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ATH - First Round Match 4 - CasterTroy v ImnottheHulk

  • 08-09-2015 10:11am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭

    We plough ahead with match

    We plough ahead with match 4 and its another Around the Horn Vet, CastorTroy, and he’s taking one a new challenger to the game, ImnottheHulk. Lets see what we have in store for you guys.

    Simplified version of the rules:
    I will post a topic and you have to post your response including why you made that choice within a given time limit (before the next match is scheduled to begin), take care while making your responses however as the other contestant can counter your arguement i.e pointing out possible flaws in what youve said.

    *you can only counter an arguement two times so make sure your point is worth making. If someone's defense of their arguement isnt good it will count against them.

    *You can use the same answer as your opponent if you wish i.e you agree with their choice however its hard to win a debate when your making the same points someone has already made

    see the OP of the main thread for further details or if any examples are needed check out previous years competitions.

    Q4: Not everyone likes celebrity involvement in pro-wrestling but its been proved in the past that if booked right this can be a big draw for a promotion. With that in mind if you could pick one feasible celebrity, who hasn’t previously been on WWE, to have an angle in WWE who would you pick? why them? and how would you suggest them being used during their time in that promotion?

    After your first post, why would your choice be better than your opponents?

    Good luck lads!

    Whos Celeb angle was best? 12 votes

    ImnottheHulk - Rusev versus Chris Evans (Capt Aemerica)
    0% 0 votes
    JP Liz - The Miz battles Robert Downey Jnr
    100% 12 votes


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 305 ✭✭Imnotthehulk

    Celebrities and WWE can be a dangerous mix, but also one with great potential. As we have seen in the past some of the best interactions with celebrities has been from the world of comic book tv and films. There is massive crossover between traditional comics fans and traditional wrestling fans, essentially black tshirted male teens. Studios want to promote their comic book properties and WWE wants to draw extra media attention to their shows. It’s win win for all involved. With that crossover appeal and the previous participation of such stars as Hugh Jackman and Stephen Amell in mind, I would say my choice for celebrity involvement is very feasible. My choice would be Captain American himself, Chris Evans.

    The angle writes itself. Chris Evans (wearing a Capt. America t-shirt of course) appears as a guest host of Raw on the 1st March episode. He comes out to the ring, and as usual with this type of thing as interacts with several superstars; makes fun of the bad guys, laughs with the good guys. All well and good. Throughout the show we see Chris interacting with a number of superstars, all par for the course, until .. he finds himself confronted by Rusev. Rusev does what Rusev does and insults “Keptin Amerika” before spitting on the tshirt Evans is sporting. Security intervenes before any serious physical altercation can happen. Later that episode Jack Swagger, who has been feuding with Rusev recently, has a match with Sheamus. Of course, Rusev appears and distracts Swagger, allowing Sheamus to get the upper hand, Sheamus wins, and then proceeds to beat the fallen man. Evans been the all American man he is comes out to assist Swagger, hitting Rusev with a DDT or Book End. Rusev and Sheamus make their way out up the ramp and we later get Rusev complaining backstage. The episode finishes.

    Over the course of the next couple of episodes, as well as on social media Rusev complains about Evans and challenges him to a fight, if he’s man enough. We get taped segments from Chris Evans in response, and a match is made. This however will be a tag match, Chris Evans and Jack Swagger vs Rusev and Sheamus, and of course the match will be on the grandest stage of them all, WRESTLEMANIA 32. Wrestlemania 32 arrives, and of course Evans and Swagger beats Rusev and Sheamus.

    Evans interaction on tv would be as guest host on that first Raw, followed by taped segments for the next several weeks (as I’m sure he’ll need to be promoting films and such in the mean time), and then finally the Wrestlemania fight. Evans is young enough, fit enough, tall enough, and muscular enough to stand toe to toe with Rusev and for a match to not be overly unrealistic. Throwing Swagger and Sheamus into the mix will mean that Evans’ ring time can be limited enough, but still allow him to perform with a bit of training (and anyone who has seen Evan’s body in Capt. America knows this man can train!). Media interest would be massive, both the WWE and Capt. America Civil War would get huge publicity. Win Win.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 87,291 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    I too have gone the route of using an actor linked to the comic book world in Robert Downey Jr, he is after all the current biggest and richest movie star around and yet arrogantly charming

