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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,469 ✭✭✭LeeJM

    Wow thank you so much MNG. Great to see somebody enjoyed reading the shows. Thanks for the feedback

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,123 ✭✭✭✭paulie21

    MNG Grapplemania
    Have really enjoyed the build up to Curtis Axel v his grandfather. I think you were correct for putting over Curtis and him
    Storm v Hansen kinda had a once in a lifetime feel about it like Hogan Rock at WM 18 where as it wasn't personal just two men wanting to prove they were the best. Liked that Storm got the win kind of hoped for a handshake afterwards but as you explained it keeps the feud interesting going forward
    The women's match was great. Interesting idea going for an elimination match and perfect reasoning for Ivelisse getting the strap
    LAX have been running a muck on your previous shows so was delighted Jim Cornette got his revenge and they didn't get to burn the flag
    Had a feeling you were going to go with the Vadar win that was a serious brawl between him and Ishii and you teased the interference in the Money INC v Bockwinkel Stevens match but I thought Ishii would cost Money Inc and not help them so that was a nice unexpected twist
    The main event was everything I expected it to be. I said previously this would be a dream matchup of mine but I don't think WWE would make it as good as you did. Finn picking up the win was the right call here
    Overall, a fantastic read. Thoroughly enjoyed all your shows and I think I'm right you've won this on a number of occasions and I expect you to go close this time again

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Paulie21: Go home to Pauliemania -
    A little surprised to see Honkey beat Rikishi clean as Mr Fatu is feuding with the Rock and might look weak but understand why Honkey had to move forward in the tournie. I liked Gonzalez representing Argentina though and stangely kinda hope the heel goes over against Sarge. Again I like how you give more clean win than others in build up matches, this time it is Mr Kennedy looking strong. Thesz and Valentine make an interesting team and I'd say Funk vs Diesel would be an intreguing match up. Notable that you air a video package for a hardcore invitational right after Funk is eliminated from the tournie that'll culminate at the PPV... that should be fun esp with someone like the Funker (and Blackman for 1) in there...and then we get why Rikishi lost earlier and the set up for The Rocks match at the PPV. A little surprised Rocky isn't in the title picture but a tournament for the title means multiple high stakes matches while The Rock boosts the mid card match up into a huge affair.

    Necrominus: Natural selection:
    nice opening promo which also serves as a quicker pre PPV refresher of things past - Then starting with a bang with a Monsters ball match that no doubt would get the crowd going as it is all out hectic warfare between abyss and Morgan.

    After that opener and then the kliqs promo you def get an adult feeling to this PPV which I like,not that others are PG but it does start yours off with an in your face bang! and no doubt the pace won't drop with a big cage match next esp given how you booked Hussan as a dastardly heel and Andre as a real powerhouse thus far, and when Andre comes through the ring yep the crowd would again be going mad and they wouldn't stop with things like Andre knocking Test off the cage and through the announce table at ringside (will burn em out if you keep this up).... unexpected finish, dunno how much I liked it as its not exactly feud ending (more accidental win after a move on an interfering wrestler) but it is very different and unique while being a believable big spot for Andre to be able to get the win so on second thoughts... yeah I like it!

    The Jeff / Outlaws promo is good and after The Kliq earlier the tag match is seeming very big at this point. A different tag feud is up next though and no offense to it but I like its placing as it could be a rest match for the crowd with lesser names involved. Makes sense how the finish goes down after Brown not getting to tag out during the bout....PPV part 2.... and we begin again with the big tag match which does live up to its billing while staying in ring and avoiding the use of gimmicks which I liked as I did the faces winning which imo fit the storyline more.... Speaking of immicks in a match, here comes the Inferno match

    You good a great job of making the return of Kane actually mean something and he does destroy the heel Roses posse and tombstones Rose but you have oushed Boogeyman strong to build to this so I was only a little bit surprised that he went over although in retrospect maybe it makes sense with Kane easier to light on fire (due to his ring gear) and a now psycho monster again Kane making less sense as a GM than heel rose.... but thats just the GM storyline wise going forward, Kane no doubt will be a monster in the ring especially as after the loss he kicks some serious ass getting his (if you will excuse the term) heat back.

    surprised to see the Kliq attack the NAO backstage although I guess even if we won't see it things )such as that feud) will continue in NCW...Then it's the main event!

    Really strong main event and when the cage came back down you had a real big PPV moment especially with the you cant see me taunt through the cage before Jeff ascended it and has his big crazy ass spot... but it's not over there and neither is Jeff, nah we had to have a swantom off a ladder afterall :D The image of him then crawliing out of a broken ring canvas to climb the ladder and get the belt is a great one and one that perfectly caps off a top PPV which imo could have you as a contender here overall....though i've more PPVs still to read before I can say that but very impressed

    ....Wait what! PPV part 3!! did not expect this at all, seemed all very MITB esque (actually kinda a pity Hassan didn't have MITB that woulda been perfect imo) I don't know if I liked this as I did really like your previous finish but samn did it stand out...yep and as a result your PPV would def get people talking and wanting to tune into the next show.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,123 ✭✭✭✭paulie21

    Necrominus Natural Selection:
    Entertaining opening contest. Enjoyed the all out brawl between Morgan and Abyss, you really made Morgan a complete dick which really got him over as the heel.
    Literally LOL when I read the X Pac/Jenny Jameson segment
    Andre getting the win was a nice moment. He overcame all the odds with the interference and the knee injury suffered the week before. Good touch with him coming up through the ring and surprising Hussain
    Interesting tag match with Brown having to fight by himself for five minutes thought they had the win when Tarver got into the match but in typical Cryme Tyme fashion they snook a win. Fun match
    The battle of DX was great. Road Dogg and Billy Gunn getting the win was the right call really enjoyed them targeting Gunn during the match a classic heel tag team move
    Interesting inferno match where even though he lost Kane was booked very strongly. Be interesting to see where the show goes with Pete Rose as GM
    Great main event between Cena and Hardy, a heel Cena is what everyone has been calling for for years and you done it very well. Delighted Hardy got his moment then an unexpected twist in typical Jeff fashion has his moment ruined.
    Really enjoyed this would be great to see you back next year to see where you bring things. Definitely a contender to win

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    JP Liz (WrestleMayhem PPV) -
    I liked that line in your PPV preview that Shatner is the temporary GM since your arrest for stalking Christian. That made me laugh.

