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June 2016 Babies Club



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Thanks aveen I just needed that mental breakdown, I think it's something I'll always get a bit upset about x

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    Thanks ladies, and yes so far we are doin well bonding very well. She's a little pudding, she was 8'8" at birth and is doing well.

    My husband has bonded well too, her golden hour was with him so I think she'll be a daddy's girl when she's older. She's not 100% sure about his beard for kisses yet though.

    Feeding is challenging which I knew it would be in that when she latches to my right side she distorts my nipple each time. Her latch was good to start but she's slipping off now and causing pain.

    Unfortunately this only started happening this evening after the lactation midwife had finished for the day. And I hopefully will be going home on Sunday so I'll see how she does tomorrow and try arrange a lactation consultant for Monday at home.

    She's lying across me here at the moment happy out. She's wide awake and no interest in getting into her crib, I think she's finally realised she's been born. I reckon all the drugs from Wednesday night have finally left her system.

    She wasn't a perfect birth but as any birth can take any turn. I had the right birth for us on the day because we are both here, alive, healthy, happy and falling more in love day by day.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 781 ✭✭✭Rogueish

    Congrats Bonnie, LNH, Betsie, Digs & tt.

    I hope that you are all enjoying your new babas.

    Penny, Bonnie & LNH I hope that you continue to recover and enjoy the newborn cuddles. I know that your birth stories were not necessarily what you had planned but so long as a healthy baba and a healthy and recovering mum are the end result. It will be worthwhile.

    Betsie I fully understand your sadness. This pregnancy is my last too. She was a surprise (we were done at two). We took the decision that while I was having a c-section that I would get my tubes tied. So there is definitely no more babies on our horizon. My mum has been keeping a watchful eye on me in case the baby blues hit due to it.

    Feeding here had been going really well until the last few days. Baby has developed oral thrush and once latched would wriggle and mooch until she was comfortable (and latch was wrong). So she was getting less milk, feeding more often, my nipples were becoming more painful (due to a bad latch and a thrush infection) and she was becoming more unsettled. Anyway the result was a trip to the doctor yesterday, daktarin gel for her mouth and my nipples. In the meantime I'm expressing, she's now drinking 4-5 oz at a time and she is far more settled, sleeping/going 3-4 hours between feeds. I'm really disappointed as the breastfeeding had been going really well this time more than the last two. I know I was intending to switch to the pump eventually but had planned to do 4-6 weeks on the breast first. However bottom line is that she is getting breastmilk and thriving I can't really ask for much more. She is such a dote.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Bonnie sorry to hear you'd a set back, hope you recover quickly and get back to normal soon.

    LNH you sound so good, great attitude. Sounds like you're doing really well. Keep at the lactation consultant and ring any of the ladies on the cuidiu Facebook page, they're amazing if you've any problems.

    We're doing good, insane few nights cluster feeding and then a wee bit of jaundice set in so I was having to give her a nudge. Had the bf consultant out yesterday and she said all was good with the latch etc and gave some really good tips etc. Typically I woke up today super engorged, my boobs are literally three times the size they were going to bed, having no success latching her onto the left but after speaking to one of the cuidiu ladies she gave me a few tips on how to sort the hardness etc out so she can latch so when she wakes next we'll give it another bash. My poor right boob is getting an awful time with constant munching, anyway we'll get there!

    Back in the hosp for heel prick test tomorrow, such an effort when all you want to do is stay in bed. I'm recovering well except for a really sore tailbone which is making sitting a bit difficult.

    I keep calling this lady Miss delicious, cannot get enough of her, they are such little miracles!!

    Hope everyone else doing really well!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Rogueish wrote: »
    Congrats Bonnie, LNH, Betsie, Digs & tt.

    Betsie I fully understand your sadness. This pregnancy is my last too. She was a surprise (we were done at two). We took the decision that while I was having a c-section that I would get my tubes tied. So there is definitely no more babies on our horizon. My mum has been keeping a watchful eye on me in case the baby blues hit due to it.

