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June 2016 Babies Club



  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Oh Appledrop & Digs I hope you're both ok & delighted to hear wee mites are recovering well, still remember my first trip to temple street, I hope the nerves are starting to relax & you both sleeping ok (so well as they can be with babies).

    We've our 4month injections in next two weeks, hope to have them before christening. Due to start swimming lessons with him this Monday, so excited, my first loved them & loves the pool.

    Hope all mummies are doing well, I'm having up & down days, started back running to do something for me. I think boredom/cabin fever is not my friend. I'm much an over thinker.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Aveen I'm about for a coffee or walk in the park etc when suits ya?

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Digs wrote: »
    Aveen I'm about for a coffee or walk in the park etc when suits ya?

    Digs, not sure how to you private message, meet up sounds lovely, I'm north Dublin area what about you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    How's everyone doing? Started solids here on advice from doc. So turns out they now think my wee man has silent reflux, not colic on third type of formula(fingers cross), advised gaviscon but it constipation him. Carobel had no benefit, poor wee mite i hated heartburn & reflux during pregnant, he can't tell us how's he's feeling. Anyone had any experience of this?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,043 ✭✭✭appledrop

    Hi Aveen we are also starting soilds this weekend. Ah that's terrible about the silent reflux. At least my little lad was throwing it up so we knew he had it. Disappointing that the Carobel didn't work it has been a life safer for us. My PHN said there was a Facebook page called surviving reflux so maybe have a look online for that. They may have tips for silent reflux as I think it might be treated different.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Aveen just sent ya a PM! Anyone else interested in a coffee pm me and I'll link us up!

    No solids here yet but she's eyeballing me everytime I put something in my mouth the little monkey, talk about mammy guilt! She is chatting away like nobodies business, cooing and babbling constantly , I swear she's trying to tell me something, my first was nowhere near as vocal as this lassie!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Hey everyone sorry been quite here lately, was lovely reading all the updates, have had a tough few weeks here, all 3 have been sick with awful chests, ended up taking baby to Caredoc one Sunday morning and he sent me straight to the hospital with him, had x-rays and chest was clear not a sign of infection anywhere all viral was sent home with paralinks and told to keep him sleeping upright x in total the cough was in our house 6 weeks and my youngest little girl started coughing again yesterday, I'm at my wit's end really x other then that we are teething mad here drooling and chewing everything, and we started solids on Sunday going ok so far anyway x he also rolled over last week now he is getting so mad with himself that he can't move once he gets onto his front I have a feeling we will have an early mover on my hands x

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Yeah Aveen look up Surviving reflux Ireland it also has an app. Hope you start to feel better soon, don't be shy about mentioning to your husband, friend or the doctor that you not feeling great in yourself some days

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Hi Digs just private message very slow with this technology stuff 🙈
    I'm been looking up silent reflex he has some symptoms but PHN, feels he more likely cow protein sensitive. Has doc appointment tomorrow for us both. I've spoke to my husband about how I feel, just feel lonely at time ( definitely need to get out to meet other mums), limited friends and hard to make friends at work because always on the road. And find when period due I'm definitely more upset.

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Hey everyone sorry been quite here lately, was lovely reading all the updates, have had a tough few weeks here, all 3 have been sick with awful chests, ended up taking baby to Caredoc one Sunday morning and he sent me straight to the hospital with him, had x-rays and chest was clear not a sign of infection anywhere all viral was sent home with paralinks and told to keep him sleeping upright x in total the cough was in our house 6 weeks and my youngest little girl started coughing again yesterday, I'm at my wit's end really x other then that we are teething mad here drooling and chewing everything, and we started solids on Sunday going ok so far anyway x he also rolled over last week now he is getting so mad with himself that he can't move once he gets onto his front I have a feeling we will have an early mover on my hands x

    Ah sounds horrible, hope everyone in the road to recovery.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Hey ladies,
    Don't know how I feel with been diagnosised with post natal depression. I'm happy to try meds very nervous because I'm sensitive to all meds. Just felt I'm tried and need to sleep

    On a plus my wee man has been diagnosis with lactose intolerant, feel like I knew something wasn't right and not in my head.

    Sorry for moan email again but nice to be able to say things

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Hazelnut Button

    Aveen wrote: »
    Hey ladies,
    Don't know how I feel with been diagnosised with post natal depression. I'm happy to try meds very nervous because I'm sensitive to all meds. Just felt I'm tried and need to sleep

    On a plus my wee man has been diagnosis with lactose intolerant, feel like I knew something wasn't right and not in my head.

    Sorry for moan email again but nice to be able to say things

    Don't apologize Aveen, that's what this place is for.

