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marathon blues



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Well done again G, you're heading into your marathon training in great shape. Good to see you today too

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123


    Got up early before work to get 5miles just after 5 am went ok averaging approx 7 40 a mile. Not sure if the early starts run wise for me though it did leave me feeling tired for the day in the afternoon.

    I skipped the speed session wit the club as I raced raheny 5mile . Just done 5miles approx 7 20 a mile.iv start back doin a bit of core work to press ups sit ups always go through spells of doin it for a couple of weeks then stop for 2 3 weeks I hoped to keep to it this time round

    9 miles I can see my Wednesday runs getting longer now wit Manchester closing in I actually enjoyed this run about 7 25 a mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    8miles felt a bit tired tonight busy in work up at 5 30 am most morning I usually I have 1 tired run a week. 8miles approx 7 30 a mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123


    iv been suffering wit a bit of a cold despite this I decided to run griffeen valley 5km anyway.
    I was made aware there was a lad running that would run 16 30s 5km so I set out if I can keep him in my sights il be doin well that proved to be a mistake.
    First mile was 5 25min I knew when I glanced at the watch I wasn't goin to keep that pace I slowed as he powered on to 16 30.
    I seem to make that mistake every few weeks mainly when I do a pkrun starting to fast even though on the way to the run I'd be convincing myself not to do it.
    If anything it proved a good session and a lesson to be learned I crossed the line in 2nd 18 25min
    I do miss havin people around me to pace of in 5km runs anyway

    I woke up still a bit of a cold but came to the decision il do my 20miles and rest tomorrow if I'm still not right.
    The run went fine took in the waterworks few hills the wind was not only strong but bitterly cold.
    Having company a few lads from the club helped take my mind of it
    20miles 8 minute a mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Was awake most of sunday night coughing didn't feel right decided to take a rest day try shift my cold been bugging me the last 2 weeks

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  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    felt a bit better decided to do 6/400s wit doin enniscorthy sunday thought a short speed session do me good.
    The session went ok apart from the toilet break after my 400s in the local gym dam benilyn I was taking.
    1 min 20
    1 min 18
    1 min 20
    1 min 17
    1 min 21
    1 min 18
    Wit 90 seconds interval the wind didn't help but still hit my target of keeping the splits at 1 min 20
    4km warm down 5 min a km

    8miles felt a bit tired it's been a couple of hard days wit been sick and running I felt it on the run was a bit groggy 8miles 7 40 a mile

    Felt alot better bit of a spring in my step this evening 8miles at 7 15 a mile no coughing or cold result looking forward to enniscorthy now.

    Rest day

    Wil be 4 miles easy looking towards enniscorthy 10km il be hoping for a pb I'm hearing the course is a bit up n down so il see on the day how it goes

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Enniscorthy 10km
    Arrived an hour before the race and noticed the cold and wind it was freezing. Me and the lads decided collect our numbers and sit in the car til 11 35am to keep warm.
    Warm up went ok met Duanington we took in the first km of the course noticed it wouldn be an easy start but would be a fast finish.

    Km 1/3
    Race started ok I noticed everyone was taking into account the hilly start as I could still see the lead car over the first mile and I wasn't exactly flying myself.
    I noticed Duanington creep up beside me I'm in 2 minds go wit him or stay wit my club mates I decide to go wit him as I feel he's a wiser runner pacing than me I won't go to wrong trying to run with him .Our pace was ok over kms 1/3 but with taken in the drags and hills effort levels were up.
    Km 1 3min 50 km 2 3min 43 km3 3min 42

    Km 3/4
    The 3rd km was flat enough windy still goin toe to toe with Duanington I start dreaming of a pb I stopped fairly quick though approaching the 4th km

    We hit the 4th km and still goin ok as we hit another hill Duanington starts pulling away floating up it I decide let him go try keep him in sight I was aware I'd make time on the downhills so I wasn't panicking.
    Km 5 was fast and downhill I picked up the pace but I knew km 6 was goin to be a tough hilly one so I tried not to over cook it.

