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Due September 2016



  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    I am vomiting every day still, didn't keep any food down today, very draining I must say. I just heard this evening that one of the other bridesmaids is also pregnant and due not long after me. I'm now really dreading telling the bride, she might take one being pregnant fine but 2... I don't know!!
    I am counting down until 12 weeks in the hope that I stop being sick, also hoping my migraines ease up then too, although that could be wishful thinking.
    Regarding work, I will tell after my scan at 12 weeks. But if I was in a job with heavy lifting or dangerous to the pregnancy I would tell sooner definitely.
    Is anyone actually finding it hard keeping quiet about it? I'm very open and don't hide things well so finding it hard to keep from my friends. I kinda think sod it if something bad does happen it's not really something that I need to hide either, if that makes sense?

  • Registered Users Posts: 328 ✭✭chooey

    Yeah that makes sense- I'm pretty similar in that regard. We've booked in for an early scan on the 27th feb. We're taking my mam away for her birthday in march and we have to tell her and the family as she'll know something's up when I'm not drinking but I'd like to know that everything seems ok before I tell all of our family. My husband is really worried about telling anyone before we have our 12 week scan.
    Sorry to hear you can't hold anything down. I'm the opposite- I can't stop eating!

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    I would love to go for an early scan, just for peace of mind, and to make sure that there is only one in there, I was never sick on my last two!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 71 ✭✭Wotzit

    8 weeks now :-)... haven't got sick but just feeling queasy throughout the day (which goes pretty quickly if I just shove something down my gob so I'm only happy when I'm eating at the moment - cream crackers are doing the trick) but I'd take that over getting sick any day, I've a bit of a phobia about that and always wondered how I'd cope with morning sickness if I ever got pregnant.
    Other than the bloating (is anybody just HUGE in the evenings???), the slight green complexion and the teenage spots I'm flying it :-(

    I'm not telling my boss until I'm 12 weeks... I want to wait until my scan ... we're toying with the idea of an early scan as it's our first and we both just can't wait to see if everything is ok but we really don't have the money for it and it's going to be an expensive year as it is!!
    we've told our immediate family and a couple of friends each and leaving it at that ..... I'm finding it EXTREMELY hard to keep it in .... found myself telling a complete stranger in Penny's last week ... felt like such an eejit afterwards

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    Lol that would be me telling a complete stranger just to tell someone!!
    I told my cousin (the bride) this evening and she is delighted for us, I'm so relieved I didn't want to cause her any stress or hassle.
    Only sick once today, was very bold and had a Chinese takeaway for dinner, I'm hoping that it stays down.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 14 its a waiting game

    Hi everyone!
    Hoping I can join in :)
    I'm due baby #3 on the 2nd of September. Had my first hospital visit today and all is as should be thank God. I'll be 12 weeks tomorrow, I might be able to relax a little bit more. Haven't had many side effects other than really bad headaches, I've never had anything like it and feel a bit queasy for about 4 hours a day but otherwise all is good. Oh and weeing, all I do is wee, I can't even cough without destroying myself for those of you on baby number 1, make sure you DO your pelvic floor exercises or you'll end up like me 😯

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    Good reminder about the pelvic floor exercises, it's so easy to do but easy to forget at the same time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 71 ✭✭Wotzit

    hows everybody doing?

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    I'm still so sick, went for acupuncture even yesterday in the hope it would work, no such luck unfortunately. I'm so tired from being sick so much its really hard to enjoy being pregnant.
    Hope everyone else is doing well?

  • Registered Users Posts: 71 ✭✭Wotzit

    sorry to hear that mani :-( you must be so miserable ... are you getting any relief from it when you eat? one of the girls in work told me sucky sweets help a bit (like foxes glacier fruits or orange barley sweets?) - although I haven't been able to find either yet to test this theory .... I'm sure you'd try anything at this stage, it must be taking all the joy from it. was it the same for your last pregnancy?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 328 ✭✭chooey

    That sounds terrible mani. Hopefully it will ease off in the next few weeks for you. I'm feeling a little nauseous in the mornings and have vomited a bit but it goes then. Have had some terrible headaches this week as I usually get migraines and I can't take my trusted neurofen plus so that wasn't great. I know I can take paracetamol but I'm still a little worried taking it this early in the pregnancy. It's just hard trying to talk to clients when my head is pounding. Looking forward to my scan on Saturday though. I'm sure it will feel more real then.
    How is everyone else doing?

  • Registered Users Posts: 328 ✭✭chooey

    How's everyone getting on. We went for our early scan yesterday. It was crazy seeing it on the screen. Only one in there, heart racing away and she said so far everything seems to be measuring ok. Looking forward to the next scan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29 SaleAgreed

    Hi Ladies, I am going to jump in if thats ok!

