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  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭Valhalla18

    Battlecorp ,

    i understand how am AGM is supposed to work but unfortunately their track record for following rules does not bode well .
    As for the ro stuff , all grpai members have been removed , even those who did ro for the nasrpc during the year , but i honestly dont know how many others after that .

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭Valhalla18

    Yes Clivej

    i fully expect to be banned as well as others . If not for the likes of this then on some other pretense . :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 473 ✭✭jb88

    Forwarded message
    From: "NASRPC Competitions" <>
    Date: 15 Nov 2016 22:00
    Subject: German Open 2016 - IGRF Team Selection


    NASRPC have been contacted by two individuals who felt that they were not picked for the teams being fielded by NASRPC in the German leg of the 2016 IGRF Series, when they should have been..

    As Team Selection has been such a problem in recent years and as NASRPC have put extensive procedures in place to ensure it is equitable, fair and transparent, this year and into the future, we felt it best to explain to everyone how the teams were selected for the German Open.

    Following complaints about team selection for the 2015 World Championships in Germany, we put a number of measures in place.

    We generated and published the leaderboards in most sports and committed to keeping them updated following each ranking event.

    The ones which affect National Team Selection for IGRF events are: GRSB1500 and GRCF1500.

    We documented the NASRPC Competitor Ranking Rules - this outlines how someone progresses up the leaderboard in their particular discipline, thus coming into contention for Championship Finals or National Team Selection.

    It also outlines the selection criteria for National Teams.

    We sought public submissions, convened a review panel to review those submissions and adopted all of the recommendations of that review panel.

    These are the leaderboards and rules that were used to select the teams.

    Obviously, at most “away matches” there is always the possibility that some of those selected will not be able to attend, for various reasons, so substitutions are selected, on merit, from the leaderboard.

    To complicate matters further, as you will all be aware there is a group which has been attempting to have NASRPC replaced as the Irish NGB for Gallery Rifle within the IGRF.

    In July, prior to the Irish Open, a number of members of this group posted a public announcement on facebook, in which they declared themselves conscientious objectors to NASRPC fielding the teams and because of that would not be making themselves available for International Team Selection for “the forthcoming Internationals”.

    They also sent a communication to the IGRF itself, stating the same.

    In essence, they opted out of National Team Selection.

    Obviously, in the first instance, the 2016 Irish Open, we selected substitutes from the leaderboard - and as you will all be aware the teams did very well in the face of extremely strong competition, with the smallbore team putting in the best team score in 6 Internationals and the centrefire team holding some of the best British and German Competition we have seen to date, to a margin of only 9 points out of 6000 between the teams.

    Then we came to the selection for the 2016 German Open - again we respected the wishes of the conscientious objectors - and selected substitutes. A number of other people were unable to travel so again, we selected substitutes.

    All on merit from the leaderboards.

    It has now come to our attention that a number of people have been told by some of the “objectors”, that they were unfairly excluded from team selection.

    As you can see that is not the case.

    Once these individuals have come to terms with the fact that NASRPC is the NGB for Gallery Rifle in Ireland, is responsible for fielding the teams in IGRF events, and accept those facts.

    We welcome their opting back into team selection.

    Obviously, they will need to do so in the same way that they opted out - by public announcement in the same fora and by notifying the IGRF that the issues they perceived that caused them to opt out, no longer exist and therefore they are able to once again opt in to team selection.

    Then, should they achieve sufficient scores, they will once again be selected by the leaderboard and asked whether they are available.

    Now - it has also come to our attention that there is an ugly underside to this situation.

    In July, when NASRPC selected substitutes for the teams for the Irish Open, we heard, anecdotally, that these substitutes were approached and also asked to not allow themselves to be selected, in an attempt to undermine NASRPCs ability to field teams at all.
    Indeed in the public post and letter to the IGRF this fact was alluded to.

    We have also heard, anecdotally, that some of those selected for the German Open have also been approached because of their selection.

    This sort of disruption to the National Teams will not be tolerated.

    Therefore, going forward, anyone found to be attempting to disrupt team selection, team preparation or team performance will receive a one year ban from National Competition and a two year ban from National Team selection.

