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Is it time to get rid of the politics Mega Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,683 ✭✭✭barneystinson

    ziedth wrote: »
    This is my first post on this forum in what can I can only guess is years but I can't leave this censorship Craic go. It was my idea for the mega thread initially in the mod forum and I am not political and certainty not a FG/Lab supporter.

    I took a step back from this forum because the forum that I genuinely loved and spent years enjoying being a active contributer degenerated into the kind of bull**** that this thread is. Somebody asks a perfectly reasonable question and withing a handful of posts the usual ****e starts again.

    I can't urge enough to keep the mega thread.

    That's what I believe is called an Inconvenient Truth!

    No doubt those who feel they're being censored will choose to Conveniently ignore it and insist it's all Enda Kenny's doing... :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭fuzzy dunlop

    No, leave things as they are
    That's what I believe is called an Inconvenient Truth!

    No doubt those who feel they're being censored will choose to Conveniently ignore it and insist it's all Enda Kenny's doing... :pac:

    Well the only one the Megathread seemed to be sparing from inconvenient truths was FG and Labour. Its stramge it wasn't needed when FF were in power.And that is an inconvenient truth for some depite denial of political affiliations. It seems the Bull**** was acceptable when they were getting it in the eye and rightly so... But fair is fair. Sauce for the Goose and so on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭fuzzy dunlop

    No, leave things as they are
    wellboytoo wrote: »
    Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.

    From the above definition of censorship one cannot say the forum is being censored,corralled maybe but not censored.

    Coralled as a method of suppression so the definition fits. The Megathread is a single thread. If someone is discussing a local topic with a political slant which a lot of topics intrinsically have then someone can in the next post derail it with an unrelated post which is what happens on the Megathread, It meanders all over the place which enables people who want to deflect attention easily do so. This is a method of suppression of debate therefore it easily fits the censorhip definition you provided.

    It is also the reason the Megathread is an abject failure. Because it is impossible to discuss a thread about WIT when there has been so much political interference. This inconvenient fact has been reported on in the mainstream media (RTE Prime time). I think that is the real "inconvenient truth" around here and all the insinuations that the response to this is somehow unreasonable or unjustified is laughable when you think about. it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,683 ✭✭✭barneystinson

    Well the only one the Megathread seemed to be sparing from inconvenient truths was FG and Labour. Its stramge it wasn't needed when FF were in power.And that is an inconvenient truth for some depite denial of political affiliations. It seems the Bull**** was acceptable when they were getting it in the eye and rightly so... But fair is fair. Sauce for the Goose and so on.

    What you're asserting there is only valid if there was the same level of political argument going on here during previous govts- I'd be surprised if that's the case. Seems to me more likely that the determination of some posters to take every opportunity to politicise threads and soapbox, increased markedly when the recession hit home (a process that probably started during the last govt and continued until enough was enough.

    Are you suggesting Ziedth is lying?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭fuzzy dunlop

    No, leave things as they are
    What you're asserting there is only valid if there was the same level of political argument going on here during previous govts- I'd be surprised if that's the case. Seems to me more likely that the determination of some posters to take every opportunity to politicise threads and soapbox, increased markedly when the recession hit home (a process that probably started during the last govt and continued until enough was enough.

    Here is some facts or inconvenient truths as you like to call them. Before the last election there was just as much political argument which included Sully at one stage telling us how much the opposition (who were FG at the time) were doing a good job. This is way before Sully admitted he canvassed for FG. There was no need for a megathread then conveniently enough for the FG supporters who had an open goal on the government.

    The determination of some posters to politicize threads is a gross exaggeration. There is only a handful of threads that get politicized out of the twenty five or so that are usually on the home page, two to be precise out of the first fifty. That is 4% of threads are regularly political in nature. They are not being politicized by posters they are being politicized by government actions. So again the inconvenient facts are that the threads are not being swamped with political discussion thus there was never a need for a mega thread except to preserve the FG supporters blushes.
    Are you suggesting Ziedth is lying?

    What are you his lawyer? How do I know if he is lying? Only Ziedth knows if he is lying or not. Are you suggesting Sully and Cabaal (who had a penchant for a while for implying some of us were conspiracy theorists) argued against the mega thread on the principle of objectivity?:D

    BTW the posting history is interesting here. It seems some of the people who hate discussing politics here have no problem over on the politics cafe when they have the numbers behind them. Goes to show its not the politics but being on the wrong side of the argument;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,683 ✭✭✭barneystinson

    BTW the posting history is interesting here. It seems some of the people who hate discussing politics here have no problem over on the politics cafe when they have the numbers behind them which is the appropriate forum for that discussion. Goes to show its not the politics but being on the wrong side of the argument;)


    Is that why you want to do all your political ranting "discussion" on here, rather than the appropriate designated forum, because you feel the numbers are on your side here in good old Union city...?! ;)

    While you were nosying, you may have noticed that probably 95% of my posts in the politics café are on two threads - the IW mega thread and the Paul Murphy being arrested thread. I also went on a kind of safari trip into the Sinn Fein mega thread for a few posts when all the sexual abuse stories were the big news story a few months back, and that was certainly interesting.

