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June 2016 Babies Club



  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Hazelnut Button

    Thats always good to hear. My little one will hopefully turn for exit too!

    Are you a primary or secondary school teacher? Although I don't think it makes much difference anymore....I say that because I think you used to be able to not count the summer holidays as part of your maternity leave and then it allowed an extra 2 or 3 months as an add on didn't it? Stupid Haddington Road probably ruined that.
    I can see how a shorter working week wouldn't really be a runner either. My sister is a nurse and they have to take their parental leave in blocks too as that allows for planning of rosters, etc.

    Secondary teacher and yep you're spot on. You used to be able to add holidays on at the end. All of my older colleagues keep telling me how I'm missing out and that if i want to maximise time off I have to have the next baby in December. ;) Let me get through this one first.

    Hopefully you're little one will have turned too Penny. Does he still feel breech? I wouldn't have been able to say before the scan. Doesnt feel massively different.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Secondary teacher and yep you're spot on. You used to be able to add holidays on at the end. All of my older colleagues keep telling me how I'm missing out and that if i want to maximise time off I have to have the next baby in December. ;) Let me get through this one first.

    Hopefully you're little one will have turned too Penny. Does he still feel breech? I wouldn't have been able to say before the scan. Doesnt feel massively different.

    :D:DIt never ceases to amaze me the opinions people have on your pregnancy and children and when they're born and all that stuff.
    My daughter was born in September - we'd been TTC for a year and so when the child was going to be born we didn't care we were just delighted that I'd actually gotten pregnant- lots of people congratulated our "clever planning" around the school year, etc.
    This little one being born in May/June has had the reaction of " the poor little thing, will always have their birthday at exam time" or " that makes picking when to send them to school really awkward you know".

    I didn't know nor do I care.

    Its also not the best when people you work with remind you of how much you're missing out on either. :(

    Sometimes I think the baby has moved and I'm certainly feeling activity further south but then just under my right ribs and in the liver area still feels like something is wedged in there. Of late I get this odd feeling in my right leg or groin area. Its like the baby has gotten his foot stuck in there and is trying to get it out. Its not sore as such but it certainly feels odd.
    I'm dying for my appointment next Tuesday. I know its a good thing that I can be left for 3 weeks at a time at this stage of the pregnancy especially given the concerns that the doctors did have earlier on about how the pregnancy would progress (and kindly kept quiet about that) but I want to see my baby again. Also at the start I was in so frequently for check ups that it became the new normal for me to have a 10 day check in with the baby. I feel him move about lots and lots and thats lovely but I really am at the stage now where I like to see him, how much he has grown and I even find myself searching his little face for similarities with his sister. :o

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,043 ✭✭✭appledrop

    I'm working right up to the end aswell Hazelnut and at the moment I'm thinking I'll go back after the 6 mths + a few weeks annual leave that I will have built up. But who knows this could change. You can tell we are the first time mothers! Digs & Penny you both have more experience under your belt & know how hard it can be working full time once children come along. At my last scan the baby was in the perfect position but I know it has moved now as so uncomfortable. I also have my next scan on Tuesday so really looking forward to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4 dusst

    Hi, I know I'm a little late in replying but I just wanted to let you know (in case you did order things at the baby fair) that my sister ordered her travel system at one last year (she had a baby in October 2015) and was delighted with it and the price she paid for it there too.
    There were no issues with delivery or anything.

    We didn't order anything but we spent a good 2 hours looking around and bought a couple small things like bibs. I really enjoyed it and the small presents they were giving were great. I just hope the baby doesn't come too early cause I only have these bibs , a mobile, and couple of knitted cardigans made by my mother.

    31+3 today and we had an appointment with ob and saw the little one in 3d again :D. She is measured 2kg 240gr which sounds huge to me but the doctor said it is normal since both me and my husband are tall.

