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June 2016 Babies Club



  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    Hahaha. Sounds nearly exactly the same birth story as what I said to husband earlier.

  • Registered Users Posts: 932 ✭✭✭brokensoul

    Digs wrote: »
    Yeah I need to be reading more of this stuff! My problem genuinely is I was spoiled with a really fast, intervention and med free first labour, any deviation from that this time panics me a little which I suppose is natural but I've no control over it. The end result is the same no matter how I get there! According to a lot of gentlebirth stories there's no reason an induction can't be positive!

    My consultants advice yesterday was to come in as soon as I feel anything happening, to make sure it's not during rush hour and if it is to ring the gards and they'll escort us. Apparently it's a common occurrence. You'd want to have seen my husbands face getting paler and paler haha! Murphy's law will intervene and I'll be in labour two days after all my worrying!

    When my mum was pregnant with me she was on the bus to the city for a hospital appointment and the bus got stuck behind a car crash which the guards were attending. She got out of the bus to ask the driver/guards if he knew how long it would be because she had to get to the hospital (as the consultant got really cranky if people were late) but once the guards saw her and heard that she needed to get to hospital they assumed she was in labour and gave her a lift to the hospital, full lights and sirens job!

    She was too embarrassed to tell them she was 3 weeks away from her due date ;-)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Ha brokensoul that's brilliant! She was dead right, why look a gift horse in the mouth :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Well we won the football, now we need babies to arrive, hopefully it kick someone into labour :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    Right Digs!!!! It's up to you & I now!

    I had just said Ireland is going to score and I'm having my baby! And that beautiful goal happened!! (i do like football)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    LNH666 wrote: »
    Right Digs!!!! It's up to you & I now!

    I had just said Ireland is going to score and I'm having my baby! And that beautiful goal happened!! (i do like football)

    Lol!!! I was just coming on to say the same thing haha! Follower or not you can't help get caught up in it. Great night for Ireland!

    It's just down to us now :D come on babies!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 932 ✭✭✭brokensoul

    Ye know ye will have to call the baby Robbie if they arrive tonight!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    brokensoul wrote: »
    Ye know ye will have to call the baby Robbie if they arrive tonight!

    I suppose Roberta is alright for a girl?! My husband is like a kid on Christmas morning, I'm not sure his poor heart can take much more excitement :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Haha brokensoul that's brilliant x

    Girls hope ye are not waiting too much longer in doing to hear the news x

    On my 2nd my waters broke after I had watched Mrs browns boys the movie in the cinema so that was my story I was blaming all the laughing i done xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    I just went for a quick 30 minute walk around the block. It's a gorgeous night for it. And here's hoping the extra bit of gravity will help!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Is no news, good news?
    Hope all going well with everyone

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭tt2014

    Hi girls, im getting induced on tuesday so unless this child wants to make an apperance before then i shall keep you posted, there us something up though, i cant stop cleaning, it was great but its getting ridiculous now, anyone want their houses cleaned? Lols ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    No news is just no news for me I'm afraid. Not feeling great today! Had a bit of a horrible night, baby was moving so frantically I got a bit scared, couldn't even lie down and spent most of the night bouncing on the ball. Was a bit afraid she was distressed and husband was urging me to go in but when there's a little person asleep and I've to wake my parents to come down to mind her it's not as easy. My mam would murder me if she knew I didn't go in because of it and tbh she's right I shouldn't be taking chances, all seems fine again today.

    TT exciting to have a date! I'll be heading that way myself. 9 days over here. While I'd mentally prepared myself to be late again a part of me felt as a second timer it wouldn't go this late :(:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    Same as no news is nothing. Just home from the Rotunda. All good with baby.
    Just not quite ready yet.

    Induction next Wednesday if no appearance before then. They are fully booked for Monday & Tuesday so I got an extra 2 days for baby to arrive by itself. Here's hoping....

