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marathon blues



  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    after the xc the sunday I felt ok Monday carried on as normal ran 6miles that evening about 7 30 a mile. Tuesday. usually a club session but with doin xc sunday and jingle bell 5km Saturday I gave the speed session a miss for 5 miles. it was very windy I averaged 7 40 a mile into the wind I did let lose and run one of the miles a 6 30ish a mile wit the wind . Wednesday. I ran 7 miles enjoyed the run about 7 miles around Tallaght. Thursday. I was flat out with the kids at stevie gerrards book signing so got home late still got 4miles in at 7 40 a mile and abit of core work. Friday rest day.
    Saturday jingle bell 5km. were do I start wit the weather not ideal the wind was very strong. I arrived early enough start my warm up could feel the force of the wind but I still felt confident of putting in a decent run. at the start line and were of so I thought we were false start grrrr more standing around now have to wait on everyone to be called back.eventually we get started first km goes ok hit 3min 33 and was thinking that's not a bad base to work of then we take the left turn towards mtjoy rd about wooshh the wind kicks in I sway side to side trying to use felo runners as wind shields I prob lost time doin this I did 2nd km 3min47 panic no I was thinking I can still make it up and sneak a pb.we turned left at mt joy rd about and again felt the ful force of the wind I was hoping for a bit of a break make up time no chance 3rd km I hit 3min 46 I was thinkin if I at least creep under 18min il be happy I put the head down battled the wind 4th km I hit 3min 40 and the final km downhill I recorded 3min 22 crossed the line 18 06 ye I didn't even record a sub 18 5km I think I can blame the conditions today on that still a good session in the end. but its left me feeling a little robbed I'm already on the look out for my next 5 10km race were I can run a time I feel I deserve. aware 10km has crossed my mind might give it a lash

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    training log sunday December the 6th 10 miles on my plan finally back into double figures in miles on my longruns. Monday. just 6 miles on the plan easy pace 7 40 a mile. Tuesday. club session 2x15min reps lacthate threshold pace 3 min recovery between reps. the session was done on the firhouse rd so averaged 3 50 a km running up it a bit to fast coming back down averaging 3 31 a km ran just over 4 km for each rep. Wednesday. 7 miles ran at about 7 40 a mile. Thursday.after much thought and a chat wit my coach I decided to do the aware 10 km I know maybe the fast session on Tuesday maybe wasn a good idea wit doin a 10 k but decided to give it a lash anyway Thursday night easy 4 miles 7 40 a mile. Saturday dec 12th aware 10 km as I awoke to look out the window I could hear the rain I cancelled my plans to cycle to the race and got a lift. although the rain was absolutely bucketing down it was reasonalbly calm wind wasn't an issue just trying to keep warm and dry before the race was. I went into this feeling confident of a good run I decided to set of sub 37 min pace 3min 40 a km and I was goin well actually enjoyed running through the huge puddles on the course and the rain of course. I hit about the 3.5km mark I knew there was a hill coming as we climbed back up from fury glen were the lake was I was fine running up the sharp hill but the km between 3n4 after the climb I struggled to get back to 3min40 a km my calfs felt heavy almost felt like shaking them out. I pushed on its a 2 lap 5km course I got back on course despite the hill hicupp but I knew it was coming up again small voice in my head sayin u might not even pb today or run sub 38 I checked the watch I was averaging 3min 48 at about 7km I just stuck my head down and dug deep hit the hill again lost another 20 seconds that's 40 seconds that dam hill took of me I got my act togethere anyway to finish in 37 44. maybe in the future il start doin hill reps but il still take some positives from today oh and I missed out on a pb by 7 seconds always next time. sunday. 11 miles legs were a bit soar to be honest averaged 7 30 a mile glad to have it done and chill out for the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    That's a great week under the belt GOsh, well done.

    Nice to see you racing well're back knocking on the door!

