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marathon blues



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    That's sub 17 well and truly taken care off, savage time, very well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Thanks i ran 16 36 i think deligted couldn of went better id to dig deep last mile i must admit il stick a report up tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    gosh123 wrote: »
    Thanks i ran 16 36 i think deligted couldn of went better id to dig deep last mile i must admit il stick a report up tomorrow

    Super time there Gosh! You're going from strength to strength this year, congrats and well done

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Docklands 5km
    I arrived a bit later than usual to meet the lads instead of cycling i decided id get the bus. Never again i left my house at 5 15 didnt get to town the hilton til 6 52.
    I like been an hour early before races dont like rushing lesson learned dont rely on dublin bus goin to a race.

    I met the lads and we start doin a warm up about 7 pm. I noticed it was quite warm by 12min past id work up a sweat and felt no need to do much more so i just lightly jogged around the start area til start time.

    I had a plan goin into this one of our lead guys was running i knew hed run 16 40s or better so i decided id try go with him from the of. I was willing to risk blowing up tracking him but i felt confident i wouldn and id be fine.

    1st km
    As the race starts i stay to the right my two club mates were ahead of me but i was content just keep them in sight then push on as the race continues.
    I felt ok as the 1st km passed even had time for a joke wit my clubmate as the watch beeped 3-15 i say dont look at the watch anymore it will scare the **** out of us ha ha.
    1st km 3 15

    As we moved onto the 2nd km heading towards northwall quays my 2club mates still in sight i felt okish.
    I was getting caught in behind groups but it was no major hassle i weaved in and out of runners and still had our lead guy in sights.
    I did start thinking sub 17 is on here but banished the thoughts from my mind as i new the hurt was not far from coming
    2nd km 3 20

    As the watch beeped for 2km im thinking weres this turn.
    A sharp u turn at a cone at north wall quay was the turning point.
    Im watching the opposite side of the rd somba hasnt passed yet wtf weres the turn not realising we were not far of the leaders as i see them take the turn in my mind im thinking this is make or break i either crumble or man up and smash this race.
    I took two deep breaths as i kind of came to a stop at the cone and went for it id fallen behind our lead guy about 10m but i was gaining on him now and as we battled a light breeze that felt like a hurricane i must admit weaving in and out for wind cover wouldn work i was been held up i had to man up and just run my own race.
    3rd km 3 23

    I studied the course in my mind and new 3/4km was goin to be the toughest as we hit 3.5km i see my coach it gave me a boost i surge on again and now after passing my clubmate im beginning to hurt.
    Im crying out for the turn at the bridge at the liffey known once i make it across im on the home straight.
    As we approach the bridge its kind of a blur one of the lead ladys was on my shoulder crowley i could here the shouts of encouragment from the crowd for her.
    Not sure what happened but id cut across her as we nearly bump of each other takin the turn im nearly sure it was entirly my fault never got to say sorry but hope it didn impact her race that much.
    As we cross the bridge im neck and neck with my clubmate and i fancied my chances approaching the last km.
    Km 4 3 26.

    I seen the watch beep 3 26 for the 4th km and i honestly didnt no were i was at timewise i thought it be touch and go for sub 17.
    I glance at the watch still neck n neck with my clubmate 800m to go i decide right im goin for this i push on past him opened up a gap only for my legs lungs body to start screaming wat are u doin. I didnt have it in me to make it to the finish at the pace i died about 300m out as my clubmate passed me i couldn catch him id given it my al and learned a lesson to dont surge forward to early in the last km.
    As i approach 100m out i couldn believe my eyes been honest i look up and see the clock at 16 30 im like wow i cannot believe it i honestly didn feel i was running that well the pain does that to you i suppose.
    5th km 3 15
    I crossed the line in 16 38 delighted stil on a high couldn of ran a better race apart from the last km which has been playing over in my head ha ha never entirely happy.

    Stil buzzing i headed out on my lunch for 5miles my watch was still in km as the 1st km beeps 4 20 i say to myself slow down which i did a bit.
    5miles 7 32 a mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Well done on PB Gosh, great running as usual, your really flying now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Well done on PB Gosh, great running as usual, your really flying now.

