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Playing the Numbers game: Sub 5;10;17;36;60;80



  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Friday 20th January: 5 mile easy @ 8:17 avg pace

    Brought the gear to work vowing to get out at lunchtime if the opportunity arose. Just about managed to get out. Done a nice 5 mile loop close to the office and kept the pace easy and the miles ticked by. Nice dry day for it with a bit of sunshine thrown in too.

    Squeezed in a 20 min core workout too so all good.

    Saturday 21st January: 8 mile easy w/8 x 15sec strides @ 8:20 avg pace

    Strange one this as headed out in the early afternoon full of beans and was looking forward to listening to a podcast I'd been saving (Richie Sadlier interviewing Luke Fitzgerald). Normally I zone out after a mile or so doing this and run is over before I know it. However I stopped to answer the call after 4 mile and once I started again I felt zapped and the rest of run turned into a real trudge. Pace didn't drop and strides were comfortable but I just felt zapped. Decided to take it handy for the rest of the day and skip core. (still had to install lights in my princesses room!)

    Sunday 22nd January: 11.2 miles w 10 at MP with 4x 15 sec strides

    I had been looking forward to the challenge of this but was a wee bit wary of it after previous day's run. Got out early and it was perfect for running - bone dry and dead calm. It was normal January cold and definitely needed the gloves though. Done a 1 mile easy and then got stuck into the MP bit. Dialled into the right pace straight away (was aiming for 6:50 to 6:55) and kept it there. Felt nice and comfortable early on and the miles flew by. Was doing an out an back route so when I hit the 5 mile mark and feeling good I knew I had this one in the bag. Apart from a long drag on the 8th mile where the legs were feeling the effort, this was comfortable. Added on a wee bit to get the strides done.

    Splits for MP were: (avg 6:53)

    Absolutely delighted with the consistency of the splits and the relative comfort of this. I really feel runs like this will bring me on massively.

    Weekly total: 52.3 miles January to date: 169.4 miles
    5 x core workouts
    Weight: 11st 3.5 (down 2.5lbs from last week :))

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Fupping woman's weight!!!! Nice week that J, solid run today.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    looking forward to listening to a podcast I'd been saving (Richie Sadlier interviewing Luke Fitzgerald).

    really enjoyed that - need more of this on 2nd Captains.
    He has a great style about him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    really enjoyed that - need more of this on 2nd Captains.
    He has a great style about him.

    Agreed - it would be great if it was a weekly slot. Listened to his interview with Stephen Elliott today and I enjoyed it too.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Agreed - it would be great if it was a weekly slot. Listened to his interview with Stephen Elliott today and I enjoyed it too.

    oh yeah - great running btw :rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Monday 23rd Jan: 4 mile rec @ 9:12 avg pace

    Slow recovery miles were the order of the day. Headed out after my dinner from the house and kept to the footpaths around the village. Perfect evening for running.

    Skipped the core to give the body a full recovery day.

    Tuesday 24th Jan: 8 mile easy @ 8:29 avg pace w/ 9 x15sec strides

    Had set the alarm for 5:20 knowing this was my only chance to run today as I was heading down country for a conference.

    A really crap nights sleep meant it was a real struggle to get out the door but eventually sucked it up and got out. Pace was nice and handy and another perfect morning for running. Gloves were discarded by end of mile 3. Legs woke up and were feeling fresher than expected. Meant to do ten strides but ran out of road so overcame my OCD and left it at 9 strides.

    Done a good 20 minute core workout when I got back from conference.

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Wednesday 25th January:

    AM: 1.5 easy, 4 x 1,200 @ 4:21 w/400rec, 1 easy

    Another day spent on the road meant I had to be creative to get this done. A wee window of opportunity arose at lunchtime, between meetings, so I grabbed it. Kept the warm-up to 1.5 miles to save a wee bit of time and got stuck into the reps.

    It was very gusty down at the track so knew that would be a factor with the times so the focus was on effort.

    First one saw me start way too quick (as usual) but pace eventually settled down. Form was good and was feeling good on this. 4:20

    Second was reasonably comfortable apart from a few strong gusts and it was difficult to keep the form good into the wind. I also had to go round a few obstacles which slowed me down! I was now sharing the track with someone running with a buggy so had to go the long way around them 4:22

    Wind was ridiculous at times and again was struggling with it. Starting to find this tough now. Still had company 4:25

    Happy this was the last and wind had picked up again. 4:26

    Finished off with a 1 mile cool down and legged it back to work after a quick shower.