    Friday will be my last day at work! I have 4 weeks holidays and then maternity kicks in. I think you are true heroines for staying longer!! The last week was exhausting for me and waking up at 5 :30 in order to start work at 7:00 is a nightmare now.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Hey everyone, how is everyone doing, my girls are finally better after almost 3 weeks good it was exhausting, I have GP appointment tomorrow so I'm taking the day of work, sending the girls to nanna add we usually do on a Friday and I'm going to have a me day, might go for lunch and relax for a while, looking forward to it but shhh don't tell my mil that I'm not working coz I'd she know she wouldn't take the girls haha xx

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 364 ✭✭shivers27

    Hey girls,

    We're definetley on the final stretch now :-) The countdown to finishing up in work is flying along ... 4 weeks for me !! I'll be taking the 16 weeks unpaid leave again and returning to work on a 3 day week of 27.5 hours total ( using parental leave ) Due back to work April 2017 ... Wahoo :-)

    OH is at a stag weekend the May bank holiday so will get my hospital bag packed then. I bought a few small things at the Aldi baby event today ... I absolutely love their cellular blankets. Also a 12 pack of sensitive wipes and 2 cot bed fitted sheets.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    I'm officially 33 weeks today but feel like I could have the baby any day now. Actually I woke up Sunday night/Monday morning and was quite convinced that things were happening.
    I've been feeling a bit off - not sick just off for the last week or so and that coupled with a few others things such as a dropped bump, back pain for the first time, pressure on my public bone, etc really made me think "this is it!".
    Turns out it wasn't or isn't but it will be interesting to see how today's appointment goes and what the scan says re: position of the baby.

    TO be safe I packed my hospital bag(s) yesterday. I remember finding it such a struggle the last time out - you have this massive list of things you're meant to bring with you and yet you're told to bring as small a bag as possible. In the end I packed two bags - one for labour and the immediate time afterward and left another with extra PJs, underwear, clothes for the baby etc in the boot of the car. Left my going home clothes ready in the spare room too so all my husband had to do was pick those up and stick them in a bag for me.
    Opted for the same approach this time around as it worked a treat.

    Am totally wrecked. Hardly sleeping at all well, vomiting and nuasea back and very uncomfortable. Doing a half day today as have ante natal appoitnment and then off for the rest of the week. Two days the following week and I think I might just manage one more after that and take my doctor's offer of being signed off a little earlier. Its only going to be two weeks but in the event that the baby does come early I'd just love to have had a few days to myself.

    Hope everyone else is well?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Officially 33 weeks here today too penny and feel like I'll have the baby any day now, everyone is telling me my bump had dropped and I feel it had too not back to the hospital till next week have to head back to GP though this week as my bp had started to creap up 😞 have all the stuff on the bed for my hospital bag but it's not packed yet will get onto it this weekend I think just in case xx

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    At the Coombe now waiting for my appointment. Had a meeting with my boss this morning before heading in. Bet my blood pressure will be up as a result! Time will tell.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    That's gas, I'm 33 weeks today too. Hosp apt this morning, baby head down, good strong heartbeat, plenty fluid and loads of movement. Thought she was head down as the pressure and toilet trips are unreal at this stage. Baby looks like she's measuring a week ahead but we reckon she's just tall like her sister.

    Am absolutely physically exhausted at this stage, my body is aching. Thank god I'm finished work Friday, limping to the finishing line. My husband has been barred to the spare room most nights lately as he has taken to snoring which I am not enjoying.

    My consultant was at an emergency this morning so the most attractive doctor in the world was there in his place. Would not like to have to see him every week, talk about distracting!! Got my waxing done yesterday so glad that's done, my hospital bag can wait, haven't the energy, maybe at the weekend!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Appointment went well. BP was normal despite hateful boss and meeting with him this morning.
    Baby has turned so no longer breech which is great to know. Had been thinking of finishing up work earlier than originally planned, today's meeting at work didn't do anything to dissuade me from that and when I mentioned finishing earlier to the doctor she agreed that it wouldn't be a bad idea.
    I'm back with her in 2 weeks and I think I'll finish up with work that Thursday too.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    That's gas digs, no fear of having a handsome Dr in Clonmel have not met one haha god love them haha x waving is next on my list must book it next week maybe, having reflexology on Saturday morning again I love it so much,