    But the overall majority of my posts over the last 5 years are in the taxation and accountancy forums, yet I never post about either of those things in this forum. Applying your logic that must be because of lack of numbers to support my talk about numbers, whereas in reality (just like with my posts about IW and the Jobstown 27) it's just a case of posting in the appropriate forum. You should try it :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,776 ✭✭✭Bards

    No, leave things as they are
    Would be interested in hearing actual canditates views on their constituents not being allowed to openely discuss local politics properly in a local forum on Ireland's biggest de-facto online discussion board without being shoehorned into a Mega Thread where it is almost impossible to have a coherent discussion.

    I have a funny feeling they just might have a different opinion on this compared to the Mods and other FG wannabe's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,683 ✭✭✭barneystinson

    Bards wrote: »
    Would be interested in hearing actual canditates views on their constituents not being allowed to openely discuss local politics properly in a local forum on Ireland's biggest de-facto online discussion board without being shoehorned into a Mega Thread where it is almost impossible to have a coherent discussion.

    I have a funny feeling they just might have a different opinion on this compared to the Mods and other FG wannabe's.

    So that's it is it, people who don't agree with you are either Mods or FG wannabes?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,683 ✭✭✭barneystinson

    Prompted into rummaging mode by Fuzzy's commentary into my posting history, I went looking at the 53 people who had voted on this poll, as of 9am this morning - interestingly enough there's about half a dozen of the 30 voting to get rid of the mega thread, who have never even posted in the Waterford City/County forums.

    All of the 23 voting to keep the megathread have a history of posting on the forum in question.

    Just thought it was interesting...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭fuzzy dunlop

    No, leave things as they are

    Is that why you want to do all your political ranting "discussion" on here, rather than the appropriate designated forum, because you feel the numbers are on your side here in good old Union city...?! ;)

    Said like a true Fine Gaeler. Just because someone is not fawning over your corrupt little cult they have to be a a supporter of some other group you are paranoid about. Are you even from Waterford? You obviously have no interest in the place judging by the speed you have resorted to throwing mud at the City with your "Union" moniker.
    While you were nosying, you may have noticed that probably 95% of my posts in the politics café are on two threads - the IW mega thread and the Paul Murphy being arrested thread. I also went on a kind of safari trip into the Sinn Fein mega thread for a few posts when all the sexual abuse stories were the big news story a few months back, and that was certainly interesting.

    It is interesting. Especially the IW one. There you will see the FG shills using the same tactics as you are now specifically trying to label those opposed to it as some sort of loony left group. When the reality is, it is the corrupt and incompetent way it was done is what has everybody fuming. Its why 90% of people haven't paid it. There is not that many lefties in Ireland.
    But the overall majority of my posts over the last 5 years are in the taxation and accountancy forums, yet I never post about either of those things in this forum. Applying your logic that must be because of lack of numbers to support my talk about numbers, whereas in reality (just like with my posts about IW and the Jobstown 27) it's just a case of posting in the appropriate forum. You should try it :)

    Its no wonder this country went bust if you are the quality of accountant or auditor that is in existence.Because you are abysmal with numbers seemingly. Explains a lot. FYI it is your logic that is extrapolating the activities on one or two threads to the entire forum. It is your logic that would dictate that 5% of your posts determine you're activity. This has been my point all along...So now that the penny has finally dropped for you that only a handful of threads descend into local political commentary you surely understand that what you have been saying is bollix. I post in the appropriate forum. Show me where I haven't.....It should not take you long since you seemingly went through the entire posting history of about 50 people.

    As for IW,Paul Murphy and Sinn Fein threads.Its no surprise you want to preserve the megathread if this is where you frequent. Like I said discussion of politics isn't your problem. You just can't do it unless the wind is at your back....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,683 ✭✭✭barneystinson

