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House spirits

  • 04-11-2015 9:29pm
    Registered Users Posts: 6

    Hi, not sure if this is the right place to be sharing this stuff but need some opinions. I'm living in my house for about 9 years now and moving in I was very young so didn't know a lot. Growing up I would always get scared walking around my house and be afraid to even walk around I would sometimes run being so scared. I've always had a feeling someone was watching me or with me. Never thought anything if it just me trying to scare myself. Until about 2 years ago getting older I picked up on a lot of paranormal activity, so I consider. A lot of people may call bull**** on my story's and some may seem like a easy coincidence but I could go on and on about things around my house. I'll tell one story that was probly the most scariest of them all that I'll always remember. Not even a year ago I was walking out the door going to school and something hit the back of my head, I thought it was my dad giving me my lunch so I turned around but nobody was there. I know it couldn't of been anyone in the house that hit me because I know where they all where in the house at that time. I got scared knowing I got hit by a spirit so I ran out of the house and carried on to get the bus. It felt more of a flick if anything. I have never said anything to anyone in my house about any of it because I was to scared to say anything. I have noticed a lot of things about my brother as well that I could go on for days with stories too but he never said anything to anyone either. I want to know if anyone could help in what to do or who to talk to about this. I want to know who is in my house any why they are here and if there safe for me. Anyone please let me know anything


  • Registered Users Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭maccored

    you've been living there for almost a decade and you're still alive so I dont think theres anything to worry about. outisde of feeling watching (or any other feeling youve picked up), has there been anything physical along the lines of being tapped on the head? (to be fair, theres many a potential reason for that incident on its own - insects, fly etc)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6 A Irish Guy

    Other then the tapped on the back of the head there was one the other night but I could only be exadurating. I was in bed and couldn't get to sleep and I rolled over and it felt like that it was like a hand got pulled out from under my head, thats all physical things that had happened. There was another incident that me and my friend where in my house and we were making food in the kitchen, my friend went into my room to get something and he came back and said "what did you say when I was in the room" I haven't spoken or sang or anything when he left. He said it sounded like a girl kind of and it came from the empty room at the end of the hall (new bed room at end of the hall complete empty just brick walls). I'm still 100% convinced there's something where tho

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭maccored

    i would wait until more definitive things happen, or more than three different things anyway. nevermind to be honest (and Im only being constructive), of those three things, the hand feeling could have been anything and your friend may have heard a sound from anywhere and thought it was a voice - its an experience for your friend, but unfortunately thats all it is - an experience someone else had.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,148 ✭✭✭screamer

    I think the first place you need to start, is your brother. Check with him- what has he experienced, when has he experienced it, are there any common things that you also experienced. At least that way, you will know whether this is just something you have experienced or if others have also. Ask him.

    Secondly, and I will say that this is not meant in any way to be dis-respectful, or to say that I do not believe this story, your experience is real, what the cause is, is the question. But, I think you need to take a step back, you say that you have lived in fear at the house for years, more so in the last couple. That constant state of fear puts your mind into high alert. This is the perfect storm when it comes to paranormal. I have seen people on paranormal investigations who expect something to happen get so wound up over analysing every sound, movement or non-movement to the point where they were simply hysterical and totally consumed by the belief that a spirit was present, and that spread throughout the group. Myself, I did not experience these things, even though I was in the same room, and when my sister and I showed that we were not affected at all, heard nothing, experienced nothing, it was amazing how the hysteria calmed down and the "ghost" left the room. Of course, this is an extreme example, and you're not hysterical, in your case years of fear, genuine belief that something sinister is there and heightened status of alert could cause even the smallest things to scare you and seem inexplicable. My best advise is to wonder, what could have caused that, rather than who and look for practical reason.

    Thirdly, I'd say, you need to do some investigation, are there neighbours there who were living in the area before you? Ask them about the house, ask them about the history of it, see what you can find out most importantly, see if there is any common knowledge of strange things happening there from previous occupants.

    and lastly, be objective, remember, you've lived there many years, if there was something sinister in the house, it could have done a lot worse than what it has to date.