    Glad all appointments are going well and babies are behaving themselves, I'm thinking of finishing work early too will see how my bp is when I go into GP Friday and then I'll decide x

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    I'm currently binge watching Greys Anatomy Betsie so all I kept thinking was McDreamy is real!!! He was ridiculously good looking, terribly off putting :D I was like nothing on earth getting waxed yesterday, luckily my best friend does it for me, she had me in all sorts of undignified positions as I can't manage the norm with the SPD, she was getting some laugh out of me on all fours!

    Sorry to hear your boss is being a t*t Penny. If I wasn't starting annual leave next week I'd put money on me being signed off, the environment is so busy and stressful I just wouldn't cope, not to mention my poor pelvis. It's the one time in our lives, while we are carrying precious cargo that it's perfectly acceptable to put ourselves and our bodies first so take the offer from the doc, the stress and all that goes with it is not worth it, we won't get this time back! Betsie sounds like you're in the same boat, I'd say high bp is pretty much a given for taking some time off, mine was raised at my last GP apt and she was eagerly trying to get me to take a cert for the week, they don't like to take any chances!

    PS: My cousin had a gorgeous baby girl last Thursday, went to see her yesterday, oh my god I forgot how good newborns smell, got me so excited for the cuddles to come :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Ah love little babies so much love cuddling them and the smell of them x

    I have decided after a lot of thought today that if I'm offered a cert on Friday I'm taking it it's time to look after me I think fit a change x

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Digs wrote: »
    I'm currently binge watching Greys Anatomy Betsie so all I kept thinking was McDreamy is real!!! He was ridiculously good looking, terribly off putting :D I was like nothing on earth getting waxed yesterday, luckily my best friend does it for me, she had me in all sorts of undignified positions as I can't manage the norm with the SPD, she was getting some laugh out of me on all fours!

    Sorry to hear your boss is being a t*t Penny. If I wasn't starting annual leave next week I'd put money on me being signed off, the environment is so busy and stressful I just wouldn't cope, not to mention my poor pelvis. It's the one time in our lives, while we are carrying precious cargo that it's perfectly acceptable to put ourselves and our bodies first so take the offer from the doc, the stress and all that goes with it is not worth it, we won't get this time back! Betsie sounds like you're in the same boat, I'd say high bp is pretty much a given for taking some time off, mine was raised at my last GP apt and she was eagerly trying to get me to take a cert for the week, they don't like to take any chances!

    PS: My cousin had a gorgeous baby girl last Thursday, went to see her yesterday, oh my god I forgot how good newborns smell, got me so excited for the cuddles to come :)

    I'm watching the Good Wife and the new PI, Jason makes me swoon every single time. He is just so sexy. He is played by the same guy who played Danny Ducet in Greys a hundred years ago.
    My boss is a twat and had a history of being that way too. I mostly manage to stay out of his way but for some reason he had it in for me (granted not just me) yesterday. The funny thing is that instead of making me upset and care more about what he wants his behaviour makes me go "f you" and decide that I'm going to finish as early as I can. I'm very glad that I'm not back until next Wednesday and then it's just for 2 days that week. I'll do 3 the following one (I think) and then say I'm being signed off and see ya'll next year.
    Ah love little babies so much love cuddling them and the smell of them x

    I have decided after a lot of thought today that if I'm offered a cert on Friday I'm taking it it's time to look after me I think fit a change x

    There were a few women back for their 6 week post delivery check up yesterday and they all had their lovely little babies with them. You really do forget how teeny tiny they are when they're that young. My little girl is going to seem enormous in comparison when we're all home together again.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Good decisions girls it's time for rest!

