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June 2016 Babies Club



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    39 weeks tomorrow too can't really believe it bloody GP tomorrow, hospital Thursday and Fri have hubby at the hospital, think I'll move in there 😀

    I'm sick of the any news yet texts and calls, thinking of getting rid of my phone completely. Everyone telling me when I can and can't have baby, my niece give on holidays with her bf today for 2 weeks, my brother going away next week, my other niece is doing her leaving so can only have it on weekends now till sheer is finished, they all think they are being funny but I'm on the verge of telling them all to feck off xx

    Hope ye all had a nice bank holiday weekend xx

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Well that's a pain in the neck LH! Hope you can encourage movement somehow!

    Very mundane hosp apt, a good thing I know but give me some hope baby!! She's head well down etc so literally just hanging out at this stage. Doc agreed to let me see my GP next tues at 40 weeks instead of traipsing back to the hosp so I'm happy. He said make a hosp apt for two weeks for the craic sure, I said if I see him in two weeks I will actually cry and he said that's perfectly reasonable. I like him

    Betsie people are daft, even when they mean well! My family whatsapp is all chat about guessing the date, weight etc etc my siblings are a hoot, dunno if they're expecting a baby or a turkey!

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    I'm getting alternatively annoyed and bemused with the -it's definitely a boy or its definitely a girl.

    Well fair play to you for knowing because no one else has a clue.
    And yep Digs I'm swimming, and on my ball and all 4s. Really hoping he/she turns and soon. Head is down too so everything else is good.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Haha I have to agree with the guesses! We know it's a girl although I usually say to strangers we don't know when they ask. 90% of responses have been definitely a boy we're having. Makes me laugh internally :)

    Bouncing away on my ball at the moment too, sure every little helps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    We chose not to find out so the guesses were funny at the start, but some people are quite forceful with their opinions!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    It's also my hormones I'm sure :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Hey ladies, the heat at night is killing me trying to sleep and the heartburn has increase badly too. Had loads of pressure yesterday but all gone today.

    People & their opinions are gas, I've 10days to EDD, and load s of people are like you can't your too small, yes I've put on no extra weight thanks you and the best are comment is: you worried about gaining weight and not eating enough 😡😡

    I've consultant apt tomorrow if this wee monkey posterior I'm just going to ask of section date, not progress with VBAC due this been a factor the last time.

    Chin up ladies we close but feels like not close enough at times

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Trying not to kill hubby here, God love him he has a summer cold and doing nothing but moaning about it, have zero patience for that craic now at the moment, I'm wrecked from lack of sleep here heat at night is killing me xx

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 364 ✭✭shivers27

    Lol Digs ,we know it's a girl we're having but if anyone asks we say no we don't know ! It's very funny coz most people say "oh it's definetley another boy " !!

    I also requested to see GP this week instead of going into hospital, couldn't face it !

    This day next week is section day :-)

    Hope all the newborns are doing well. Not long left for us girls , we're nearly there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    Starting to feel more than a little cranky with lack of sleep. the dryness at night is awful.
    The husband cannot sleep with windows open because the birds start tweeting so early in the morning.
    I feel like pouring water down my nose to moisturise it.......
    Plus fasting for breakfast club in the Rotunda so can't even have a drink.
    **RANT over :-/

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    I'm with your husband on the birds. Two magpies having a domestic woke me at 4:30am. No consideration for those of us trying to sleep!!

    Had awful cramps and back ache last night, was half hopeful things were going in the right direction but I think my body is taking its sweet time gearing up.

    Shivers you're in single digit countdown, very exciting!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    My hubby is the very same, he thinks it's a sin to have the window open at night where I was brought up with windows open everywhere all the time ☺

    I hear you on the dryness 1 1/2 points of water I drank during the night which of course resulted in a lot of extra toilet trips, have a headache this morning too probably from the broken sleep xx

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Digs when are you back at the hospital again? I have had cramps and back ache on sand of for the last 3 weeks, I'm going into hospital clinic for a ctg tomorrow, I'm thinking of playing up my symptoms a bit and asking for a sweep too I'll be 39+2 tomorrow x

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    My next hosp appt is at 41 weeks which I really hope not to make! I asked them to let me see the GP on tues at 40 weeks instead. Holles Street don't actually do sweeps I've never had one. Have you had one on previous pregnancies? Fingers crossed it will get something started for you!!!

    I've also been having cramping on and off for a while, it's so annoying. They were pretty intense last night. I feel like this baby is teasing me!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Yeah had 2 on my 1st she was stubborn nothing wanted to move her x didn't need one on 2nd waters went at home at 39+3 ☺today is a day I would love for a few hours to have no kids and be still in bed I just feel so tired today

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    If it wasn't for hospital appointments I'd be in bed for the afternoon I think.

    38 +2 today so at least I'm in the countdown. Missing sleep though makes me wonder if I will even have the energy for labour!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    LNH666 wrote: »
    If it wasn't for hospital appointments I'd be in bed for the afternoon I think.

    38 +2 today so at least I'm in the countdown. Missing sleep though makes me wonder if I will even have the energy for labour!!!

    I don't know where the energy comes out of but you manage and we'll for me anyway the tiredness and exhaustion didn't hit till I got home x

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    I hope so. But then there's a Baba to look after too ......

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    You will find the energy and we get used to less sleep too over time don't worry about it x

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Just home from hospital appointment, went like I thought, baba will be joining us on the 10th, I'm so nervous and scary but excited too.
    VBAC was about 50% or less likely to happen, so elective section it is. I'm emotional all over the place since been told.