    We sincerely hope that these sanctions will never need to be levied, but NASRPC is adamant that this sort of disruption will not be allowed.

    National Association of Sporting Rifle & Pistol Clubs





  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,558 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    Valhalla18 wrote: »
    So now the nasrpc have sent out an email saying anyone attempting to disrupt the team selection , preparation , performance will get a one year ban from national events and a 2 year ban from team selection .
    IMO rightly so.
    So basically anyone who has anything to say , as long as it is deemed acceptable by the nasrpc committee , can have their say, but , heaven forbid , if anyone says something they dont like , or they perceive to be against the party , will be banned .
    That is not what the e-mail above said. It said anyone acting in an unsportman like way, trying to divide the team, and cause disharmony and discontent may receive such a ban. As i said above, rightly so.

    If people have an issue then go to those in charge and talk. To whisper in the shadows and attempt to bully, intimidate or subvert the authority of the the current committee via nefarious way is not tolerated in any shooting body.

    The fact that you think this reaction to the stated actions of some is unreasonable without actually mentioning or addressing the reason they felt the need to issue such a warning is worrying.
    I believe thats whats called a dictatorship .
    Eh, nope. Committees are elected, and consist of multiple persons. A dictatorship is one person, ruling in an autocratic way.
    Why,instead of these veiled threats and accusations , dont they either write to the people they percieve to be involved , or publish their names.
    Because of the use of the word anecdotal. IOW it may or may not be true. So if they were to write to someone based on hearsay or assumption (anecdotal) that person would have grounds for complaint and possible legal action.
    If they have proof of people asking others to not shoot for them then name and shame or shut up .
    As above, and what of the people doing the talking to others? Should they continue or stop?
    Valhalla18 wrote: »
    As for the ro stuff , all grpai members have been removed...............
    If the GRPAI members have been removed from such positions then it makes sense from the NASRPC's position. They believe the GRPAI are the root cause of this and to allow those involved in this disruption to continue to hold positions of authority would make a mockery of the NASRPC, and lend credibility to the claims of the GRPAI.
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    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Registered Users Posts: 473 ✭✭jb88

    This is the NASRPC threatening, the members of clubs who pay their money for all events now. Don't say anything or you will be banned.

    The NASRPC is a group who look after clubs as they do like to point out. Not members of Clubs ie all of us who pay our fees at every match. To risk banning someone is breaking the rule, in fact what rule is that exactly, oh yes another made up rule?

    The NASRPC should refer any complaints to the clubs and let them decide what to do, its not their place to do so, but yes again they do like to make up new "rules", to suit their own agenda and make accusations with no proof.

    The NASRPC wants rid of most of the top ranked competitors and those competitors are attending events and looking at the problems which occur and report them back to the NASRPC and no follow up or action is taken.

    Information and complaints to the NASRPC are continually ignored.

    Define what is in an "unsportsman", like way for me, stating the fact that most of the competitors who now represent the Gallery Rifle squad should not be there because the higher ranked competitors who support the GRPAI and have had no involvement in this issue are simply not chosen. I only support black and not white, there fore don't pick him or her, in fact don't even ask them. That's unsportsmanlike by the NASRPC.

    Yes the NASRPC will make these unfounded accusations because that's all they are left with.

    No one has any faith in how the NASRPC is run any more and this is only a last ditch attempt to silence the majority who have vast problems on how this organization is run.

    It is a dictatorship when you ask questions and those questions are not even responded too. They are just ignored. When rules are changed without voting on them. Or the rules are just ignored.

    When power is in the hands of the unelected, that's a dictatorship.
    No one voted for anyone making these decisions yet they are allowed to make up and enforce whatever regulations and rules they choose to print on their website, they are not rules nor guidelines, they are rubbish.

    All changes to rules have to be voted on by members, that hasn't happened. That's a dictatorship.

    People have been removed from the main safety positions within the NASRPC, all of the Chief RO'S with any experience of running Gallery events have been removed and 80% of the experienced NASRPC range officers as well.

    How can everyone in the GRPAI be wrong here? and the NASRPC be right?

    How can the NASRPC continue to function as a competent shooting organization without these people, who have all voiced extreme concerns over proper competition standards and safety breaches but have been left ignored.