    Had a weird night last night, the pressure was horrible and really intense, I remember getting that feeling about 39 weeks with number one, like I felt my waters would explode but given she only turned head down at 37 ish weeks and this lady is head down already it makes sense. Freaked me enough to put my hospital bag list together anyway, I'll be going to boots at lunch ;)

    I was also up to the loo about 5 times, my short lived smugness at sleeping like a champ is well and truly gone!

    Anyone come across any nice pjs? I want ones with easy access to the boob area for feeding so either buttons etc had a look in penny's Dundrum at the weekend without success and don't want to spend a fortune on maternity ones.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    I got some nice ones in Penny's in Blanchardstown last week. It's a massive Penny's and has good choice on that stuff. I got really soft wide leg navy blue bottoms and they have a variety of tops you can get with them. Cheap as chips too as like you I didn't want to spend a lot. I also got two nightdresses for labour

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Hazelnut Button

    Haha Penny I bought those bottoms too. So soft. Got a vest and tshirt to match as well as a light dressing gown. We'll be like twins in the labour ward.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    I had a lovely day today. Dropped my little girl to the minders, came home and had breakfast and a nap before heading off for a pedicure and a slightly more unpleasant eyebrow and lip wax. Ate a little lunch and then treated myself to a pregnancy massage and a wash and blow dry. Made it home in time for a 30 minute nap before I had to pick my daughter up again.
    If only every day could be like that eh!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Sounds like my kind of day Penny, lovely!

    My last day in work tomorrow, how did that happen??? Delighted though.

    Spent a fortune earlier today but got everything I need for hospital bag etc got some lovely nightdresses in dunnes actually, one with a matching light dressing gown. All the little mini toiletries in boots, maternity pads, breast pads... Electrode pads for the tens machine, All the fun stuff!! Am good to go now so will put it together this weekend.

    Also bought a few packs of vests and baby grows. Then rechecked all I have from my daughter and I have a pile of 0-3mth stuff nearly up to my waist! And that was with me only keeping the "good" stuff! No need to have bought a stitch, Oops!! Will be washing for a while now, so weird to see the tiny stuff hanging on the radiators again, very exciting really :)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,043 ✭✭✭appledrop

    Hi ladies had my scan this week +all looking good. Baby still in the right position so hopefully it won't move near the end. 33 weeks now can't believe it. I'm still doing relatively well + working away. My bump seems to grow by the day now though! Starting to feel heavy sometimes if that makes sense although still very high up. I was so uncomfortable yesterday evening but a half an hour on the exercise ball did the job! I have a feeling I could go over my due date. Starting to finally get some things for the hospitial bag. Got a lovely light dressing gown in Dunnes and a nice nightdress.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,043 ✭✭✭appledrop

    Well ladies finally the 1st May so we can officially say our babies are due next month when people ask all going well! Let's hope the last stretch flys in

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    appledrop wrote: »
    Well ladies finally the 1st May so we can officially say our babies are due next month when people ask all going well! Let's hope the last stretch flys in

    Yes, only a few weeks left! I've decided 100% on finishing up earlier so May 12th will be my last day .....unless the baby comes earlier. Hopefully he won't.
    I'm wrecked though. Not sleeping well at all and very tired. Had to ask my husband to stay at home from work on Friday as I was totally wiped and the thoughts of having to mind my little girl by myself were just too much for me. It seems very dramatic looking back on it now.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Was just thinking that this morning appledrop and thank god for that!!

    I feel 30 going on 90. Not a good couple of days here. My body has the lethargy and aches and pains of the flu, without actually having the flu. I am exhausted, I'm sleeping fine so that's not it. Feel really really strange. I've had an insane nesting urge which I'm indulging lately but I think my body is saying enough is enough, put your feet up. Have GP apt this week so I might ask her to recheck my iron levels and see if I need to up my tablets!

    Ridiculously glad to be finished work, such a relief. Keeping my little girl in her minders for the full week so I can rest and hopefully start to regain some energy! Our for dinner for my brothers birthday tonight, if he wasn't one of my fav people I'd be cancelling, will be hibernating from here on in!!