    Said like a true Fine Gaeler. Just because someone is not fawning over your corrupt little cult they have to be a a supporter of some other group you are paranoid about.
    Can you explain how you know I'm a Fine Gaeler? My job prohibits me from membership of a political party, even if I was that way inclined, which I'm not because I believe party politics is a complete farce.
    Are you even from Waterford? You obviously have no interest in the place judging by the speed you have resorted to throwing mud at the City with your "Union" moniker.
    I'm not from town, but if you continue to root through my posting history you'll figure out where in Waterford I'm from. And how/why do you assume me mentioning the fact that Waterford is traditionally perceived as being a stronghold of trade unionism is "throwing mud"? My point was that you seem to be left leaning (apologies if I'm wrong on that count), and it seems to me you feel more comfortable talking politics on a forum where you feel more people will be likely to agree with you, than on the forum designated for that type of discussion.
    It is interesting. Especially the IW one. There you will see the FG shills using the same tactics as you are now specifically trying to label those opposed to it as some sort of loony left group. When the reality is, it is the corrupt and incompetent way it was done is what has everybody fuming.
    Of course not everyone who is opposed to it are loony lefties. But to a man the you can be sure the loony left do oppose it (and remember you are the one who brought the loony left into this). I can fully accept that plenty of people have valid concerns about various aspects of IW and that's fine, but how's about you and I continue this discussion.... can you guess where I'm going to suggest... ON THE IRISH WATER MEGATHREAD!!
    Its why 90% of people haven't paid it. There is not that many lefties in Ireland.
    One of those statements is correct and the other is laughably incorrect. See if you can figure out which is which, if you need help come back to me.
    Its no wonder this country went bust if you are the quality of accountant or auditor that is in existence.Because you are abysmal with numbers seemingly. Explains a lot. FYI it is your logic that is extrapolating the activities on one or two threads to the entire forum.
    Is it? Show me where? I've simply stated I believe there's plenty of opportunity on Boards to talk about politics - when I want to do so I do it in the designated places. By all means if the mods on the Waterford forums choose to set up a politics subforum and move threads there that start or become political discussion, that might be a solution that could keep everyone happy (yourself excepted of course, because you come across as the type to always find fault or take offence).
    It is your logic that would dictate that 5% of your posts determine you're activity. This has been my point all along...So now that the penny has finally dropped for you that only a handful of threads descend into local political commentary you surely understand that what you have been saying is bollix.
    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. It's not for me to determine how many threads descended into what or how - I'm starting from a point where there is a megathread, and responding to a poll about whether it should stay or not. Other posters have indicated their belief that people were put off by the type of nasty personalised posting that results when people get into arguing politics - case in point your very personal comments about my competence in my profession, but I'll take my response on that point to PM (not Paul Murphy, god knows he's enough on his plate) - I have simply accepted their opinions are valid. Unless you can definitively prove no-one was ever put off posting on this forum by the bilious exchanges when threads go political, then it is you has ventured into bollix territory.
    I post in the appropriate forum. Show me where I haven't.....It should not take you long since you seemingly went through the entire posting history of about 50 people.
    When you assume.... ;) I didn't read a single post by any of those people; 2 mouse clicks on each voter shows their posting history by forum - I'd say I spent about one third of my child's mid-morning nap (circa ten minutes) clicking. It is interesting though, that while you're happy to throw the "are you even from Waterford" missile at me, you have no comment at all to make on the fact that a substantial chunk of your side of the poll have never had any interaction whatsoever with the forum before...
    As for IW,Paul Murphy and Sinn Fein threads.Its no surprise you want to preserve the megathread if this is where you frequent. Like I said discussion of politics isn't your problem. You just can't do it unless the wind is at your back....
    You'll have to explain this to me, maybe I just don't get Fuzzy logic (:pac:)
    If you're implying it's easy going posting in those threads from any particular persuasion, I suggest you go and read a few pages of posts - it is a warzone and a free-for-all in there, strewn with the carcases of the fallen from all sides. This last post of yours would be right at home in there, you're really wasted in here, you should go spread your wings and fulfil your potential in there... :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭fuzzy dunlop

    No, leave things as they are
    Can you explain how you know I'm a Fine Gaeler? My job prohibits me from membership of a political party, even if I was that way inclined, which I'm not because I believe party politics is a complete farce.

    So 90% of the threads on the WC forum should be quite suitable for you as they don't discuss politics.

    I'm not from town, but if you continue to root through my posting history you'll figure out where in Waterford I'm from. And how/why do you assume me mentioning the fact that Waterford is traditionally perceived as being a stronghold of trade unionism is "throwing mud"? My point was that you seem to be left leaning (apologies if I'm wrong on that count), and it seems to me you feel more comfortable talking politics on a forum where you feel more people will be likely to agree with you, than on the forum designated for that type of discussion.

    Again said like a true Fine Gaeler. I am, left leaning because I am critical of the government??? There is nothing I have posted that is can be construed to be supportive of Left Wing politics. How I know you're not from Waterford? Because you cling to the "trade union" dig like a drowning man to a life jacket. Farmers have the IFA. Industrial workers typically have a trade union.This is the way it is across the world. Make peace with it.....
    Of course not everyone who is opposed to it are loony lefties. But to a man the you can be sure the loony left do oppose it (and remember you are the one who brought the loony left into this). I can fully accept that plenty of people have valid concerns about various aspects of IW and that's fine, but how's about you and I continue this discussion.... can you guess where I'm going to suggest... ON THE IRISH WATER MEGATHREAD!!

    But the fact is most of the people who oppose it are not loony left.
    One of those statements is correct and the other is laughably incorrect. See if you can figure out which is which, if you need help come back to me.

    Maybe you can tell me on the IRISH WATER MEGATHREAD!!!!:D But incidentally this was from the horses mouth when I tried to pay a family members bill. But do tell you know what the government won't tell us:D
    Is it? Show me where? I've simply stated I believe there's plenty of opportunity on Boards to talk about politics - when I want to do so I do it in the designated places. By all means if the mods on the Waterford forums choose to set up a politics subforum and move threads there that start or become political discussion, that might be a solution that could keep everyone happy (yourself excepted of course, because you come across as the type to always find fault or take offence).