    And Digs I hope you're feeling better today.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    TT i have plenty to do here if you want, can't motivate myself to get back into house work at all no desire at all but it's driving me crazy too at the same time x

    Digs if you are that worried you should at least ring the midwife to see what they say how you got some rest today xx

    Thinking of ye all xx

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Always reassuring to know they're happy out even if they refuse to show their faces LNH. Did they offer you a sweep or anything? There's a really high chance you'll go on your own with the extra day or so, fingers crossed.

    You're absolutely right betsie, reading back on what I wrote I feel like an idiot for risking it, especially given the drama in the hosp on Tuesday with her tummy etc. I'm just a bit overly exhausted and emotional so it's hard to know if I'm over reacting or not. Her movements are back to normal and I've a Doppler so checked her heartbeat today and all seems fine.

    My husband took pity on me and insisted on working from home today, I put up a feeble fight but to be honest am delighted to have him here. Had a nice lunch and he dragged me for a walk. Followed up with a lovely nap.

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Hey ladies,
    Thinking of you all, at least dates have been given.

    Digs don't beat yourself up too much, you must of had a good gut instinct.

    Positive labour thoughts to you all.

    How's all the new arrivals settling in? I'm taking day by day, have so days where blues had hard but others I'm grand. Hoping lack of sleeping is the main factor. But all going well

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    Yeah they gave me a sweep. I'm 1-2cm dilated so here's hoping the sweep will start something magical!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    I'm just shattered

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 781 ✭✭✭Rogueish

    My sympathies with all those who are still waiting on the appearance of their babies. Hopefully there will be a move sooner rather than later.

    We are good here. Baby is 10days old now and is sleeping and drinking well. Breastfeeding is going well. The first few days were ok but day 3-7 were not fun. I thought that I was going to need skin grafts on my poor nipples! But with the help of the Multi-mam compresses (I HIGHLY recommend) and latching practice we are flying again. She's sleeping between 2.5 and 4 hours. She's my easiest baby of the lot (so far).

    My recovery has been good - with one or two bad days which I have put down to the addition of getting my tubes tied. My biggest problem has been cabin fever. Not being able to drive and living in the countryside is tough.... Plus my friends have been very slow to visit or even contact me :-( I'm at the stage I'm actually asking people to come visit.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    That's tough. I'm orginally from the country side too and when my cousin had her second baby I'd given her time before visiting because he was a section and I thought I was doing right giving them time and space to recover and get used to each other. But I genuinely hadn't realised how lonely she was.
    Reach out and ask people to call over, they're probably just giving you guys space.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 781 ✭✭✭Rogueish

    Thanks LNH,

    This is my third child so maybe the novelty has worn off for everyone except us. On my first two children I was living in the town so everything was within walking distance.

    Visitors are welcome so long as they don't want to take up lodgings and they aren't going to be freaked by the sight of a bare booby. The whole discrete latching/breastfeeding is still a work in progress..

    I hope that things start stirring for you soon.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    LNH hopefully that sweep will start something for you xx

    Roughish I hear you 3rd baby here too and yes family have visited but that's it had no one here today and I enjoyed every minute of it x

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    Oh I hope so. I'm dying to meet this baby now. I'm all over my ball tonight and here's hoping it stops raining and I get out for a walk.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Positive thoughts LNH xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Rogueish wrote: »
    My sympathies with all those who are still waiting on the appearance of their babies. Hopefully there will be a move sooner rather than later.

    We are good here. Baby is 10days old now and is sleeping and drinking well. Breastfeeding is going well. The first few days were ok but day 3-7 were not fun. I thought that I was going to need skin grafts on my poor nipples! But with the help of the Multi-mam compresses (I HIGHLY recommend) and latching practice we are flying again. She's sleeping between 2.5 and 4 hours. She's my easiest baby of the lot (so far).

    My recovery has been good - with one or two bad days which I have put down to the addition of getting my tubes tied. My biggest problem has been cabin fever. Not being able to drive and living in the countryside is tough.... Plus my friends have been very slow to visit or even contact me :-( I'm at the stage I'm actually asking people to come visit.

