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Monster Hunter Boardsie Caravan Ultimate Generations X G



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    I ran so very many Rathalos quests. So many guys....

    I did both the "Kill a Rathalos in Heaven's Mount - Subquest: Cut Tail" and "Capture a Rathalos in Volcanic Hollow - Subquest: Break Face" multiple times each to get a feel for them.

    Ultimately while I really liked the freedom of the kill quest, the mining in heaven's mount and the fact Los starts in the nest area (easy mount ledge city); I choose to go with the capture quest in the volcanic hollow EVEN THOUGH also sometimes an Iodrome shows up and annoys me.

    The face break subquest was just so much easier, and doesn't require a dedicated slicing s gun. Also this might just be me, but all things being equal, I prefer subquests to be for breaks that are harder to notice; so I can be sure I've ACTUALLY broken the part when I get my fanfare.

    On Rathalos if he was flying and swooping around, I'd find it hard visually to confirm he had a broken back or face, but any idiot can tell when he doesn't have a tail.

    If you guys recall, I said, based on my really poor quest times in the DLC multiplayer double Los quest, that if I could get consistent quest times under 15 minutes (30/2) it would be more valuable for me to run a single Los quest instead.

    My average time from quest start to cappable Los ended up being 4 minutes.

    My procedure went like this:

    Weapon: Khezu LBG
    Rapid Fires: Thunder S, Pellet 1
    Regularly Fires: Sleep 1, Para 1

    Armourskills: Attack up S, Autotracker, Capture Guru

    Quest start, run to Rathalos, start firing sleep shots, reload when he roars, put him to sleep, drop 2 LBB+ by his face, Change ammo type to Thunder S, detonate with paintball, do mounting attack off a ledge (Caravan monsters mount in 1 hit, Gathering hall takes 2), Topple, RF Thunder into his back (it will break before he gets up), RF thunder into his face (it also might break before he gets up, or shortly after). Subquest complete! Zoom in that area map camera to make sure you don't miss the Capture Guru flash and continue RFing Thunder S at Rathalos. When he starts flashing switch to Para shots to make sure he doesn't leave the area, set up trap under paralysed Los, cap, check quest rewards for plate, be disappointed. Rinse. Repeat.

    I got quite good at this routine, and eventually it did yield a single plate, and I made my Dayspring Waist piece.

    Now all I was missing was Dah'ran Mohran common parts to finish off the set.

    I didn't mess around for this one, I just took an Attack Up XL set with my strongest raw HBG, and managed to kill the 6* DM twice, in 14 minutes each time. I didn't get to set off a single dragonator. Not even in the first phase of the fight where it's scripted that he tries to hit the boat head on. I did so much damage in the first phase it just skipped me to the final phase.

    I've never managed that before. Not even on my G rank main.

    But anyway, with that done, I had enough parts to make the full set, and it looks badass.

    I made two sets for it. For bowgun I gemmed out the Reload Speed-2 (requires 2 two-slot gems) and got:
    Unscathed, Pierce Up, Marathon Runner, Combination Pro

    and for Bow I left it in and got:
    Unscathed, Pierce Up, Marathon Runner, Reload Speed -2, Attack Up S (needs two weapon slots to get AuM :(

    If you gents will indulge my picture spam a little more, I'd like to show my armoursets, as I'm going to try to switch 100% to my new set while I farm the parts for all those annoying weapons. Even though this won't be practical a lot of the time (Kirin and other small bastards). I don't expect I'll have any new interesting screenshots for a long time.

    My Veliciprey set was by far my most dependable, with variations in Attack, Psychic and Stun, I still say this is the best LR set that's ever been featured in a MH game. It's shown here with the creepy Khezu syringe LBG that injected death into a lot of Raths.


    For when you absolutely, positively have to kill every mofo in the room, except no substitutes other than VIRTUALLY THE SAME SET, except with a Kut Ku hat and a 1 slot weapon needed to eke out that precious Attack Up XL (no other skills). If the weapon had two slots I could also get half stun, but I rarely did so, since I always ran with my boy, the Plesioth Plaser+ (pictured) for it's obscenely high attack power.


    And finally, the armour that made Rathalos the most killed large monster on my file (I checked), and had me fight more giant sand whales on an alt than I ever have on a main character: Full Dayspring.


    *cheering and whooping*

    I took it out very briefly on an expedition to see how it feels, and the monster flinches plus my glowing Unscathed hand definitely suggested I was doing a lot of damage.

    I also TOOK an incredibly large amount of damage when getting hit, because I've been running the same sets on my file for so long I more or less forgot that armorspheres are a thing, haha.

    Star Lord wrote: »
    The grey tick on 6* really annoyed me, hate that they've quests hidden in there that only open up at specified HR levels!

