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Illness Benefit entitlement over - what now?

  • 24-02-2016 3:18pm
    Registered Users Posts: 584 ✭✭✭

    Hi there,
    I am just wondering if anyone has any experience of a similar situation because the info I've been able to find hasn't really been all that helpful.
    Exactly one year ago today I injured my knee, (torn ACL, bucket handle tear in my medial meniscus, effusion on my knee and a sub-cortical cyst) and have been in receipt of illness benefit ever since (not at the full rate due to not working enough hours to qualify while I was in college).
    I am still waiting for surgery on my knee (provisional date 11 April) and my illness benefit has run out as I have only made 165 contributions - this only qualifies me for a year.
    I have tried to look into disability payments, but I don't think I qualify. The Citizen's Information page states that 'Disability Allowance is a long-term social assistance payment for those aged 16-65 with a disability expected to last at least one year' and I'm expecting to be back to work by the end of the summer, I'm also not what I would call disabled. I am however unable to return to work because it's retail which involves a lot of standing, bending, going up and down stairs and carrying boxes etc. My employer also won't accept me back to work until my knee is fixed (understandable - they don't want to risk me hurting myself more etc).
    Just wondering if anyone has been in a similar situation as me, or knows someone who was and could point me in the right direction?