    I liked the background you wrote for the fatal 4 way match and Teddy eyeing up David's Title was a nice touch before he later went and took the title. I enjoyed the ending with Robbie E laying him out and based on Layla's smile after Robbie's kiss it looks like David may be about to lose his girlfriend soon too.

    The background to Reigns vs Drew was funny and I'm pleased to see The Shat Show returned to LWE. I like that Reigns is showing a new side to his personality on your show and the ending with Sherri bringing both guys on side reminded me of the time Bret stopped Owen and Davey Boy fighting each other and I thought it was a creative move.

    I loved the back story to Owen vs Tyson with Owen saying Tyson wasn't a real Hart; and turning Natalya against him is a super idea and would get Tyson a lot of sympathy. I liked that Tyson had to earn the match as well. The match was great fun and I liked David coming out to fight Teddy which makes sense after what happened earlier. Natalya was such a great heel in this match and I was worried she might cost Tyson the result. I loved that you had Tyson get the win as I think it was definitely the right call and it would be a star-making performance I reckon.

    Magnus and Doug retaining makes sense since you are building to the feud with Martel's Assets and that would be a big match-up since both Reigns and Drew have been protected.

    Beth winning the women's title would get a great pop, especially doing it with the sharpshooter on Natalya. It seems like Natalya may be involved in a future storyline with Tyson since he was watching the match so it was understandable why you took the title from her and I guess now Beth would feud with McCool for the title, or maybe Layla.

    I love that mental image of Shatner dressed as the queen and Davey Boy vs Barrett would be a brilliant match-up. The way Davey Boy retained by using the ropes would allow for a potential rematch between the two.

    The build up to the main event was very entertaining and I laughed at the thought of Christian seeing the shrine to him. The match was a fun read with a nice creative element with the various Lizzes and one getting involved in the action. I liked Christian retaining and the reveal of William Shatner was a great jaw-dropping twist and would lead to big interest in the future.

    Overall Liz you produced a very entertaining show and I liked that you clearly put thought into the build of your matches. There was a fun blend of humour and action and I think you got the decisions of the matches spot on. Well done on a great PPV and thanks for submitting your show.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 38,819 ✭✭✭✭PTH2009

    Did the wwe writers read my first ppv and particularly the opening Kevin Owens bit lol

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    PTH2009 The Bash :
    While I was expecting Owens and Sheamsu to go at it, I was delighted that Lashley got some payback from last time out. I liked the idea of R Truth and Jimmy “dooking” it out with Dallas as ref but I loved it even more when you got serious by injecting Gangrel and his posse into things, really smooth move there. Rhyno is being pushed like the ECW Rhyno of old, which pleases me as I loved Rhyno’s battles with Jerry Lynn back in the day and he was a dominant monster back then. Shamrock v sheamus would be a hard hitting affair and Rhyno appearing again makes me wonder whats happening. Im a big Owens mark too and loved seeing him pick up the win over Lashley (Vince wouldn’t have done that) and I wonder how things will go forward for both Sheamus and Owens, esp with Rhyno waiting in the shadows..

    Brad Maddox Supermacy show 3 -
    I enjoyed The Miz- Batista rivalry so far and this opening was really written well, You’ve been great at using Mizdow in this feud and keeping Miz away from Batista was a smart move. Mizdow was a class act as the Mizs understudy but he would be nothing without The Miz to play off and you’ve really used both so well in this feud. I do feel sorry for Mizdow so I hope Miz gets whats coming to him.

    I love again how Fandango is being pushed and a 3 way with him and Hardy and RVD is a nice use of all 3. The super junior showcase is an ambitious idea (reminds me of the GCS Hunter is planning) and one that is something no one else has really ever attempted.
    I love that you push the Andersons hard, as they have been a smartly booked team in the last 2 drafts, pairing them off against Bundy and Studd would be a great use of all involved and I enjoyed their brawl. Poor Brad though! Great relevant humour is always a bonus and Titus and his pull back was nicely done, bravo on that. Delighted Miz got what was coming to him and I wonder will Mizdow get the blame from him. Billy Graham is an being used terrifically, he is another guy who is being used to his full potential and loved that Delaney was his partner. Pillman and Okada in a cage would bring the house down but I didn’t see the Sabin reveal coming and it was a great move. It was not only logical but it was natural and sets Okada up as a great face going forward. Pillman is being built up well and I would love to see him take the title off Batista (Im such a mark) Great stuff so far, esp given your circumstances, well done my friend.

    PTH2009 (Bloodbath) -
    Gangrel getting being pushed hard is great, everythime I read your PPVs i get his awesome them stuck in my head. I liked Bossman's reasoning for why he helped Owens and it made perfect sense. Lashley winning was the right way forward too.. Loving the Rhyno love still and you have really built up the man beast very strong. Im wonder where Ken Shamrock goes from here, will he feud with Bobby or Arnie (both would be great). I was shocked, in a good way, by Bradshaws attack on Ron and but one that gives both a new direction. . The false finish with Owens and Sheamus was good (though I was sad to see Owens not win), but Im guessing its him Arnie on teh horizon and not Arnie and Ken Shamrock. Arnie v Owens would be great and Owens would be gold on the mic in that feud. You’ve shifted direction very well with your feuds and going forward to your big PPV you have a lot of options. Very entertaining. .

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    PTH2009 (Webcast Beat Down – PPV 4) -
    Man you really did a great job getting these PPVs up in such a short space of time. Owens v Arnie has a big match feel and the presence Arnie and Owens starring eachother down would be money. Owens cant lose can he ?Rhyno was put over huge and a big non title win pushes him further. I would love for him to go over Sheamo. I didn’t see The Ricardo return playing out like this and its an interesting route to take. Gangrel, like Rhyno, has been built up very strongly throughout your PPVs.

    Lashley and Shamrock makes sense and has a very legitimate feel to them considering their MMA history. And wow, I didn’t see Gangrel losing was a surprise and I wonder what will happen to him going forward after being built up so strong.

    But I loved the Main event. Its an angle I actually wrote in my Around The Horn comp last year with Arnie being replaced by HHH, so I loved that. Arnie and Owens would be a great double act. Poor Sheamus is in a bad way, with a non title loss and then . The main event segment shocked me with the Arnie twist and it leaves Sheamus looking in big trouble heading into Thunder Brawl with Arnie as special ref

    PTH2009 (Thunder Brawl PPV 5 (main PPV) ) -
    The opening segment was great, and Arnie as a heel ripping on the crowd was very easy to visible. The Gangstas v PE would be a violent bloodbath to kick things off and Sheamus promo was very well done. Simmons winning the match was a shock to me as was him and JBL making up.