    Total: 6.5 miles

    PM: 4mile @ 8:42 avg pace

    Was bringing the young lad to Athletics training so took the opportunity to get a nice and easy recovery run in. legs felt fresher than I would have expected.

    Total for Day: 10.5 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Thursday 26th January: Rest

    Well it had to end sometime and my running streak which started just after Christmas finally came to and end. I had a crazy day and wasn't home until after 9pm so canned the idea of going out just for the sake of it. Missed the core work too.

    Friday 27th January: 8 mile easy @ 9:00 avg pace with 8x15sec strides

    One missed day nearly became two as another few opportunities to run passed me by. Eventually got a window to get out but it meant I had to forgo my dinner. Started out slow enough and got slower the hungrier I felt as I went on :pac:. Did perk up a wee bit for the strides and nearly ate the kitchen table when I got home!

    Saturday 28th January: 2 mile easy, 1 mile @6:20; 2 mile @ 6:20, 1 mile @ 6:20, 2 mile easy.

    I got a call from usual running buddy (who I've barely run with lately) enquiring about my running plans. Told him the plan and he sounded interested so picked him up and headed to the forest trails. I knew going for the trails would make this tougher so decided to focus on effort and not obsess with hitting the pace.

    We done a nice and easy warm up 2 mile @ 8:52 followed by some stretching.

    The first one started well with a bit of a downhill but then we started climbing and had a few drags to contend with. Still the effort felt about right, even if the legs were complaining. Was very glad when the watch beeped for the first mile. 6:36 seemed about right for the effort level with the hills. Had a 2 min rest during which running buddy told me he would struggle to hold that pace for 2 mile and not to wait for him.

    Too soon I was into the 2 mile section and within 100mtrs running buddy was far behind. This made it a wee bit tougher mentally to do this. This was on a similar loop to previous mile and again the legs were getting zapped by the hills and drags. Was shocked when the mile beeped as I genuinely thought I had gone a lot further and just missed the beep. Hit the start of the loop at about 1.4 miles and it was a real mental battle to keep going. Had plenty of thoughts about throwing in the towel but kept going. Was very happy with splits of 6:25 & 6:27 for this.

    I was tempted to take longer than the prescribed 1 min rest but resisted. Started this at the bottom of the hill and the legs were screaming at me but I kept going. This mile seemed to take in the worst of the hills and was happy to catch running buddy with about 400mtrs to go and he finished it out with me - keeping me honest and was a nice distraction from the hurt in the legs. 6:36

    Finished up with a nice and gentle 2 mile cool down run.

    Even though I missed the target pace, given the terrain and conditions, I'm delighted with this and in particular toughening out the 2 miles.

    Manged to get back on the core wagon with a decent workout this evening.

    Best of luck to everyone doing Raheny tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Sunday 29th Jan: 14 mile LSR @ 8:08 avg pace

    Had to get out early for this but planning wasn't the best the previous night and was up way too late and didn't have the greatest nights sleep. Really had to drag myself out of bed which is unlike me. It was still dark and reading -2 on the car when I left the house and had to defrost the car before driving into town. Thankfully the roads were dry so didn't have to worry about slippy footpaths.

    I struggling to get going and felt fairly sluggish for the first while. The legs were tired from yesterdays efforts too. I eventually woke up and got into a rhythm (thawing out helped :)). Miles clicked by after that and the pace picked up as the miles went by.

    Happy with this as it was the longest run in a good while. I didn't drink enough water afterwards and felt the effects of that along with being very tired. Took it easy for the rest of the day with nothing more strenuous than making jigsaws with the kids.

    Still wrecked this evening so listened to the body and skipped the core workout. Will have an early night tonight too.

    Weekly Total: 52 miles - Jan to date 221.4

    2 x core workouts :mad:

    Weekly weigh in 11st 3lbs (down 1/2 lb)

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Monday 30th January: 3.6 miles rec @ 9:12 avg pace

    Was wrecked tired all day and worried I was coming down with something so took this very handy when I got out after work. Skipped the core to give the body a break.

    Tuesday 31st Jan: 7 miles easy @ 8:52 w/ 10x15sec strides

    A great nights kip and I was a new man. Got out after dinner tonight so was forced to keep the pace handy but no issues with this. Was pressed for time so went for 7 instead of usual 8. Threw in the 10 strides over the last mile or so and legs felt fresh enough.