    No NASRPC Range safety officer training and proof of competence was provided to Two new Chief Range safety officers in the NASRPC NONE.
    They were just appointed, no competence course or sign off from being an assistant RO and NASRPC range officer and going through a couple of years of training, no its "You know how to shoot there you go", And that failing was shown at various events which took place throughout the country.

    NASRPC Range officers require more training than any other type of range officer shooting in Ireland in the private sector, because of the nature and usage of the courses of fire, the least you can do NASRPC is get your chief range officers to carry a cheat sheet and know how to call out a course of fire in a competition. Its a joke.

    The many looks of astonishment I got from the overseas competitors on not calling out the correct courses of fire properly on the line is proof enough, Along with doing that at other national events with seasoned competitors.

    The fact of bullying anyone who questions the NASRPC and trying to Ban them from competitive events is a mute point. 90% of us will not shoot in the NASRPC competitions anymore anyway.

    My reasons are mainly safety led, and writing to all of the main NASRPC Experienced Chief Range safety officers and Range safety officers and telling them their services are no longer required, well that's the icing on the cake.

    Safety being the main concern, something I have never had to worry about in the past, well now I am worried as every competitive Gallery shooter in Ireland should be at NASRPC events...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭Valhalla18

    The problem , as i see it Cass, is their vague wording .

    The wording in my opinion gives them the right to ban certain people for any perceived wrong doing . Ie , if you are not with them , then you are against them . The nasrpc dont want anyone who has a different opinion than themselves .

    You say to go to those in charge if you have a problem . Well , been there , done that , both officially through their channells and by talking to their committee members . Every time its fallen on deaf ears .

    As for the dictatorship part , yes , one person is a dictator , but its the closest word i could think of without resorting to stronger , less " PC " discriptions .

    As someone who is involved heavily in Gallery rifle shooting i know they are using" veiled" threats , and like them i wont name names for fear of legal repercussions .
    They chose their words carefully but for the likes of myself , their message is loud and clear - back off or else - .
    Sorry , at this stage i cannot do that.

    Since they became the sitting committee of the nasrpc they have done what they felt like , not what they were elected to do . ( in my opinion ) If you remember at the AGM last year it was unanimously voted to keep a certain , well respected person as part of the FCP panel . After the meeting the first thing the committee did was remove him because why , he was not going to be their lackey , but serve the shooters .
    As for the gallery rifle end of things there was a set of rules in place , built up over the last number of years by the shooters , for the shooters . The squad elected the captains and had a say in the day to day running of the squad . Now the nasrpc have thrown out all that , the current ndc is the sole arbitrator of the rules. Democracy my arse .

    As for people talking to others , thats going to happen no matter what is said here or elsewhere . Not only those in support of the grpai but also those who support the nasrpc and in both instances i have absolutely no problem with that. Thats democracy in my opinion .

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,558 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    jb88 wrote: »
    This is the NASRPC threatening, the members of clubs who pay their money for all events now. Don't say anything or you will be banned.
    That is not what the e-mail says. You're inference is wrong.
    The NASRPC should refer any complaints to the clubs and let them decide what to do, its not their place to do so, but yes again they do like to make up new "rules", to suit their own agenda and make accusations with no proof.
    They have made no accusations. You have, but not them.
    Information and complaints to the NASRPC are continually ignored.
    According to whom? You? You are not aware of all the goings on so how could you make such a general and broad sweeping statement like nothing is done, ever.
    Define what is in an "unsportsman",
    Disrespecting the current NGB, spreading disharmoney and is content among shooters, approaching other competitors/shooters and spreading rumor and innuendo for the purpose as an act of subterfuge.
    ....... the higher ranked competitors who support the GRPAI and have had no involvement in this issue are simply not chosen.
    Their support for the GRPAI is the problem.
    Yes the NASRPC will make these unfounded accusations because that's all they are left with.
    That is an unfounded accusation. See the duplicity f what you're saying?
    No one has any faith in how the NASRPC is run ..........