    The Shamrock/Lashley is a great booking move and this would be a great hard hitting battle, no doubt and the stip was a nice touch. I liked the respect shown after teh hard battle and happy that Ken won. I again didn’t see Neville winning, but Rhyno didn’t look weak losing in those circumstances so thats clever.

    Gangrel getting his just desserts was the right call but the main event was fantastic, Arnie is a snake isn’t he. Rhyno was a star in the making throughout your shows and this solidified him as the top guy, great stuff.

    You did a fantastic job considering your time constraints and this PPV had a big night feel to it. You made 3 mid carders into big stars throughout your write ups and you had some very unique and interesting ideas. Great to see you made such an effort in such a short time, kudos and well done


    A Brad Maddox Guy (supremacy Episode 4) -
    Shelly was money in the opening segment and I think everyone prefers MCMGs to the Time Splitters. Okada would look like a huge deal after standing tall in the end. It really adds a lot of options for you going forward and Im excited to see which route you take (a pillman win heres hoping)

    I loved how the Miz got his heel persona over so far, and poor Mizdow losing the role heeps the sympathy on him while making Miz a right cnut, so thats great stuff. Miz and Mizdow are going splitsville surely and Mizdow would be a man who the fans would be dying to embrace, just like last year, I loiked teh Batista segment also and it really got him over as both a big deal but a bit of a stroppy character, which is true to life. .I liked Fandango going over strong here, though I fear he will lose at the PPV now as a result (noooo!. )

    Shelley vs Kushida is money and is a natural move in this story. You’ve made the six man tag match a really tension fest with a lot on the line and I really look forward to the outcome. The Main event was a great go home match before the PPV. Okada looked strong and loved that Batista got his teeth knocked out, which would he would hate being such a vain character and teh image if him with his title and his blood soaked mouth would be very powerful. The PPV is built up nicely after this show, esp your main event and You have done a great job of building up a great PPV on paper. Great stuff ABMG..

    paulie21 (Pauliemania PPV) -
    Great to see you got this up in time, so fair play buddy. The opener would be a strong way to open, esp with Kennedy being built up very well in the shows before hand and even more so in this match, esp with the finish with him beating Honky. I liked the show of respect, like a passing of the torch moment of sorts..In contrast Diesel looks equally a strong, esp after not only beating Foley but kicking out of his DDT finisher. It sets up a great match going forward later so good stuff. Happy that the younger guys went over, which was the right call from a business point of view and Cade and Murdoch are put over in process big time. Lou Thesz and Valentine have also got a great exits makes it great for whomever picks them next year, which is very thoughtful and well written. Nice touch brother.
    The hardcore match was very cleverly written and it had a lot of creative spots like Scotty and teh thumb tacks and the addition of Mick Foley. Crash winning was a nice throw back to the 24/7 rule and was happy to see him leave with the belt.

    I liked Diesel's promo and you captured his arrogance perfectly with his midget line, it was easy to imagine Diesel/Nash acting this over confident. Ha, I just mention the 24/7 rule and Crash loses it just after i type, good stuff here and using Tyson in this way would be fun and surprising. The flag burning would be riot inciting and Gonzalez would be a minster (no pun intended) heel as a result.
    The Rock's promo would hype up the crowd like only he can, so thats a huge plus. This feud was a classic family feud written all over it and you had some great set pieces once again, esp the stinkface which is even better when done by heel rikishi, and the samoan spike. The Rock had to win though and Im glad he did. Ah 24/7 strikes agin and Foley winning was a surprise twist, but I cant help but expect another change again ha.
    .Kennedy came out of the main event as a big star and the paulie interference kept Diesel strong as a result. I didn’t see the Paulie turn and it was a nice natural swerve in hindsight.

    It was a great read, esp considering you had very little time to get stuff up. It was a well built up PPV with some great set pieces and payoffs, esp the main event. Its great that you got your PPV up, and I had a ball reading it as I did your shows. The PPV had a good blend of fresh matches, smart booking and surprises( im a sucker for swerves) and overall it was a great PPV,esp in your first draft. Great stuff Paulie.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    PTH2009 wrote: »
    Did the wwe writers read my first ppv and particularly the opening Kevin Owens bit lol

    Ha I was thinking the same thing, WWE writers could take a few tips from this thread alright. :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 18,123 ✭✭✭✭paulie21

    Beaker Joe Ultimate Chaos Part 1:
    Unusual to start off with a womens match but in this situation it was the right call because a fast paced energetic match got the crowd going and after everything that happened Bayley in the buildup she needed the win.
    Zoolander and Breeze certainly would be an interesting tag team.Santana turning on Martel was a mark out moment everyone had been waiting for. Fun match
    Good drafting getting the Von Erichs on your promotion. Didn't see Kerry collapsing coming but you explained the painkillers addiction perfectly and left scope for a future story
    What a match between Del Rey and Becky. A good finish with Becky breaking her arm and the match been waved off. Becky is apologetic but I wonder will she secretly develop a mean streak going forward

    Part 2:
    Liked the Nakamura Carter match, had a personal feeling to it. Carter brought the thumbtacks into the equation but it came back to bite him. Nakamura going over was good
    Another good women's match you've really done an excellent job booking the women on your show maybe you should write for wwe ha. Sasha going over is the right call as Rousey always felt like a once off appearance and it gives Sasha serious credibility going forward
    I kind of expected Flair and Cesaro to go to overtime like Hart and HBK but never saw the twist with Zeb having everything planned all along. Some great work here and I'm sure you will go close to winning overall

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    LeeJM (Easter Rising PPV) -
    I think Ive said it before but I really like your PPV name, esp with the year that in it. Very Clever and I enjoyed the intro song to, your broadening my horizons with your song choices. Nice touches indeed

    JRs rally cry speech was very intense and it set the tone for the up coming match. JR has been used very wisely, instead of being a mere commentator he is excelling in his manager role. The match would be a great clash of styles, with A4 being such a great hoss combo and KoA being high flyers. Your match was well written and hopefully the rest of the matches ahead will have such well thought-out set pieces, as this match had great spots such as the double shooting star press, which would be a great visual treat. The finish allows Kings of Air to split without an unnecessary heel turn by either guy, so great call. Both men would be super over as singles stars and it would be hard to pick a Janetty out of them as both have HBK like potential to be top stars.