    Thanks ye everything seems to be coming together enjoying it more than ever

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    I was up early decided id help out at tymon pkrun do lead bike then do a few easy laps with one of the lads while the rest of the lads done a tempo run.
    Id to talk myself out of doin tempo as i seen the lads start the session i felt like goin with them but something was telling me not to do the session today so i listened for a change i was feeling tired i must admit.
    About 7miles for the day 7 30 a mile

    My longrun was short enough this week again as i plan to do fingal 10km. Kept it easy and on a flat enough route.
    13miles 7 35 a mile

    I felt the benifits of skipping tempo run today my easy pace seemed to be alot faster today legs felt fresh plus the sun was shining always seem to be at ease running in the heat actually enjoy it. Took in a bit of the dcm route again around terenure.
    8miles 7 09 a mile

    Pyramid session 300,600,1km,1mile
    Again i was feeling fresh although im running everyday most of the time its 24hrs since my previous run plus with my milage low this week im actually feeling better than last week no stiffness or feeling groggy n tired.
    The session took place on the grass on cherry field not the easiest of surfaces to run on but a good session and i put in a good strong effort feeling good.
    The reps recovery was the time of the previous rep so i felt fully recoverd between reps
    1km and 1mile ran at 3 25a km pace
    300 n 600 ran at mile pace about 3 10a km pace

    3mile warm up 5min km
    1mile warm down 5min km pace

    I cycle home to always feel that helps wit my warm down why i try not to many miles after a session.

    Fingal 10km plan
    I made a promise to myself after dunshaughlin that if i run sub 17 in docklands 5km id go for sub 35 in a 10km early august. I know fingal is a bit soon after docklands i wont race again til midaugust so il be goin for it there.
    Iv two clubmates for company wit the same target so im pretty confident we can pull it of.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Have a good one tomorrow, run well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Best luck tomorrow, have a good one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Race week again means i get al my runs done on my lunch bar training on a tuesday which i find convient as gives me more time at home with the family ect.
    But i am starting to get paronoid this is my 2nd low milage week in a row so i have the usuall race weeks thoughts wil i have lost fitness wil i still perform sunday i need to be doing more miles when hopefully il be fine doesn stop me worrying now n again.
    My legs were a bit jaded after the session last night so kept it easy enough
    7.5miles 7 35 a mile

    Again 7.5 miles my legs again feeling fresh today so i just went with what pace felt easy. I took in the crumlin rd and terenure rd a good few times on my runs last 3/4weeks so il no every bumb n marking in the rd by dcm.
    I forgot to add iv blown up twice on this stretch of the dcm course in my last two attempts so thats part of the reason i try take the route into my runs.
    7.5miles 7 09 a mile

    Just the 5miles on the plan today im learning i knew to keep the pace easy today wit fingal sunday.
    I just picked a flat enough route via templeougue bushypark terenure.
    5miles 8min miles

    I brought the dog out with me this morning he was actually pulling me down the rd had to check his pace as i pulled the lead.
    I done 4/5 80m strides to just to wake the legs up
    4miles 8min miles.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Best luck tomorrow, have a good one.


  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    I ran 35 26 its a pb of 10secs i think. iv no regrets i went for sub 34 maybe was to quick over first 5km 17 07 il live n learn. Il stick a report up at some stage

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Very well done, PB is a PB, savage going.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Fingal 10km
    The morning of the race al went to plan.
    I had a good nights sleep and was up out of bed about 6 15 had a bowl of poridge 2bananas and just chilled out til i got picked up about 8 30.
    We arrived about 9 15 waited parked in one of the housing estates done some stretching and took a light jog down to the start area.
    I was wary of not getting stuck at the back in this race with 4000entrants we decided warm up close to the start line jump up the front 10min before the of.
    As we got position 10min before the start near the front but still a good bit of people in front of us decided wil just have to deal wit a bit of traffic first mile.

    The race starts as were al crammed into the one street we slowly start making our way through the crowds as the pace picked up this is maybe were i made an error.
    Beep 1stkm 3 37min i glance at the watch and think dam thats well to slow i better pick it up.
    I had planned to run wit my clubmate and target sub 35 but the first km been slow set me of i really picked up the pace as we turned left at the rd about to head towards the dual carrige way.
    Alot of people were running along the hard shoulder instead of weaving in and out which i was doin til 2km i moved out to the outside of the lane id a clear run there no hassle and my mind did start to dream of sub 35 i must admit i felt good was moving well.
    As i approach kms 3/4 i was still driving forward in around 3 22 a km voice in my head was sayin ur goin to pay for this from 6km it gets tough.
    Not sure if studying the course helped me today cause i almost dreaded the last 4km before i got there.
    As i pass 4km im out in no mans land id picked of so many groups of runners id pushed on til i couldn see anymore most likely elites were further ahead out of sight.
    1st km 3 37
    2nd km 3 20
    3rd km 3 22
    4th km 3 26

