    1 @ 11.12
    2 @ 10.51
    3 @ 10.33
    4 @ 10.27

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    90 minute easy run this evening. I felt quite good so I just ran by feel at a comfortable pace. I was out on the coast in Clontarf into a refreshing but stiff breeze for miles 5 and 6 .

    8.74 miles in 92 minutes

    Average 10.32 min mile
    Heartrate 141 bpm


    1 11.07
    2 10.46
    3 10.41
    4 10.37
    5 10.43
    6 10.25
    7 10.22
    8 10.08
    9 7.17

    Rest day tomorrow

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Todays plan was a tempo session consisting of 15 minutes warm up followed by 30 min at Marathon pace which the calculators tell me is 9:52 minutes per mile for me and 15 minute cool down.

    I headed out to Clontarf to do this session on the tarmac by the sea.. I found it comfortable enough going though I did take it really easy on the warm up and cool down.

    To record the session I just manually set laps for each section of the session warm up, tempo and cool down.

    Lap 1: 15 minute Warm up at 11.30 pace avg Heart rate 129 distance 1.31 miles

    Lap 2: 30 Minute tempo @ @9.30 Pace avg heart rate 154 Distance 3.16 miles

    Lap 3 : 15 Minute cool down @ 12.12 Pace avg heart rate 150 Distance 1.21 miles

    Total 5.7 miles in 60 mins @ 10.34 pace. Heart Rate Avg 147 Max 163

    I'm not sure if I took the easy too easy, I could have run quicker had I need to but I was just enjoyed the surroundings.

    My temp was 20 seconds a mile quicker than it should have been but I was comfortable enough at that pace so I just kept at it . I'm not sure if I should have eased back or not but I'm getting used to holding a pace I was pretty much rock solid on 9.30 for the complete 30 minutes .

    45 Minutes easy tomorrow will finish week 4 for me and week 5 is a step back week to include a fartlek which will be new to me , I'm looking forward to it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Today's easy run completed.

    45 minutes @10:12 pace Avg Heart rate 139 bpm

    Thats week 4 of the plan completed.

    Week 5 is a step back week , here's the schedule.

    Week 5
    Sunday|30 minutes easy|
    Monday|6 x 8 secs Hill Sprints|
    Tuesday|30 Minutes Easy|
    Wednesday|75 Minutes Easy|
    Saturday|30 Minutes Easy|

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    You're flying it! Nice variation there in the plan. Sounds like you're enjoying it too. Great commitment from you too.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Ososlo wrote: »
    You're flying it! Nice variation there in the plan. Sounds like you're enjoying it too. Great commitment from you too.

    Thanks I'm loving it at the moment and definitely 100% committed to my running. The plan I'm following is the DCM 2014 plan Clearier did for the Graduates of your 2014 DCM mentored novice thread . I juggled it around a little to fit in with my schedule , its really enjoyable and not too tough . I need to follow a plan to keep me honest.

    Next friday is a Fartlek, I've never done one. I know the basics of what it should be but I was going to ask for specifics about how to do it but I saw the post you made on Fifas thread and I think I know how to go about that now , It should be fun.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Nice easy 3.05 miles in 33 minutes @ 11.00 pace

    Avg heartrate 128 . I found it very easy. I hardly feel like I've ran at all. Guess I am just getting fitter

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Another easy session today.
    1 mile warm up 6 x6-8 second hill sprints with revovery and 1 mile cool down.

    Jogged back for recovery today . It looked cool out so I wore a long sleeve winter top , it was warmer than I thought . Certainly no need for the winter gear yet.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Easy 30 minutes tonight . It was raining so I ran it a little too quick for an easy run .

    Pace 9.58 Avg hr 137

    1 10.11
    2 9.58
    3 9.27

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Today the plan called for 75 minutes easy. It was evening time and nice and cool but still bright when I got to run. I had decide to do 7 miles @ 11 minute pace but once I started to run I felt really light on my feet, By effort I thought I was running around 11 minute pace but when I looked at my watch I was actually running around 10 pace . I felt really good and pretty early on in the run decided to forget about the target pace and to just run and enjoy it.

    When I got to Mile 5 I realised I would have to alter my route to get the 75 minutes which I did.

    I felt really good for the complete run and still can't really believe how well it went , even after the run I still feel really fresh.

    I haven't a clue why the run went so well, I wore my free runs because my usual shoes were still wet after yesterdays run, I had a feed of pasta yesterday, perhaps it was just one of those days when everthing comes right, I just love those days, but I think its more likely its the effect the plan I am following is having one me.