    So the committee has been abolished and the NASRPC is now run by a single person who has done away with AGMs, and annual elections? In that case you definitely have cause for concern.
    It is a dictatorship when you ask questions and those questions are not even responded too.
    No it's not. You don't understand what a dictator is if that is what you think. Look above, i explained what a dictator is.
    When power is in the hands of the unelected, that's a dictatorship.
    So the current committee were not elected? Also, and yet again, that is not what a dictatorship is.
    No one voted for anyone making these decisions
    Again, was ther enot an election of the new committee at the start of this year?
    How can everyone in the GRPAI be wrong here? and the NASRPC be right?
    Because the GRPAI appeared out of nowhere, was founded by the people that stood down from the last committee, and was set up immediately after the last committee elections when they were not voted back in, and immediately started to lie about being the NGB. They started this divide and have claimed the injured party status since.
    The fact of bullying anyone who questions the NASRPC and trying to Ban them from competitive events is a mute point. 90% of us will not shoot in the NASRPC competitions anymore anyway.
    Read the e-mail again without the GRPAI glasses on. They never said that.
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    If you see a problem post use the report post function. Click on the three dots on the post, select "FLAG" & let a Moderator deal with it.

    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,558 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    @ Valhalla18.

    First off, thank you. You have given a level headed, reasoned rebuttal without the rhetoric or vitriol i've gotten previously. So thank you.

    As for your concerns. I have to keep saying this, i'm not privvy to range talk, insideer talk, or the gossip that occurs on every range. I can only go form what i've read. I am not for the NASRPC or against the GRPAI, however from my reading here i tend to agree with the NASRPC in terms of claims on NGB status, etc.

    Why did the old committee not get re-elected? I know they had to step down, but if they had such a good thing going and things were so smooth why were they not re-elected?

    The problems that exist, according to yourself and others, seem to be long term and systemic problems. Surely this cannot have happened over a few months (as this first was mentioned some months back). To reach this level of discontent within an organisation it had to be going on for years in which case the new committee cannot shoulder all of the blame (if they deserve any. Again not privvy to all things so playing Devil's advocate).

    Why not, at the next AGM, elect the old committee members or those with similar views to that of the GRPAI and return things to how they were, and disband this notion of GRPAI and run thing sunder the one flag of the NASRPC?

    All i see is two sides that will never agree because one is the aggressor and the other the victim. Problem being both sides are claiming the aggrieved party status while blaming the other side for being the aggressor.

    I said, many posts back, that serious questions need to be asked of the old committee regarding the NGB status, the SSAI, etc. as what is reported about the NASRPC not ever being the NGB and the SSAI holding this mantle cannot be true. So whomever said this needs to be asked how, why, and what did actually happen. Failing that you can request an FOI for the minutes and find out yourself exactly what was said and how it has resulted in the situation you find yourselves in today.
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    If you see a problem post use the report post function. Click on the three dots on the post, select "FLAG" & let a Moderator deal with it.

    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Registered Users Posts: 473 ✭✭jb88

    Cass wrote: »
    That is not what the e-mail says. You're inference is wrong.

    They have made no accusations. You have, but not them.
    //Plenty of info posted on these threads in the past to rebute that

    According to whom? You? You are not aware of all the goings on so how could you make such a general and broad sweeping statement like nothing is done, ever.
    // It isn't

    Disrespecting the current NGB, spreading disharmoney and is content among shooters, approaching other
    You don't know what the facts are and anything you don't think is too your liking you disagree with them.
    Perhaps you can explain the facts, its easy to pick at individuals from the outside, call people out, but its not you I have written this for.

    Your attempts to discredit something because you don't know anything about the situation are truly very interesting, but not relevant.

    Their support for the GRPAI is the problem.//And Safety at events those are areas you should address, but I see none of that here

    That is an unfounded accusation. See the duplicity f what you're saying?


    So the committee has been abolished and the NASRPC is now run by a single person who has done away with AGMs, and annual elections? In that case you definitely have cause for concern.

    No it's not. You don't understand what a dictator is if that is what you think. Look above, i explained what a dictator is.// Not correct

    So the current committee were not elected? Also, and yet again, that is not what a dictatorship is.

    a. a ruler who is not effectively restricted by a constitution, laws, recognized opposition, etc
    Again, was there not an election of the new committee at the start of this year?

