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triton t90 si,

  • 31-01-2016 10:22pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 100 ✭✭

    Hi all.. hope your well.
    can you please give me hand.

    I have the brilliant T90 si pump shower. (i love this shower, its power is just great & its not to noisy.).
    I've had 1 or 2 little problems ie.. water drip when off..=sol' valve... no water when on..=pump bushes..

    but over a nice time (good few months) not every time when shower is used,but sometimes..
    when im in the shower it can go from nice temperture to cold. only for 10 secs or so. then back to nice.. so on- cold..

    ive cleaned the filter. ive cleaned the head (were the water comes out).

    ive read a few other post on here that it could be a damaged hose. (im going to get a new 1, when i can get to b&q).

    we live in a hard water area. the kettle every 2months needs a clean out, i only need to use a cloth to do this & its like chalky powder, but if left its like a grit.

    if this is in a 3year old kettle, can my 5year old t90 si boiler / heater can be clogged up with this limescale.?
    wood this help my water go nice - cold - nice - cold.....?
    can i remove this bolier / heater can & wash it out & re-asemble back in.?

    if yes it pos' is it easy to remove from the shower unit & re-asemble.?

    thanks all for any hellp.
    talk to u soon.


  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators, Help & Feedback Category Moderators Posts: 9,812 CMod ✭✭✭✭Shield


    This is the Newbies & FAQ forum. Its purpose is for users to ask questions about the site itself.

    The question you have asked does not belong here. You'd have much better luck if you asked in our Plumbing & Heating forum, and take it from there.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 100 ✭✭giesha

    hi, thanks for the reply & heads up on that, sorry i posted in the wrong area.
    thanks again....