    Ive loved Rich and Idol through out your shows and they are massively under rated, yet you used them to perhaps their full potential, so kudos on that. And them versus the Bucks would be a great bout regardless of the build up, yet you’ve really made it a must see match to see if The Bucks get their retribution. Delighted to see Debra pop up after the tease previously on your tv show but Im even more curious after she departed, what have you got cooking? The Bucks winning was teh right move and Rich and Idol wouldn’t be hurt too much by the loss. (I suspect we will see them later on anyway).

    The six man bout was carnage personified, as expected and its clear you know your characters well as its easy to visualise each man involved. I smiled when I read that Tajiri using his trademark mist and even more so when it came down to Awesome and Tanaka, these two old foes at it again. I always thought the if the Zoetic lost here, it would signal a DDP win later so Im curious to see if Im right as 2 losses would hurt such a strongly depicted stable. But Awesome came out of teh match on top and Im sure his push would continue. Awesome was wrongly mishandled by WCW and WWE so Im very happy to see him being elevated on the big stage. Vince surely would love him more than Reigns no? ha. Great match.

    I don’t know how this Lawler/Debra and Rich/Idol story will play out but you’re teasing it very well, so top marks there. You have a lot of options available to you, so I’m curious to see how you took it forward.

    I think your JR promo gave the game away a little (sending his boys away), mainly because I used Zeb in similar fashion to be honest, but his turn was excellent none the less, one of the best segments so far in this years draft (and theres been some great ones so far). Its segments like these that can help you win a draft and its really something to be proud of in your first draft. I think in future drafts you will only get better since this is your first draft and I think you’ve already got some ideas cooking for next year. But I ramble on, the turns here were not only surprising but it had a lot of logic and made sense. Hell Lawler is best, I agree and you have made Windham a very sympatric face as a result. Good stuff around Lee.

    The Jericho/ DDP was a very enjoyable, and DDP,like Rich and Idol, is massively under rated and you got the most out of him. The Zoetic now have redeemed themselves and going forward are a stable to be reckoned with. The main event, The Texas Death Match, going on after Jericho and DDP, had a big match feel to it and it was your top feud even without a title on the line, which says allot about how good you’ve been. Some great set pieces and your attention to detail in the match, following your shows, is something to be very proud of. AJ getting the win made the most sense and going forward, he could use his religious/spiritual side references in a potential feud with DDP and co. Very well thought-out sir.

    You had a bunch of great tv shows and one entertaining PPV. Im glad you finished up on time too as I know you were pushed for time, but thankfully your writing didn’t suffer (or at least it doesn’t show). You’ve been a great addition to the draft this year and your work has been full of well thought out, creative quality. Good luck buddy.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Think Ive 3 or 4 shows left, but some serious top quality work dished out by guys in the last week, great considering teh time frame they had to work

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,968 ✭✭✭ShagNastii

    The standard this year is sky high. The old reliables have been fantastic as always.

    One major standout stepped up big style from years past IMO. They will certainly garner a few big slammy votes from myself.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    JP Liz (PPV) -
    Delighted you were able to get stuff written in the end, esp since your a draft veteran.

    Shattner being drafted again makes me smile, and you have drafted a great host of british stars as well as most of The Hart family (3 of which I had last year, so I'm imagining the whole stable jumped ship to your promotion) , so your roster is as strong as anyones. Chtistian being drafted by you again is nice to see also and I enjoyed the stalking line, nice touch Liz. (Legit Q , has he got a court order against you yet :) )

    The opening bout is set up well, esp from The Hart Attacks POV and the finish would open up a lot of possibilities going forward, esp with Teddy now as Champ and how David and others react, as well as Robbie E and Layla. Poor David Hart Smith is losing everything.

    I always wondered how you'd use Roman Reigns and I'm pleasantly surprised by how you booked him. The build up was off the wall funny and it's a pity you couldn't have added more as its hilarious stuff, esp the wallmart range story. Roman looks less 2 dimensional on your show than he does on Raw. The ending again gives you plenty going forward and both Roman and Drew could be a big tag team in the future.

    Tyson and Owens back story is brilliant stuff (Tyson not being a real Hart), and losing Nattie would make Tyson a great sympatric babyface. The match really elevated Tyson and it would be a joy to watch in reality, so top marks for the booking. Going forward he looks like a star following the big win and I'm a Tyson Mark so delighted to see him pushed so well.

    I would have loved the make shift team of Jim and Rob going over, but it makes more sense to keep Magnus and Williams strong with a possible feud with Martels Assets (great name BTW).

    Beth winning the women's title is good and she would make the division a strong one going forward as champ. I really lol'd at the thought of Queeny Shatner, where did you think of that? Davey Boy vs Barrett would be a hard hitting bout esp with a good build up and Wade looked strong in defeat as Davey Boy cheated to win.

    The build up to the main event was very very original and I love how all 3 guys are Lizs boys (you make no secret of liking all 3 guys work over the years) so I had no idea who would win. Delighted to see Liz being involved but I was concerned she's screw Christian, but thankfully she aided him and the right man won. The ending was a great surprise and is a great twist to end the show on, I really didn't see it coming. Crazy stuff Liz but really enjoyable.

    Overall delighted you put up a show and delighted even more by how funny and original it was. Very easy to read and I lol'd more than once. Great job against all the odds Liz, well done. .

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Brad Maddox Guy / Wrestlerama III :
    Well I really enjoyed the build upo and you had some great creative twists to keep you interested along the way. The opening bout would be a great fast paced opener on any PPV and it had great heat following Alexs turn. The finish furthers Omegas character well and pushes Shelly and Sabin in the process which I liked.

    The Invitational would be a fun-filled match with so mant talented individuals involved. The former Sin Cara winning gives credibility to the tournament and would get eyes on your show from Mexico and Latin America, so the result is the right one from a business perspective.

    Titus siding with The Miz is a shrewd move going forward in a bodyguard type role I imagine and it furthers Mizdows / Sandows perils who I hope would get some payback down the line.

    Happy that Maddoxs team won and he finally came out on top. The match would be very dramtic in reality, given the stip and it would be great use of all involved, esp Maddox. Ha The Miz never gets whats coming to him, does he, the batista segment put him over going into the big match later.