    Km 6
    Greeted wit a nice hill I say to myself right dig deep it evens out after this reminding myself of the fast finish I felt I done ok here but glanced at my watch a 4 min km I say dam I'm goin to have to really push for a pb over last 3km

    Km 7/10
    The course leveled out in fairness I got myself together I could see Duanington in the distance so figured I'm not goin to bad.
    Even when the heavens opened with hailstones it wasn't stopping me push for a pb only regret I have is the finish was behind a left turn I thought right iv still a big push wen I turn here of 100 metres not realising the finish was so close I could have pushed more.
    anyway it was a good day a 30 second pb I can have no complaints 37 10 I notice Duanington at the finish another big pb for him so good day around.
    4, 3 56
    5,3 35.
    6, 4 00
    7, 3 44
    8,3 40
    9,3 49
    10,3 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    thats some flying last K there P! Well done again on the PB

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Duanington wrote: »
    thats some flying last K there P! Well done again on the PB

    Thanks ye was surprised lookin at the last km was quicker than the pace iv been doin my 400s not known were the finish line was caught me out a bit hidden behind the trees did u have the same problem

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    gosh123 wrote: »
    Thanks ye was surprised lookin at the last km was quicker than the pace iv been doin my 400s not known were the finish line was caught me out a bit hidden behind the trees did u have the same problem

    It's a funny finish alright, I thought it was going to be further back up towards the GAA club for a minute but spotted the lad ahead going through and stopping so I followed him !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Duanington wrote: »
    It's a funny finish alright, I thought it was going to be further back up towards the GAA club for a minute but spotted the lad ahead going through and stopping so I followed him !

    Ye I thought it finished there to so was holding of goin completely into the red zone til I I could see the finish still a great race food afterwards top notch too

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    7 miles was a nice run noticing the days getting longer a nice change from running on a winters night. 7 miles 7 30 a mile

    My legs still felt a bit tight from enniscorthy 10km so I skipped the club session for 6miles another wild windy night lost count of al the storms this winter now 6miles 7 30 a mile

    11 miles. The midweek miles are climbing now towards Manchester and tonight I felt a bit tired.
    I was 6miles in and start feeling hunger pains only realising I only had a fruit salad and banana al day I battled on I was glad to get home.
    11 miles 7 30 a mile. oh and I did have an extra serving of spaghetti bolenges that evening.

    8miles. I felt fine tonight made sure I'd a good breakfast of eggs n toast fruit salad for lunch then no repeats of yesterday.
    8miles at 7 12 a mile a bit to fast but iv a rest day tomorrow so not to worried about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Rest day

    5 mile tempo run with the club.
    The session was held in tymon park a 1 lap loop u have to run 7 or 8 times to make up the 5miles. It's a tough session your running against a drag in the path for most of it but there is a good downhill section were u can make time or get a breather as the session goes on not that I'd mention that to the coach.
    It was a windy morning rain soaked to but the session went ok averaging about 6 06 a mile completed the 5mile in 30 38. I did feel the session in my legs heading home been honest

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    22 miles
    the run started of well I had the wind on my back after yesterday's session I knew to keep the pace easy first 6miles about 7 35 a mile.

    I met club mates at the old mill to do a few miles with them head up to waterworks via dublin mountains it was here I found the weather was pretty bad Gail force winds rain it was tough goin wit a few climbs to take in to pace goin up to the waterworks was about 8 10 a mile the company made the run not feel bad.

    As we headed back towards tallaght from the waterworks wind on our back a few downhills we still kept the pace at 8min a mile although in my head I felt like pushing on been honest but didn't.

    I said my goodbyes to the at 17 miles and started to head towards home my first 6miles the wind was on my back I knew II'd have to deal with the wind on my way home. It was the type of wind that u feel when ur running ur goin no were that strong voices in my head sayin why are u doin this to ur self just walk what's the point as appealing as it sounded I decided I'd rather run the rest of the way home the walk drenched and I would get cold.pace was about 8 10 a mile for final 5miles it was a bit of a struggle by no means a run I enjoyed just glad to have it done.
    Over the 22 miles averaged 8 04 a mile funny enough my watch stopped at 2hr 59 was thinking to myself that's the time I want to see April the 10th anything quicker wil be a bonus

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    6miles I was a bit tired from the weekends running leg muscles were slightly soar to but as the run went on I was ok
    7 miles at 7 40 a mile

    It was a planned club session just over 7 miles switching between hm and mp pace every 1200m then 600m
    1st km 4 02
    2nd km 3 56
    3rd km 3 43
    4th km 3 55
    5th km 3 39
    6th km 3 48
    7th km 3 53
    8th km 3 38
    9th km 3 55
    10 km 3 48
    11 km 3 41

    As u can see by the splits I ran the session well to fast and was struggling to take positives from it as I'm trying to learn from past mistakes i decided it was a decent hm paced run if anything.