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Training log. Dec 21st. Bit busy wit the Xmas period forgot to update this my last week's running is as follows. Monday 6 miles about 7 30 a mile . Tuesday was a club session which I could not attend due to kids awards ceremony I got out late to do it afterwards. The session was 5/3 min 10km pace 1 min easy between 300s / 2 4min recovery between the two sets. Session went ok although I set of the fast first 2 300s I slowed a bit as the session went on due to tiredness and maybe running it on my own instead of been wit club mates.wednesday was a tired 6 miles my legs were feeling it averaged about 7 40 a mile was glad to get home.thursday I done 8 miles enjoyed the run legs were ok went a little to fast not much averaged about 7 20 a mile. Friday rest day. Saturday xc training wit the club training for the xc masters I went down and done the session although I can't run due to my age 30 years old. It was a windy morning the coach had a 1km lap set out in the local park we ran 7 laps at hard effort was a good tough session averaged 3 min 55 a km over 7 km the wind was ab absolute killer in the session good to have it done. Sunday 12miles iv been found lacking in races wen it comes to taking on hills seem to be losing to much time. So decided to take in some mountains on my lSr up around kiltipper area was a tough run running up the mountain anyway grand coasting back down IL add more hills drags to al my runs from this week on I averaged 7 min 25 a mile on the run . IL try update this more often in future

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Monday 21st Dec. My legs were a bit tight and soar after my xc session and hill run the weekend I opted to slow the pace on my 6 mile run about 7 45 a mile enjoyed the run although my legs did ache. Tuesday 22nd is usually a club session but wit work commitments and a planned xmas shopping trip I wasn't goin to make it so I done the session on my own. I was tired by the time I got home about 9 in the evening it was tempting to just do an easy 5mile but I opted not to I done the club session 20 min at lactate threshold pace 4min interval 12 Min at 10km pace. It was like the running gods were against me it took Wat mist of been 10 min for my garmin to connect while I jogged up in the the Rd keeping warm til I could start the session beep my watch goes about time I can start. I set of along a 5km route I used to do once I opened up the legs I felt fine in the back of my mind I was thinkin least the next rep is only a 12 minute one other than been slowed crossing Rd s etc the 20 min rep went well the splits were 3 min 44 km 3 38 km at this stage I said to myself it's not a race slow down 3rd km 3 min 47 4th km 4min 02 5th 3 min 52 covered about 5.3 km over the 20 min. I enjoyed the 4min interval actually sayin to myself wow 4min is a long time I was eager to get the other rep done I set of legs felt a bit jaded but completed the rep 1st km 3 44 2nd 3 47 3rd I had to stop for a dam traffic light 4 07. IL enjoy a few easy runs till Saturday now thinking of doin a pkrun

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  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Saturday 26th December pkrun griffeen valley went ok other than a slip I had at 3 km crossing the grass which was frustrating I was goin well averaging 3 30 a km til the slip never recovered ran 18 20 should of been a pb. I stormed of didn even hand my bar code in after words had to remind myself it was only a pkrun later in the day these things happen. Sunday 28th 13miles I got new runners as a present adidas galaxy they felt a little to good on this run I felt great averaged about 7 min a mile over the 13miles to fast for lsr I know but least I burned of the Xmas turkey n desserts a little quicker. Monday 6 miles about 7 40 a mile legs were tired slowed it down. Tuesday 5mile about 7 20 a mile. Wednesday 7miles averaging 7 03 a mile. Thursday rest day. Friday tom brennan 5km. Race conditions seemed ok apart from the wind I kept sayin to myself it's not to bad keep positive. The race started well first km 3 24 I shout to a club mate a little fast we slow it to 3 35 a km well when we hit Chesterfield Rd we'd no option to slow the pace the wind was tough running into I felt I was still goin well though 2nd km 3 35 3rd km 3 36 4th 3 37 I say to myself it's a difficult day with the weather km goin to run sub 18min at least good session. I was wrong I turn onto Chesterfield Rd and it felt like the wind got stronger again I put the head down dig deep about 100 m from the line my watch beeps 5th km 3 39 17 54 min I'm like wtf I see the finish line way ahead the finishing clock still ticking I run flat out to finish 18 10 I cross the line. Lesson I learned from today don't adjust my pace to my garmin ever again over 5km not sure if the course or my watch was of but a small bit of me is pissed of I have not run sub 18min got close to my pb of 17 40 in 3 attempts now I know the weather's not been on my side at al wit yesterday n the jingle bell 5km but I see other people doin it regardless the weather n strive to be like them. Always the next race hopefully I catch a break with the weather to