    Because the GRPAI appeared out of nowhere, was founded by the people that stood down from the last committee, and was set up immediately after the last committee elections when they were not voted back in, and immediately started to lie about being the NGB. They started this divide and have claimed the injured party status since.

    //Is there something wrong with wanting an alternative.????
    //Have we not been through this already there is no one group recognized in Ireland as an NGB so all and none have claims.
    //GRPAI appearing out of no where, "sure I was born with no shoes, look at me now". ;-) ;-)

    Read the e-mail again without the GRPAI glasses on. They never said that.

    I need more than my glasses to look at this, even the beer goggles wont help reading this.
    Its not making you look any more beautiful than you already are is what I mean by that.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,558 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    jb88 wrote: »
    It isn't
    According to you, ans thus farr you have gone on rant after rant about the misgivings, and deeds of the NASRPC without once looking to the GRPAI and any possible culpability they may have.
    You don't know what the facts are and anything you don't think is too your liking you disagree with them.
    Well by your own words above the facts are laid out in this thread. So if they are not the facts then lay them out.
    Perhaps you can explain the facts, its easy to pick at individuals from the outside, call people out, but its not you I have written this for.
    Of course i'll pick at individuals, like yourself, when you offer no argument but instead give supposition, rumor and biased rants of accusations.
    And Safety at events those are areas you should address, but I see none of that here
    Up until yesterday i was not made aware of ROs being removed from duty, if this happened, and as i don't attend Gallery shoots how would i know?

    As for not addressing it you have gladly skipped over questions that have been asked of you since the beginning of the thread.
    a. a ruler who is not effectively restricted by a constitution, laws, recognized opposition, etc
    You have accused me of skipping over things yet here you are once again not answering what i've asked. A ruler, singular. Is there no committee? Does it comprise of one person only? If so then yes you are correct, if not then you're wrong.
    //Is there something wrong with wanting an alternative.????
    As another shooting organisation, no. the manner is which they came to be and carried themselves, yes.
    //Have we not been through this already there is no one group recognized in Ireland as an NGB so all and none have claims.
    Because of the GRPAI. Again i'll ask you to question the poeple that were on the NASRPC committee at the time of the SSAI and ask why the NGB status was not awarded to the NASRPC as the SSAI could not hols such a title. This being the case, was a single person named as the NGB and did they take this with them to the GRPAI?
    //GRPAI appearing out of no where, "sure I was born with no shoes, look at me now". ;-) ;-)
    That is a non answer, and a deflection.
    I need more than my glasses to look at this, even the beer goggles wont help reading this.
    Its not making you look any more beautiful than you already are is what I mean by that.
    You are seeing a narrative that suits your train of thought and are ignoring the actual message within.

    I cannot help you there, nor would i waste my time trying to convince you otherwise. It would be an exercise in futility.
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    If you see a problem post use the report post function. Click on the three dots on the post, select "FLAG" & let a Moderator deal with it.

    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

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  • Registered Users Posts: 471 ✭✭badaj0z

    I see the usual whingers and apologists for the GRPAI have been continuing their diatribes. I note that they have learned from the Donald Trump school of politics which believes that , if you say something loud enough and often enough, then whether it is true or not, some people will believe it. The essence of their statements is that the old regime was better and did everything much better than the new regime. The main truth they will not recognise, is that the old regime had an inner circle. If you were part of the inner circle, you benefited from the patronage available. If you were not, then you were not aware of it. The people who continue with the propaganda for the GRPAI were part of the inner circle and do not like to be deprived of their special status.
    So. let us look at some statistics comparing activity in 2015 versus activity in 2016:

    No of affiliated clubs
    No of individual comps shot--2032
    New Registered competitors
    GRSB comp entries
    GRCF comp entries
    PSB entries

    The above figures do not include the last shoot held in Lough Bo so the 2016 figures will increase by the number of competitors who took part.
    All in all, a distinct improvement on 2015 and the old regime. JB88 states that the new regime can not do anything right and the support has withered away. What rubbish! More shooters are shooting in more competitions than last year . The new regime is much more open than the old and clearly more democratic as they have gone out of their way to let shooters know what they are doing and solicit feedback at every opportunity.
    Why do the members of the deposed inner circle continue to moan and persist in their belief that "things were better,etc." The numbers show you are wrong, the shooters who attend the comps know you are wrong. Please either recognise reality and return to the sport you all say you love or go away and take up golf.