    Again when the role of the government are intrinsically involved in the local issues discussed in the threads then that is where the opportunity is and that is the designated place. The only function of the Megathread is forcing it onto the politics forum is to bury it in enough noise so it cannot be discussed. You can easily apply your logic to any thread by moving it to the X forum that deals with something in a general way.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. It's not for me to determine how many threads descended into what or how - I'm starting from a point where there is a megathread, and responding to a poll about whether it should stay or not. Other posters have indicated their belief that people were put off by the type of nasty personalised posting that results when people get into arguing politics - case in point your very personal comments about my competence in my profession, but I'll take my response on that point to PM (not Paul Murphy, god knows he's enough on his plate) - I have simply accepted their opinions are valid. Unless you can definitively prove no-one was ever put off posting on this forum by the bilious exchanges when threads go political, then it is you has ventured into bollix territory.

    There is nothing extraordinary about the claim. There is typically two or three hot topics. WIT, WRH or some flagrant strole of parochialism like the VEC merger. This is not hard to see. To suggest this is extraordinary is more of your grossly exaggerated BS. Tell us two or three others then!...You can pick from the "eight a side" or how about "dog found" or "where you went to school"
    When you assume.... ;) I didn't read a single post by any of those people; 2 mouse clicks on each voter shows their posting history by forum - I'd say I spent about one third of my child's mid-morning nap (circa ten minutes) clicking. It is interesting though, that while you're happy to throw the "are you even from Waterford" missile at me, you have no comment at all to make on the fact that a substantial chunk of your side of the poll have never had any interaction whatsoever with the forum before...

    Well this is pure bollox. From you alone there is 204 pages of results. You are saying you this with 50 other people in a few minutes and Yet twenty odd threads most of which are impossible to discuss politics are extraordinary for you.

    You'll have to explain this to me, maybe I just don't get Fuzzy logic (:pac:)
    If you're implying it's easy going posting in those threads from any particular persuasion, I suggest you go and read a few pages of posts - it is a warzone and a free-for-all in there, strewn with the carcases of the fallen from all sides. This last post of yours would be right at home in there, you're really wasted in here, you should go spread your wings and fulfil your potential in there... :)

    If this is the case then it will be easy for you to show me.....So do it......Post a link to a thread

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,683 ✭✭✭barneystinson

    So 90% of the threads on the WC forum should be quite suitable for you as they don't discuss politics.
    And do the other 10% discuss politics, or are they just the online equivalent of a load of people screaming abuse at each other...?!

    Again said like a true Fine Gaeler. I am, left leaning because I am critical of the government??? There is nothing I have posted that is can be construed to be supportive of Left Wing politics.
    I'll direct you to your own posting history on the SF megathread...
    as a Fuzzy man once said, make peace with it ;)
    How I know you're not from Waterford? Because you cling to the "trade union" dig like a drowning man to a life jacket. Farmers have the IFA. Industrial workers typically have a trade union.This is the way it is across the world. Make peace with it.....
    But I am from Waterford :confused:

    But the fact is most of the people who oppose it are not loony left.
    Agreed. As I said, you brought that up á propos of nothing.

    Maybe you can tell me on the IRISH WATER MEGATHREAD!!!!:D But incidentally this was from the horses mouth when I tried to pay a family members bill. But do tell you know what the government won't tell us:D
    Not clear what you're saying here- are you telling me an IW employee told you that 90% of people aren't paying? I thought that the phones are outsourced to a call centre crowd, so I'd love to know how the lowly individual reading stuff from a script in a call centre is privy to the payment rate stats in real time... As for the final sentence above, not a clue whether that's a question or a statement, or what it means in any event.

    Again when the role of the government are intrinsically involved in the local issues discussed in the threads then that is where the opportunity is and that is the designated place. The only function of the Megathread is forcing it onto the politics forum is to bury it in enough noise so it cannot be discussed. You can easily apply your logic to any thread by moving it to the X forum that deals with something in a general way.
    Won't disagree with you there, hence I'd favour a subforum where you aggressive politically active types can go to shout at each other and leave the rest of us to just natter away and get along together in the main forum, talking about where we went to school etc... ;)

    There is nothing extraordinary about the claim.
    Well we differ there because you'll have to explain how my logic implies what you're saying it does - we seem to be at cross purposes there. I'm not extrapolating anything - other posters on this thread have indicated a belief that the sniping and arguing on a number of threads was putting people off posting. I'm assuming their opinions are valid. It doesn't matter how many threads were involved. Unless you can definitively prove that view is wrong (and I don't see how you can BTW as it's very hard to prove a negative) then we're merely in the realm of opinion, and it's OK to differ on opinion without anyone having to accuse anyone else of talking bollix.