    Anyway here are the splits

    1 @ 9.59
    2 @ 10.10
    3@ 9.55
    4@ 9.44
    5@ 10.14 (uphill from the coast into Raheny
    6 @ 9.49
    7@ 9.04
    .42@ 3.47

    total 7.42 miles in 72 minutes 42 seconds,

    Average pace 9.54
    Heartrate AVG 142 Max 165

    I really enjoyed my run tonight , rest day tomorrow though I think my brother wants to start c25k so I might go out with him as a recovery run if he doesn't change his mind. Fartlek on Friday I'm really looking forward to that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    The Muppet wrote: »
    Today the plan called for 75 minutes easy. It was evening time and nice and cool but still bright when I got to run. I had decide to do 7 miles @ 11 minute pace but once I started to run I felt really light on my feet, By effort I thought I was running around 11 minute pace but when I looked at my watch I was actually running around 10 pace . I felt really good and pretty early on in the run decided to forget about the target pace and to just run and enjoy it.

    When I got to Mile 5 I realised I would have to alter my route to get the 75 minutes which I did.

    I felt really good for the complete run and still can't really believe how well it went , even after the run I still feel really fresh.

    I haven't a clue why the run went so well,

    Lots of running endorphins in this log tonight!
    Funny enough your run tonight sounds identical to my run The Muppet! Much faster than usual, felt great, can't understand how/why it was so effortless. Funny how that happens sometimes!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Ososlo wrote: »
    Lots of running endorphins in this log tonight!
    Funny enough your run tonight sounds identical to my run The Muppet! Much faster than usual, felt great, can't understand how/why it was so effortless. Funny how that happens sometimes!

    That's exactly it , must check to see if there's a full moon.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    I did my first fartlek session this evening. It was good to add a bit of variety.

    I headed to Newbridge park for this . I did 10 minutes warm up and then 14 tempo runs at various distance and pace with recovery between them . I finished off on the football pitch doing quarter half and full lengths . It was an enjoyable session .

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    30 minutes easy today @ 10.49 pace avg hr 127bpm

    I focused on keeping it at an easy pace today as I ran some of my easy runs a little quickly this last week.

    That's week 5 of the plan completed , the weeks are flying in, I enjoyed the step back week I had some really good (for me) runs .

    Week six starts tomorrow with a 50 minute easy. I'm looking forward to the challenge of phase 2 of the plan longer runs in cooler evenings hopefully and some tough tempo sessions too.

    Splits for today

    Mile 1 @10.54
    Mile 2@ 10.42
    mile 3 @10.25

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    For the day thats in it I decided to get my run in early so that I could watch the matches later today.

    I got up at 8 had a glass of water and I was our the door for my 50 minutes easy by 8.15. I headed off on a five mile route taking in a mile through the ward river park. It was really lovely there this morning, In fact at one point I stopped for a minute just to take in the surroundings.

    I usually listen to music on my easy runs but I couldn't find my headphones this morning so it was a music less run, I actually enjoyed running without the music, I took in more of my surroundings.

    4.8 miles in 50:38 @ 10.33 pace

    Avg Heart Rate 134

    mile 1 @ 11.14
    Mile 2 @ 10.37
    Mile 3 @ 10.28
    Mile 4 @ 10.19
    mile .8 @ 8.01

    Day 1 of week 6 complete now !!!CMON IRELAND!!!!
    Week 6
    Sunday|50 minutes easy|
    Monday|8 hill repeats 6-8 seconds with recovery|
    Tuesday|50 minutes easy|
    Wednesday|100 minutes easy|
    Thursday| Rest|
    Friday|4*4 min @5k effort with 3 min recovery|8.39 pace
    Saturday|50 minutes easy

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Hill repeat session tonight.
    1 mile warm up and cool down with 8 x 8 second hill repeats with recovery.

    Easy session , it was a bit breezy and i felt cool enough until I got warmed up.

    Warm up mile @ 10.07
    Cool down mile @10.30

    Avg hr 137

    I didn't record laps for the hills tonight

    During Yesterdays run I got to thinking about how many miles I have run to date so I went searching Garmin for the Data. I'm pretty sure most of my runs are included


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    I definitely wouldn't bother with lapping 8 second splits! They'd be all over the shop!
    Nice consistency the last few months. Great to see :+)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    4.94 miles this evening in 50.06 minutes

    It was a lovely evening for a run, part of my route was back along the swords estuary, it was really nice there this evening. I felt I was keeping it nice and easy so I'm a little surprised by the splits I though I was running nearer 11 minute miles .

    10.09 average pace
    135 average Heart Rate 158 max

    1 @10:51
    3@ 9:59
    5@ 9:58

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    The Muppet wrote: »
    I'm a little surprised by the splits I though I was running nearer 11 minute miles .