    As i approach the 5th km i glance at the watch 17 07 although my watch hadn beeped 5km yet i decided my watch might be of hear il ignore it still felt i was in good shape.
    We take the turn into what looked like countryside roads i was aware my pace seemed to be slipping but i was ignoring the watch hoping it was of didn seem to be beeping according to the km markers.
    I could see a runner in the distance and focused on reeling him in which i did.
    But in fairness i coasted in behind him instead of pushing on i was in my comfort zone and wasnt in a rush to get out of it.
    5th km 3 36
    6th km 3 36
    7th km 3 37

    When i start coming towards 8km with nothing in front of me to reel in the opposite happen 1 or to runners passed me and for some reason this really dented my confidence and the hurt really set in.
    As i passed the firemen with the hose i felt like sayin blow me of the road im in agony here.
    We followed a loop around to the finish for what felt like a never ending drag my legs were not getting a break working hard every yard from 8km and i felt it.
    As i pass 9km and again another small drag but felt like a moantain 2nd lady home cathrine mc kieran passed me with what seemed to be her coach/guide running with her nearly sure he was running backwards at one stage shouting downhill finish push i listened and pushed passed them through the agony for a pb of 35 26.
    Km 8 3 34
    Km 9 3 40
    Km 10 3 37

    Im not sure how i felt at the finish disapointed, happy to survive the final 2miles and salvage a pb im not sure was a mix of both i wanted sub 35 and missed out.
    Il dust myself of and have another crack at it august the 14th in duleek 10km.
    I dont think im aiming to high goin for sub 35 just have to learn to pace it right i guess iv learned that today.

    My coach was onto me about running the dublin firebrigade 5km sunday coming so i moved my runs on my plan around and put the longest runs at the start of the week so id have a chance arriving at the line fresh sunday.
    Iv no target or feel any pressure about this 5km just look at it as a bonus race wil aim for sub 17 see how i go.
    13miles 7 25 a mile

    Iv been of work the last two days so im feeling well rested sleeping in til after 8am i class that as a lie in used to 5am starts.
    Headed out around tallaght for this in the hazy rain perfect running weather really enjoyed the run.
    9miles 7 25 a mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    The Gosh PB train just keeps going and going....

    Super stuff, well done

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Tuesday pm
    With been of work i decided to do my double run today again perfect running weather hazy rain enjoyed the run.
    7miles 7 35 a mile

    9 miles
    Got out at lunch time for this run i decided to include 8/9 80 m strides in the run went ok legs felt a bit heavy on the last rep so i decidec that was enough strides today.
    9miles 7 10 a mile

    Back to work today with me getting a good few miles in early in the week id 7miles to do and i must admit my legs felt tired stiff today
    7miles 7 40 a mile

    8min miles took it easy

    Usual pre race day run with the dog
    4miles 8 20 a mile

    Dublin firebrigade 5km
    Not a race il look back on with found memories maybe it was the bad race i needed to give me a wake up call.

    I arrived early usual 2mile warm up strides and was ready for the of.

    The first 2.5km was run up a sharp drag and into the wind but i was confident on the last 2.5km i could make serious time and maybe sneak a pb.
    I was wrong 1st km i was working hard watch beeps 3 30 as we climb a drag in the road and turn into the wind.
    By the time i reached the 2nd km my watch beeps 3 35 im like wtf my head went down.

    As we run back towards the finish a few downhill sections i was running beside our clubs lead lady she was in 1st place as she pushed on my legs were shot the 1st 2km had almost made them feel weak i couldn get goin and just decided finish the race ignore the time.
    As we approach the last 500 m another climb al the way to the finish strangely i started to wake up here and put in some sort of sprint to the finish.

    1st km 3 30
    2nd km 3 35
    3rd km 3 25
    4th km 3 29
    5th km 3 36

    17 36 5km 10th place
    Not sure what to make of today i thought id of performed better even with the difficult start sharp drags in the rd for 2km but i didnt the 2nd km really finished my race as i seen 3 35 my head went down.
    A chat afterwards wit a few runners who al had a similar experience to me they were no were near there pb times but i still feel disapointed i like to think i can perform on al courses from flat to hilly but not today anyway.