    Got a decent 20 minute core in so back on track on that score.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Interesting to review January against targets set on January 1st

    Running targets for January are:
    1. Hit 200 miles for the month - :) 232 meant easily biggest monthly mileage ever.
    2. Do a 10mile @ MP run at least once - :) One 10 mile @ MP.
    3. Get weight down to 11st (+/- 2lbs) - :rolleyes:11st 3lbs (so close! down 5lbs since Jan 1st )
    4. Do at least one race - :( Never realistic as one never came up that suited
    5. Do core work 4 days a week :) - yes if you take average over month :p
    6. Do at least one long run of 14 miles - :) One 14 mile long run

    February targets.
    1. 200 miles for month
    2. Hit 11st
    3. At least one race (Armagh 3k a definite but would like a 5k too)
    4. Keep core work up @ 4 days a week

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Wednesday 1st February: 1.5 easy, 5x1k, 1.5 easy

    Was a bit pushed for time for this as knew the only way of getting it done would be before work.

    Started out with a gentle 1.5 mile warm-up and they got into the reps. The legs were very tired and could feel the quads in particular feeling tight. I'm putting it down to the core work and this phase of the plan taking it out of the body. I've followed Jack Daniels plans twice before and did notice that Phase III really takes it out of the body.

    Anyway that all the excuses lined up :D. Target was 3:37
    Reps went like this. All with 400jog recoveries.


    Finished up with a 1.5 mile cool down before a quick shower and into work. Didn't leave it then until after 10:30 (pm that is :()

    Overall I'm not overly concerned about missed the target pace for the reasons above, but I am a bit annoyed that I drifted away over last two reps and lost focus.

    Total: 7 miles

    Thursday 2nd February: 4 mile @ 9:39 avg pace

    No chance to fit in anything more than a very short run after work and a 20 min core workout. Was just happy to get out and kept the pace really handy.

    Friday 3rd February: 2 easy, 3 @ 6:20, 4x200 w/200 rec, 1 easy

    Another session squeezed in before work. I got the porridge into me before heading out. I was dreading this as I was feeling tired and because it was dark I had to stick to footpaths around town and a lumpy route. The first quick mile was net downhill so focused on not bombing off and wrecking myself. Happy to be bang on target after this. Next mile had a long drag and the effort level increased and pace dropped with the quads still in bits. Got it back a bit on the 3rd mile.


    Done the 200s by picking up the pace to the required level for 45 seconds and then 1 min 15secs recovery - not the most scientific but best I could do at that hour of the morning. :pac:

    Total: 7 miles

    Saturday 4th February: 8 miles easy @ 8:20 w 8 x15sec strides

    Got out straight after the rugby and had a lovely run around town zoned out listening to music. Legs felt fresher than they have in a few days.

    Done a good 20min core workout in the evening.

    I had intended to run Trim as a Marathon paced session tomorrow but will do that myself early as the Dubs are coming to town tomorrow!!
    And I need to watch the house in case they rob it :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Sunday 5th February: 1 easy, 5MP, 1 easy, 5MP, 1 easy

    The plan was to get this done early and then have the rest of the day free for Cavan/ Dublin match. Woke up early and had the porridge but a combination of ice and freezing fog made me reconsider and the morning window of opportunity was gone. Headed to the match with the young lad early expecting a big crowd of 10k or so. Shocked by the traffic and had to park nearly a mile from the ground - not as shocked as the young lad though :D. Attendance was over 16k in the end.

    Our boys got a bit of a eye opener to Division 1 football but was a great occasion and the Dubs traveled in huge numbers and were in great voice. Least said about the game itself the better!!

    Once I got home I decided to get out the door and get the run in as the rest of clan got cosy in front of the fire with a DVD. As the traffic was still chronic and town mental my only option was the pitch track. Ran a mile down to the pitch and got stuck into the first of 45 laps :pac:.

    First 5 mile flew by as I was listening to a podcast and hit the target pace early on and just zoned out. Obviously a bit too much as the pace quickened over the last 3 miles but felt good.

    5mile HM - 32:50 avg pace 6:34

    Took it very handy @ 8:50 for the easy mile in between.

    Started into the second HM bit and immediately knew it would be tougher than the first. Was also battling failing light and rain so it was tempting to cut this short and head home but dug in and started counting down the laps. Happy to finish this and even happier to hit the target pace.

    5mile HM - 33:52 - avg pace 6:46

    A very gentle cool down run up the hill home brought this to 13 mile. Quite chuffed with myself for getting this done as it would have been easy to make excuses and skip it.