    If you want to keep arguing down this particular cul de sac (and I'm sure you do, since you can't seem to let anything go, ever... it's your most endearing quality), you'll definitely have to explain to me how anything I said suggests I believe "5% of your posts determine your activity".
    There is typically two or three hot topics. WIT, WRH or some flagrant strole of parochialism like the VEC merger. This is not hard to see. To suggest this is extraordinary is more of your grossly exaggerated BS. Tell us two or three others then!...You can pick from the "eight a side" or how about "dog found" or "where you went to school"
    Again I think you're reading too much into my threads - the bit I'm talking about being extraordinary is your assertion that no-one was ever put off posting in the forum generally, or some threads in particular, because of the political bickering. See my previous comment above about opinions, proving a negative etc...

    Well this is pure bollox. From you alone there is 204 pages of results. You are saying you this with 50 other people in a few minutes and Yet twenty odd threads most of which are impossible to discuss politics are extraordinary for you.
    You throw your bollix around a lot, maybe you should change your name to Fuzzy Bollix :p I'll talk you through the process because I can see this must be melting your head.
    1. Open this thread on a laptop/PC
    2. Click on the hyperlink to the number 30 in the poll result at the top of the page, to see the list of voters
    3. Right click on the first name and "open in new tab" (that way you just close the tab when you've finished and you're back to the list of names)
    4. Click on "statistics" and then "find all posts by ..."
    5. Down the left hand side of the page it shows what forums they posted in and how many posts in each. If Waterford isn't listed, they were never here...

    15 seconds tops - times 53 is less than 15 minutes, while the baby was dozing. A level of competence and efficiency you probably wouldn't associate with a Fine Gaeler, oh but wait, that's right I'm not a Fine Gaeler, except in your head :D

    If this is the case then it will be easy for you to show me.....So do it......Post a link to a thread
    I'm back to not knowing what you're asking - you want me to post a link to threads in the politics cafe? :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,128 ✭✭✭Gardner

    Lads to get away from the complete bull where talking here. Let’s focus on local politics and issues!

    Topic: Social Media:

    Will it play a huge part in the Election outcome locally?

    An observation of mine is Cullinane on Facebook. I will be giving him my No.2 but by **** is he turning me away from voting for him with what he posts. Over the past few month I observed him on many things but he engages with people when he knows he is going to be caught out. He is after been caught out on the IW issue many a time. He got taken asunder by a female poster over female rights and Cullinane respond with SF were an equal opportunity party etc. and the female poster acknowledged that and just pointed him back to her original question and Cullinane failed to respond. As we all know Sinn Fein’s history when it comes to female rights is as bad as the Catholic church but I really don’t think he should be engaging with people as much as he is……. Is it a Sinn Fein thing though? John Hearne on what he posts is complete and utter nonsense.

    Any notice this or agree?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,683 ✭✭✭barneystinson

    Gardner wrote: »
    Lads to get away from the complete bull where talking here. Let’s focus on local politics and issues!

    Topic: Social Media:

    Will it play a huge part in the Election outcome locally?

    An observation of mine is Cullinane on Facebook. I will be giving him my No.2 but by **** is he turning me away from voting for him with what he posts. Over the past few month I observed him on many things but he engages with people when he knows he is going to be caught out. He is after been caught out on the IW issue many a time. He got taken asunder by a female poster over female rights and Cullinane respond with SF were an equal opportunity party etc. and the female poster acknowledged that and just pointed him back to her original question and Cullinane failed to respond. As we all know Sinn Fein’s history when it comes to female rights is as bad as the Catholic church but I really don’t think he should be engaging with people as much as he is……. Is it a Sinn Fein thing though? John Hearne on what he posts is complete and utter nonsense.

    Any notice this or agree?

    Ummmmm, you do know this thread isn't for discussing local politics?! This thread is just a discussion about WHERE local politics SHOULD BE discussed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭fuzzy dunlop

    No, leave things as they are
    And do the other 10% discuss politics, or are they just the online equivalent of a load of people screaming abuse at each other...?!

    No they discuss politics and their association with a local issue. There is no shortage of forum rules for dealing with abuse. Hence people like you needing the megathread to hide behind.

    I'll direct you to your own posting history on the SF megathread...
    as a Fuzzy man once said, make peace with it ;)

    And what about it? You have a point to make?
    But I am from Waterford :confused:

    No **** you're confused. So confused you still can't tell which threads have been descending into mayhem. By the way shame on you for having to knock your own to make a cheap dig.....

    Agreed. As I said, you brought that up á propos of nothing.

    And you happily propogated it despite complaining it was off topic.

    Not clear what you're saying here- are you telling me an IW employee told you that 90% of people aren't paying? I thought that the phones are outsourced to a call centre crowd, so I'd love to know how the lowly individual reading stuff from a script in a call centre is privy to the payment rate stats in real time... As for the final sentence above, not a clue whether that's a question or a statement, or what it means in any event.

    That's what was said. You implied you have info to the contrary. Let's have it...