  • Registered Users Posts: 473 ✭✭jb88

    Must just have been me and you then attending more competitions this year, I didn't realize I competed that much, thanks for the update.

    Looks like these stats will take a tumble so.

    Points out the proof that with 17 clubs if you added 11 clubs and almost tripled the clubs competing yet the stats on competitors barely moved at all.

    Not really a good indication of what the future holds

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 bob5874


    This post has been removed.

    Sockpuppeting is not allowed nor is having a second account, especially for this reason. I have also removed the responses to this.

    If you want to say something do so under your own account or not at all. This type of deception will not be tolerated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭ntipptop

    just a quick question
    since the gprai are interested in developing the sport, why are they not organising training/comp. days anywhere else other than leinster clubs eg hilltop and harbour house???, I haven't heard of any other clubs, im open to 'CORRECTION' on this

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,057 ✭✭✭clivej

    ntipptop wrote: »
    just a quick question
    since the gprai are interested in developing the sport, why are they not organising training/comp. days anywhere else other than leinster clubs eg hilltop and harbour house???, I haven't heard of any other clubs, im open to 'CORRECTION' on this

    I think a lot of the other clubs won't invite the GRPAI to their range's. So for now it's just the couple of ranges that will hold comps. and training.
    Pity really as the training is well run and ppl get to sort their problems and can ask questions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭ntipptop

    jb88 wrote: »
    Must just have been me and you then attending more competitions this year, I didn't realize I competed that much, thanks for the update.

    Looks like these stats will take a tumble so.

    Points out the proof that with 17 clubs if you added 11 clubs and almost tripled the clubs competing yet the stats on competitors barely moved at all.

    Not really a good indication of what the future holds

    Even a broken clock is right twice a day

    If you are on the same island as i'm on, you will realise that there is still issues in getting firearms to compete with
    not only pistols but with rifles and shotguns as well
    Not everyone can afford a high class solicitor or barrister
    There is an awful amount of lads out there that would love to take up the sport, but have received "advice" not to bother as it would cost a fortune to get a license
    Not to mention to do it all again in 3 years time over licenses being revoked
    Its about time we all looked back at what the different depts. are doing around the country trying to destroy our sport

    So if it was easy to acquire firearms for this sport (gallery rifle/pistol) I would think that those stats would rise dramatically

  • Registered Users Posts: 125 ✭✭Brasros

    ntipptop wrote:
    So if it was easy to acquire firearms for this sport (gallery rifle/pistol) I would think that those stats would rise dramatically

    Can't say I ever had an issue with any of my application for firearms for target shooting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭ntipptop

    Brasros wrote: »
    Can't say I ever had an issue with any of my application for firearms for target shooting.

    Well I am truly delighted for you
    personally I have been to several courts, either appearing myself or in support for others
    some districts do not suffer from the instilled thoughts on our supers or c/supers
    some lads cant have a shotgun and a rifle ffs
    if you doubt me look it up in google

  • Registered Users Posts: 473 ✭✭jb88

    ntipptop wrote: »
    Well I am truly delighted for you
    personally I have been to several courts, either appearing myself or in support for others
    some districts do not suffer from the instilled thoughts on our supers or c/supers
    some lads cant have a shotgun and a rifle ffs
    if you doubt me look it up in google

    No one doubts you, at all. It happens and if you do ever need any advice send me a PM for a chat. If I cant help I know plenty who can and I would be only to happy to help as I have for others in the past

  • Registered Users Posts: 473 ✭✭jb88

    ntipptop wrote: »
    If you are on the same island as i'm on, you will realise that there is still issues in getting firearms to compete with
    not only pistols but with rifles and shotguns as well
    Not everyone can afford a high class solicitor or barrister
    There is an awful amount of lads out there that would love to take up the sport, but have received "advice" not to bother as it would cost a fortune to get a license
    Not to mention to do it all again in 3 years time over licenses being revoked
    Its about time we all looked back at what the different depts. are doing around the country trying to destroy our sport

    So if it was easy to acquire firearms for this sport (gallery rifle/pistol) I would think that those stats would rise dramatically

    I agree, but the stats quoted mean more clubs so surely there would be significantly more members, and with that more competitors. There were close to 100 MTSC club members at last years AGM, how many of them competed I know there were 6 at the International in July anyway, that's the point I am trying to make.