    That actually doesn't bother me that much, and I can't think of a better way to do it.
    If they marked my 6* quests with a gold tick, I'd probably think they were done and never come back to them. Then I'd miss whatever quests did appear. That silver tick is pretty clear in it's intent.

    "You're ALMOST as a good as (gold) done. But not quite."

    What REALLY annoys me is that the DLC quests give you no indication whatsoever whether you've completed them or not.
    At one point I got annoyed and copy pasted the full Wikia DLC quest list into an excel document, and started marking them off as done there, but I did that late, so I know it's not accurate.

    It bothers me that I have no idea if I've done everything or not.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Your dedication to damn rathy plates is impressive lol. I just give up on it. :)

    I am glad you reached your goal m8, that's class. You all ready for generation so. I doubt I will reach my goal: finish G3.

    I finally played some mh4 last night again as I could not due to work, wow, life. Plus o gave pokemon a go and after 5 hours I don't know what to think of it. I love that type of games, but something with pokemon does not clock with me.

    So last night I had "****ing awesome" moment and then I was crushed beyond believe.

    I finally got 2 pounders+ from Brachydios. Did one fire drill and same group stayed for one more brachy hunt. When second pounder droped I was like " **** yeah!!!!!!"
    Went to village and upgraded brachy Lance to 9!! Omfg I finally can use my starkninght set!
    Then I noticed that at rank 9 lamce has no slots at all.... I am short 1 evasion to make it evasion +2!!!! Fuuuuu!!!! All my dreams of finally droping Seregios set and Lance were crushed. :( don't know wtf will I do now.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Your dedication to damn rathy plates is impressive lol. I just give up on it. :)

    I am glad you reached your goal m8, that's class. You all ready for generation so. I doubt I will reach my goal: finish G3.

    Thanks, but I'm not done yet son! The original terms (I think, it's been so long now) was to make all LR weapons in LR.

    There was also some bollocks about me giving nicknames to all my recruitable cats, but that fell by the wayside pretty quickly under the sheer volume of cats. I didn't actually care what any of them were called, I only cared if they were Stealing Forte. In a way I feel like I met the terms by just resisting calling all of them "Useless Non-Stealing C*nt".

    I thought making the Dayspring armour would be a minor sojourn on a longer journey, but it ended up becoming a whole thing in of itself. I don't know what I would have done if I had been as equally unlucky with Rathian Plates and Earth Dragongems as I had with that damn Rathalos plate.

    I've done a bunch of quests with the dayspring armour, and as I sit here I realise I've still forgotten to invest ANY armourspheres in it, lol

    I've mostly been running it with the Rathalos Pierce/Fire bow or the Diablo HBG (Crazy high attack, Siege fires Pierce 1, Pierce 2 and Normal 2).

    There are a couple of things that strike me immediately:

    - For Bows, the armour is great, even though everyone says pierce bows are ass. Marathon runner makes it so that the stamina cost of charging bows is way less than your normal stamina regeneration, so I had no problems at all managing stamina, as long as I wasn't using power shots, which marathon runner doesn't affect.

    In case anyone was wondering about how all the stamina skills work (I've never known previously, because I've always been a dash juice junkie)

    Marathon Runner: Stamina depletion for things that continuously drain the bar is drastically reduced (Running, Bow Charging, Hammer charging, Dual Blades Demon Mode)

    Constitution: Reduces stamina depletion for things that deduct a chunk from the bar (Evading, Blocking, Fast Climbing, Power Shots)

    Stamina Recovery Up: Stamina recovers faster when used. I've only ever used this one before, because it was a free skill on my Nether/Honed Blade armour back in MH3U endgame.

    - For Bowguns, the armour is less great. I haven't been brave enough to take Dayspring on a quest with "Reload Speed-2" active, because most of my guns seem to have slow reload speed anyway, I can only imagine it as being a horrifying thing to witness. Also it doesn't seem like I can viably fire Pierce 2 without gemming in some amount of Recoil Down skill points (which I don't think I've unlocked the decorations for anyway). I'm also pretty sure Recoil and Reload are opposite skills, so if I do do that, I'll probably end up with something like -23 points in Reload speed.

    I can fire Pierce 1 and Normal 2 fine, but I get no bonus damage on the latter, unless I'm at full health. So I've been trying to avoid the staple Normal shot and go Pierce only.

    - Peak Performance/Unscathed has been interesting to use. It is both cool to be knocking out mad awesome damage at full health and acting like a total badass.
    On the flipside the frustrations being hit by random Konchus/Bnahabra/Herbivores is a hundred times more annoying than it ever was before. Not to mention the heartbreakingness of taking a potion and ending up at not-quite-full-health, and then having to make the decision between drinking (and functionally wasting) a second potion, or leaving my AUL damage bonus on the table.

