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Game On!! Let's get Fit

  • 20-10-2015 4:46pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,512 ✭✭✭

    So I've decided that this winter is the time for me to change my lifestyle and become a fit healthy person.

    About me: I'm already quiet active playing camogie (3times a week) and Golf (2 rounds a week) and my job is very intense also. Both sports are coming to an end so my plan for Winter is gym and jogs. Diet is my biggest downfall and the thing I'll have to work on most to stay on track.


    Age: 22

    Height: 167cm (5ft 6in)

    Weight: 72kg (11stone 3pounds)

    Dress Size: 12


    1) Run 10k in under an hour with no walking

    2) Drop a dress size or loose 7kg which ever happens first

    3) Tone up and be stronger for next sport season

    4) Drink at least 2l of water a day

    5) Be happy and healthy

    The Plan:

    10k plan: because I have a small fitness base I'm going to start on week 4 of C25k and progress on to C210k when completed. Going to Run 3 times a week

    Gym: Going to do strength and conditioning in gym twice a week and hopefully squeeze in a Pilates class once a week too for core work and flexibility.

    Diet: I started weight watchers 10 weeks ago and lost 10 pounds in 6 weeks but then fell off wagon. So going to get back on track now and hopefully keep weight loss going

    For me the main thing is just being prepared cause otherwise I find it all to easy to make wrong choice. So I need to have lunches prepared to avoid bad food in shop/canteen. Have gym clothes and stuff ready so I won't get lazy. Have heat on so I will get up rather than stay in warm bed. It's the small things like this will make or break my me.

    So basically that's my winter mission and now that I'be started my log I'm committed to it and there is no backing out. Any advice/ help/ tips etc would be greatly appreciated


  • Registered Users Posts: 393 ✭✭ninamc

    I play Camogie too and found when I started weight-training my Camogie improved hugely. Instead of relying purely on pace, it was great to have that physical element of standing my ground and coming off in clashes much stronger and much more confident. It can also be quite intimidating to your opposing player if your strength shows on the first pull, a lot of them will be hesitant to come too close. Worked out well for me in anyway :) Don't be afraid of lifting heavy weights, and also interval sprints on the treadmill are great to keep the stamina up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,512 ✭✭✭OffalyMedic

    So I completed C25K W4D1 yesterday before my night shift. Took me half an hour to do 4.3km including a 5 min warm-up and cool down walk. Very happy with it, won't say I found it easy but wasn't as difficult as I though it would be. Healthy eating going well but it's easy on nights cause you usually don't feel too hungry and there is no canteen/ shop to lead you astray!!

    Won't manage to do day 2 of C25k tonight because I need more sleep but should have week 4 completed by Monday evening :)

    Fluid levels are much improved too, got 2l + on board yesterday and today.

    Thanks for reply Nina, that's very promising and more incentive to keep the plan up for the winter :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,512 ✭✭✭OffalyMedic

    Ok so week one went miserably wrong!!

    Started off day 1+2 eating well and exercising but then I woke up with a swollen jaw, went to doctor and got diagnoised with mumps.

    Spent 5 days in bed and ate barely anything for the few days and had to energy.

    Hopefully get back on track tomorrow now that I'm feeling a lot better. Hoping to get a run in in the morning :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 393 ✭✭ninamc

    Aw that's crap. Considering how motivated you sounded. Hope things pick up this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,512 ✭✭✭OffalyMedic

    Just back from jog after completing week 5 day 3 ( 5min warm up walk, 20min jog and cool down walk).

    Really happy with how it went didn't think I'd be able to last the whole 20mins but suprised myself and did!!

    Stats for jog:
    total distance 4.25km
    Total time: 27:45
    Walk distance: 0.87km
    Avg walk pace: 8.56min/km
    Jog distance: 3.38km
    Avg Jog Pace: 5.55min/km

    Overall exercise is going very well and I'm meeting the 2l+ of water most days, diet could improve (a lot) but definitely getting better!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7 Cathain123

    Hope to post stats in a week