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    2016 TARGETS sub 17 15min 5km . Sub 36 30 min 10km. sub 29 min 5mile. Sub 1 hrs 22 min half marathon. Sub 3hrs marathon. Feel there al realistic goals to keep progressing is the main objective to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    gosh123 wrote: »
    t a small bit of me is pissed of I have not run sub 18min got close to my pb of 17 40 in 3 attempts now I know the weather's not been on my side at al wit yesterday n the jingle bell 5km but I see other people doin it regardless the weather n strive to be like them. Always the next race hopefully I catch a break with the weather to

    Would I be right in thinking your 3 attempts have been reasonably close together G?

    Also, those people you mention that are PBing, what is their schedule like racing wise?

    Just curious, you seem to go flat out at training and I wonder are you leaving those PBs out on training runs!

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Ye in the space of 4 weeks the 3 5km s were jingle bell griffeen pkrun n tom brennan 5km and I'd aware 10km sandwiched in there to. Sorry I didn't mean I knew people that were getting PBs in those races I ment there's still people running the times I wish to do regardless of the weather don't like using the wind as an excuse I'm a bit like a broken record last 4 weeks so I try not mention it to much. I agree some of my training is fast iv have cut back on a bit of the speed work wit the club last 4 weeks And do try keep my runs about 7 30 a mile which I agree hasn't been happening lately more like 7 15 a mile lately. My long runs are goin up in distance from today IL have a bit of company some of the lads running rotterdam marathon I'm doin manchester that wil slow me down on my lSr s . I agree maybe to many races lately but how are u to improve if u dont race (last time using this excuse) only for the weather I could be looking at things differently.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    I wouldn't be worrying too much about it, thats quite a few races in a short space of time so its going to be harder to see any real improvement from one to the next...and the weather has been ****e , don't think that's a cop out at all, just the facts !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Duanington wrote: »
    I wouldn't be worrying too much about it, thats quite a few races in a short space of time so its going to be harder to see any real improvement from one to the next...and the weather has been ****e , don't think that's a cop out at all, just the facts !
    No just back from a slowish 23 km averaged 4 46min a km took in the waterworks wit the club a lot slower than last week's lsr IL run more wit the club in the lead up to Manchester just to slow down my long down to run cross country saturday 6 km and then raheny 5mile I wouldn mind skipping the cross country focus on the training could be a good session though IL discuss it wit the coach. It's the bhaa cross country next week in cherry field not old enough for the masters in raheny sunday

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    gosh123 wrote: »
    No just back from a slowish 23 km averaged 4 46min a km took in the waterworks wit the club a lot slower than last week's lsr IL run more wit the club in the lead up to Manchester just to slow down my long down to run cross country saturday 6 km and then raheny 5mile I wouldn mind skipping the cross country focus on the training could be a good session though IL discuss it wit the coach. It's the bhaa cross country next week in cherry field not old enough for the masters in raheny sunday

    Sorry got the venue mixed up its in tymon the bhaa 4 mile cross country saturday. Cherry field is later in the month