    Only down side was missing the only sporting event that went my way this weekend with United winning - upside is that I put money on Leicester getting relegated back in August and it's starting to look like a good investment!

    Weekly total: 49.6 miles. Mrs BinB has said she will cart me off to the mental home if I got out and run around the estate.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    I'm out of touch here.... what's with all the MP miles? Thought you were a diehard 'never' .... :). Apologies if I missed something...

    P.S. The Dubs robbed you alright :p enough said about League results today...

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    annapr wrote: »
    I'm out of touch here.... what's with all the MP miles? Thought you were a diehard 'never' .... :). Apologies if I missed something...

    P.S. The Dubs robbed you alright :p enough said about League results today...

    It's ok I'm still a diehard never ever!! The Jack Daniels plan has lots of Marathon paced runs but is definitely a 10k plan.

    Think the Dubs went easy on us to be honest. It's all about Monaghan next weekend!!

    Some nice running on your log. You are motoring well

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Sunday 5th February: 1 easy, 5MP, 1 easy, 5MP, 1 easy


    Wow - super workout!!
    These will stand to you so much

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Best of luck Thursday evenin J, any time in mind for the 3k?

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    tang1 wrote: »
    Best of luck Thursday evenin J, any time in mind for the 3k?

    Cheers B. No particular goal time in mind. would like an improvement over last year's time (which I must look up!!). Not putting too much pressure on this one. I've six weeks of racing now to look forward to after putting in the hard work over the last few months so will have plenty of opportunities to put in some solid times over 3k to 10k!

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Monday 6th February: 4 mile rec @ 9:37 avg pace

    Standard Monday night recovery run.

    Tuesday 7th February: 8 mile @ 8:54

    A late one with running buddy so happy to run to his pace - very easy and handy one.

    Wednesday 8th February: 8 mile w 6x3min @ HMP/ 2min jog recoveries

    Squeezed this in while the young lad was at Athletics training after a long day in Dublin. Enjoyable run and not too taxing.

    Thursday: Rest

    Mental day in work and late night so no opportunity to run but squeezed in a core workout.

    Friday: 8 mile @ 8:24 pace w 10x15 sec strides

    5:30 am run in the bitter cold. Felt fresh though and legs in good shape.

    Saturday: 2m easy, 5 x 1mile @ 6:20 pace w 1min rec, 1 easy

    Another day where time pressure kicked in but squeezed it in by running down to gaa pitch track.

    1 mile interval worked out as follows:

    Another 20 min core done.

    Total: 8 mile

    Sunday 12th Feb: 12 mile LSR@8:21 pace

    Sleepy, sleepy 6:30 am start for this in the bitter, bitter cold but felt good and fresh.

    Another decent core workout done too.

    Weekly total: 48 miles.

    Weight 11st 2.6lbs - getting there.

    So that ends 12 weeks of JD plan and a lot of running. It was bloody tough and I stumbled over the line especially over the last few weeks and it coincided with an extremely busy time at work. But I think it has put me in a good place to start knocking out a few PB's over the next few weeks in the racing phase of the plan!!

    First target is Armagh 3k on Thursday night.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,629 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Monday 6th February: 4 mile rec @ 9:37 avg pace

    Standard Monday night recovery run.

    Tuesday 7th February: 8 mile @ 8:54

    A late one with running buddy so happy to run to his pace - very easy and handy one.

    Wednesday 8th February: 8 mile w 6x3min @ HMP/ 2min jog recoveries

    Squeezed this in while the young lad was at Athletics training after a long day in Dublin. Enjoyable run and not too taxing.

    Thursday: Rest

    Mental day in work and late night so no opportunity to run but squeezed in a core workout.

    Friday: 8 mile @ 8:24 pace w 10x15 sec strides

    5:30 am run in the bitter cold. Felt fresh though and legs in good shape.

    Saturday: 2m easy, 5 x 1mile @ 6:20 pace w 1min rec, 1 easy

    Another day where time pressure kicked in but squeezed it in by running down to gaa pitch track.

    1 mile interval worked out as follows:

    Another 20 min core done.

    Total: 8 mile

    Sunday 12th Feb: 12 mile LSR@8:21 pace

    Sleepy, sleepy 6:30 am start for this in the bitter, bitter cold but felt good and fresh.

    Another decent core workout done too.

    Weekly total: 48 miles.

    Weight 11st 2.6lbs - getting there.