    Andrew was a surprise baby too but can't image him not being here now I'm so in love with him and my 2 girls are amazing with him ( most if the time :) )

    If I had of ended up at a section I would of gotten my tubes tied too, I'm need to chat to my GP I really don't want to be on the pill again for a long period of time in thinking about the coil maybe x

    I had a nice day today I left my hubby and 3 children at home and I headed off to clonakilty with my brass band for a competition, I felt like me again it done Mr the world of good, I couldn't wait to get home for cuddles though xx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Hey ladies, how's everyone doing?
    We've a wonder week here, feels like he's hungry all the time but great form.

    I've been trying to get out walking most days due to be bridesmaid in sept of my sister 😬, baby tummy needs to go. But unfortunately got a insect bit and feeling very unwell. My calf is now swollen, hot, red and sore to walk on, went to chemist but they said to go todoc, I've appointment later, should be straight forward antiboditic

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Ah aveen sorry to hear about the bite x hope you will be ok and get sorted at the Dr later xx , don't worry about the baby belly that will go in time don't be trying to force it , it's not always easy God I still have my baby belly from 4 years ago and 3 babies later too so you can imagine what I have xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Hazelnut Button

    Aveen wrote: »
    Hey ladies, how's everyone doing?
    We've a wonder week here, feels like he's hungry all the time but great form.

    I've been trying to get out walking most days due to be bridesmaid in sept of my sister 😬, baby tummy needs to go. But unfortunately got a insect bit and feeling very unwell. My calf is now swollen, hot, red and sore to walk on, went to chemist but they said to go todoc, I've appointment later, should be straight forward antiboditic

    We've also started our first leap. Little lady is a bit cranky and doesn't want to be out of arms but otherwise ok.

    Hope you get some relief from the bite. Sounds awful sore.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Ouch aveen sorry to hear that, hope you got sorted!! I ended up with a cyst on my tailbone, some difene later and I'm a new woman, the relief is unreal!

    We're doing well here, one week old today and feels like we've always had her. She's being very good to us, although juggling her and her sister is difficult. I feel like she's permanently attached to me with the breastfeeding so daughter #1 is missing out on mammy time and my husband is missing out on daughter #2 time but sure these things will settle eventually! I'm definitely much much more laid back this time and enjoying it all so much more.

    Hope all the other June mammies doing well, can't believe it's July and everyone is here safe and sound, fantastic :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Oh Digs I know what you mean about dividing mummy time. My first is playing up more this week, probably because daddy back to work so it's just mummy.

    Well doc, prescribe antibiotics for my calf but wants to admitt me for IV antiboditic if no improvement in few days.
    I'll miss walking, I using my sisters wedding as motivation to walk but it's great for my mind, keep me on top of baby blues.

    Delights to everyone getting on well

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    I'm here trying to put together a pink tractor for my daughter she is 2 tomorrow this thing is after taking me about 2 hours and it's not done yet :(

    We are getting on great here with Andrew he is just so good, feeding well gaining weight sleeping well too compared to my girls who are still not great to sleep

    Aveen hope the antibiotics work and you don't have to be admitted that would be the last thing you need xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    Glad to hear all is well.

    Mara and I came home from hospital on Sunday and she is a great daughter. She is so placid and calm considering her entrance to the world.
    She cluster fed all night on Monday night and I felt like crying with exhaustion, but its an amazing feeling feeding her and knowing what my body can do for her.

    I'm getting out for short walks every day and my wound is healing nicely. I can't believe how much my stomach has shrunk already. Now don't get me wrong it's still pretty wobbly and not the most attractive!!!

    Sh s curled up beside me here as content as can be. Aveen, Digs and who else are in Dublin, in a few weeks would you be interested in meeting for a coffee? Little ones there same ages and get out of the house?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Absolutely LNH would love to!

    Delighted to hear the both of you are doing so well, you should be very proud of yourself after all ye have been through!