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    MONDAY 4TH JANUARY 6 miles on the plan 7 30 a mile pace. TUESDAY speed session wit the club 6 miles rotating from 10km pace to mp pace every 800 metres I ran the session to fast as per usual didn feel like I was pushing that hard though cover the 6 miles in 38 25min was 3 min 42 at 10km pace 3 min 55 a km at mp pace to fast . WEDNESDAY 8 miles on the plan 7 30 a mile pace. THURSDAY 8 miles again on the plan miles increasing by the week slowly about 7 30 a mile pace. FRIDAY rest. SATURDAY decided to run tymon pkrun I cycled to the run I felt stiff warming up been honest I said to myself IL start slowish n try build from there. Run starts I find myself in 2nd place first km I let first place run of into the distance focus on my own pace. By 800 metres could see 1st place was slowing as I passed him I look around n see I won't have much compitition today as I passed the first km in 3 40 a km I was well in the clear by 2nd km I'd opened quite a gap 3 35 a km 3rd km 3 36 km I look around I have lead of about 250 metres I could afford to slow the pace 4th km 3 46 part of the reason I lost time to was part of the course was under water I say to myself as I dance through the water IL just settle for 1st place a times irrelevant today I didn kill myself over the last km didn see the point 3 55 think I ran 18 29 not sure results still not in I was over a minute ahead of 2nd in the end. I go over runs to much in my head even though I took the foot of the gas part of me says why did u do that that time should be better I don't no this running game drives me mad sometimes. SUNDAY 15miles on the plan again I treated myself to new runners and wit my club mates doin the masters I found myself rrunning the 15miles to fast I blame how good the runners felt watch was stuck on kms I ran 24.14km averaging 4 24 a km to hot I no for an lsr I'm planning on doin some of my lSr up to the hell fire club in the coming weeks so the hills will put manners on me.Monday 6 miles at 7 25 a mile.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    TUESDAY 12 January 1/ 20 min rep lactate threshold pace 3 min recovery followed by 15 min rep lactate threshold pace. Session went ok legs were a bit cranky warming but once the session started I was fine. It was a club session and a windy cold night. Paces for first 20 min was 3 58 km 3 55 km 3 46 km 3 37 km 3 22 km ran 5. 32 km over the course of 20 min. I'm aware I finished the session a little fast as a club mate told me slow down ur racing sound advice. 15 min rep went ok legs held up grand averaged 3 55 a km 3 58 a km 3 37 a km 3 37 a km cover 4 km over 15 07 minutes. A good session was glad it was over to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Wednesday. 8Miles about 8 minute a mile I had a bit of company for part of the run helped slow my pace and take my mind of the cold bitter conditions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    gosh123 wrote: »
    I'm aware I finished the session a little fast as a club mate told me slow down ur racing sound advice. 15 min rep went ok legs held up grand averaged 3 55 a km 3 58 a km 3 37 a km 3 37 a km cover 4 km over 15 07 minutes. A good session was glad it was over to.

    And you listened? Wow, I'm impressed! ( nice session too)

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Duanington wrote: »
    And you listened? Wow, I'm impressed! ( nice session too)

    Ye I get a bit carried away wanting to be up the front in session instead of actually getting any benefits from the session. Just have to start been a bit wiser on Tuesday nights.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    THURSDAY. 8Miles. was an eventful 8Miles as I left I looked out the window it's not raining IL just wear a long sleeve top no need for a jacket schoolboy error. About a mile into my run it began to snow it was ok first 4 miles wind was on my back actually enjoyed it. Then I turn to run home up the tallaght bypass my god it was cold running straight into the wind and snow bear grylls stuff ha ha I tried to alter my route to take cover from the wind eventually got home legs stiff and don't think I could feel my hands still was happy to get my run done. Averaged 7 15 a mile wanting to get home quickened the run a bit. FRIDAY. REST DAY