    Hope everyone else is well, it really is the homestretch now :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,043 ✭✭✭appledrop

    I know ladies it's getting tough going now isn't it? I haven't slept well last two nights + getting a lot of these short sharp pains. Do you think they are braxtons hicks? Very uncomfortable. Digs+ Penny don't know how you are both doing it with toddlers to cope with aswell.

    Starting to finally buy some baby clothes just in case to have for the hospitial bag. Can I ask you more experienced ladies what size do I buy? My sister in law was saying some of the 0-3 months can be too big but then some of the newborn clothes are only for 7lbs something baby but don't know what size it will be!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    appledrop wrote: »
    I know ladies it's getting tough going now isn't it? I haven't slept well last two nights + getting a lot of these short sharp pains. Do you think they are braxtons hicks? Very uncomfortable. Digs+ Penny don't know how you are both doing it with toddlers to cope with aswell.

    Starting to finally buy some baby clothes just in case to have for the hospitial bag. Can I ask you more experienced ladies what size do I buy? My sister in law was saying some of the 0-3 months can be too big but then some of the newborn clothes are only for 7lbs something baby but don't know what size it will be!

    I bought a few ( and really just a few) new born items. They usually fit up to 11lbs and fit most newborns well. The babies grow so so fast that before you know where you are your baby will be in their 0-3 months clothes.
    The list from the Coombe advises bringing 6 vests, long sleeved baby gros, a hat, mittens and a cardigan for your baby.
    The hat for my daughter was a total waste, she hated hats on her head from day one and still does now. Also it was September when she was born and it was warm enough anyway and the hospital was really warm too. I left the cardigan out last time and again this time too. I put a blanket over the baby when leaving the hospital and it worked just fine and I'm sure it will again. My daughter never needed mittens either. She wasn't much of a scratcher and most baby gros now come with built in mittens / hand covers anyway.
    The 6 vests and baby gros are good to have though in the event of having a baby that is a pukey baby or you get a nappy over flow situation, etc. They take up very little room in your bag too so it's easy to fit those things in.
    For handiness sake I have the clothes needed for immediately after the baby is born (vest, baby gro and nappy) in a ziplock bag in the inside pocket of my suitcase. That way my husband will be able to get to them with ease and not upend the entire suitcase looking for them.
    I also have a change of clothes and underwear for me for post delivery in the inside pocket too. It was lovely to get changed afterward the last time too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 630 ✭✭✭Henwin

    where and wat type of bags are ye taking to the hospital? i have one bag full of the baby stuff but have loads of things for myself and need to buy a bag to put it all into. where is the best place to get a nice bag that will fit everything

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,043 ✭✭✭appledrop

    I'm bringing in a small suit case. Having been in +out of the hospitial a good bit at the beginning saw loads of ladies being admitted with them. Think it will be handy as you can wheel them around + this one fits in a lot more than you would think. Also easy to see everything in it when open so less rooting for my husband!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    I'm bringing a small carry on size suit case too. It's the same one I brought with me last time and it worked a treat. Easy to wheel about and fitted just enough stuff for the first day or two I was in.
    I left another one packed at home which was great as I ended up being kept in for almost a full week. It allowed my husband to just grab and go and I knew it has the right stuff for me and the baby too.
    I also sent home dirty clothes with him each day he came in to visit. I'd left my going home clothes out ready too and all he had to do when I was told I could go home was throw those in a bag and bring them in to me.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    appledrop wrote: »
    Starting to finally buy some baby clothes just in case to have for the hospitial bag. Can I ask you more experienced ladies what size do I buy? My sister in law was saying some of the 0-3 months can be too big but then some of the newborn clothes are only for 7lbs something baby but don't know what size it will be!

    My little guy was 3.39kg/7lb 8oz, 51cm long and 0-3 month clothes were way too big on him when he was born - he was comfortably into them by 3 weeks though!
