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Due September 2016



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭PhoenixParker

    I think it's on twice a year, once in April and once in September. I still feel like it's too early to start buying things so I didn't go in the end. I've got a mental list on the go I'm happy with so didn't feel like another session practising folding buggies. We're also in the process of buying a house so I'd prefer to be moved in before we start getting most of it. I guess I'll see how I'm doing in September for the later baby stage type stuff (high chairs etc.)

    I've had a sensation that there's movement for about two weeks now. Best described as it being a bit like there's a goldfish swimming around in there. I was surprised it started so early since I'm a first timer but I'll take it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 109 ✭✭MichB2012

    We went the weekend loads of lovely lining bag here too Manitoban :) I was raging I forgot to look at the tommee tippee stand. I will be using mam bottles but wanted a tommee tippee electric pump (mam only have a manual one) anyone see how much the tommee tippee one was at the fair?

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    MichB2012 wrote: »
    We went the weekend loads of lovely lining bag here too Manitoban :) I was raging I forgot to look at the tommee tippee stand. I will be using mam bottles but wanted a tommee tippee electric pump (mam only have a manual one) anyone see how much the tommee tippee one was at the fair?
    The TT electric pump was €75 at the fair. I was actually really impressed with the mam manual pump and bought it. I had an avent electric pump and a TT manual pump before and personally preferred the manual. Just could express more when I was in control but it is a personal preference really. Love the fact the mam bottles are self steralising, even though I have a steraliser already it would come in handy being self steralising!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,549 ✭✭✭maryishere

    Wotzit wrote: »
    we've told our immediate family and a couple of friends each and leaving it at that ..... I'm finding it EXTREMELY hard to keep it in .... found myself telling a complete stranger in Penny's last week ... felt like such an eejit afterwards

    lol. That reminds me of when I was pregnant first, I was in St. Stephens green shopping centre and told a complete stranger who held a door open for me....I felt such an eejit afterwards too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 109 ✭✭MichB2012

    Manitoban wrote: »
    The TT electric pump was €75 at the fair. I was actually really impressed with the mam manual pump and bought it. I had an avent electric pump and a TT manual pump before and personally preferred the manual. Just could express more when I was in control but it is a personal preference really. Love the fact the mam bottles are self steralising, even though I have a steraliser already it would come in handy being self steralising!

    Ah raging! That's the cheapest I have seen it. Might try get someone to pick me up one in cork maybe. Yes the mam bottles are great, so handy too..2minutes in the microwave to sterilise and away you go again. Only thing I will say, in the early days when you are overtired, just be mindful not to leave the old milk sitting in them for too long..(it's so easy to say, yes il wash them out after every use, but the reality when you're wrecked is a little different lol) a few hours is fine, but even evening time until the next mid morning, you'l find the rubber circle in the base that's used for colic, will stink of sour milk and you'll end up needing to bin them and buy more..sometimes if you steep them in hot water for a few hours, it'l get rid of it, but prevention is always easier then cure as they say

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  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    That's a great tip Mich thanks. Well I had an unexpected trip to A&E for an ultrasound today, had 16 week appointment with my gp and she couldn't find the heartbeat after trying for ages and in loads of different positions. I wasn't majorly worried, well as much as possible not to worry when a doc can't find the heartbeat, but I was vomiting this morning so it really was just a precaution. All is perfect thank god, Doc was pregnant herself and was having a goo at the gender and it looks like a girl!! I never trust it completely but there was definitely no boys bits. Also a really strange thing is I don't need to shave my legs, and I was the same with dd!
    I am also measuring really big even though I don't have a bump, my dates are 16+1 but I am measuring 18-19 weeks!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 49 Sanymc

    Wow thats crazy . Hope you are ok . Happened to me too but thank god all is ok x

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 49 Sanymc

    Joyning you guys im due on 24th its my first viable pregnancy. I had bumpy road had extreeme case of morning sickness so i was in cumh for week or so . It seems to be fading now tho would love to keep in contact with ladies that have simular due dates simply because im in this alone apart from my husband and dont know much about delivery etc . :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭PhoenixParker

    Welcome aboard SanyMc.

    I'm due the 15th but based on my mothers history of going wayyyyyyy over with her first two, I go by my "best before" date, which would be September 29th.

    Hope it all goes smoothly from here on out for you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    Sanymac hope the sickness eases very soon for you.
    I think I was getting Braxton Hicks pains last night, pain then rock hard bump, I remember getting them on ds from early enough too but sort of forgot what they felt like, oh the joys of it all!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭PhoenixParker

    Christ, I still feel like I'm barely pregnant (though bump is announcing it to the world) never mind hitting the point where Braxton Hicks and the like start to crop up!

    I finally feel almost normal today. I wasn't sick at all, but the exhaustion has been unreal and constant. I've thought it was letting up a few times only to be hit over the head with it again. Last week I ran out of the last dregs of reserves I had to even fight it but finally today and yesterday I feel like maybe I've started to turn a corner. Long may it last.