    Sorry to heard you're feeling lonely, I also had section and finding the no driving hard. And not been able to lift my older boy.

    Chat away here & say what on your mind. My husband off at mo, which is helping me loads. But I've the fear about him going back to work.

    Thinking of you :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    How's everyone today?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Hi all. I've finally made it back to check in with everyone and see how you're all doing.
    Huge congrats to all who have had their babies and for those of you still waiting, I remember that "out out out" feeling all too well so you have my sympathies.

    We're doing well here now. It was great to get our little boy home on the 14th after the 10 day ICU stay but things did feel surreal for a while. The ironic thing is that I was the most relaxed first time mother with our little girl. She never got so much as a sniffle until she was over a year old and I never had a minutes worry with her. She was also a great baby to eat and wind and loved her sleep. Fear and caution visited me big time this time around though and I hated it. It was like I was always watching my son wondering was he really ok, were his nappies exactly as they should be, etc etc.
    Then for some reason on Wednesday morning I looked at him and thought " you know what,you're gonna be ok" and the weight of still thinking (despite the fact that he wouldnt have been allowed home from the ICU if there was anything wrong with him) that he might die any day.
    The fact that he has grown out of his newborn clothes already and when weighed by the PHN on the 14th he had grown 3cm since birth and allowing for the weight he lost while in the ICU had gained 500g. Given how much he is eating then he is going to keep on growing like a weed as my Dad would say.

    I have to say that this experience has been exhausting both mentally and physically. When I stop to think about it, both of us had viral meningitis and were very very sick as a result- ICU for my son, HDU for me, emergency section, all of the worry for the first 5 days he was in the ICU as to whether he would live or die and if he would be ok if he lived, traipsing into the hospital twice every day so soon after the section, organising care for my little girl, I can't believe I'm still standing.
    Luckily the section was grand, not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. The wound has healed really well and the pain is quite ok most of the time. Not being able to drive is a pain in the bum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    So glad to hear you're doing well as I'd your family Penny. Must have been a terrible time but at least you're through to the other side now.

    And I'm still sitting on my ball Aveen. Hoping for action!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,455 ✭✭✭scarepanda

    Hi all. I've finally made it back to check in with everyone and see how you're all doing. Huge congrats to all who have had their babies and for those of you still waiting, I remember that "out out out" feeling all too well so you have my sympathies.
    We're doing well here now. It was great to get our little boy home on the 14th after the 10 day ICU stay but things did feel surreal for a while. The ironic thing is that I was the most relaxed first time mother with our little girl. She never got so much as a sniffle until she was over a year old and I never had a minutes worry with her. She was also a great baby to eat and wind and loved her sleep. Fear and caution visited me big time this time around though and I hated it. It was like I was always watching my son wondering was he really ok, were his nappies exactly as they should be, etc etc. Then for some reason on Wednesday morning I looked at him and thought " you know what,you're gonna be ok" and the weight of still thinking (despite the fact that he wouldnt have been allowed home from the ICU if there was anything wrong with him) that he might die any day. The fact that he has grown out of his newborn clothes already and when weighed by the PHN on the 14th he had grown 3cm since birth and allowing for the weight he lost while in the ICU had gained 500g. Given how much he is eating then he is going to keep on growing like a weed as my Dad would say.
    I have to say that this experience has been exhausting both mentally and physically. When I stop to think about it, both of us had viral meningitis and were very very sick as a result- ICU for my son, HDU for me, emergency section, all of the worry for the first 5 days he was in the ICU as to whether he would live or die and if he would be ok if he lived, traipsing into the hospital twice every day so soon after the section, organising care for my little girl, I can't believe I'm still standing. Luckily the section was grand, not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. The wound has healed really well and the pain is quite ok most of the time. Not being able to drive is a pain in the bum.

    Penny Dreadful,

    I'm over from the August thread. Im delighted to hear that everything is going good for you and the little one. I was thinking of you often, wondering how everything was going and hoping for the best.
    Now that yer both home and on the mend, enjoy every minute with both of them!