    Won't disagree with you there, hence I'd favour a subforum where you aggressive politically active types can go to shout at each other and leave the rest of us to just natter away and get along together in the main forum, talking about where we went to school etc... ;)

    There is no-one being aggressive. If you are as "take it or leave it" as you say you are which you are obviously not then you could just meander along to the 95% of threads that have no political dsicussion. You know the ones? The ones you are unable to show where this aggressive behaviour is prevalent:D. You are claiming to be apolitical and every thread descends into political discussion. Neither one of these assertions are true. The first one is deniable.....just but they more you are arguing the more it looks ludicrous. The second one is easily provable. So easy in fact the only question is why you haven't gone and done it yet.

    Well we differ there because you'll have to explain how my logic implies what you're saying it does - we seem to be at cross purposes there. I'm not extrapolating anything - other posters on this thread have indicated a belief that the sniping and arguing on a number of threads was putting people off posting. I'm assuming their opinions are valid. It doesn't matter how many threads were involved. Unless you can definitively prove that view is wrong (and I don't see how you can BTW as it's very hard to prove a negative) then we're merely in the realm of opinion, and it's OK to differ on opinion without anyone having to accuse anyone else of talking bollix.

    There is opinions and facts. If the sniping is is as prevalent as you are claiming then you can easily point it out. Yet you still are unable to do so. Facts are facts they are not open interpretation. Where are all these threads you are on about? Name them! Post a link to them!
    If you want to keep arguing down this particular cul de sac (and I'm sure you do, since you can't seem to let anything go, ever... it's your most endearing quality), you'll definitely have to explain to me how anything I said suggests I believe "5% of your posts determine your activity".

    You are claiming the forum is over run with political sniping because of the activity on two or three threads. What is so hard for you to understand? For someone who claims to work with numbers you are having real difficulty with some primary level maths here....
    Again I think you're reading too much into my threads - the bit I'm talking about being extraordinary is your assertion that no-one was ever put off posting in the forum generally, or some threads in particular, because of the political bickering. See my previous comment above about opinions, proving a negative etc...

    I am not saying anyone is not being put off. I am saying that they have no reason to be put off other then they don't like their own political leanings being challenged for their role in some of the events that have happened locally. This is not a valid reason for the megathread.
    You throw your bollix around a lot, maybe you should change your name to Fuzzy Bollix :p I'll talk you through the process because I can see this must be melting your head.
    1. Open this thread on a laptop/PC
    2. Click on the hyperlink to the number 30 in the poll result at the top of the page, to see the list of voters
    3. Right click on the first name and "open in new tab" (that way you just close the tab when you've finished and you're back to the list of names)
    4. Click on "statistics" and then "find all posts by ..."
    5. Down the left hand side of the page it shows what forums they posted in and how many posts in each. If Waterford isn't listed, they were never here...

    15 seconds tops - times 53 is less than 15 minutes, while the baby was dozing. A level of competence and efficiency you probably wouldn't associate with a Fine Gaeler, oh but wait, that's right I'm not a Fine Gaeler, except in your head :D

    Great now put that skill to finding a couple of threads beyond the three out of fifty that I mentioned that are full of political bickering. This is all you need to do and you still haven't done it. Just more fabrication and inane comments. Throwing me bollix around indeed. You just have to do one thing and you can't do it. Instead you have to refer to all sorts of BS such as the SF and IW megathread.

    I'm back to not knowing what you're asking - you want me to post a link to threads in the politics cafe? :confused:

    Let's keep it simple. Tell us the name of the threads or post the links from the first four pages (or as many as you like) of latest discussions on the Waterford City forum that are descending into politcal discussion? This is about a hundred threads in total. This will give you a nice round number to calculate a percentage. If the number is as high as you say it is you will have no trouble....

  • Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators, Regional South East Moderators Posts: 28,490 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cabaal

    Some of the type of stuff being thrown around in this thread is just really unhelpful,

    Some posters clearly cannot just accept that somebody doesn't have the same view without resorting to silly baseless accusations such as calling people FG trolls, wannabe FG or part of the FG cult. I'd like to remind people that such silly name calling is against the forum charter.

    People have also accused me of being a FG troll etc in the past and I will very much stand by my view that such people are conspiracy nuts and they might want to take their tinfoil hats off now and then and get some freshair, such accusations are just silly and add nothing to this forum.

    For the record I've never voted for FG in my life, I've said this time and time again.

    If you think the content of this thread is helping the argument for retiring the megathread then I really have to wounder,

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,683 ✭✭✭barneystinson

    No they discuss politics and their association with a local issue. There is no shortage of forum rules for dealing with abuse. Hence people like you needing the megathread to hide behind.

    And what about it? You have a point to make?

    No **** you're confused. So confused you still can't tell which threads have been descending into mayhem. By the way shame on you for having to knock your own to make a cheap dig.....

    And you happily propogated it despite complaining it was off topic.

    That's what was said. You implied you have info to the contrary. Let's have it...

