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No show by Installer and appalling customer support in Eir.

  • 15-02-2016 5:21pm
    Registered Users Posts: 58 ✭✭

    [font=Verdana, sans-serif]I signed up for the quad bundle a few weeks ago.  I received my mobile phone and an appointment date for installation on Wednesday 17th February.  Last Thursday I received a call from an Eir representative saying that the installation date could be moved to Saturday 13th February.  I accepted this change of date and spent Saturday awaiting the installation.  When there was no sign of them coming by 4pm I rang Eir.  I was initally told that I would have to contact KN Networks who are the installation company.  I explained (as I have done numerous times since then, that it is not my responsibility to contact the Eir sub-contractor.  My contract, should I get one, is with Eir.  The person I spoke to in Eir told me that they have no way of contacting the company since it was a Saturday.  So, I can waste more of my time, but Eir won't waste theirs for a customer! I asked to speak to a Supervisor and was told that because it was a Saturday there was no Supervisor available.  I advised the lady I spoke to (Aisling) that since I wasn't satisfied that I wanted to either speak to a Supervisor, or anyone else within Eir, who could give an explanation as to why the installer had not showed up for the appointment.  If I could not have that, I told her that I would cancel the account. She advised that she couldn't take the cancellation today - because it was a Saturday!!  Right along the official line was that I was only logged on the system for the Wednesday appointment so they could not explain why the Installer hadn't arrived.  I told Aisling that I wanted my dissatisfaction with the situation recorded on my account and, to her credit, she did this.  Can I say at this point that Aisling remained polite at all times, all be it while giving me what now appears to be the standard responses.  [/font]
    [font=Verdana, sans-serif]So, roll onto Monday morning 15th Feb.  I ring Eir.  Ashley looks up my account and advises me that I am logged for installation on Wednesday.  I ask her if there is anything else written on my account and she responded that it is written in that I had phoned on Saturday, Installer didn't arrive etc.  So, Aisling had logged it. Ashley proceeded to tell me that I was logged for Wednesday so I could expect the installer then.  I asked for an explanation as to why they didn't arrive - I'm told that she doesn't know, it's not logged for Saturday it's logged for Wednesday if I have a problem I have to ring KN Networks.  My response was the same as Saturdays (that it is not my responsibility to contact the Eir sub-contractor.  My contract, should I get one, is with Eir"). Ashley's response is that they have no way of contacting the installation company.  So the Eir customer should ring the subcontractor for Eir but Eir don’t have any way of contacting them??? Really??  I ask to speak to a supervisor only to be told that there is NO MECHANISM for a customer to speak to a supervisor!!  If you want to know the rest of this conversation, I suggest you listen to the recording "for training and monitoring purposes".  I think Ashley could definitely use the training because coming from someone with a customer service background I can tell you she said all the wrong things.  For example, cutting across a customer by saying "Can I speak" really isn't a way to keep a customer calm.  I work in an open plan office so it isn't as if I was shouting or ranting - something that will be clear if you listen back to the call.  I shocked my colleague who, not hearing what Ashley had said, heard me saying "now speak".  This is because I told Ashley that I would let her speak when I was finished.  Totally out of character for me! But her rudeness called for it. The conversation continued in that vein. I advised Ashley and asked her to notate my account as follows: I want a full explanation from someone in Eir as to why the Installer didn't arrive on Saturday.  In addition, I want a guarantee from Eir that the same issue will not arise on Wednesday.  If I don’t get this, then the account is to be cancelled  [/font]
    [font=Verdana, sans-serif] [/font]
    [font=Verdana, sans-serif]I have just now 4pm on 15th received a call from KN network to confirm my appointment for Wednesday.  I asked him if he could check why they didn’t call on Saturday.  He advised me that an Installer knocked at my door at 3.10pm on Saturday.  I have checked the log of my phone and can advise that I was on the phone to Eir (Aisling) for 10 minutes from 3.10pm on Saturday.  I was on that call in my front room.  There is no way someone knocked.  The KN Rep advised that they tried to call me.  However, while I may have been on the call to Eir at the time, I do not have a missed call on my phone, so I have my doubts about that also.  I have advised the Rep from KN Networks that I can’t confirm the Wednesday appointment unless I here from my contractor – i.e. Eir. [/font]
    [font=Verdana, sans-serif] [/font]

    [font=Verdana, sans-serif]If I don't hear from a Representative of Eir before tomorrow morning 16th Feb I will assume that my instruction to cancel has been processed.[/font]


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,305 ✭✭✭eir: Alan

    Hello ideb

    I'm really sorry to hear of this very poor experience and I offer sincere apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you.

    I do understand you own views on the process however as the appointments are made by KNN it would have been best to agree to Wednesday and As you had advised the KNN rep that you cannot confirm Wednesday it may now be unlikely that the appointment will be Wednesday - however if you would like to PM me your eir order number I will be happy to look in to this for you.