    How's everyone else getting on!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 364 ✭✭shivers27

    Aveen wrote: »
    Just home from hospital appointment, went like I thought, baba will be joining us on the 10th, I'm so nervous and scary but excited too.
    VBAC was about 50% or less likely to happen, so elective section it is. I'm emotional all over the place since been told.

    How's everyone else getting on!

    Wow Aveen, baby will be here on Friday ?! How exciting :-) How many weeks are you on Friday ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    I'll be 39weeks, I nearly died when he said Friday, I thought I'd be a week or more waiting but glad too it's not, I don't have time to think about it.

    Not sure should I tell the parents before or just surprise them. His parents live close, mine have 3hr drive to see me. But don't need unnecessary stress by loads of people knowing

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Ahhhh Friday aveen! So exciting for you! I am ridiculously jealous :)

    I just watered the flowers and I may aswell have run a marathon the state it left me in.... Ugghh

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭tt2014

    that's fantastic aveen!!!! huge congrats, let us know how you get on! The thoughts of a calypso are the only things getting me through today, finishing work on Friday cant wait!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,043 ✭✭✭appledrop

    Brillant news Aveen! At last another June baby to join us. Hard to believe my little babs is two weeks old tomorrow. Very funny my husbands app sent him a message about what to expect at '39 weeks pregnant' and we were like ah no our baby is 2 weeks old now. Ì had another weigh in today so good news is that he is putting the weight on. He would want to be as we are feeding on demand which means sometimes there is only an hour between finishing a feed + starting another one! I'm healing well+ apart from tiredness all is going well. You are nearly there ladies rest up while you can!

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Hazelnut Button

    Oh wow Aveen. Only a few more days and bubs is here. I hear ya on the feeling emotional bit. I was in on a Tues and they told me they were inducing that Saturday. It's very surreal knowing next time you head in there it's to have your baby.

    We told people we were being induced. But I wouldn't tell them next time as the phones were hopping with people looking for updates. I know at one point I had 68 messages on my phone. It's nicer to surprise them with the good news I think.

    All going well here. Herself is very chilled on the whole. Has been a bit unsettled at the 4am feed but other than that she's being a dream.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Ah aveen how exciting,don't tell anyone we didn't tell anyone on our 1st and it was blissful didn't have everyone annoying us (I know they mean well) on out 2nd we did and it was hell, I even had to ring my mother and tell her to stop ringing the nurses station as she was ringing so much, was a long labour and she says she didn't want to be bothering us but then she had the nurses thick could of killed her so will only be telling who were have to add in whoever is looking after the kids other then that no one

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Glad all the June babies so far are doing well! Two weeks old apple drop, wow!

    Penny hope you're doing ok, I'd say it's a different kettle of fish with having #1 at home aswell, I'm a bit apprehensive myself if the lack of rest with this pregnancy compared to my first is anything to go by! Hope you're recovering well.

    Betsie hope you got some rest today aswell and your lassies were good for you. My poor girl isn't well, vomits and high temp. She's never sick so I don't cope well when she is but I'm so emotional at the moment there's been a few tears today! Luckily my mam came down to me.

    Aveen I rang my mam on my way in with #1, I was overdue and scared so needed a bit of a cry. My labour was so swift she didn't have time to check in with me before baby was born so it worked out well but she wouldn't have told anyone else anyway, well apart from dad. They'll be taking my daughter when I go in this time so again they'll know but everyone else can wait!

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    I think I would keep it quiet too.

    Or tell parents but as them to say nothing -probably impossible I expect. And let them know you will phone them all on Friday night.

    Its lovely to have your end in sight.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    appledrop wrote: »
    Hazelnut I never really got established with the breast feeding so was able to go cold turkey. Even at that the pain was unreal for the few days until my milk dried up. In your case your right it's better to do it slowly until you can fully stop. A good tip I got from my friend was not to stimulate them in shower so I used to remove the shower head + just do a quick wash over them.

    Penny hope your doing well with your little boy + didn't have to stay in hospital for too long.

    Well things got very dramatic and very interesting for me on that fateful Sunday.
    I came to the Coombe and within a short enough space of time my headache was crazy, couldn't stand the light, temp went sky high, BP did (for me) too and the baby was very tachycardiac.
    Consultant admitted me and visited 3 times on Sunday evening and although baby wasn't ready to be born in terms of being favourable for induction she decided a section was the only way to solve the problem and it would be at some stage on Monday.
    Then as the night wore on I got sicker and sicker and had to be transferred to another ward for closer monitoring.
    Consultant came in at 07:00 on Monday said I was in sepsis and they had to deliver the baby sooner rather than later and it would be under GA as I was too weak for anything else.
    Our beautiful baby boy was born on Monday morning.
    Then I had some unexpected reaction to the pain meds where they just didn't work and when I woke up in recovery it felt like I was still open on the operating table. Lots of worried faces all around and they had to get two consultant anaesthetists to come and anaesthetise my lower abdomen to ease the pain.

    I was then in HDU for two days on a morphine pump and super strong pain meds and antibiotics.
    Our little boy was put on antibiotics as a preventative measure but they felt he was ok.

    Things got normal and quieter for a few days and then on Saturday morning just before we were due to be discharged my baby's temperature spiked to 40 and he was whisked upstairs to the ICU where he has been ever since.

    To cut a long and very scary story short we now know he will live and be ok. Apparently I had viral meningitis which is what brought me to the hospital all that time ago and it crossed the placenta and infected my baby's blood stream too.
    Between yesterday and today he is making massive strides in his recovery and they are talking about maybe allowing him home this weekend.

    It has been quite the roller coaster but thankfully we will all be ok and soon our biggest problem will be stopping his big sister crushing him with hugs and kisses.