    We've also bought the first few bits for the baby. Well grandma has. Hubby went to visit his mom last weekend and they went shopping. I'm still determined to hold off until after the anatomy scan which is only two week away now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    How is everyone doing now? It's fierce quiet around here, always seems to happen that my birth month is a quiet one on forums!
    So I landed in hospital for a few days, fainted on Wednesday but instead of taking it easy I kept going and ended up with a really weird migraine on the Thursday. Went to my gp on the Friday as my eyesight had not came back fully and she sent me straight to A&E, my blood pressure is high (no surprise there) so spent 2 nights in hospital and let out but have to take it easy at home until I feel better. Still dizzy but resting as much as I can. My DD had a stomach bug and really high temp the day I got home so was hard to rest with a sick child but was glad to be here for her, hope I don't catch it I couldn't actually vomit any more times in a day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭PhoenixParker

    I'm still hoping it bodes for a quieter time in hospital for all of us!

    Your blood pressure situation sounds scary, hope it resolves itself fully soon.

    Pretty quiet here pregnancy wise. Definitely have more energy, none of this magical second trimester stuff I've heard about but I can get through a day and be fairly functional which I'll happily take. Anatomy scan is Thursday week so I'm simultaneously terrified and excited for it. Once that's over with the shopping can begin. Other than that baby is nudging away and it's a little stronger in the last few days. It's nice, but if I'm honest it kinda creeps me out. I really want to plan a holiday but we're sale agreed on a new build house and it looks like snagging/contracts/moving in will be in about six weeks time, which would be the time I'd want to go away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 71 ✭✭Wotzit

    it does seem a quiet in here.... I'd presumed we're all sailing through the second trimester until I read your post Mani :-( that sounds awful hope the few days rest does you good.

    my 'big' scan (is this what they call the anatomy scan??) is not for a couple of weeks, can't wait to see baby again. At the 16 week check-up a couple of weeks ago and heard the heartbeat for the first time - it was just amazing so loud and strong.

    did anyone get anything in the Aldi baby sale last week... I went up and was not prepared for the wrestling in the aisles but I got a lot of stuff... and immediately stashed it in my mams house as I feel a bit funny about having anything at home just yet.
    Was fairly pleased with my everything ... got the travel cot (Eur30), Tommy Tippee bottles x 4 (Eur11) - I'm planning to B/F but got these just in case things didn't go to plan, got some cellular blankets, Muslins clothes, changing mat and few other bits. oh and the famous Aldi nappies!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    Wotzit wrote: »
    it does seem a quiet in here.... I'd presumed we're all sailing through the second trimester until I read your post Mani :-( that sounds awful hope the few days rest does you good.

    my 'big' scan (is this what they call the anatomy scan??) is not for a couple of weeks, can't wait to see baby again. At the 16 week check-up a couple of weeks ago and heard the heartbeat for the first time - it was just amazing so loud and strong.

    did anyone get anything in the Aldi baby sale last week... I went up and was not prepared for the wrestling in the aisles but I got a lot of stuff... and immediately stashed it in my mams house as I feel a bit funny about having anything at home just yet.
    Was fairly pleased with my everything ... got the travel cot (Eur30), Tommy Tippee bottles x 4 (Eur11) - I'm planning to B/F but got these just in case things didn't go to plan, got some cellular blankets, Muslins clothes, changing mat and few other bits. oh and the famous Aldi nappies!!

    Wotzit you reminded me to fly into Aldi, got a bouncer as my one was given away on me!! And muslin cloths, a few packets of them. Really good value!
    I'm feeling more human again thankfully, got plenty of rest and my Dh has finished up working in London so I have him home again which is such a relief.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 49 Sanymc

    Girls is the anatomy scan the scan u get nearing 2o weeks? Im quite nervous my scan is due next wednesday . And hunny of mine has important work things on so he can't come . All i keep thinking is i hope baby is ok. Because me beeing soo sick all the time :( how's everyone? Is any girls on here that will be giving birth in CUMH?

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    Yes it's the anatomy scan at 20 weeks, I have mine next Tuesday and I am particularly worried about it. For no reason other than I am on too many forums reading too many scare stories. I will be at mine on my own too, Dh can't get off work so it will be a bit crap on my own, he has never missed the big scan but I'm sure it will be ok. I am still sick too sanymac, it really sucks doesn't it. My bump has officially popped and I'm pretty uncomfortable at the minute, I think it's just getting used to the feeling of a heavy bump again. I am stressing about my weight gain, on my last pregnancy I didn't give two hoots about weight gain, had 10kg on at my 16 week appointment. This time I am bridesmaid in August and I'm really worried about fitting into the dress, i have put on 5 kg which from reading seems to be on track but I can't help feeling annoyed that I have put on so much when I have been vomiting so much. It's just something I need to wrap my head around I guess, I just feel stressed about my weight all the time and no one really gets why.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭PhoenixParker

    My scan is Thursday morning. Also pretty nervous, not least because the last time I went for an official scan, it was the 12 week one for my last pregnancy and it found my missed miscarriage last September.