    12miles a half day from work ment I got out while the sun was out and sky was blue felt ok a bit tired from last night's session but enjoyed the run
    12miles 7 30 a mile

    8miles the run went ok I have noticed lately I'm getting hunger pains on some of my runs I must of passed every takeaway in tallaght I could smell them anyway didn't help with getting the thoughts of food out of my mind anyway I made it home anyway with a rest day tomorrow decided to go mad and order a pizza

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Rest day

    me and a few clubmates decided instead of doin 5mile tempo we would do tymon parkrun run it as group.
    The weather was perfect got down about 9 about a 2 mile run a few strides and we were ready to start the pkrun.
    It was a fairly fast enough start me and the 3 lads slotted in together behind the first 3 we could see 2nd and 3rd tiring and passed the goin on to the 2nd km a look further on to first place looked like he was taking it handy and still wouldn be caught not by me anyway so that left me and my club mates to battle it out for 2nd to 5th.
    We decided to wear the club singlets it was like they acted like magnets throughout the run the last mile is tough in tymon I long drag were I'm usually found wanting but today wasn't one of them days I pushed on wit a sprint finish to claim 2nd lads followed behind me only 5seconds separating us a good days running a few pbs al comfortably under 18 min was chuffed to do it in tymon I ran 17 38

    3 29
    3 30
    3 28
    3 37
    3 33
    17 min 38


    22mile run and again the weather was perfect I was tired starting of huffing and puffing a bit but after 2 miles I was fine
    I met up wit the lads from the club 6miles in to take in the waterworks and this week wen I left them 17 miles in I had no problems getting home. I was actually contemplating doin more miles but decided wit bohereem in 2 weeks not to.
    Just under 23 miles averaging 7 45 a mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Easy 6 miles I was a bit tired from the weekends running so took it easy
    6miles 7 40 a mile

    4/2Mile 2 min intervals
    Session went ok I could feel my legs a bit heavy as the session went on. The rep was one mile running into a wind finishing at the top of a long hill then turn at the mile mark coast down wit the help ohm the wind.
    I ran the first rep to fast 11 45 for the first 2 miles but discussed my pace wit a club mate and ran the session together averaging 12 09 for 2 miles over the final 3 reps the weather was pretty brutal so it was a tough enough session

    I cycle to work so as I left work wind in my face the whole way home I was not looking forward to my 12miles run.
    I decided to pick a flat enough route around tallaght and just took it easy my pace was a bit hot with the wind on my back but I slowed it running into the wind no point killing myself running into the wind on nights like tonight.i felt a bit drained but as the run went on I was fine
    12 miles 7 35 a mile

    8 miles
    As I open the front door to pouring rain I think wil I wait til it stops or just go now. I decided to hell with it of I went. Again another horrible night for running wind and rain seemed to follow me around tallaght. I didn't even look at my watch I knew the route was 8miles I just put my head down and ran I wanted to get home and decided I won't be to fussed if it's a bit hot
    8miles 7 05 a mile rest day tomorrow il enjoy the day of hopefully that's an end to the stormy weather to

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Rest day

    5 mile tempo run
    I decided to run to the session instead of cycle 4 miles 8min mile.
    I wasn't feeling great before the session been honest and I felt it. Legs were heavy as it started I tried keeping up wit two club mates but as the session progressed I let them go on ahead I was beginning to hurt contemplating pulling out of the session at the 3 mile mark but I ignored them voices to drop out and carried on. I actually felt better towards the end of the session maybe started to fast to a regular mistake I make now and again. I held my pace at 6 10 a mile first mile was 5 45 a mile maybe that explains why I was hurting a bit it is a tough route to wit never ending drags so a good session considering al the extra miles I'm doin
    5miles in 30 36
    3 mile run home 8min miles

    I actually felt alot better today with one eye on bohereem half the miles have dropped this week so it was a relief today not havin 20 plus miles to run. I ran the waterworks met with clubmates for a few miles and was home before 10 am was happy with that
    16miles 7 45 a mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    6miles felt relatively fresh must have been from the drop in miles yesterday
    6miles 7 25 a mile

    Club session 2mile warm up followed by one 20min rep lactate threshold.
    The rep went fine into the wind and running up a long drag of a firehouse Rd before turning and heading back down with the wind on our backs.
    1 km 3 58
    2 km 3 59
    3 km 3 52
    4 km 3 38
    5 km 3 27
    5.33km ran for the 20min followed by 2mile warm down

    6 miles with bohereem half on Sunday I new in my head time to drop the pace of my runs right back now 6miles 7 50 a mile

    6miles disaster strikes iv come down wit a vomiting bug or food poisoning not sure but it wasn't pleasant skipped the run for bed.