    Pm 4miles
    Enough of sitting around sulking goin over the race got out for a few recovery miles
    6.4km 5 19 a km

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    A day of work and a new week decided the best way to put a bad run in the 5km is get stuck into training even it means running a few extra miles this week il taper 3/4 days before duleek anyway.

    I was up early decided to run 13miles take in the hills of kiltipper as i climbed the steep climb towards kilttipper behind the jobstown house it felt good looking down on the view of tallaght right out to sandymount i was thinking this is what its al about.
    13.5miles 7 35 a mile

    Sittiing around watching tv with my gf she mentions we get a chinese im in two minds i decline and decided to head out for 6miles recovery instead hazy rain perfect running weather felt alot better than i would after a chinese.
    6miles 8min miles

    3.5 mile run to training 8min miles
    3.5mile run home 8min miles

    5/1mile reps speaker connolly hills

    Al day i was dreading the session i must admit legs felt soar my mind was looking for excuses to skip the session but i usually dont give in to skipping any session or run at al.
    Once the first rep started and we climbed the first hill my legs clicked into gear i was fine actually surprised how easy i was holding pace without goin into the red.
    We take in 3 steep climbs on a 1mile loop. I feared id tire but i actually got stronger as the session went on apart from the last rep id to deal with a greyhound chasing me almost came to a stop thinking wtf thank god the owner wasnt to far away.
    Mile 1 5 41
    Mile 2 5 38
    Mile 3 5 37
    Mile 4 5 38
    Mile 5 5 43

    My push bike had a punchture rather than fix it iv decided to run in and out of work til friday anyway clock up a few miles in the legs.
    I knew as i left the house at 5 30am my legs would be jaded from the session last night so kept the pace easy.
    8.5miles 7 40 a mile

    Run home was nice again i was greeted by the rain and the wind blowing in my face as i ran from rathfarmham to tallaght but strangely the rain took my mind of the wind and kept things cool was a enjoyable run.
    6miles 7 36 amile

    Again up early but didnt have to leave til 6 30 am an extra hour in bed which made a differance i felt alot fresher today. But today the backpack was starting to annoy me i vowed id leave it in work for my run home.
    8miles 7 40 a mile

    With the decision made to leave my back pack in work i was looking forward to my run home.
    It made a differance my run felt alot easier and push on to run an extra mile rather than 6miles i done 7.
    7miles 7 30 a mile

    I plan to keep the milage high til sunday then ease of in the run up to duleek from monday wont be takin it to easy though

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    6miles on my lunch break kept it nice an easy
    8min miles

    2mile warm up
    6mile tempo
    2mile warm up

    The tempo session takes place in marley park on the grass.
    Its a one mile loop thats flat enough with some two drags in it that zap ur legs as the session progresses.
    Its a struggle to maintain any kind of decent pace on the grass i find anyway so we kept the pace sensible enough i did tire a bit on the last mile.
    Its usually 5mile tempo today its been increased to 6mile just take 2/3 sessions to get used to i guess.

    Km 1 3 49
    Km2 3 45
    Km3 3 41
    Km4 3 46
    Km 5 3 47
    Km 6 3 50
    Km 7 3 52
    Km 8 3 54
    Km 9 3 55
    Km 10 3 50

    37 36 for the session.

    I woke up with 20miles on my plan and i knew i was after putting in alot of miles this week so a quick look at strava made me aware id have to run 22.7 miles to make it a 100mile week.
    Thats al i need once theres an idea in my head i generally follow it up and do the miles.
    I set out at 8 am done a few miles in tallaght before meeting with clubmatesand heading to the waterworks.
    My legs felt fresh throughout kept the pace easy did regrett not bringing water as i battled the wind on my last 4miles running towards jobstown.
    22.7miles 7 47 a mile
    Weekly total 100miles thats a first il taper now til duleek

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    I ran this on my lunch break watch took forever to load which annoyed me but i started the run anyway and a mile and a half in it started,
    It was a sign i think of how the run was goin to go tired and sluggish felt a bit jaded i must admit.
    8miles 7 45 a mile

    2mile warm up 8min miles
    20min tempo run tymon pkrun course
    1.5 mile warm down 7 30a mile

    It was originally a club session the was 2/15min reps 3min intervals but with me racing duleek my coach and me thought it better i run a 20min rep.
    I wanted to run it at 3 30 a km but my coach advised 3 35 a km so i went with that.
    The session went fine i actually got faster as it progressed and am feeling good and strong.
    Its funny i passed 5km in 17 42 on a tempo run and i was holding back i probaly wouldn of bern able to do that 6months ago so its a good sign how im progressing.