    So that ends 12 weeks of JD plan and a lot of running. It was bloody tough and I stumbled over the line especially over the last few weeks and it coincided with an extremely busy time at work. But I think it has put me in a good place to start knocking out a few PB's over the next few weeks in the racing phase of the plan!!

    First target is Armagh 3k on Thursday night.

    Great training J but Jesus your weight, put cotton wool on your head and I could use ya to clear the wax outta my ears :) Eat a few spuds ffs!!!

    Good luck with the 5k twiggy


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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Best of luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Best of luck for Thursday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    10:23 last night in Armagh. Reasonably happy with that for a first race since last October. Rustiness in terms of racing is still there and still haven't figures out the 3k so definitely need more of them. Ran a 3:18 1st km and was feeling good but never checked the watch after the 1st km split so didn't realise I was leaking time over final 2km!

    Absolutely fantastic event and great to see the Mens 5k and Womens 3k - some serious quality fields. Would really recommend it to everyone just to go up and watch it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Have fallen way behind with the updates here - work has been a bit mental to say the least but here goes.

    Tuesday 14th February: 8 mile @ 8:39 avg pace

    Nice and handy run after work.

    Wednesday 15th February: 5 mile @ 8:34 avg pace

    Done this with one of the lads from the club while our young lads were at athletics training. Nice and handy shake out before race.

    Thursday 16th February: 6 mile incl Armagh 3k in 10:23

    Very definitely first race in a while syndrome as was rusty as hell. Heard a 3:18 split being called for first km and was delighted with that and never checked the watch after that deliberately. Was feeling good and thought I was moving at the same clip but slowed to 3:34 on second km. I'm still reasonably happy that it's a decent marker for the year.

    Missed the rest of the week with a virus that I didn't want to risk turning into anything more sinister:

    Weekly total: 19 miles

    Monday 20th Feb: 6 mile @ 8:52

    An exploratory 5:30 am run to see was I over the bug. Turns out i was but still kept this nice and handy.

    Done 20mins core in the evening.

    Tuesday 21st Feb: 7 mile @8:32

    Another 5:30 am start for this. Cracking morning for running and enjoyed this. Pace nice and handy.

    Wednesday 22nd Feb: 6 mile with 3 @ Steady T pace (6:20)

    Only chance to do this was straight after work instead of my dinner. It was lashing out and definitely not feeling the love for this. It was lashing out and I was soaked to the bone after the warm-up mile and a half. I knew it would be tough to hit the pace on the route I picked around town as it was full of hills. The 3 mile were bloody tough and would have struggled even without the hills (Splits were 6:28; 6:35; 6:45).

    Not the best executed session ever but best I could manage all things considered.

    Must catch up on all the logs here now!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Thursday 23rd Feb: 6 mile @ 8:25 avg pace

    Handy late evening run around town - legs feeling nice and fresh.

    Friday 24th Feb: 8 mile @ 8:07 avg pace

    Managed to get out of work early and got this in before dinner. Nice and mild evening for it and stuck to my usual route around town for this.

    Also done a 20 minutes core workout.

    Saturday 25th Feb: 8 mile incl 5 x 1,200 with 3 min rec

    The rest of the clan headed to the cinema so had the afternoon to myself so headed out for this before the rugby. Started out with a 1.5 mile warm-up at a handy pace. Target for the 1200s was 4:21

    Splits worked out at:

    Done another 1.5 mile cool down before headed home to watch the rugby.

    Sunday 26th Feb: 10 mile LSR @ 8:17

    Out at the crack of dawn for this as I knew that the rains were coming. Still managed to get a good soaking but avoided the worst of the weather.

    Another 20 mins core workout this evening.

    Weekly Total: 51 miles
    Weigh in 11st 3lbs

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Nice going in Longford J.

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    tang1 wrote: »
    Nice going in Longford J.

    How do you do that?? :eek::eek:

    Thanks btw!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Monday 27th Feb: 4.2 miles @ 8:35

    Regular Monday recovery run after work. Nice and handy.

    Followed by a core workout

    Tuesday 28th Feb: 6.3 miles @ 8:15

    Really pushed for time today as had an evening meeting with work. Only chance to run was at lunchtime so picked a loop near the office. Nice to get out at lunchtime and while it was cold it was nice and dry.

    Monthly Total: 167.5 miles

    Wednesday 1st March: 6 miles with 3 @ 6:20 pace

    Another late evening meeting so snuck out for this during the day.

    Headed down to the track and done a 1.5 mile warm-up and got straight into the session as I knew the rain was coming. First two were dry but then rainy season came and I was like a drowned rat!