    I'm sure the diagnosis was a bit of a shock but post natal depression is very common. It's ok not to be ok! I think you're amazing for being proactive and going to get help. Just reinforces you're a great mammy. You need to be well to best look after you're little one.

    Come rant here anytime x

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Aveen it's a temporary illness that you will recover from. In my own experience it's only when you come out the other side & start feeling normal again that you realise how not normal your feelings were.
    Hope you don't react to the meds and remember- very important-- they take weeks to kick in so don't give up on the process.

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    How's everyone doing?
    We're getting on we'll here, can't believe he'll be 6months soon

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 364 ✭✭shivers27

    How are all the lovely June mummy's getting on ? Katie is such a sweetie pie. I've never known such a happy easy going baby :-) She smiles all day long ... At anyone I might add :-)

    We've started gently weaning and she doing well. No teeth yet and no sign of any coming soon. She's a bit of a lazy lump and not attempting to sit or roll ! Her big brother is fantastic with her.

    Are most of us taking unpaid leave from work or has anyone returned to work yet. I'm off till mid April :-)

    Take care xx

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Ah June mammies hello! Aveen I completely missed your post sorry.

    We're flying along. Super content baby here too, she has brought so much joy to us all I can't remember what we did before her. She's a little dote. She just turned five months this week.

    She's sitting up and half gets up on her knees and hands and kind of rocks (while laughing heartily!!!) but she hasn't been able to take her eyes off her big sister since she was born so I think she's in a major rush to get going and play with her. I'm so glad they have each other and love watching them interact.

    Not due back to work until the end of March myself. I was getting so anxious at the thought of leaving her and am fairly convinced I won't be able to so we made the definite decision I will not be going back full time and in the meantime we're going ahead with a business idea we've talked about for a long time so we're hoping if that takes off I won't have to go back at all! Pretty excited about it.

    So looking forward to Christmas! #1 really gets it this year and is driven demented with all the toy adds and talk of santa!

    Hope everyone else is well and the babies are flying along.

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Digs, don't be worrying life busy for all.

    My wee man is doing well, on solids and loving them, he'd eat a full dinner it let lol! On three small portions a day. No sign of rolls, wants to sitting but not near ready yet.
    Personal I'm doing ok, having more good days and low don't last long so all going well. My plan was not to head back to March but work are starting to contact (even tho I stated and them were happy that I would be not back to March). Think there's new managers(I know two have left since my leave) so I think roles may be changing and their making sure their not short. So March is still looking good, doc happy to sign me out at mo if needed
    So looking forward to playing Santa this year again but both boys haven't a clue it's more of us adults

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 364 ✭✭shivers27

    Oooooh Digs that sounds so exciting about your new business venture. I wish you all the best and hope it works out. I'm sure it will :-)

    I'll be taking one day a week parental leave so will be doing 3 days. They're pretty long days tho. I'd love love love to do a 2 day week. OH is looking for a job atm so fingers crossed he gets a better paying job.

    Aveen , glad to hear you're Having more good days than bad. My 2 year old understands a bit more about Xmas this year but not fully. Still so exciting tho :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Oh Digs I mustnt have fully registered the new business adventure, best wishes and good luck to all involved.

    Shivers three days sounds nice, I'm currently on four day but would love three day. Think I'll worry about it after a Xmas.

    Delighted to hear all going well 😊

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,043 ✭✭✭appledrop

    Aveen hope your doing well. It's tough having the PHD but hopefully with the meds you will be better in no time. I'm glad you finally got a diagnosis for your little boy. It should really make a difference now you know what it is + how to treat it. I'll never forget the difference in my little guy once we got him sorted he was like a different baby!

    Our little guy has taken to soilds so well he is a little savage! It's mad as we were a bit nervous after all the drama with the reflux but the food has been so much easier. He loves all the different foods + tastes. Like you Aveen now on three meals a day + his bottles. The result is that for the first time he actually fits into his next size up in clothes on time! He was always on the smaller size being 3 weeks early but not anymore. He is rolling around like mad + dying to get going. I think I'm going to have my hands full with him in a few months when he is crawling.

    So exictied about Christmas. I'm going back in Jan so ahead of most you on that one. Have mixed feelings on it but hoping it's the right choice + the crèche we wanted has a place in Jan so that kind of sealed it for us.

    Digs best of luck with the business venture. Can't believe all our babies are now around 6 mths old!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Hi everyone, it's been ages since I had a chance to dip in and catch up with everyone. It's really good to see how everyone is getting along, all of our babies are getting bigger and bolder by the day!
    Aveen I'm really glad to see you're doing better, having babies is tough that's for sure.
    My little boy is almost 7 months old. I find it hard to believe sometimes and end up counting back the weeks to when he was born.
    He is sleeping well too. I put in two weeks of hard work on his sleep training back in October and while it was tough going its been well worth it. Now he gets up at 7am, back to bed for 9am for 90/120 minutes, up at 11am for lunch, back down again by 1pm until 3/3:30pm for his dinner/ tea and then off we go to collect his big sister from the childminder.
    The two of them have started to interact more with each other which is really cute to see.