    1st km 3 36
    2nd km 3 35
    3rd km 3 34
    4th km 3 31
    5th km 3 28

    5.6 km in 20 02

    I was of work early so i got out around tallaght for this felt good and fresh only issue was the runners i was wearing.
    I usually swap runners for my easy runs that have more support and towards the end of my run my knee was a bit soar. A quick think and i realise i have them over a year the runners time to retire them to the back of the wardrobe i still might wear them ha ha.

    Switched runners and everything was fine got out on my lunch break again and just took it easy around rathfarmham.
    7miles 7 30 a mile.

    Im feeling good and strong ahead of duleek 10km sunday instead of setting a target time im approaching this differently.
    Im just goin to focus on trying to hold 3 30a km first 6km and then see can i push on.
    Sub 35 wil always be my target but a pb il be happy with to.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Best of luck in Duleek tomorrow, hope it goes to plan, run well.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    All the best tomorrow Gosh, have a good one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    I ran 35 36 7th place happy enough there was a hill from 6/7 km that put an end to my hopes of a pb.
    It didn help i was ran of the road by a van on the last km either but didn effect my time to much been honest il do a report at some stage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Yet another solid 10k performance G - you're in great shape at moment, keep it up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Duleek 10km
    We arrived about 10am me and my clubmate wed planned to run the race together as we argued over wat pace to start i went with his plan over my own start a 3 35s per km as first 2mile kind of uphill then make time on the downhill.

    As the race started we set into a comfortable enough pace of 3 35s a km.
    The drag in the road wasnt as bad as i thought so im thinking 500m in wil i just push on but i decided to be sensible and slot in behind my clubmate try stick to the plan.
    As we approach the 2nd km the drag in the road did get steeper but i could see a couple of 100m ahead it was coming to an end so i said to myself this is were the race starts.
    As we get about 2.5km there was a sharp decent leading onto country roads small weaving rds wit plenty of bumps in the rd was hard to make any real time here i was starting to worry did i start to cautiously.
    Km 1 3 34
    Km2 3 34
    Km 3 36
    Km 4 3 34

    As we hit the 4th km the course did pick up speed id opened a small gap on my clubmate but could tell he was close behind i even start thinkin sub 35 could be on here i was flying little did i know what lay ahead.
    As we hit 6km i was aware there was a steep club but i was under the impression it was maybe 300m long i was wrong it was a full km of climbing.
    As i climbed (suffered) my clubmate passed me i knew the last 3km was downward running said il catch him up there takin the easy option instead of digging deep in goin with him.
    Km 5 3 22
    Km 6 3 26
    Km 7 3 45

    As we reached what felt like the summit of duleek the course did quicken out.
    I was still confident of sneaking a pb until about 9.5 km takin a right turn towards the gaa pitches a van swung out into the race lane running me of the rd into a grass area.
    I continued on knockin of a traffic cone as i rejoined the road just thought get me to the finish this is a disaster.
    Km 8 3 33
    Km 9 3 30
    Km 10 3 27

    Watch was over by 50metres 10seconds prob my time spent shouting at the van driver ha ha

    I wont make excuse about hills or the van i prob started to cautiously and should of stuck to my original plan of 3 30 a km is playin on my mind.

    Run to work felt ok even caught the sunrise as i passed through tymon park lifting over the city was quite impressive.
    8miles 7 25 a mile

    Run home from work was a gentle pace as i climbed al the way to tallaght from rathfarmham
    6 miles 7 45 a mile

    With a day of work i decided it be best to fit a lsr in and of out for 20miles.
    I took in the ussual route of the waterworks via tallaght alot of climbs.
    The heat was blistering again i didn bring water due to this i cut the run short just didn see the point suffering thirsty and roasting any longer.
    18.6 miles 7 45 a mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Run into work legs were a bit jaded took it easy.
    7 45 a mile

    Pm leaving work i could see the rain pouring down and thought perfect it kept things cool as i ran home.
    I enjoyed it that much i ran an extra 2miles
    9 miles 7 30 a mile