    Well....I'll be a monkeys uncle, so happy Fandango won (as you know by now). Really didn't think he would get the win after coming out on top last show but I'm happily surprised. The match itself would have 3 great talents capable of bringing the house down, esp with some of the nice spots you had in it (like the 5 star from the ladder to the announce table, you crazy mf'er).

    Thye tag match had the right result and Shelly and Sabin aren't hurt as they have the excuse of Shelly pulling double duty (and I see you had the exact same thing written in your summary, nice)

    The main event would be awesome in reality, it was built up well with 3 great competitors (batista in his prime was great to watch). and the finish would be very dramatic and entertaining. Going forward Okada and Pillman would be a joy to watch and it would have so much fire behind it to make it even more must see.

    Overall you did a great job building your shows over the last few weeks, and you some presented a terrific PPV with some great backstories. You have given me plenty to mull over when considering my votes, well done and good luck going forward.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,968 ✭✭✭ShagNastii

    Sorry for the double post. Thought voting ended TOMORROW night. My bad, I have all read and will get my votes in by morning if that's OK.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    ShagNastii wrote: »
    Sorry for the double post. Thought voting ended TOMORROW night. My bad, I have all read and will get my votes in by morning if that's OK.

    I havent voted yet, 2 more shows to get through and ill post them in shortly after,

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Cheese Wagstaff - CheddarRama :
    Again a very very creative name for your PPV :)

    Well the open match was a mugging and poor Iron Mike, he just cant catch a break. Great use of the jobber pick over rthe course of the draft and you used him fantastically to get Sean O'Haire over here. He just can't be trusted and I wonder what you have in store for him going forward. I loved this gimmick in WWE but it never got a decent shot at getting over and you have begun a strong start for Sean in your promotion. Everyone here looked strong except Mike who didn't look week since he was out numbered.

    Ha Kalisto Flockhart...I lol'd :)

    I was surprised Collins and Morten didn't get their just desserts, they really deserve a good hiding and you've created two top heels IMO. I was sure Roddy would get the win but he didn't look weak in defeat due to the manner of the loss, so he can possible have a rematch going forward.

    The tag match would be a great clash of contrasting styles and cultures and the feud was built up as such and Inoki and Fujinami winning the gold is the best result. You used Melina well through out the match but I was delighted to see the legends win the big one.

    The Johnny Inoki/Fujinami segment has me thinking why he wants them out of the way, I haven't trusted Johnny one bit in your write ups, will he finally show his true colours?

    Shelton being left behind set the tone for the Lethal / Rose match well and I was happy to see him come out but shocked in a good way to help Rose to victory. You've set the seeds for Shelton Rose well and you have plenty of options going forward. I do spare a thought for Jay though, so close yet so far.
    Great Stuff here.

    The Main Event was epic, it had it all, great action from two of the very best, shocking returns and even more shocking twists. I forgot about MVP and really thought he was going to be the difference maker here but the ending...... my word I didn't see it coming and it was a great twist to end the PPV on. As I wrote earlier, You gave Sean o'Haire a great introduction in your TV shows and the reveal at the end and the forming of a new Nation is a great twist and one Id say no one saw coming.

    Great ending to a fanstatic bit of writng, you've delivered (under pressure from time constraints too) a great set of shows and a very entertaining PPV. great stuff and you have a great shout of winning as well as picking up some slammies along the way. Well doen Cheese and good luck

    Shagnasti PPV
    Really a pity time was not on your side as your shows were obviously building to a great PPV.

    The mental image of Ward superplexing Big Vis would be a great moment and make him a real star in the process. Graves winning would be the logical result as he would need the rub more than Beefer. Sid stopping Swagger would be a great way of putting him over, and the win would mean a lot considering how strong you made Swagger previously.

    Warrior v Vince would not be a mat classic but it would be a must see match and Warrior going over sends everyone home happy as Vince got what was coming to him.

    Sting v Hogan would personify your old school feel and it would be a great fantasy match with Hogan being a Vince guy at this stage and not in WCW. Sad to see you couldn't get more done, but happy to see you got the card up and you are in my thoughts for numberous cats in the slammies too. Well done Shag

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    A Brad Maddox Guy (Wrestlerama III PPV) -
    I liked Shelley winning the first of his double duty matches as it makes it harder to call the result of his later bout. Also liked Omega catching Ibushi's nose which leaves me wondering how Ibushi will react. Based on your build I thought Caristico would be the best call to win the tournament so I liked that result.

    Although I'm a fan of Mizdow I thought Miz had to win here as you've made him a standout character this season and it would be good for Titus O'Miz to get a bit of steam by helping Miz win. This outcome also allows you to continue the feud so I was pleased with this.

    Nice to see Team Maddox win as well and Brad getting some comeuppance on Graham after his antics in the weeks prior which would make the fans happy. I liked Batista taking out Titus too which gets over Batista as being on the warpath ahead of the main event later.

    I enjoyed the ladder match and especially the spot where RVD goes for the 5 star frog splash but winds up going through the table. I was impressed you went with Fandango for the win as you have put him over strong in the build up to the PPV and have worked hard to make him a star and he feels like a star now after this win.

    I thought things might kick off between Ibushi and Omega after what happened earlier but I liked that they retained the tag titles and if there is to be dissention in the ranks it would be better to do it with a slow burn anyway.

    The main event was a great read and I wasn't sure which way it would go. I liked Batista mocking Okada's pose and the finish with Pillman capitalizing on his chance fit in with his character beautifully. There's great potential for Pillman vs Okada now since it was Batista that took the pinfall which was the smart way to book it.

    I enjoyed WrestleRama III and it was a fitting pay-off to your weekly shows which provided me some of the mot entertaining moments of the Draft. I'm really glad you decided to post a show, and especially considering the personal loss you mentioned in the discussion thread which I think means you more than anybody else deserve big thanks for getting the work completed. Well done on another quality Draft showing and I can see you scoring highly in the voting.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Ok that's everything read, time to get voting for me. Really had a blast reading some fantastic fantasy booking and its been a treat to take part as usual. Thanks BH for running the show and Thanks to everyone who read my shows (sorry about the length.). I really hope everyone can catch up on everyones shows in the last week as Ive read some very entertaining write ups, and I hope everyone can get around to voting as the writing this year has been excellent

    Thanks guys and good luck

    No for the hard part.... deciding who to vote for.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Necro & now beaker have proved me wrong re the lenght of feedback i'll give for a PPV, cos when you guys write that much I cant just put a few lines up.

    beakerjoe: Ultimate Chaos -
    From the off you wrote your commentators very well, if you had my Heenan/Monsoon team that's have even more impact. Very well layed out first match and first feel good moment, Bailey winning would no doubt start the PPV out on a real positive note for the fans who would lap it up after all Emma's shenanigans in the build.