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    LNH & Digs I'm up for a meet up.
    LNH sounds like you're settling in well you & baby.
    Digs are you having better luck with bf, are still sore?

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    Yeah mostly great. She has a lip and tongue tie so feeding is still quite sore but I've been recommended a guy out in Dublin 8 so hoping to get an appointment soon.
    If we loosely said the week after next to meet? Where would suit you guys because I know you've other kids too?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    We're the same here, nipples are sore and cracked so got myself to a cuidiu group last night and the LC thinks she's a slight tongue tie. She sent a referral last night so we should get seen soon. Some feeds are better than others, some are very very sore!!!coping with Panadol and using the multi mam compresses since yesterday. Doesn't help she is permanently attached to the boob since last night.

    Yeah we could say week after next and see how we're all fixed! Will have a think about good place to meet, think you're north Dublin? I'm south, not sure about you aveen?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Glad everyone is doing well

    Enjoy your meet up girls so jealous

    Doing great here had my daughter's 2nd birthday yesterday had a great day but God I was wrecked after entertaining everyone for the day,

    Andrew is doing fantastic in a well he put up 10oz he is now 10lb 10oz my chunky prince xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Digs wrote: »
    We're the same here, nipples are sore and cracked so got myself to a cuidiu group last night and the LC thinks she's a slight tongue tie. She sent a referral last night so we should get seen soon. Some feeds are better than others, some are very very sore!!!coping with Panadol and using the multi mam compresses since yesterday. Doesn't help she is permanently attached to the boob since last night.

    Yeah we could say week after next and see how we're all fixed! Will have a think about good place to meet, think you're north Dublin? I'm south, not sure about you aveen?

    The week after next works with me, I'm in north Dublin, happy to meet has long as public transport gets me there easy. No driving for another few weeks for me.

    Digs fair play on bf when your so sore, it was like that with my first, I ended up giving up. Fair play you're doing an amazing job

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    LNH666 wrote: »
    Glad to hear all is well.

    Mara and I came home from hospital on Sunday and she is a great daughter. She is so placid and calm considering her entrance to the world.
    She cluster fed all night on Monday night and I felt like crying with exhaustion, but its an amazing feeling feeding her and knowing what my body can do for her.

    I'm getting out for short walks every day and my wound is healing nicely. I can't believe how much my stomach has shrunk already. Now don't get me wrong it's still pretty wobbly and not the most attractive!!!

    Sh s curled up beside me here as content as can be. Aveen, Digs and who else are in Dublin, in a few weeks would you be interested in meeting for a coffee? Little ones there same ages and get out of the house?

    Hi, a meet up would be lovely. We're getting close to the 6 week mark now and I'm starting to feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel. I can also drive again after my c section imposed driving ban.

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    It's the breastfeeding that's causing me the pain rather than the section. But the multimam compress is fantastic. Digs pop them in the fridge first. Heaven!!!
    We've found a doctor that will treat lip tie, he's based in the Midlands so that'll be a fun drive post section!!!.

    And city centre would be best for me, until I'm back driving I'm relying on husband & buses.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Ive been keeping the multimam in the fridge, can't decide if they're helping or not, I find they sting for a while going on! I did discover breast shells yesterday and think they're helping drain a bit of oversupply and let air at my boobs so while still not comfortable feeding is much better and nipple seem to be healing, as much as they can with the constant feeding!! Constant!! At least I'm getting lots of Wimbledon viewing in! I won't forget this years.

    That guy is in tullamore isn't he LNH? I'm waiting to hear on an apt, dying to get going!

    Im all good to drive so wherever suits you ladies that have to use alternatives! Betsie - such a pity you're down in tipp :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    That guy is in tullamore isn't he LNH? I'm waiting to hear on an apt, dying to get going!

    Are you going to him too? A good friend of mine had her son treated there and said he was brilliant. Expensive though.