    There is no-one being aggressive. If you are as "take it or leave it" as you say you are which you are obviously not then you could just meander along to the 95% of threads that have no political dsicussion. You know the ones? The ones you are unable to show where this aggressive behaviour is prevalent:D. You are claiming to be apolitical and every thread descends into political discussion. Neither one of these assertions are true. The first one is deniable.....just but they more you are arguing the more it looks ludicrous. The second one is easily provable. So easy in fact the only question is why you haven't gone and done it yet.

    There is opinions and facts. If the sniping is is as prevalent as you are claiming then you can easily point it out. Yet you still are unable to do so. Facts are facts they are not open interpretation. Where are all these threads you are on about? Name them! Post a link to them!

    You are claiming the forum is over run with political sniping because of the activity on two or three threads. What is so hard for you to understand? For someone who claims to work with numbers you are having real difficulty with some primary level maths here....

    I am not saying anyone is not being put off. I am saying that they have no reason to be put off other then they don't like their own political leanings being challenged for their role in some of the events that have happened locally. This is not a valid reason for the megathread.

    Great now put that skill to finding a couple of threads beyond the three out of fifty that I mentioned that are full of political bickering. This is all you need to do and you still haven't done it. Just more fabrication and inane comments. Throwing me bollix around indeed. You just have to do one thing and you can't do it. Instead you have to refer to all sorts of BS such as the SF and IW megathread.

    Let's keep it simple. Tell us the name of the threads or post the links from the first four pages (or as many as you like) of latest discussions on the Waterford City forum that are descending into politcal discussion? This is about a hundred threads in total. This will give you a nice round number to calculate a percentage. If the number is as high as you say it is you will have no trouble....

    Yep. As I suspected, you're not actually reading or comprehending what I'm typing. It's like trying to debate with a rabid dog.

    You keep telling me what YOU think I'm saying, which is not ACTUALLY what I'm saying, then challenging me to post links - the problem there chief is I don't need to, because there's nothing for me to post links to.

    If as you say there's only 3 threads that "descended" then how can the megathread be so hard to deal with? This little chat we're having shows you're well able to have a multifaceted argument, although you do seem to have little specks of foam around your mouth, so maybe try to get in a walk and some fresh air before your next reply...

    Anyway, for the THIRD time - other posters have the OPINION that an unspecified number of unidentified threads were "descending" and that this was offputting. I'm accepting their OPINION as valid. If you don't that's fine, but I have no intention of rooting around old threads for you. Also, since there's now a megathread, surely the only place I'd find what you're asking me for, is in the megathread (that's kinda the point of having it). You can shout at and insult me all day long, but it won't win you the argument or change my mind.

    If you are going to tell me "you are claiming [x, y or z]" then you'll have to quote where I'm claiming it and exactly how I'm to prove what I'm claiming. For example, I'm claiming I believe what Ziedth said, now here's a link to what he/she said (edit: actually I'll just copy & paste it, as it's easier)
    "This is my first post on this forum in what can I can only guess is years but I can't leave this censorship Craic go. It was my idea for the mega thread initially in the mod forum and I am not political and certainty not a FG/Lab supporter.

    I took a step back from this forum because the forum that I genuinely loved and spent years enjoying being a active contributer degenerated into the kind of bull**** that this thread is. Somebody asks a perfectly reasonable question and withing a handful of posts the usual ****e starts again.

    I can't urge enough to keep the mega thread."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,081 ✭✭✭wellboytoo

    This thread is proof if it was needed, that the status quo should continue . keep the Mega thread .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭fuzzy dunlop

    No, leave things as they are
    Yep. As I suspected, you're not actually reading or comprehending what I'm typing. It's like trying to debate with a rabid dog.

    You keep telling me what YOU think I'm saying, which is not ACTUALLY what I'm saying, then challenging me to post links - the problem there chief is I don't need to, because there's nothing for me to post links to.

    Listen I made it idiot proof for you and you still couldn't do it. You have a myriad of problems the foremost seems to be that you can't understand your own posts as well as being constitutionally incapable of telling the truth. If you did understand your own posts you would realize that in the last sentence I have quoted here you have just confirmed what I am saying.

    Here it is one more time. Just for you as you clearly have a problem seeing the bleeding obvious
    the problem there chief is I don't need to, because there's nothing for me to post links to

    EXACTLY!!!!! there is nothing to SUBSTANTIATE what you are saying.In other words BALLIX:D:D:D:D:D:D

    Queue an abundance of denials that "I didn't say what I did say":D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 29,384 ✭✭✭✭Wanderer78

    Ummmmm, you do know this thread isn't for discussing local politics?! This thread is just a discussion about WHERE local politics SHOULD BE discussed.

    ah yes, a meeting about a meeting thread. i like these ones!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭fuzzy dunlop

    No, leave things as they are
    wellboytoo wrote: »
    This thread is proof if it was needed, that the status quo should continue . keep the Mega thread .