    I think the best WWE star to face him at Wrestlemania should be The Miz

    I would have their feud begin at the MTV Movie Awards where RDJ once again picks up a golden popcorn award, Miz is at the show after his role in Amy Schumer's new film which is nominated for a few, Miz is mad as RDJ wins again so takes to the stage Kanye West style angry, RDJ hands Miz the award and walks off saying who is he and that he isn't worth it

    Miz for the next few weeks trash talks RDJ on twitter and on Raw even bringing RDJ's award around with him, RDJ doesn't respond until when he is a guest on Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy brings up some of Miz's tweets, RDJ says Miz is an idiot who don't deserve his time, Miz comes out on the live show and continues his trash talk, RDJ asks Jimmy did he know he was there, Jimmy is saying no but Miz is getting in RDJ's face, Miz knocks off RDJ's trademark sun glasses, Jimmy calls out his security to take away Miz and RDJ also walks off the show

    Next morning it is the top trending topic on all social media platforms, entertainment shows and websites

    Miz is hosting MizTv on Raw with guest Jimmy Kimmel, Kimmel said RDJ is mad at them both and isn't talking to him after what Miz did, Miz is laughing as he don't care instead talking about himself being the real face of WWE and going to WM to headline and winning the world title, Jimmy asks Miz if he is jealous of RDJ and Miz lays him out

    Next Raw, Miz is facing Cesaro for to be in the world title match at WM when a RDJ lookalike comes out, Miz is distracted so loses, Miz mad and angry, takes out the lookalike afterwards

    On SD two more RDJ lookalikes appear and cost Miz another match so afterwards Miz attacks them both

    On Raw, Miz says if RDJ was a man enough he would come to Raw and face him, he calls RDJ a coward and a failure to all his fans

    Next morning the top trending topic on all social media platforms, entertainment shows and websites is Miz challenging RDJ

    The next Raw, Miz talks of being the man in WWE, the top man, who should be headlining WM, Miz has a match with Cesaro and loses as RDJ appears on screen, he tells Miz he has got his attention and to lap up his fifteen minutes of proper fame, he says he was never the man and never will be and that he will face him but not on Raw as he deserves a big grand stage so chooses WM and introduces his trainer coach to help him Ric Flair (the same Flair who Miz idolises and considers a mentor) with Flair appearing on screen next to RDJ both wooing

    I would have a few more lookalikes show up on SD and Raw with Flair and only have RDJ show up in person for his match at WM but on Raw have little videos of him training with Flair

    I would have RDJ win at WM thanks to help from Flair and Kimmel

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 305 ✭✭Imnotthehulk

    JP Liz V1 wrote: »
    I too have gone the route of using an actor linked to the comic book world in Robert Downey Jr, he is after all the current biggest and richest movie star around and yet arrogantly charming

    I think the best WWE star to face him at Wrestlemania should be The Miz

    Robert Downey Jr I think would be a great choice to make an appearance in the WWE. However I don't think involving him in a wrestlemania match would be the best way to do it.

    First of all, RDJ, is a 50 year old man. Yes, he's in great shape for a 50 year old man, but he's still a 50 year old chap. So it is expecting quite a bit to expect RDJ, at his age, to not only get into match ready shape, but also to gain the skills to realistically beat a former world champion in the prime of his youth.

    My next concern would be RDJ's height. He is 5 foot 8... 5 Foot 8.5 if you're being generous. This is a chap who has to wear heels so as not to look too much shorter than his co-stars. To put it into wrestling terms, he is shorter than such people as Michael Cole, Taz, Dean Malenko, Summer Rae, Jamie Noble, and a whole host more. Miz would literally tower over RDJ.
    I would have their feud begin at the MTV Movie Awards where RDJ once again picks up a golden popcorn award, Miz is at the show after his role in Amy Schumer's new film which is nominated for a few, Miz is mad as RDJ wins again so takes to the stage Kanye West style angry, RDJ hands Miz the award and walks off saying who is he and that he isn't worth it

    Now ... I did have a quick check ... but The Miz doesn't seem to have a credit in Amy Schumer's new film ... so between now and the MTV movie awards ... would this mean getting Amy Schumer on board, getting The Miz a role in her next film, releasing it in time to be nominated at the awards show, then getting MTV aboard as well so as to allow The Miz to storm the stage Kanye West style.