    Really liked how you worked Zoolanders arrival (and the whole angle to be honest) and although I felt the winner was a little predictable with El Slavo revolting against Martel but it was really well worked so its no issue and I totally agree with the booking.

    Similar to Stillers, Zeb and Kerry's arrival would get a good pop but he's obviously not at 100%, The end was unexpected although I did think the painkillers would play into it, as mentioned before I felt we might get a zeb turn too but maybe that'l come later and even if I could predict it as with stiller I would still think its great writing if it happens. The Horsemen look really strong now heading into the Cesaro/Flair main event.

    THe womens submission match could perhaps have been suffering from being 1 of 3 1on1 womens matches on your card but that ending was booked very well and again very logically. It'd get a big reaction from the crowd and def makes Becky seem like a bad ass and threat going forward....end of part 1

    EC3 and Nakamura on some level reminded me of my Rick Rude/Great Muta match but no hold barred. I've admitted before that I dont think EC3 is on Nakamuras level but he did look very strong in this match and was booked well building to it too, he does as you said take it up a notch pulling out the tumb tacks but the right guy gets the win in the end and I do think it would be an ideal feud to introduce Nakamura to Beyond Chaos wrestling.

    Banks vs Rousey - I can't imagine Ronda being beaten by any female wrestler so it took me a while to adjust to this fight but you wrote it excellently and when I did get into it I thought the finish was the most logical one cos no matter who you are (see Brock in my PPV) after many minutes in a submission you will tap. It was must see and Sasha looks a million bucks after this fight

    60min Iron man ... jaysus, don't envy you writing that! What a war! I liked it being 0-o until the finish as it puts over just how close a battle it was with neither man able to get a pinfall over the other until the decisive moment....booya I called the Zeb turn :) He was their JJ Dillon.

    You have made a Megastar in Cesaro and the image of all the lads with the gold is an epic way to close out the year for BCW. If you don't win it this year it's because someone else did an unbelievable job. I've still a few more to read but no matter how good anyone else is you will be one of the names at the top of the list this year.

    Officially voting does end tomorrow night but atm I've only received 2 peoples votes (and as said one of them only included a no.1 in each of the main categories and no slammies so if they wish to change their vote they can) obviously if not many people vote I can always allow more time.

    I will get to read all the shows but have a feeling the last few might not get feedback from me before the deadline as writing it all up slows down my reading.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    ShagNastii wrote: »
    Sorry for the double post. Thought voting ended TOMORROW night. My bad, I have all read and will get my votes in by morning if that's OK.

    Is it not tomorrow night?

    When the deadline was changed to Wednesday I figured that meant 11:59 pm Wednesday.

    I had hoped to get my votes in this evening though, anyway.

    Edit: Just seen BH's post.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    Cheese Wagstaff (Cheddarama PPV) -
    The opening segment was intriguing and I wonder what those guys are up to. Nice music choice too which set the tone well.

    You've built O'Haire up really well as a fascinating character and as this match began my main thought was 'what will O'Haire do?' and I liked the way you handled it as it keeps an air of intrigue about O'Haire and keeps him unpredictable going forward. Good Steamboat promo too to build for later.

    Peter and Carl have been one of my favourite acts this year and I got a great laugh out of Carl distracting the ref by showing him the best way to grip the putter. That was gold. Loved the finish too with the golf club having a role in the outcome. I think you booked this perfectly as this is a hot act and it's best to run with it right now with Peter retaining his title.

    The tag match was well done and when Melina pulled the ref out of the ring I figured MNM were going to get the job done but I liked that you went with the feelgood moment of Inoki and Funjinami getting the win.

    Uh oh, Bart is laid out. There's trouble afoot. I had a feeling there might be. No idea who could have done it. Xavier? Maybe it's a swerve and he's not hurt after all. I'll find out shortly.

    The IC Title match was a great read and I sensed when Terkay and Swann were ejected that Shelton was going to have a key part to play. I wondered whether he would help or hinder Buddy and after the Superkick to Buddy I thought I got my answer but then there was the second twist which I didn't expect and it was a well crafted surprise. I also like that you got Inoki and Fujinami out of the picture too which was clever.

    Main event time and this has been one of the best built main events this year. I liked Seth coming out in the all-red attire and you gave Steamboat an epic entrance with the monks and the gong. This all made for a great sense of anticipation so I loved this.

    The twist in the main event was well executed and you had sowed the seeds to this early on as I remember in one of your earlier shows O'Haire had helped out Henry. I'm thinking now Woods did have a part to play in Gunn getting taken out earlier. Woods proved to be a real snake in the grass which I liked. And you made O'Haire a superstar with the ending.

    You've produced great shows and I believe you are another of the many first entrants this year which I find remarkable as you took to the game in style. I can see you scoring well in the contest vote and the Slammy votes and here's hoping there's a Cheddarama II next year. Well done and thanks for your shows.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 45,594 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    And with that I believe I've read everyone's thoughts. I have to echo what beakerjoe said that there was a terrific standard this year.

    I don't think there is a best newcomer award in the Slammys (unless I missed it) and tbh I'm relieved as I'd struggle to name one. I think this must be the best year for new entrants that I can remember.

    Going to be a worthy winner whoever takes the crown and it's going to be a wrench having to limit the best write-up category to just five people. Well done to everybody and here's to a fun next couple of days as we approach the end of the game.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,823 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    PTH 2009 FIWF Carnage -
    Arnie would def make an ineresting GM and yep there is the Raw-like Owens feeling left out. Very interested to see how your plan for R-Truth works out too, him vs little Jimmy w/Bo Dallas as the ref has to be the maddest match ive seen in the draft so far. I like how Ricardo is an annoucner for your promotion and not just one superstar. Public Enemy should be a good challenge for the APA but the image of New Jack shaking someones hand after they beat him seems off on the other hand Neville doing so fits very well and establishes Rhyno as a heel with his response. I do like how you have all the main event guys interviewed and in doing so build up to the main event throughout the show plus the red logo and what happens to Joey Abs def piques my interest.