    It's funny that even after all the work in getting it, I cannot say confidently that the Dayspring armour is "better" than Velociprey. On the contrary, if I am not at full health and am not shooting pierce shots, my damage bonus contributed by my armour is zero.

    That's the marvellous thing about Attack Up Skills, they just contribute flat bonuses with no restrictions. But they are kinda boring.

    I'm enjoying the change of playstyle dayspring forces on me, and it's interesting to see how long I can go in some monster fights without taking any damage. On rare occasions I've finished entire large monster fights without ever taking ANY damage, which feels great.

    It's made me wonder if it might be more viable to run Protection or Healing cats for their respective taunt and healing abilities.

    I know the cat team skill Puurtuoso+ is one that gives you like 12 proc of a regular potion-sized heal in a row. It's the closest thing to a regen spell in MH. That would be great if I had the appropriate cat (which I don't think I do), and also even made me considering gemming in one of those really fringe case armour skills where you can signal your cats to make them do their team skill on demand. Felyne leader or something?

    "But what have you been fighting with this Dayspring armour?" I hear you ask "Have you been farming weapons?"


    I thought I'd go all in on my stupid self-challenge, and test out my shiny new armour, while beating all the key and urgent multiplayer quests start to finish in a row from HR0.

    The most recent quest I beat was the urgent Gore Magala, which means I am HR3!

    HR3 is of course the level I need to be at to post Kirin and Yian Garuga guild quests, which is a thing I can now start doing.

    I'm feeling pretty confident about completing this challenge before Generations is released (which is a cool coincidence).

    As long as I don't need anymore bloody plates, and as long as those Tigrex scalps aren't being bastards about dropping again...

    Then I noticed that at rank 9 lamce has no slots at all.... I am short 1 evasion to make it evasion +2!!!! Fuuuuu!!!! All my dreams of finally droping Seregios set and Lance were crushed. :( don't know wtf will I do now.

    Make it Rare 10 so it gets 2 slots then. Enjoy farming the bastard Brachydios subspecies! Mwahaha.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    That's funny about sets.

    You don't feel like much improvement. Even me going from Seregios to star knight. Its better set, but I can't make it work right now and Seregios is just great cookie cutter. Skills great, but I am limited to my Seregios Lance.
    As you say, attack xl is just boring but it's just works. Great stats, boring, great. Even you get those dance stats you just feel like giving up a lot. I guess something that you see on the paper feels solid, but you don't count in all those things like dps. Sharpness, multiplayers, longer staying in sharpness. In the end it does benefit more.

    Oh yeah, I am not bitting from that **** sandwich that is called sub species Brachydios. Specially when I sow what I need to make it.
    It's so damn close to mhx, I don't know if I want to play more mh4. Don't want to burn out. Will have a good lash on mhx on launch. I love starting as a noob in these games. :)

    Anyway, I am still undicided what will I play in mhx. GS or Lance. I am leaning a lot more Lance way. Specially when I noticed that I haven't seen a single Lance player online! Ever! I sow 3 gun lancers, but that's it. I will be that special snowflake carrying the torch. :)

    Anyone else off Friday for mhx? I am kind of back to healthy eating again, but **** that. 15th going to be my red bull, crisps and crap food with mhx topping, day. :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Nothing interesting from me. I've just been farming more monster parts under the following formula:
    IF Monster has an uncompleted gathering hall quest, do that. Otherwise, farm in the easier caravan.
    Also if it is NOT a Capture Quest try to use Dayspring (even if it seems inappropriate); otherwise use Vel Cap Guru, Autotracker, Aus etc

    That way my gathering hall quests become a bit more complete as I do repetitive monster killing activities.

    Been farming regularly boring stuff like Kecha Wacha/Seltas/Queen to put off farming annoying rare stuff like Tigrex Scalps, and incredibly boring stuff like Kelbi, Altaroth and Conga parts.
    I'm seriously going to have to do a bunch of quests specifically aimed at getting parts from small monsters :(

    Oh I'm also going to have to farm a crapton of Brachydios, but I like him, so I might keep him for last as a treat.
    That's funny about sets.

    You don't feel like much improvement. Even me going from Seregios to star knight. Its better set, but I can't make it work right now and Seregios is just great cookie cutter. Skills great, but I am limited to my Seregios Lance.
    As you say, attack xl is just boring but it's just works. Great stats, boring, great. Even you get those dance stats you just feel like giving up a lot. I guess something that you see on the paper feels solid, but you don't count in all those things like dps. Sharpness, multiplayers, longer staying in sharpness. In the end it does benefit more.

    Star Knight is amazing though. Definitely miles better than Seregios. What I wouldn't give for the gunner version of Star Knight on my alt. Edge Lore is good with basically every weapon (maybe not so much on Greatsword), Challenger+2 is fantastic damage against every monster (except the surprisingly chill Zinogre), those free points in handicraft, all around elemental resistance and 11 free slots are all fantastic too.