    We started on solids at 17 weeks underestimate advisement from the PHN and he loves his food. Sometimes I think I'll need a second mortgage to feed two such hungry kids!

    I decided to take all of my unpaid leave so when that's finished and I a dad on my untaken annual leave from 2016 and public holidays accrued and then some annual leave from 2017 I won't be going back to work until June. It's really nice to know that I still have so much time left.
    I was thinking yesterday that I couldn't really go back to work just yet. My RA while better than it was during the summer still isn't 100% under control which is hard at times. My husband is still under a lot of pressure at work and while it's better than it was last May (that wouldn't be hard) it's been hard on me/ us.

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Wishing you merry Christmas and promising new year, hope santa good to all :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Hope everyone new adventures are going well.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,043 ✭✭✭appledrop

    Hi Aveen great to hear from you. Things have been mad busy for us. I went back to work last month + things are going well so far so delighted. The luxury of having your lunch in peace everyday! Thankfully my little guy has settled really well in crèche. He was a bit of a rascal with his naps at first but they were great + got it sorted. The only downside is he of course picked it a bad flu in first 2 weeks but thankfully only viral.

    Hope all the rest of the June babies are doing well. Can't believe they will all be one in a short while!

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    appledrop wrote: »
    Hi Aveen great to hear from you. Things have been mad busy for us. I went back to work last month + things are going well so far so delighted. The luxury of having your lunch in peace everyday! Thankfully my little guy has settled really well in crèche. He was a bit of a rascal with his naps at first but they were great + got it sorted. The only downside is he of course picked it a bad flu in first 2 weeks but thankfully only viral.

    Hope all the rest of the June babies are doing well. Can't believe they will all be one in a short while!

    Hey Appledrop, delighted to hear work going well. Sounds like you're settling well. Hope your wee monkey doing well.
    I'm starting to feel more like my old self, Due back to work in March but will discuss with GP. Feeling I need to go back but at same time not sure I'm ready and don't what to go backwards.
    My wee man has just started to settle, 7months of unsettle/colicky baby diagnosis with cmpi and given prescribed formula = new baby such a happy boy. He's mad to get going that when the fun beginning lol

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,043 ✭✭✭appledrop

    Delighted things are improving Aveen. Remember I said if you could get him sorted he would be like a different baby. Thankfully we found a solution after 3 mths but you has a tough time before you found out what was wrong.

    You never know going back to work might be positive for you. I love my little baby but have enjoyed being seeing as 'me' again since I went back to work + not just a mammy.

    He is flying along + doing great. Getting around with his crawling. It's not perfect but he is getting there. He loves being on the go! I'd better get the house more baby proof soon!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 364 ✭✭shivers27

    Hi girls,

    All good here :-) Baba is almost sitting up but not moving around much on the floor much. Lazy lump Exactly like her brother, he didn't sit until he was 10 months ! I'm back to work in April. I'm going to be part time now which I'm absolutely thrilled about. I'll only be working 2 days per week !!! :-)

    Aveen I'm absoulutely delighted to hear you're feeling back to yourself. Don't rush into going back full time if you're not up to it. Maybe see if you can go back on shorter days to begin with. So glad your little fella is doing well now that you have a diagnosis x

    Appledrop I'm glad to hear you're settled back into work ok. The thoughts of it is so much worse isn't it ?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Thanks a mill ladies, delighted to hear all going well with you too.
    I've requested a 3day week so fingers cross I get it. I'm thinking going back will do me some good. But I'm disappointed because I'm only really getting to enjoy my wee man. I do have annual leave to use so who knows what could happen ;-).

    My wee man is sitting up no problem, wants to stand all the time, he goes poke straight when you try to sit him, he hates lying (probably reflux related, this didn't help with tummy time either). No sign of rolling here but I'm not so worried. I'm kinda missing him been a baby 😳, but love his personally, I'll have my hands full in years to come

  • Registered Users Posts: 245 ✭✭Aveen

    Back to work Monday, the nervous are kicking in. Didn't get my three day week but still only in four so not too bad.
    Hope all mummies and babies are doing well, can't believe in less than 9 weeks he'll be 1!!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,043 ✭✭✭appledrop

    Best of luck tomorrow Aveen! I went back in Jan so I'm a pro now at juggling things;) Overall I'm really happy to be back in work. Of course you will have days when it's hard but overall good for us both.

    The first day is always the hardest but it will get easier so hang in there!