    The main event was nice, the Gangrel bit has me hooked wanting to see what happens next similarily Owens appearing and attacking new champ Sheamus should make (im assuming) a match at the Bash v interesting. With you doing a number of PPVs to build too it'l be interesting to see where your storylines have gotten to by the last PPV for your promotion

    Cheese Go home show for Cheddarama
    Starting with the ultimate babyface screaming he is going to kill Seth and needing several superstars to stop him after attacking Rollins is a great image. The fanthom haymaker from Morton would get a lot of heat from the crowd who no doubt would pop big for Strongs return and rematch announcement. Interesting backstage bit with SHarpe (like how youve used him thus far) though I worry he might be in for trouble later, Similarily the segments with the two teams build that encounter well esp with the intimidating Buddy Rogers and Shelton Benjamins interaction. At first I thought Henry & D'Lo / Godfather might team up in a Nation kinda way but O'Haire's actions really have me interested in where this will go with him. Kinda guessed Steamboat would return in the main Rollins match but still it was great to see it happen and then we get Ricky in the main event as a result and you just had to know Rollins would return during that...their PPV bout should be class and a Ladder match now (like how that was anounced) plus Lthal gets his IC shot wonder will more happen with Shelton too given how it all went down again.

    PTH2009 FIWF The Bash
    I like how Owens talks himself into the no..1 contender stip he is a prize fighter afterall and now he has his prize. R-Truths match would be funny until Gangrel and co appear, very curious to see the destination of their push. I like how heelish and arrogant you have made Rhyno and wonder who it is that will step up to try and teach him a lesson now that Neville has failed twice. Happy Public Enemy got the win as obviously the Gangstas already had their shot. Bit odd the no.1 contender match main evented above the title match but Owens seems to be getting your big storyline so fair enough. Sheamus wins and then after Rhynos appearance Shamrock getting a shot at the IC belt makes perfect sense although why Rhyno came out i dont know, does he want the WHC too i wonder? Didn't expect the boss man swerve but we have the Sheamo / Owens main event for the next PPV now which would be a good one with how youve booked em.

    I just copied and pasted LTSC's slammies from last year and I guess there was no best newcomer slammy then... that said we have a lot more newcomers this year so if anyone wants to submit a vote on this topic go ahead (dont have to do though as I know there is already a lot of categories inc the new best heel & face ones)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,995 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    Going to get review most of the PPVs this evening - have everything read now just re-reading it to provide some feedback...

    MNG: Grapplemania Part 1:
    Good opening bout between The Axe and Curtis Axel. Right decision definitely to put Axel over here, and a great touch him dropping the stage name to embrace his legacy. I really liked how you built up Axel here, and the inclusion of Larry Hennig was a great pick. Great potential for Curtis/Joe to move on to a nice midcard title feud in future editions of Monday Night Grappling.

    Again, Storm going over and winning the Legends belt was the right move. Hansen had already proved his dominance and had the upper hand, and this was the right place and time to pull the trigger with Storm. Hansen seemingly turning leaves room for a rematch down the road which I would be a fan of.

    The fatal 4 way was a fun read. I struggle to get invested in women's wrestling (hence why I drafted no women) but this was well written. Again Ivelisse winning was definitely the right move as otherwise Toyota wipes out the division. She also saves face by it being a fatal 4 way and can challenge for the title again.

    The L.A.X. v Midnight Express match was my favorite so far, and there were some good spots in this match such as Cornette with the racket. I enjoyed the Sharapova line too, that was clever. Midnight Express had to win here - the fans may have burned the arena down if L.A.X. had their way with American flag!

    Grapplemania Part 2:
    The Edge promo did exactly what you planned, getting hyped for the main event now. The mention of The Brood was something I enjoyed and how it tied into the demon persona.

    What brutality! I expected big things from this match, and you delivered. I was a little surprised about Ishii not getting the win here, but Vader goes over big time and is surely primed for a world title shot in the near future. Poor Ishii though.

    It's the little things like the DiBiase/Ishii encounter afterwards that make your writing so believable. Really enjoyed that.

    And then the payoff. Wow. Bockwinkel in particular has been incredibly synoymous with Monday Night Grappling and I was really shocked that you wrote him out. It's not that it doesn't make sense - it's actually great booking and now he can move on next year and make another fed interesting. Money INC have been booked superbly, DiBiase in particular - a truly detestable heel and Ishii's turn not only makes perfect sense, but it's easy to see a lengthy storyline in the future for him. Builds him up well after the loss to Vader and leaves us asking for more.

    Balor's entrance was written to a tee. Again, it's the little things and the tail and phoenix reference was brilliant. I really enjoyed the match, the Coup de Grace off the top in particular was well set up as was the spear in mid-air ala Hardy - one of my favorite spots of all time. The ending was great too, Balor teasing the Conchairto and recovering in time to dump Edge off the ladder through the table and claim the title. The right call after all the build up, and Balor finally gets his moment that has been in the making since show 1.

    Overall it was a brilliant read, with the build up shows interlinking in a way only you can seemingly do and the pay-offs well thought out, with room for many different paths to take in the future. I expect you will go close again to retaining your crown, and it will take some incredible writing to stop you.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,995 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    BeakerJoe: Ultimate Chaos Part 1:
    Nice start to the PPV with a good warm up contest between Bayley and Emma. You really have captured what makes Bayley so popular to the fans in your shows and Emma has played her role of trying to twist her to perfection. Bayley needed the win here and I'm glad that you went that way as it gives the fans some much needed cheer early on in the show.
    BTW, I love the length of the matches so far - I really get engrossed in them!

    Breeze and Zoolander was a brilliant choice of partnerships, and a nice way to play up a face Tyler Breeze who could easily get over this way in WWE today. Martel had to be given his comeuppance here again, and I'm delighted El Slavo... sorry, Santana finally fought back. Great stuff.

    The winner takes all match was well executed, with The Horsemen expecting to use the numbers to their advantage until the big save from Kerry and Zeb. I wasn't expecting that finish though. Reading further on and with the previous shows it makes sense and puts the Horsemen in control with all the gold... until the main event at least. I smell a rat in the camp though.

    The Becky v Sara match was well booked - student vs teacher matches are fun and Becky breaking Sara's arm was a good outcome. Regardless of the outcome of the Banks/Rousey match, they'll need a legit challenger to face them down the road and you now have two in Becky and Bayley. This new mean streak opens up a variety of opportunities for Becky which can only be a good thing.