    And maybe a city centre meet? Somewhere like Stephens green or Merrion square. That way the other kids can run around.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Girls fair play to ye all on the bf it's something I was just not ment to do, tried on 1st and 2nd and I just couldn't cope with it and when Andrew was born and was so big I made the decision not to try again baby is happy and putting on weight so I'm happy xx

    If I just had Andrew I would go to Dublin to meet ye but I couldn't manage the 3 of them not yet anyway not used to juggling then all yet haha haha x

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    I'm not sure who we're seeing. The LC mentioned him, a woman in Blackrock clinic who's on holidays until end of July and I can't remember who the third is. She asked if I've a preference and I said whoever can see us soonest!! How did you get a referral? My LC is brilliant, when I can get her, she's a bit scatty. I text her this morning to confirm the referral is done, I don't want to sit on this. I also don't know how much he charges, I was guessing a few hundred but she said it can be claimed back on VHI, some of it anyway.

    We're feeding away with no pain now, I think it's a combo of shells, lanolin and fresh air. Aveen my motivation to keep going is purely selfish. I love being the only one who can feed her and I have a perfect excuse to snatch her back from baby hogs!! Drove me wild on my first daughter. Will be nice though when my husband can give her an expressed bottle, he's really missing out on cuddles with her.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Ah betsie absolutely! You have to make the best decision for you and baby. I had an awful time on #1 and it's pure luck this time is working out, although I think my attitude and approach is a bit different it's 90% good luck!

    Sure I might catch ya some weekend on the boat in terryglass or garykennedy ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭LNH666

    Digs wrote: »
    I'm not sure who we're seeing. The LC mentioned him, a woman in Blackrock clinic who's on holidays until end of July and I can't remember who the third is. She asked if I've a preference and I said whoever can see us soonest!! How did you get a referral? My LC is brilliant, when I can get her, she's a bit scatty. I text her this morning to confirm the referral is done, I don't want to sit on this. I also don't know how much he charges, I was guessing a few hundred but she said it can be claimed back on VHI, some of it anyway.

    We're feeding away with no pain now, I think it's a combo of shells, lanolin and fresh air. Aveen my motivation to keep going is purely selfish. I love being the only one who can feed her and I have a perfect excuse to snatch her back from baby hogs!! Drove me wild on my first daughter. Will be nice though when my husband can give her an expressed bottle, he's really missing out on cuddles with her.

    LC referral too. And because its her lip that is the bigger problem the only one we can go to is that guy Dr Murnane. All the places in Dublin only treat tongue not lip!!!

    And something similar for my when it comes to feeding. I love knowing that I grew her and sustained her. And now she's here I can continue that for as long as possible.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    God digs if you are ever down this way give a shout xx

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    So we have an apt for Alan O'Reilly in the Camden Clinic for Monday week the 18th. Not ideal but he's booked up next week, suppose it's a good sign he's in demand. Hopefully we can just manage until then. One of the girls in the cuidiu group was saying the relief was instant once her girls tie got sorted.

    Il def be down before the summers out betsie! My folks are off down for the weekend, so jealous!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Hopefully ye will get sorted soon digs and ye will get some relief x

    God do give me a shout it's only less then an hour away from me x

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Hi ladies,

    Hope you're all getting some relief with your breast feeding. I didn't get an opportunity to even attempt it this time out but my memories of doing it with my daughter (and giving up after a few weeks) really make me empathise with you all. It's not an easy thing to get established at all and I really do admire you're persevance with it.

    I had a lovely day all to myself today. It was a tough week and my daughter had a meltdown of epic proportions at one stage and really took it out on my little boy. My husband came home to find all three of us crying. So he took the kids to his parents in Wexford for the day and I had a blissful day to myself.
    I went shopping- got one thing for me and everything else for the kids! Grr but their clothes are too cute. Came home and pottered about a bit without having to be super quiet and not wake one baby or try to stop an older one "helping me" and then I had a lie down on the couch and watched a few episodes of game of thrones and had an epic nap before they came back.

    A city centre meet up works fine for me too. Any idea of when this great event might take place?