    Weight gain wise, 5kg is bang on expectations for most people at this stage.
    I've been worried about it too, because I started this pregnancy 7lbs above where I'd like to be in the first place on the wrong side of a BMI of 25. I also gained more straight away because I had no nausea and have spent most of the last four months fast asleep.

    I've been using this - to keep an eye on where I'm at.
    Obviously it's only a guide and some people will bounce a bit ahead early and then slow down or vice versa, but I've found it useful to reassure myself (as I bounce along the very outer reaches of my intervals)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 49 Sanymc

    Ah thanks girls for answer because midwife just never told me what scan will intale and its my first baby that i have gone so far with . Weightgain wise im not worried it can all be reversed . Im officially popped too and alot of people are after noticing that im not after just geting big but im actually pregnant ha ha ha

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭Wexy86

    Have my scan tomorrow, like ye I am worried but I hope that's the normal feeling. Heard the heartbeat when at the doc two weeks ago so that reassured me a bit, still not feeling any movement but my doc said its ok as its my first as so movement might not be felt until 22 weeks or so :-/
    Like you Sanymc I'm reading other forums and hearing the horror stories and reading other says the partners can feel movement just had me thinking the worst. .....I feel the worry won't lift for the next 18 years!

    Also bridesmaid in August, my dress is maternity fit and got two sizes larger so if I don't need if taken in I'll be heartbroken :D weight gain is 3kg so far but the bump has made a good appearance - think the maternity clothes will need to be purchased over the weekend, trying to hold out until after my hols - will be 24 weeks but not sure how that's going to work out!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    Good luck with the scan Wexy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,452 ✭✭✭scarepanda

    PhoenixParker, thank you so much for putting up that link!!! Iv been worried the whole way through that I was putting on very little weight, or putting on what seems like loads in a few days only to not put on any again for weeks. My bump is really small as well, but turns out I'm right where I should be ;-)!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭Wexy86

    Hi Ladies, all went well with the scan yesterday, everything as it should be and a little girl for us :D Such a relief and weight lifted off my shoulders!

    Can start buying the big stuff now, hope everyone is doing well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭PhoenixParker

    Scan went well, everything looked great and it seems we have a little boy on the way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    Delighted the scans went well so exciting finding out the gender too! Big scan is on Tuesday I can't wait to see the baby again. I realised I only have about 18/19 weeks left until I have the baby... That's not very far away at all!!! I'm feel like I'm nesting a bit too, I want to be sorted before about 30 weeks because I am going to be so busy with the wedding then getting kids back to school, I don't want to leave it last minute.

  • Registered Users Posts: 71 ✭✭Wotzit

    everyone's finding out!! my big scans on Friday ... I hope we don't see anything, I want it to be a surprise (so keep your legs crossed jnr!)

    So.... is everyone a bit tired of everyone's else's opinion on their size? I was at a wedding, a 21st and a communion party over the last two weekends... comments have gone from 'are you sure it's not twins'/'oh you're all bump'/'omg you're huge'/'oh you're so neat'/and the top comment - 'here's nelly the elephant' (a beauty from my niece no less!)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 49 Sanymc

    I think im going to find out too . Im gone in on wednesday so hopefully. Just question for all the ladies are ye all very hungry and getting cravings? I have no cravings what so ever im not emotional wreck either none of that crazy stuff people allways talk about . Seems like my pregnancy simply is differnt than anyone elses ??

  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    I am going to get the gender confirmend tomorrow but won't be telling people, I just like to be organised!

    Every pregnancy is different, my 3 pregnancies have been different even. I would love to not be a crazy emotional wreck but I have moments of just sobbing my eyes out. I think it's the panic of a third baby, it gets overwhelming at times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭PhoenixParker

    Wotzit wrote: »
    everyone's finding out!! my big scans on Friday ... I hope we don't see anything, I want it to be a surprise (so keep your legs crossed jnr!)

    I wouldn't be too worried, no way we would have known if she hadn't told us. She was extremely certain and said it was clear, but the sonographers know exactly what they're looking at unlike us. All I could see was blotchy black and white except for the clear stuff like profile pics and when babs was sucking his thumb.
    Sanymc wrote: »
    I think im going to find out too . Im gone in on wednesday so hopefully. Just question for all the ladies are ye all very hungry and getting cravings? I have no cravings what so ever im not emotional wreck either none of that crazy stuff people allways talk about . Seems like my pregnancy simply is differnt than anyone elses ??

    I've been very hungry lately, like wake up at 3.30 in the morning can't get back to sleep until I eat starving. Other than that and the extreme tiredness (which has finally let up a bit), I've had no symptoms, not even nausea really. Everyone is different, count your blessings and hope the baby is as easy!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 126 ✭✭Manitoban

    Scan went well today, everything looks good with the baby! She spotted an ovarian cyst on my left side which would explain a pain I have had that side. I will have to have a scan again in 6 weeks time so they will keep an eye on it at least.
    The baby was so cute, it had the legs crossed and the two hands up hiding the face.