    6.3 new competitors is the average for 11 new clubs. With 70 new competitors this year. Lets wait and revisit these stats in 2017.

    The Training & Development officer of the NASRPC offered to deliver free training this year in many of the new clubs throughout the country. (Never happened)

    With one exception, the only Gallery training delivered this year was in Harbour House by the GRPAI, most Saturdays between 11 and 3 just ask.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 28,558 Mod ✭✭✭✭Cass

    Just so everyone is aware of it. Post 584 has been removed. The reason is in the, now, edited post.

    As for posts 585, 586 and 587 they have also been removed as they were in direct response, even quoting, the removed post.

    Sockpuppeting is not tolerated on this site. Nor is having a second account, without express prior permission and with a good reason. This is deceptive at best and outright wrong at worse. If you have something to say do so on your own, original, account or not at all.
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    If you see a problem post use the report post function. Click on the three dots on the post, select "FLAG" & let a Moderator deal with it.

    Moderators - Cass otmmyboy2 , CatMod - Shamboc , Admins - Beasty , mickeroo

  • Registered Users Posts: 471 ✭✭badaj0z

    You have been predicting the demise of the NASRPC all year JB88, primarily because you said that the shooters would not attend their competitions or support them, for example:
    jb88 wrote: »

    Myself like many more will or have already given up NASRPC competitions at the end of this year given whats gone on and will refuse to compete in any more NASRPC Competitions until something changes.

    But with the NASRPC then going broke or being privately subsidized with 20% of its previous support base, it wont be but a short time until the NASRPC is forgotten.

    Its only taken 8 months to wreck an organization. There wont be a next time for them im sad to say its all over, just no one admitting the truth yet.


    I showed you the statistics in my earlier post but as usual, you do not like facts and prefer to argue:
    jb88 wrote: »
    I agree, but the stats quoted mean more clubs so surely there would be significantly more members, and with that more competitors.

    We both know why the club count went from 6 to 17. Your mates in the inner circle removed membership from 11 clubs because these clubs were looking for an EGM to air the issue of governance. The previous committee knew that they would lose the vote at an EGM(clubs voting) and were confident that they would win at the AGM(floor voting). As in many other decisions they made, they were wrong. The new committee simply re-instated all the eligible clubs this year, taking the number from 6 to 17. The members of the "removed" clubs had been competing all year so the competitors from these clubs show in 2015 and in 2016. The Lough Bo numbers were not included but I have checked the results and there were 349 entries at Lough Bo. This adds up to 2381 giving a % increase of 17%. The facts show that the NASRPC has increased the number of competitors and the number of entries in competitions. This looks more like a thriving organisation than a shrinking one.
    Your clock analogy is a perfect way to describe yourself. The spring is too tightly wound so the clock is broken. Nevertheless, the striker still works and bongs out empty clangs many times a day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,249 ✭✭✭Tackleberry.

    Why are lads getting the hump over loosing there CRO/RO status, the same lads have made the point that they where not going to help out the 2016 committee, and most haven't Ro'd since the last international, at the very least they should have to do a refresher of sorts.. also if there using NASRPC Ro certification to run other comps outside of the NASRPC well that's not really going to wash either.. and I'd imagine could be considered invalid to some degree..
    We are rolling up on AGM season id imagine dates will be posted soon for the NASRPC but sure GRPAI won't want to lose control of there new baby so guess they will stay there own road..control control control must have CONTROL.. really I'm laughing.. grown men an all..