    Miz for the next few weeks trash talks RDJ on twitter and on Raw even bringing RDJ's award around with him, RDJ doesn't respond until when he is a guest on Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy brings up some of Miz's tweets, RDJ says Miz is an idiot who don't deserve his time, Miz comes out on the live show and continues his trash talk, RDJ asks Jimmy did he know he was there, Jimmy is saying no but Miz is getting in RDJ's face, Miz knocks off RDJ's trademark sun glasses, Jimmy calls out his security to take away Miz and RDJ also walks off the show

    Jimmy Kimmel is on board for the angle too ... there are quite a lot of stars getting involved for setting up a wrestling match...

    Next morning it is the top trending topic on all social media platforms, entertainment shows and websites

    Next morning the top trending topic on all social media platforms, entertainment shows and websites is Miz challenging RDJ

    Can we make predictions about how people will react to events that haven't happened? In that case I should add to my own answer that all the world learns of Chris Evan's involvement, and every single person on earth signs up to the WWE Network so they can watch it, and enjoy it so much they keep their subscriptions after Wrestlemania, making WWE the biggest and richest company in the world!
    I would have RDJ win at WM thanks to help from Flair and Kimmel

    Involving Flair is a good idea. But overall, I would say JP Liz's response is much less feasible than my own.
    Liz's answer involves:
    1) getting RDJ on board to train for and participate in a match (which I'll admit isn't unfeasible considering my answer)
    2) getting Miz into an Amy Schumer film which is released in time for the MTV Awards
    3) ensuring that RDJ is nominated and wins an award at the MTV Awards
    4) ensuring that Miz is allowed to storm the stage at the MTV Awards
    5) getting Jimmy Kimmel involved, to not only allow appear on Raw, but to have The Miz interrupt his show so he can confront RDJ.
    6) for RDJ to be in such a condition that he can put on a decent match with the much taller Miz, that he can fight, and beat him without it being an insult to fans.

    That is a lot to incorporate into an angle.

    Why is Chris Evans and my angle a better choice than Liz's RDJ angle? Well, Evans is a lot younger, and more physically capable of training for and participating in a wrestling match. Evans is tall enough and has the phsyique to look like he can compete in a wrestling match. Also, his will be a tag team match, partnered with a former world champion, so a victory for him won't be too demeaning to his opponents (who after all still have to make a living in the world of wrestling and shouldn't have their images too tarnised).

    RDJ, while in great shape, would have a much smaller chance of putting on as good a match with the much taller Miz, winning it, and leaving Miz's image untarnished for the next several months.

    My angle is relatively simple compared to Liz's. There's no need for Amy Schumer films, no need for Kanye Westing awards shows, which if done badly could actually hurt WWE, and no need for involving any other celebrities or their tv shows. Chris Evan's participation in a match on it's own would potentially be enough to get mainstream media's attention (just look at the reaction to rumours of Mickey Rourke having a match a few years ago).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 87,291 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Captain America actor Chris Evans is a good choice and who wouldn't want to see the angry brute Russian Rusev get beaten. Chris is younger and more in shape than RDJ and yes with a tag partner could do well in a match but is pairing him with Swagger who gets zero crowd reaction the best solution. Sheamus too is another who the crowd don't seemed very invested in.

    RDJ was the star of Avengers it was basically Ironman and his merry men so the attention to him would be more than for Evans

    RDJ with Flair who is the dirtiest player don't need to put on a 3 or 4 star match as Miz can sell so doing all the work, I'm sure with the right training RDJ could take a few bumps even at his age

    Miz with his Hollywood gimmick and mic skills can carry and build the feud on WWE TV all the way to WM plus who don't like seeing Miz getting beaten

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 305 ✭✭Imnotthehulk

    JP Liz V1 wrote: »
    Captain America actor Chris Evans is a good choice and who wouldn't want to see the angry brute Russian Rusev get beaten. Chris is younger and more in shape than RDJ and yes with a tag partner could do well in a match but is pairing him with Swagger who gets zero crowd reaction the best solution. Sheamus too is another who the crowd don't seemed very invested in.