    Have my booking appointment tomorrow, I think I'm around 11 or 12 weeks. This will be my second baby, I have a 18 month old too.

    Does anyone else feel they looked more pregnant on their second? I think everyone in my office knows at this stage as I am showing a good bit already!

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    Hi Sale Agreed, I definitely felt and looked more pregnant on my 2nd. This time I have lost weight so at 10 weeks my jeans are loose on me. I am sure I will explode soon enough though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 29 SaleAgreed

    Funny isnt it Manitoban, how is your sickness?

    I know I didn't quite go back to my original shape but I am literally sitting at my desk huffing and puffing and hoiking my tights up at the waist band - I feel about 6 months, especially after a big lunch!

    anyway, that is my worst complaint so far, apart from boobs of fire, so I will count myself lucky :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    I'm having a good day after an awful weekend, I'm still a bit worried that I am dehydrated, I have incredibly dry lips and am constantly thirsty no matter how much I drink. My Dh was home for the weekend and he got a bit of a shock at how bad I was, so much so that he is coming home again this weekend. The sooner he finishes up the better!!

    My boobs are no longer on fire but dear lord they have got big, normally a 36c but I have gone to a 36DD, don't remember that from previous pregnancies!

  • Registered Users Posts: 29 SaleAgreed

    The joys of it, it makes getting dressed very hard, I feel like every time I do a wash I am just putting the stuff to the back of the wardrobe and my options are diminishing!

    I remember being a lot sicker on my first pregnancy, not too bad this time, more of a very bad hangover type feeling and just constantly stuffing my face!

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭Wexy86

    Hi Ladies, just checking in and asking some queries :)

    I feel like I'm starting to get a bump but the hubby says I'm imagining it - no real weight gain due to lack of appetite but feel a lot flabbier!!

    I started on the bio oil today, prevention is better than cure and all that, any other recommendations to prevent the stretch marks?

    I now have 3 due dates - mine, the doctors and the early scan - all within 6 days, am I right to assume the scan is most accurate?

    Hope everyone is feeling well and the sick stages start passing for everyone, I feel better every day thank god, 11 weeks this week, only(hopefully) another 29 to go :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    Hi Wexy, I wouldnt worry too much about dates, the doctor/hospital will go with the date they said I assume? Babies have growth spurts at different rates so I don't think I would go with the scan. You are probably best to go with the furthest away date, in case you are over due it might give you more time to go into labour yourself and avoid being induced?
    I am not showing yet, but by evening time I do definitely have a bump, gone by morning but it's very funny in the evenings, I feel huge.
    I am still sick, first appointment with the consultant tomorrow. I have been having loads of pains, not quite cramps but heaviness I guess I'd call it, stressing me out a bit to be honest but I'm sure it's just things stretching, well hoping that's all it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 328 ✭✭chooey

    I lost my mam very suddenly on Friday and am devastated. We were going to surprise her today with news that I was pregnant. And I'm so afraid of miscarrying with all the stress

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  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    Chooey I am so very sorry for the loss of your Mum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 109 ✭✭MichB2012

    Very sorry for your loss chooey ❤️ Mind yourself and baby as best you can x

  • Registered Users Posts: 31 ChillyAngel

    So sorry for your lose Chooey

    Look after yourself. The human body is an amazing thing so hopefully one of those mad hormones that effect us so much will protect your baby at this terrible time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 328 ✭✭chooey

    Thanks girls. Had a bleed this morning and had to go into hospital but thankfully everything is ok with the baby. Just such a stressful time at the moment but I don't know what I would have done if the baby was gone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 31 ChillyAngel

    You poor thing. Thinking of you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭Wexy86

    Sorry for your loss Chooey, you take care of yourself and the baby xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 71 ✭✭Wotzit

    that's heart-breaking so sorry for your loss Chooey ... smust be incredibly emotional time for you and your family ... stay strong xxxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 328 ✭✭chooey

    Thanks girls. Losing her has taken away all my excitement for the pregnancy. It's very hard to look forward to it all when I'm hurting so much in every other respect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 31 ChillyAngel

    chooey wrote: »
    Thanks girls. Losing her has taken away all my excitement for the pregnancy. It's very hard to look forward to it all when I'm hurting so much in every other respect.

    How are you feeling Chooey?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 328 ✭✭chooey

    How are you feeling Chooey?

    I'm doing ok thanks. Still feels very surreal and that it hasn't happened but I know I have to keep going. Have my scan in the morning so hopefully all will be ok.