  • Registered Users Posts: 473 ✭✭jb88

    badaj0z wrote: »
    You have been predicting the demise of the NASRPC all year JB88, primarily because you said that the shooters would not attend their competitions or support them, for example:

    I showed you the statistics in my earlier post but as usual, you do not like facts and prefer to argue:

    We both know why the club count went from 6 to 17. Your mates in the inner circle removed membership from 11 clubs because these clubs were looking for an EGM to air the issue of governance. The previous committee knew that they would lose the vote at an EGM(clubs voting) and were confident that they would win at the AGM(floor voting). As in many other decisions they made, they were wrong. The new committee simply re-instated all the eligible clubs this year, taking the number from 6 to 17. The members of the "removed" clubs had been competing all year so the competitors from these clubs show in 2015 and in 2016. The Lough Bo numbers were not included but I have checked the results and there were 349 entries at Lough Bo. This adds up to 2381 giving a % increase of 17%. The facts show that the NASRPC has increased the number of competitors and the number of entries in competitions. This looks more like a thriving organisation than a shrinking one.
    Your clock analogy is a perfect way to describe yourself. The spring is too tightly wound so the clock is broken. Nevertheless, the striker still works and bongs out empty clangs many times a day.

    Hardly much of an increase considering you have 3 times as many clubs as competed in 2015 - 17% Increase. Thriving really wouldn't say 17% is thriving.

  • Registered Users Posts: 471 ✭✭badaj0z

    jb88 wrote: »
    Hardly much of an increase considering you have 3 times as many clubs as competed in 2015 - 17% Increase. Thriving really wouldn't say 17% is thriving.

    Is it a reading problem or a comprehension problem that you have JB88? My previous post explained this issue. Maybe you are still in the first phase of grieving which is denial that the demise of your inner circle has happened.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 251 ✭✭Rimfire Shooter

    jb88 wrote: »
    Hardly much of an increase considering you have 3 times as many clubs as competed in 2015 - 17% Increase. Thriving really wouldn't say 17% is thriving.

    It's interesting that you predicted that the NASRPC would fail miserably as there was going to be a mass exodus of competitors.

    So if the mass exodus happened then there are a lot of new competitors taking their places. Or the mass exodus hasn't happened. Either way the NASRPC is doing better.

    Next AGM will be the decider I reckon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 473 ✭✭jb88

    badaj0z wrote: »
    Is it a reading problem or a comprehension problem that you have JB88? My previous post explained this issue. Maybe you are still in the first phase of grieving which is denial that the demise of your inner circle has happened.

    I find it very amusing as do many others do that you think that way?

    Its no surprise 80% of the top ranked Gallery shooters in Ireland don't support you nor the NASRPC committee.

    Good luck with next years recruitment drive Im sure you will be leading the way with training etc.

    With a couple of comps under your belt, sure you are an expert at this stage by NASRPC Standards.

    Maybe you might even try a T&P1 or Multi next year?
    Im sure you can make the international team, sure they will take anyone these days as recent results show.

  • Registered Users Posts: 471 ✭✭badaj0z

    jb88 wrote: »
    With a couple of comps under your belt, sure you are an expert at this stage by NASRPC Standards.

    Interesting that you should mention that JB88. Like many other people, I entered Gallery type competitions run by the NASRPC for the first time this year. You were shooting in one of these competitions, which was my first ever entry in this competition, and I scored higher than you. I may be new to the competitions in which you claim to be an expert, but I still managed to shoot better than you did.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,968 ✭✭✭✭Witcher

    badaj0z wrote: »
    Interesting that you should mention that JB88. Like many other people, I entered Gallery type competitions run by the NASRPC for the first time this year. You were shooting in one of these competitions, which was my first ever entry in this competition, and I scored higher than you. I may be new to the competitions in which you claim to be an expert, but I still managed to shoot better than you did.

    Lol how petty can you be? :pac:

    Like two kids fighting 'my da is bigger than your da' :pac:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,057 ✭✭✭clivej

    badaj0z wrote: »
    Interesting that you should mention that JB88. Like many other people, I entered Gallery type competitions run by the NASRPC for the first time this year. You were shooting in one of these competitions, which was my first ever entry in this competition, and I scored higher than you. I may be new to the competitions in which you claim to be an expert, but I still managed to shoot better than you did.

    Ouch >>>>>>> JB88, that one hurt. :(:(

    Sure I'm 'The best shooter here' and even I beat you in a couple of events.
    Roll on this Saturday when it is truly the last comp. of the year and with new shiny medals up for grabs.

This discussion has been closed.