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Condensation Problem in Attic

  • 15-12-2015 7:33pm
    Registered Users Posts: 19


    I live in a 3 storey home in Dublin built in 2005, recently we noticed that there was a lot of condensation on the underside of the felt in the attic. I decided to investigate further and I have now found out that the extractor pipes for two bathrooms were not properly vented out through the roof. It looks like a Celtic tiger type of job where the extractors were basically blowing the hot air directly into the attic space, the pipes for the outlet to the roof were fitted but never connected! Also I think the ventilation in the attic space isn't great. Could anyone here recommend a competitent roofer (by PM I think!) that I could get to look at the attic and remidy this!

    Thanks in advance