    That's just not true. Jack Swagger has proven in the past that he can get very good crowd reactions. Most recently in his short feud with Rusev.

    Sheamus too is more than capable of getting great crowd reactions.

    The problem is that neither man has been put in a position to get such reactions. Swagger has been misused hugely, and Sheamus has spent most of his time in a rinse and repeat feud with Randy Orton. Given meaningful storylines both Sheamus and Swagger have proven they can get the crowd behind (or against) them.

    WWE is littered with talented superstars who lose all momentum and crowd reaction because the company can't give them proper or meaningful gimmick or storyline, Cesaro after Heyman, King Barrett, Damien Sandow before and after his time with The Miz, Luke Harper (before he rejoined the Wyatt family), Eric Rowan. You put superstars in the right programs and they will get crowd reactions.

    RDJ was the star of Avengers it was basically Ironman and his merry men so the attention to him would be more than for Evans
    Well, first of all, the film being promoted is Capt. America: Civil War. There should be no doubt that Chris Evans is the star of this film. RDJ may be in it, but it's a Capt. America film. Also, in both Avengers' films I would point out that in terms of screen time, Evans appears on screen for more time then any other Avenger.

    RDJ with Flair who is the dirtiest player don't need to put on a 3 or 4 star match as Miz can sell so doing all the work, I'm sure with the right training RDJ could take a few bumps even at his age
    RDJ will take a few bumps, and Miz will do most of the selling? So, in this singles match with Robert Downey Jr, we'll see The Miz, getting his ass handed to him, for the majority of a match, by a man he towers over, and is 16 years younger than?

    Even with interference from Ric Flair, that's a stretch.

    There is a reason that when entertainers wrestle they are generally put into tag matches. This is so the wrestlers can do most of the heavy lifting in a match, while also giving the stars enough time to impress and show off whatever training they've had.

    Putting an entertainer into a singles match, even a short one with Flair on the outside interfering, is a recipe for for boredom and disaster.
    Miz with his Hollywood gimmick and mic skills can carry and build the feud on WWE TV all the way to WM plus who don't like seeing Miz getting beaten
    Miz is great, and I think he would make this the best feud it could possibly be.

    However, even if RDJ was physically able to get good enough shape to have any kind of match with Miz, the whole reason for the angle can't happen. Miz ain't going to appear in an Amy Schumer film between now and the MTV Movie Awards. (Notwithstanding the fact that even MTV aren't going to give an award just to facilitate the booking of a match at Wrestlemania).

    My angle, it's straight forward, it's Captain America and co vs the Russian (Bulgarian) menace. Good vs Evil. It's simplicity is an asset, and the mere fact that a film star like Chris Evans is involved in a match is enough to get the world's media hopping.

    As you said, Evans is young enough, tall enough, and fit enough to make a worthy contribution to a match.

    I think of the two scenarios, the only one that could feasibly happen would be mine. IF both scenarios could happen, mine would result in a much better match.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 87,291 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Jack Swagger when paired with Zeb got some reaction from the crowd but on his own nothing. Sheamus and his gladiator film phrases also isn't getting any crowd reaction. Both also have not proven to be exceptional on the mic. Does anyone know what Rusev even says?

    Captain America Civil War is Evans film but RDJ will be the star, he is the richest actor around from his profit cut for the Marvel films and he don't play second fiddle to anyone

    I think having RDJ and Miz's feud start at the MTV Movie Awards instead of WWE TV gives the WWE more exposure and media attention

    This really comes down to who is the biggest star Evans or RDJ and for me it is RDJ and he will garner more attention for WWE

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Poll added

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Only a few more hours til voting closes... BUMP

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 87,291 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Well done Imnotthehulk

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 305 ✭✭Imnotthehulk

    JP Liz V1 wrote: »
    Well done Imnotthehulk

    Cheers, and well done back, to be honest, I thought the star power argument might have won it for you.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 87,291 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Cheers, and well done back, to be honest, I thought the star power argument might have won it for you.

    RDJ came up short for me :p