    Am7 miles run to work
    Pm 7miles run home

    5miles on my lunch break took it nice and easy around rathfarmham
    8min miles

    6mile tempo
    As i woke up the rain lashing against the window i thought great im goin to get soaked cycling to marley.
    I stood looking out the window thinking wat am i doin goin out in that but then thought pbs are not earned skipping sessions when it rains.
    I arrived in marley soaked but i had dry shorts and decided to bring my xc spikes so id have something dry to put on my feet for the tempo session.
    Once the session started i actually enjoyed it running through watterlogged grass was a nice change.
    A younglad from the club set a fast pace 1st mile but it soon slowed as conditions wouldn allow a fast tempo run on the grass anyway.
    Mile 1 5 54
    Mile 2 6 00
    Mile 3 6 04
    Mile 4 6 10
    Mile 5 6 14
    Mile 6 6 17

    I woke up to the nieghbours roaring and shouting at 11min past 5 thinkin wat on earth is goin on as i looked out the window not seen a sinner on the road i checked my phone realised the mgregor fight was on.
    Not been able to go back asleep i headed out on my lsr at 6am as i passed through jobstown passing alot of drunks i must say stumbling home.
    I met the lads at 7 and headed to the waterworks the rain again kept things cool was an enjoyable run.
    20miles 7 45 a mile

    Im doing longford halfmarathon sunday and wit it been my last hm this year i plan to taper well for it and arrive fresh on the start line. Im even taking a rest day saturday the run streak wil be over not sure why i got hungup on a runstreak i havin takin a day of running since april 26 it probally has effected me in races sure il see if i benifit sunday.
    I wil only take a rest day race weeks from now on though.
    Id 9 miles on the plan today took it nice and easy.
    9miles 7 45 a mile

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    Your thinking lunatics for staying up until 5 watching two lads bate the head off each other and their thinking where is that lunatic going at 6 in his running gear. Who's right?

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    rooneyjm wrote: »
    Your thinking lunatics for staying up until 5 watching two lads bate the head off each other and their thinking where is that lunatic going at 6 in his running gear. Who's right?

    Im right of course i had planned to leave at 6 15 but i was rudely awoken :-)
    Only someone who trains for marathons would say im the one one whos not the lunatic though ha ha

  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    Club session 20min rep
    2mile warm up 8min miles
    2mile warm down 8min miles

    The session is usually 2/20min reps but with me racing i was told to do one.
    The run went fine i ran the session with one of the experienced runners from the club so i had him in my ear telling me to slow down iv a race sunday as we upped the pace on the downhills and slowed for the drags and minor hills around tymon park.
    It was more so a sensible tempo run i listened to the advice i was given and not at one time did i feel i was breathing heavy or struggling.

    1st mile 5 40
    2nd mile 5 59
    3rd mile 5 36
    0.4 5 35 pace

    With the hm marathon sunday im just focusing on getting the legs fresh so i just done 6 miles easy on my lunch break
    6miles 7 40 a mile

    Late wednesday evening i could feel a slight toothache coming on i could feel an apsis there i think so naturally i panic the race sunday what wil i do.
    Iv decided just to take anadin when i need to its just a niggle in my tooth i can still run,
    Im thinkin if i go dentist hel just put me on antibiotics for a week so it can hold of till monday.
    I headed out for 5miles on my break and my knee was a bit soar starting of i was thinking its not my bloody day is it at al.
    But as i carried on it was fine just a niggle iv bern thinkin maybe its just a bit of taper madness but glad to have today behind me my tooth has improved alot to.
    5miles 7 45 a mile

    Iv no real plan sunday for pace im just goin to start of steady enough then give it a right go.
    My pbs 1 21 so if im not comfortably under 1 20 i will be disapointed but confident i wil be.
    The course looks a bit up n down from mile 8-12 but iv been told its fast to run so im not goin to worry about it just turn up run give it my best

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Best of luck in Longford, being somewhat of a local to the town my advice is get the fcuk out of there after you run your race!! Hope it goes to plan, run well.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 246 ✭✭gosh123

    tang1 wrote: »
    Best of luck in Longford, being somewhat of a local to the town my advice is get the fcuk out of there after you run your race!! Hope it goes to plan, run well.

    Thanks dont plan on hanging around :-) hav u ran the race before?