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    SATURDAY. tempo session wit the club in tymon about a 6.1km run we do 5 loops of the path beside templeougue club house plenty of drags in the loop good tough session. 1st km 3 40 min 2nd 3 48min 3rd 3 43min 4th 3 5th 3 44 km 6th 3 45 km. I enjoyed the session icentre on the paths and pedestrians slowed us a bit but happy enough wit it feel I'm coming into a bit of form keeping one eye on raheny as a race I want do do well in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    gosh123 wrote: »
    SATURDAY. tempo session wit the club in tymon about a 6.1km run we do 5 loops of the path beside templeougue club house plenty of drags in the loop good tough session. 1st km 3 40 min 2nd 3 48min 3rd 3 43min 4th 3 5th 3 44 km 6th 3 45 km. I enjoyed the session icentre on the paths and pedestrians slowed us a bit but happy enough wit it feel I'm coming into a bit of form keeping one eye on raheny as a race I want do do well in.
    Ice not icentre dam phone

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  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    A planned 16 mile run to the hellfire club wit 3 lads from the club.
    I was meeting the lads about 4 km from me at the Old Mill so I tried to slow the pace before I met them known I had a tough session yesterday averaged 4 40 a km over the first 4 km.
    I met the lads we set out to tackle the steep climb to the hellfire club pace was fine as we passed through Ballycra and woods town about 5min a km a slower pace than I'm used to but enjoyed the chat as we ran.
    The Rd up to the hellfire is as steep as they come I noticed my splits were reduced to 6 min a km one of the lads shouts paul this is a slow run not a tempo so I fell back trying not to let the pace bother me..
    As we reached the top of the mountain taking in some awesome views along the way I glanced at my watch 10km thought it would of been longer it's looks a longer run anyway from jobstown I knew I'd have to take in a few extra km when we got back down to the mill
    We took in a few trails on our way back few nice climbs their to.
    The run down was slow n steady no point racing down the hills nothing to be gained from that.
    I took in a few laps of the dodder to make it up to a 26 km run my legs did feel a bit stiff towards the end been honest.
    Over the 26 km averaged 5 10 a km hope to do the run again build some strength in the legs for manchester may be do the run on my own one of the times at a slightly Faster ppace felt the pace was a bit slow at times today but may be that's a good thing to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Nice run there G - wouldn't worry about the slower pace at all , the hills will always eat into the numbers even when you're on your own...I've made the mistake of trying to force the pace up hills in the past and paid the price a day or two later. Good week under the belt, keep it up !

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Duanington wrote: »
    Nice run there G - wouldn't worry about the slower pace at all , the hills will always eat into the numbers even when you're on your own...I've made the mistake of trying to force the pace up hills in the past and paid the price a day or two later. Good week under the belt, keep it up !

    Ye just tipping away following the plan feel alot better this time round than when I was training for dcm no aches n pains everything goin I get a bit hung up looking at the watch when I seen it hit 6 odd min kms I was like I'm not gaining from this al in my head madness. I will run it on my own in February slightly steadier pace goin up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    MONDAY. 6 miles legs were a bit heavy after the weekends running averaged about 7 30 ish a mile.

    Tuesday. Usually do a session with the club but iv a few days of work so headed out early this morning to get it done then relax for the day.
    The session was 3/2 mile 5min recovery 8/10km pace. I had a feeling this would be a tough session my thighs were soar legs a bit heavy from the hill run the weekend.
    I got about a 2 mile warm up in trying to shake out the legs. First rep went ok I was struggling a bit towards the end been honest I look at my watch 11 50min for first 2 miles. I knew I wouldn hold this pace for the final 2 reps. I decided to start of a slower pace in the final two reps and finish strong. 2nd rep 12 10 min 3rd rep 12 14 min legs were cranky as hell glad to get home afterwards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    I woke up to a flat tyre on my bike usually cycle to work So decided to take my gear into work to run home.
    As I left work I still felt a bit stiff but I actually enjoyed the run at a slower pace as I got into the run my legs felt fine. 8Miles at about 7 min 40 pace.