    Splits were: 6:14; 6:16; 6:18

    Thursday 2nd March: 8 miles @ 8:19 avg pace

    Somehow managed to convince myself to get out at 5:30 am after feck all sleep and do this. Felt surprisingly fresh and started to dream of spring mornings when I might get a bit of brightness for these early morning runs again!! Must have been the lack of sleep making me hallucinate!!

    Snuck in a 20min core workout in the evening.

    Friday: 6 mile @ 8:40

    Very handy easy run in the rain after work and then out for a late night table quiz and a feed of pints :eek:

    Saturday: 4.7 mile @ 8:35 avg pace

    A hungover run after shouting at the telly watching the united game. Followed it up with one of the most depressing experiences of recent times as a Cavan supporter by going to the match. It's the hope and optimism that kills you in the end!! Still leaving 5 minutes before the end at least meant I got home early for a decent nights sleep.

    Sunday: 10 miles including Longford AC 10k in 38:24

    Will do a proper report later but wanted to get some race sharpness back by doing a few races so when I seen this one down the road from home decided to give it a whack. Happy enough with this (8 seconds of PB) as a decent workout - was on my own for long stretches which wasn't ideal.

    Weekly Total: 45.2 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Monday 6th March: 4 mile recovery @ 9:10 avg pace

    Nice and handy recovery run after work.

    Tuesday 7th March: 6.15 easy @ 8:53 avg pace

    Got up for an early run but footpaths were lethal after a heavy frost so went back to bed. Struggling for motivation to get out in the lashing rain in the evening so convinced running buddy to join me. Hadn't run with him in a while so good to catch up and miles flew by.

    Wednesday 8th March: 6 miles including 3 x 1 mile @ 6:20 target pace

    Out at lunchtime for this and done 1.5 warm up and then into the 1 mile reps

    Felt good and legs were full of zip.

    Splits were: 6:08; 6:12;6:15. All with 3 min rests,

    Second run was while the young lad was doing athletics training: Done 4 miles at a nice sedate pace.

    Daily total: 10 mile

    Thursday 9th March: 8 mile @ 8:36

    Early morning run and the first run of the year that it was starting to get bright as I was finishing. Yay Spring is here at last!!

    Friday 10th March: 5 mile @ 8:15

    Got out after work for a few mile.

    Saturday 11th March: 4 mile @ 9:10

    Another very handy run just after lunch. Just a few miles to shakeout the legs ahead of race tomorrow. Doing a track 3k with the club.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Sunday 12th March: 6 miles including 3k @ 10:28

    I had the county spring league with the club today so decided to just do the 3k and leave the field events and sprints alone. It was the young lads first track and field day so there was great excitement heading off for this.

    Got to the track nice and early and done a few laps with the young lad before he went of with his buddies and I done another few lads with some of the lads from the club. The Seniors and Masters were up first and was disappointed to see there was only 5 others lining up for the 3k even with running seniors and masters together. Bundoran and Bohermeen had taken a lot away this weekend!!

    As there was a strong wind and a thin field I rethought the plan for this and decided to treat it as a training run. Both clubmates (seniors) have recently run 9:5x's so decided to try and hang on to them for as long as possible and see where it took me. Started out nice and comfortable and knew that no-one wanted to lead out and was determined I wasn't going to be anyone's wind shield, training run or not!!

    Sat on the shoulder of one of the clubmates when he took the lead for the first lap and saw the first 400 go by at 78 seconds. Happy with this and how I was feeling so decided to work with clubmate and the first 5 laps zipped by in this fashion and never checked the watch again but felt the pace was reasonably hones. Knew I was starting to feel the burn on 6th lap but tried to hang on to lead runner. I also knew the other clubmate would make a move soon as he is noted for having a very good finishing kick.

    I had bigger problems at this stage as coming into the last 400mtrs lead guy put the boot down and I couldn't react and within seconds other clubmate came sprinting by and was gone way into the lead with minimal effort. Made a bit of a comeback over last 100mtrs and was closing the gap but had to settle for third. Was on my knees straightaway and knew I had given maximum effort. Was first masters home but that's a bit meaningless given the thinness of the field. I was disappointed to see 10:28 on the Garmin given the effort but a decent workout if nothing else.

    Done a few laps cool down before going to watch the young lad win a bronze in the 60metres and a silver in the long-jump. He was rightly delighted with himself and has well and truly caught the athletics bug. Even took the medals to school to show his class today!!

    Weekly total 43.15 miles