    Rest day

    4miles I felt alot better still paranoid weather il perform tomorrow now and a short illness Thursday I did consider dropping out of bohereem but with feeling better and hoping it was just a minor issue I'm goin to race only tomorrow il no how it pans out rest wil probably do me more good than harm first time iv taken 2days of running in a long time together
    4miles 7 40 a mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123


    I wwoke up early about 7 15 to have a good breakfast good bowl of porridge almost to big of a bowl felt sleepy after it but as the morning progressed I woke up as I got ready the buzz of race day set in I felt fresh no side effects from been sick Thursday.
    We hit the road about 10 am from Tallaght got there to early u could say arrived at 10 45 it was fine though it was a nice morning didn't have to worry about keeping warm.
    Start warming up about 11 45 race start was delayed til 12 10 so that didn't help the preparation waiting around.

    As the gun goes I'm a bit paranoid right don't start to fast it's a half marathon I decide to work wit a club mate for pacing it was a downhill start whole time I'm chatting wit my club mate we agree were goin to fast but agree attack the downhills slow the pace as we hit the drags or hills. First km was a bit hot but we felt fine as we take a right turn u could see the long winding road to the m 50 bridge good bit of a climb not major but I was thinking I might feel this 2nd time Rd as it's a 2 lap course as the run continued I realised we were passing quite alot of runners so I knew in my head I'd paced the start right so I told myself anyway.
    1st km 3 39
    2nd km 3 43
    3rd km 3 51
    4th km 3 44
    5th km 3 49

    We felt fine first 5km down quick look at my club mate how u feeling both agree good as the course progress we took a sharp right turn disaster nearly strikes I hit a pot hole in the road nearly fall feel a twinge in my ankle But ignored it as I ran the pain passed I could see my club mate dropping behind me a bit my pace picked up as we approached 10km there was a nice downhill section took u past the finish line I got a boost goin past by the support but that soon passed as I realise I'm out on my own club mate about 30 metres behind me next set of runners were about 200 metres ahead I wasn't catching them.
    6 km 3 41
    7 km 3 44
    8 km 3 46
    9 km 3 52
    10 km 3 48
    11 km 3 50

    I hit the m 50 bridge for the 2nd time and say to myself dig deep here I'm 10km from home this is were il earn my pb I noticed my pace dropped slightly not to much but I ignored it my focus was on getting through the next 10km. I knew my club mate was lurking behind me this kept me focused at about 12 km I took a gel to not something I'd usually do but thought I'd try it in a half.

    13km 3 55
    14 km 3 55
    15 km 4 00
    16 km 3 57
    17 km 3 58

    Iv noticed now my pace has dropped and I didn't have it in my legs to keep my pace at 3 52 a km every minor drag in the Rd felt like a struggle I was hurting my club mate passed me about 18 km it actually helped me get out of my head and focus on following him as he pushed on I couldn find it in me to go with him my goal changed to get me to the finish line I'm hurting I want this over voice in my head just pull up u started to fast u can't maintain this 1 24 won't be a bad time I ignored these thoughts and instead of pushing pace I held back just focused on getting to the last km and then push. The sight of the bohereem running track delighted me I pushed as hard as I could wanting an end to the pain and looked up at the finishing clock 1hr 21min 22seconds I was delighted I hadn't realised I was on track for that time my goal was 1 hr 22 wit how the last 6 km went I wasn't sure how I was doin it was a massive pb previous pb 1 hrs 28 has been over a year since my last half marathon

    18 km 3 59
    19 km 4 00
    20 km 4 00
    21 km 3 58

    1 hrs 21 min 22 seconds pb

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    That's a massive PB, well done. But I wouldn't be asking you for directions, m50 nowhere near Co Meath!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,199 ✭✭✭denis b

    Just read back through your log, very inspiring. Congrats on a giant pb and looking forward to the marathon report already :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    tang1 wrote: »
    That's a massive PB, well done. But I wouldn't be asking you for directions, m50 nowhere near Co Meath!!