    Ultimate Chaos Part 2:
    I'll admit, I was worried how the EC3/Nakamura match was going to end up. Nakamura kind of buried EC3 in your first show but you've done a great job of making him look like a credible threat since. The No Holds Barred element also protected him and even in defeat EC3 can move on to bigger and better things. Nakamura I expect moves on to challenge Flair/Cesaro for the belt and with EC3 putting up a strong showing this could possibly lead to a rematch with the belt on the line in the future. I like it.

    The Banks/Rousey match was everything I expected and more. Sasha tapping Ronda is a massive moment, so big it almost deserved the main event spot on your show - but for the way you've built the main event. You really utilised Rousey in a way I can actually imagine her being used by the WWE if she steps into the ring... however I expect she'll beat whoever she faces where as what you have done is made Sasha into one of the biggest female names in sport in one single night. Becky breaking an arm makes even more sense now as it's hard to imagine any female stepping up to challenge Banks after she tapped the baddest woman on the planet. Great match, and a definite candidate for match of the year.

    And then you go and outdo yourself. What a main event. I don't know how long it took you to formulate the plan and booking for the iron man match, but serious kudos. Keeping it 0-0 over the 60 mins is definitely the right call - I think pinfalls/submissions weaken the stars in the long run but with no end point over the 60 mins it is I can only imagine incredibly tough to do.

    I expected the Zeb turn, but it was still a clever move and really saves face for Flair after a war to be put down by outside interference. Cesaro and the other Horsemen with all the gold is a massive moment, and Cesaro in particular is now a megastar over night having gone toe to toe with the Nature Boy for over 60 mins. Great ending and the exact way it should be to make the Horsemen Reborn into one of the most formidable factions in draft history.

    Overall this was a fabulous effort, from top to bottom - capped off by not one, but TWO match of the year contenders. There is literally nothing I would change about the PPV, it was perfectly executed. I've been a long time lurker of the draft and I really believe that this might be the year you take the crown, and it would be totally deserved - but it's incredibly hard to call with so many fabulous write-ups. Best of luck.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,753 ✭✭✭✭beakerjoe

    Jeez guys, over the past week ive gottem some great feedback.... its posts like this that make this hard work worth it, thank you and Good luck to all

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,995 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    Bounty Hunter: Wrestlepalooza (Pre-show & Part 1):
    Nice little match to start things off with Horowitz finally getting his moment via Heenan-esque tactics. Very clever.

    The first match did exactly what it was supposed to, warming up the crowd with some absolute bruisers going toe to toe in the ring. The Von Erichs getting the win is the right call as you say it can further the Anti-America story they have going.

    I loved the IC Street Fight. George has had this coming since last year's event and it's great to finally see Patterson get his redemption. The finish was well executed with the backdrop and the diving knee drop, I really liked it. The continuity from yours and other veterans of the draft is what makes it so popular every year and I'm sure we'll see more of it in the coming years.

    I enjoyed the intergender match with Gory playing up to the 'Latino Heat' moniker perfectly. The finish again was typical Guerrero and he gets his woman without having to hurt her which is well done.

    El Santo and Generico was a fun match too. Sami Zayn has probably outgrown his mask at this point so having El Santo take the W here made sense. Sami still looks strong in defeat and can move on with the Generico character in the rearview mirror.

    I agree with your decision to give The Brainbusters the win in the tag match. American Alpha still look strong in defeat but Arn and Tully probably needed it more and keeps the Heenan Family faction looking invincible going into the main event. The kickout from the Double A spinebuster would have been a huge moment, and the Spike Piledriver sounded vicious. Great job.

    Nice little promo from the Brainbusters afterwards sending the warning out to BCW. Again, the little things are just so vital and the kayfabe rivalries between the feds is a highlight each year.

    Forgot to mention the Bryan segment I've just noticed - but will fit here with Brock's. Great little promos really selling the main event, I can see Brock's frustration with the 'dirtsheets'.

    Kharma finally catching up with the Bellas after their angle in the WWE was well written. Both had it coming and Kharma goes over like the beast she should be.

    Enjoyed the Rude promo. You've really made him a big deal and it shows. The Heenan Family get another win after a great match with Muta, again the right call. Whether it's Brock or Bryan it doesn't matter - Rude has come across as one of your MVPs and will give either a run for their money.

    And then you go and do this to me. Just finished gushing about beaker's last two matches and this goes and blows me away. From start to finish it was an enthralling match, with false finishes, close submissions and then the finish. With Heenan being blocked by Monsoon and Lesnar worn down from the fight and heart of Bryan he finally taps. What a moment that would be and it makes me sad we will never get a Bryan VS Lesnar encounter (although WWE would probably put Lesnar over) but at least we've now seen it through your fed. Another candidate for match of the year and this field just got interesting.

    Overall again I have to say the booking was spot on. You put over the Heenan family so strongly from the beginning that for Brock to finally lose and shatter their invincibility in the main event was a massive moment. You're the defending champ and that main event in particular has shown you come out fighting and in with a huge shout to retain your title - although I have to echo most sentiments and say the field is incredibly strong this year.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,995 Mod ✭✭✭✭Necro

    PTH2009 Thunderbrawl:
    I enjoyed Arnie's heel promo at the start, and the Irish celebs coming down to take the heels out would be a massive moment. We'll ignore the rule breaking - I thought it was a nice moment:p

    The tag match seemed brutal. Glad my pick for you ended up taking the belts, the ECW originals did seem the best choice to win the belts here.

    JBL v Ron Simmons would be a money match given their history, and it makes sense for them to reunite after getting it out of their system.

    Again Lashley and Shamrock in the mixed rules match would have been a spectacle.

    Neville winning the ladder match against stellar opponents would be a big moment, particularly how you booked Rhyno throughout your shows. Glad to see him give the props to Neville at the end of the match.

    Mason Ryan getting the win over his former master made sense, and the control urn being destroyed is a nice way to finish off that angle.

    Sheamus and Owens was a good match. Delighted to see Sheamo get the win in front of his home crowd.... Oh. Wait.
    The twist giving Rhyno the belt makes sense given how you've built him throughout your shows and Neville winning the ladder match makes even more sense now.

    Overall it was an excellent first time effort. Great feuds and twists throughout. If I would change one thing it would be to give the matches a little more time, you built your feuds so make the payoff a little more worth it - but I understand given time constraints on the same note. Rhyno, Owens, Arnie and Sheamus the standout performers in your fed, and hopefully you'll be back next year to compete again. Best of luck!