    8 miles again on the plan iv been told by the coach none of my runs should be faster than 7 30 a mile other than on speed sessions on Tuesday n Saturday or risk my marathon goin pearse shaped in April so even though I felt fresh I held back. 8Miles at approx 7 35 a mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    FRIDAY rest day

    Is a club session 5mile tempo run. My push bikes out of action so I'd to run to the session about 4 mile 8 min miles.
    Where the session takes place is in tymon park an unforgiving loop wit plenty of drags to test most runners.
    The session went ok held 3 50 a km on average ye my watch was stuck in km for a 5mile tempo not ideal but it went ok on a tough course was very windy to. 31 14min for the 5 miles good work out. 3 mile run home had to stop a mile short of home to pick up the kids.
    12miles in total for the day.


    long again I joined a few club members for a run to the waterworks plenty of climbs in the run but we ran it at a slower pace 8 minute miles.with the extra miles I done yesterday instead of running 17 miles I just ran the 15miles. Been honest I was a little tired to al week the plans to take it easy this week and arrive fresh at raheny no more speed sessions til the race itself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Was a bit under the weather instead of a planned 6miles decided to take a rest day

    usually a club session but opted to give it a miss for a shorter session. I set of on my 2 mile warm up feeling fresh the rest day done my legs good anyway. Wind was on my back blowing me down the Rd about 7 min mile pace wit the help of the wind.
    Decided to do 4/400s blow of a few cobwebs of the legs before Raheny session went okay 1 18 1st rep 1 19 2 nd rep 1 18 3rd 1 18 4th n final rep 1 17min about 45 second interval.
    Slow 3 miles home into the wind about 8 minute miles I hope that wind dies down before Raheny.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    8miles. Iv had a few days of work so I feel well rested I set out on my run feeling fresh I notice my first 4 miles are around mp pace voice in my head Wat are you doin you were told don't run faster than 7 30 a mile on easy days this time I listened slowed it down averaged about 7 05 a mile for the 8miles.
    I go to bed later that night feel the inside of my ankle aching al sorts go through my head I can't be after picking up an injury I was fine today I get up and it's soar to walk on I decide il try sleep on it see how I am tomorrow.


    I was fine panic over no pain at al in my ankle. I'd 6miles on my plan it went fine I was tired partly put that down to my sleepless night worrying about my ankle. 6miles averaged 7 50 a mile.hoping for a good run in raheny now sub 30 will be my first goal hoping to run under 29 20 al goin to plan. Il just do a short 4 miles Saturday arrive in raheny fresh sunday

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    due to having the kids I couldn get out for my 4 easy miles rest day.


    The 3 a clock start left me wit plenty of time on my hands in the morning alot of it pacing around the house cleaning eager to get goin.

    Clock strikes 1 my club mate picks me up were on the road I arrived about 2 10 collected my number started warming up.
    I noticed Duanington as I set of we had a good catch up as we warm up whole time I was eager to get to the start get a good starting point.
    We arrive at the start line I notice clubmates ahead say my goodbyes to Duanington he was content to stay were he was I was worried about moving through the crowds.

    And we're of first mile was a bit mental plenty of dodging in and out people I decided to jump up on the path less people there. As we approach the 2nd mile we come towards a left turn as I still on the path this means ducking under a tree to rejoin the Rd. Apart from the dodging people and ducking under a tree my pace was fine first 2 miles

    3rd mile went fine heading into the wind I notice I'm around 4 club mates I could rely on them for pacing I usually have a problem of goin to fast and not finishing strong so I was content to have them around me.
    As we enter the park I shout to a club mate we need to push here both of us starting to hurt a little.

    We arrive at the 180 turn I notice I'm in a good group al my clubmates close by. I was hurting alot but my pace was fine as we leave St Anne's for the last stretch to home.

    The breeze was in our face as we left the park this wasn't a great help over the last 100 metres I see the finishing line in sight and push to the finish 29 47 not a bad run I was happy with that.

    I look around for Duanington see the clock tick past 30 min think oh no did he pull up only to notice him chatting to friend he was in before me 29 14 or so good day at the office

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  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    1st km 3 37 2nd km 3 44 3rd km 3 42 4th km 3 35
    5th km 3 43 6th km 3 47 7th km 3 40 8th km 3 40
    Overall 5miles 29 47