    No as u can tell I didn't drive down my mate did wit the sat nav on ha ha. Thanks ye the pb has been coming glad to get a good half marathon in before Manchester

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    gosh123 wrote: »
    No as u can tell I didn't drive down my mate did wit the sat nav on ha ha. Thanks ye the pb has been coming glad to get a good half marathon in before Manchester

    Keep it between the ditches and Manchester will be good to you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    denis b wrote: »
    Just read back through your log, very inspiring. Congrats on a giant pb and looking forward to the marathon report already :)

    Thanks I'm delighted with how my form is since January alot more consistent this year I was a bit hit and miss last year wit my performances in races. Training alot wiser to so hopefully Manchester goes well. Look forward to posting a positive Manchester City marathon report.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    tang1 wrote: »
    Keep it between the ditches and Manchester will be good to you.

    Ye I'm just training now til Manchester and have be warned to run a negative split. In the past starting to fast has been a mistake I'd often make so I know iv to pace it right. Sub 3 is my first goal need to get that monkey of my back well see on the day if I can push on last 6/8 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Congrats on a HUGE PB Gosh, you've put in a lot of hard work to earn that - keep it all sensible between now and the big day and you've set yourself up for another one. Well done again

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Duanington wrote: »
    Congrats on a HUGE PB Gosh, you've put in a lot of hard work to earn that - keep it all sensible between now and the big day and you've set yourself up for another one. Well done again

    Thanks.Ye I plan on just training not racing at al from here to Manchester I a good set of pbs behind me since January so no need to chase any more til Manchester.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    I'd a half day from work and plans al day so I brought my gear into work to run home.
    As I left ratfarmham at 12 am the sun was beating down I felt I was sweating more than usual also found myself havin to check my pace my legs seemed to be still in race mode.
    I felt ok just physically after yesterday's half marathon but I was tired and in Need of an early night.
    Just under 6miles 7 25 a mile

    I skipped the club's speed session for a planned 5miles instead another fabulous evening for running 5miles 7 25 a mile

    The legs felt soar this evening and stiff slowed the pace as the run progressed I was fine.
    I'd a pain in my left thigh that did worry me over the first mile I put it down just muscle pain from the race the pain went away but I could feel it slightly
    7miles 7 35 a mile

    A day of work ment I decided to get my run done early with a rest day tomorrow it wil give my legs plenty of time to recover before a 5mile tempo run saturday. The run went fine I could feel a dull pain in my left thigh nothing the would stop me running but hopefully it clears wit a bit of rest before Saturday
    8miles 7 20 a mile another glorious morning for running

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  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Rest day

    5 mile tempo
    I ran to the session about 6km at 4 50 a km

    I arrived in tymon a little early joined the the lads for a warm up and we were set for the of.
    It's a an unforgiving loop with plenty of drags we run about 7 or 8 times at 90 per cent effort level.
    The session went ok I was surprisingly fresh we chatted amongst ourselves first 2 laps and the pace was honest enough as the session progresses the group usually breaks up I was goin well so I kept a good pace as I watched a lady from the club make the tempo run look effortless open up a gap and running into the distance.i kept my splits even enough I was a bit fast over the mid section of the run as my coach noticed and told me to relax a bit.

    1st km 3 44
    2nd km 3 40
    3rd km 3 36
    4th km 3 37
    5th km 3 39
    6th km 3 47
    7th km 3 51
    8th km 3 50

    30 04 for the 5 miles
    4 miles run home at 8 minute miles I did feel it in the legs a bit afterwards I usually cycle to sessions but trying to add extra miles into my legs at a slow pace can't see it doin any harm.


    The neighbours had a party last night so it disrupted my sleep I was tired as my alarm buzzed at 6 30 am I could of stayed in bed but knew it wasn't an option wit my lsr to be done.
    I set of done 5miles on my own met wit a few club mates to run the waterworks via dublin mountains a good few climbs tough enough run been tired didn't help .
    Meeting wit my clubmates is a must for me on lsr I run to fast on my own it helps slow me down I think I was averaging 7 20 a mile before I met them the company and good chat slows me down I left the lads at about 16 miles in to head home again I see my average pace get faster I just went with it was glad to get home I was a bit jaded
    20miles 7 45 a mile