    Why not go for broke and create a Megathread about the Megathread just to keep it on topic. After all its not strictly about Waterford or Politics:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,384 ✭✭✭✭Wanderer78

    Why not go for broke and create a Megathread about the Megathread just to keep it on topic. After all its not strictly about Waterford or Politics:D

    we could call it the ultra megathread. be cool with the kids and everything

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭fuzzy dunlop

    No, leave things as they are
    Wanderer78 wrote: »
    we could call it the ultra megathread. be cool with the kids and everything

    For an unspecified number of unspecified topics.....Just in case like!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,683 ✭✭✭barneystinson

    Listen I made it idiot proof for you and you still couldn't do it. You have a myriad of problems the foremost seems to be that you can't understand your own posts as well as being constitutionally incapable of telling the truth. If you did understand your own posts you would realize that in the last sentence I have quoted here you have just confirmed what I am saying.

    Here it is one more time. Just for you as you clearly have a problem seeing the bleeding obvious

    EXACTLY!!!!! there is nothing to SUBSTANTIATE what you are saying.In other words BALLIX:D:D:D:D:D:D

    Queue an abundance of denials that "I didn't say what I did say":D

    Aaaaaand you're still not getting - there's nothing for me to post links to because your request for links from me isn't in reply to anything I actually said, but to what you've decided you'd like me to have said ;)

    So for the 4th time: I accept the opinions of others (such as that of Ziedth whom I quoted) as valid - if you want them to go and prove what specific threads they were talking about, you can take it up with them, it's their opinion you disagree with :) If you want to try and prove that people haven't been put off posting here because of aggressive/abusive political posting, knock yourself out. I'm pretty sure having read this thread people will be queueing up to have a nice polite discussion about things with you...

    No matter how often or loudly you try to shout at me, won't make any difference, I still won't have said what you want me to have said. But by all means, keep spinning, like a true Fine Gaeler :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭fuzzy dunlop

    No, leave things as they are
    Aaaaaand you're still not getting - there's nothing for me to post links to because your request for links from me isn't in reply to anything I actually said, but to what you've decided you'd like me to have said ;)

    That tacit understanding is that the justification for the Megathread was that almost every thread was descending into political argument. You have been arguing in support of that position and all the wriggling and backpeddling won't change that. Not one single thread have you been able to use to support your argument. I have given you the most open goal possible and you are unable to take it. Your position is just not credible.
    So for the 4th time: I accept the opinions of others (such as that of Ziedth whom I quoted) as valid - if you want them to go and prove what specific threads they were talking about, you can take it up with them, it's their opinion you disagree with :) If you want to try and prove that people haven't been put off posting here because of aggressive/abusive political posting, knock yourself out. I'm pretty sure having read this thread people will be queueing up to have a nice polite discussion about things with you...

    The onus is on the person making the assertion that their is aggressive or abusive political posting that is how that works.Its the reason for the existence of the thing. Nobody has done that including you. All that has been shown so far is some people are not able to argue from a position of advantage anymore so they need a Megathread to give them some cover. Some people are put off by the megathtead. Why is their "opinion" less valid than those who only have to stay away from the two or three threads that are a problem for them? So the fact is you don't accept the opinion of others.......
    No matter how often or loudly you try to shout at me, won't make any difference, I still won't have said what you want me to have said. But by all means, keep spinning, like a true Fine Gaeler :cool:

    And to think you made a thinly veiled threat of legal action against me for defamation:D But shouldn't you be making that statement on the Megathread:D Your defending it to the death after all....And you being apolitical:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,683 ✭✭✭barneystinson

    And to think you made a thinly veiled threat of legal action against me for defamation:D

    Did I?

    Think we'll need to add humour to the list of things you struggle to comprehend.

    The fact you chose not to reply by PM to mine but want to bring it up here is classy as ever...

    Do you want to quote my PM or will I?

    Your posts are spiralling into more and more childish stuff; it's great, keep it up, soon I won't even need to respond... :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭fuzzy dunlop

    No, leave things as they are
    Did I?

    Yes you did.....
    Think we'll need to add humour to the list of things you struggle to comprehend.

    So why say it in a PM? You've shown you are a master of the inane.Why need a PM?
    The fact you chose not to reply by PM to mine but want to bring it up here is classy as ever...

    Because I am not a coward. Anyway says the guy desperate to recruit Ziedth into his arguement....They apolitical guy who is defending a political thread to the hilt.:D
    Do you want to quote my PM or will I?

    Go for it! But quote all of it all of it. But maybe think about putting in the humour section first. Including why you said you voted for Ciara.Because that was the only other part of that particular wheeze I saw before I lost interest.
    Your posts are spiralling into more and more childish stuff; it's great, keep it up, soon I won't even need to respond... :)

    Are you responding? Not one thing have you posted that confirms with any substance why the megathread is needed. Someone elses opinion that is all...With one tiny act you could have finished this but you weren't able yet you managed to check 50 peoples posting history. Like I said you're just not credible....What's most likely happened is you did check and couldn't find anything hence the sad act of seeing you trying to wriggle out of the arguement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,600 ✭✭✭lassykk

    Surely it's time to close this thread. It's essentially two people fighting with each other but getting absolutely no where

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