    Just means you're getting fitter :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    Just means you're getting fitter :)

    I guess so , I 'm running 6 days a week for the last 6 weeks and doing some sessions so I suppose I should expect to be getting quicker.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    9.4 miles tonight in 100 minutes @10.43 Pace. AVG hr 133

    My legs felt a little tired at times during this run though aerobically I felt really good. Its a strange feeling ,tired legs but the rest of the body wanting to push on.

    I had a liittle soreness in my knees too, It wasn't pain as such just a little sore .I don't think its anything to worry about I think its just a niggle but I will keep an eye on it . Rest day tomorrow so hopefully it'll be grand by Friday.

    1 @ 10.36
    2 @ 10.49
    3 @ 10.46
    4 @ 11.14
    5 @ 10.41
    6 @ 10.22
    7 @ 10.38
    8 @ 10.43
    9 @ 10.41
    .4 @ 4.06

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Today was a Tempo consisting of 4*4 min @5k effort with 3 min recovery. My 5 K pace is 8.39 per mile.

    I was pushed for time today with life getting in the way but I did manage to get my run in. I had to cut the warm up and cool down short which was not ideal.

    I parked on Kilbarrick road and ran from there up to watermill road and back along the cycle track. I felt quite good during the runs but I think I ran them a little too fast again. I just ran them by feel as if I was doing a 5k race. After the last tempo I was felling it. My legs were tired again today but the knees were fine , no soreness today at all which is good.

    In total I covered 3.40 miles in 32:16 mins @ 9.30 average pace

    Heartrate Avg 144 Max 162

    The splits

    1 warm up 3 mins @10:10
    2 Tempo 4:06 @ 7:58
    3 Recovery 2:50 @ 11:07
    4 Tempo 4:00 @ 8:01
    5 Recovery 2:58 @ 11:25
    6 Tempo 3:57 @ 8:09
    7 Recovery 2.55 @ 12:55
    8 Tempo 4:00 @ 7:52
    9 cool down 4:37 @ 12.43

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Today was a Tempo consisting of 4*4 min @5k effort with 3 min recovery. My 5 K pace is 8.39 per mile.

    I was pushed for time today with life getting in the way but I did manage to get my run in. I had to cut the warm up and cool down short which was not ideal.

    I parked on Kilbarrick road and ran from there up to watermill road and back along the cycle track. I felt quite good during the runs but I think I ran them a little too fast again. I just ran them by feel as if I was doing a 5k race. After the last tempo I was feeling it as can be seen from the recovery times. My legs were tired again today but the knees were fine , no soreness today at all which is good.

    In total I covered 3.40 miles in 32:16 mins @ 9.30 average pace

    Heartrate Avg 144 Max 162

    The splits

    1 warm up 3 mins @10:10
    2 Tempo 4:06 @ 7:58
    3 Recovery 2:50 @ 11:07
    4 Tempo 4:00 @ 8:01
    5 Recovery 2:58 @ 11:25
    6 Tempo 3:57 @ 8:09
    7 Recovery 2.55 @ 12:55
    8 Tempo 4:00 @ 7:52
    9 cool down 4:37 @ 12.43

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    Great session. I'd say your 5k time is a lot faster than you think. Only one way to find out;)
    3 minute warmup though!!!!!! Not ideal at all! But you know that yourself!
    Tread carefully... All the great work can end up in the bin from taking shortcuts that can lead to injury. I know it's hard to fit stuff in around real life but sometimes you'd be better off putting it off until you have the time to dedicate to the proper warm up and cool down. A good 15/20 min progressive warmup would be ideal to set you up nice and safely for a session like that.
    Mini lecture over:) well done again.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,003 ✭✭✭✭The Muppet

    Ososlo wrote: »
    Great session. I'd say your 5k time is a lot faster than you think. Only one way to find out;)
    3 minute warmup though!!!!!! Not ideal at all! But you know that yourself!
    Tread carefully... All the great work can end up in the bin from taking shortcuts that can lead to injury. I know it's hard to fit stuff in around real life but sometimes you'd be better off putting it off until you have the time to dedicate to the proper warm up and cool down. A good 15/20 min progressive warmup would be ideal to set you up nice and safely for a session like that.
    Mini lecture over:) well done again.

    I hear ya , thanks. Its not often I let real life get in the way but today it had to , I will bear what you have said in mind the next time .

    My 5k time is from the only timed 5 k I have done malahide parkrun in 26:52 . There are 3 hills on that course so perhaps I might be abit quicker on a flat course. I plan to do it again when I'm finished my current plan to compare times , I'm looking forward to that.

    Thanks again for the constructive criticism, I read a lot about running but I am just a novice and still learning so any advice from more experienced runners is always taken on board.