    The only thing I think is a bit meh about the whole thing is Rodeo God.

    I definitely think it's the best full unmixed armour set in any MH game I've ever played, and definitely the best thing to come out of collobrative/special DLC quests.
    Oh yeah, I am not bitting from that **** sandwich that is called sub species Brachydios. Specially when I sow what I need to make it.
    It's so damn close to mhx, I don't know if I want to play more mh4. Don't want to burn out. Will have a good lash on mhx on launch. I love starting as a noob in these games. :)

    That is a tough sandwich, no doubt about it.

    I'm never too worried about burning myself out on MH, because if I do (and I have), it doesn't seem to last long. It's a game that's pretty easy to pick up and play out of context from your memories of playing it last

    "What was I doing? Was I farming something particular? Ah who cares, I'm gonna grab a Sword and Shield and mangle a Diablos with it because I'm in the mood to do that."
    Anyway, I am still undicided what will I play in mhx. GS or Lance. I am leaning a lot more Lance way. Specially when I noticed that I haven't seen a single Lance player online! Ever! I sow 3 gun lancers, but that's it. I will be that special snowflake carrying the torch. :)

    This makes me kinda sad. I suppose Lancers will always be fringe because of the gigantic play difference of a backhop as opposed to a roll, and to balance it out it doesn't have explosions like the Gunlance.

    Keep in mind as well SH that Evasion+3 Lancing is a MH4U thing only. Don't get to comfortable with that or you'll find yourself having difficulties in any other game.

    I've probably said a few times, but my intention in MHGen is to try to do all weapons and all styles equally, but if that isn't practical at the start of the game; I might do what I've done in 4U and have a main who uses all Blademaster, and a solo only alt who does all Gunner. We'll see!
    Anyone else off Friday for mhx? I am kind of back to healthy eating again, but **** that. 15th going to be my red bull, crisps and crap food with mhx topping, day. :)

    I booked the Friday and the monday off as soon as the Generations release date was announced and encouraged my missus to do the same. The plan was to slob around for 4 days playing MH and watching Evo streams, just the two of us.

    Once we both had the confirmation of days off from work, she encouraged me to invite my other Monster Hunter playing friends to come hang out for the weekend, and maybe we'd do a BBQ etc etc.
    In an effort to turn our very very unsociable weekend into something a bit more social and fun for other people.

    I figured if I invited ALL my friends who'd even be vaguely interested, MAYBE two of them would show up.

    As it turns out, a full open weekend to hang around my house, play Monster Hunter/Street Fighter, eat BBQ and drink beers was very attractive, and now my house is booked to capacity and I am having to turn away other friends who heard about it later and I thought would have no interest.

    So yeah, I am going ALL IN on this weekend.

    ALL IN!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Damn baal, I am so Jelly... :(

    I would give my right ball to be able to spend weekend like this. I even said to my misses about your weekend and asked: " why we cant be like that!" :D
    Unfortunately for me, I got only Friday off, barely! I am working all weekend after. Only one day to enjoy MHX. The good news is: no one will be at home for a whole day!!! I am on my own with no one annoy me!

    I played a bit MH4 before bed last night. We killed Teostra easily and a quest with All Frenzied Seregios, B. Diablos and Rajang. We did it pretty easy. Then it just went pure crap side. I put up Kushala Daora and we got wiped in first 5 minutes!!! WTF happened there? I could not even get near to it to throw a punch. It was all over the place and winds going everywhere. Do you need wind resist skill to even try fighting it?
    Tried twice a few other random quests and just pure unlucky. Lab Partners quest was just silly. All of us just got cough by Brachy in a very bad mood. Failed horribly.

    Anyway, looks like Gaijin Hunter has english version of game already!!! He is putting some set vidoes and stuff. I am completely ignoring them! I dont want to spoil it for myself. In a way that Android app really spoiled my mh4 experience. I just started looking up weapons and upgrade paths, instead of just making them and checking what I can get. Same with armour sets. I think for mhx I will go pure blind. The only thing I will look up is weapons guides on how to use them.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Damn baal, I am so Jelly... :(

    I would give my right ball to be able to spend weekend like this. I even said to my misses about your weekend and asked: " why we cant be like that!" :D

    Unfortunately for me, I got only Friday off, barely! I am working all weekend after. Only one day to enjoy MHX. The good news is: no one will be at home for a whole day!!! I am on my own with no one annoy me!

    I dunno do you really want to be as anti-social as me so that you give up an entire 4 day weekend to playing games?

    Since I AM me though, I am looking forward to it tremendously. :D

    If my house had better/even remotely good internet I'd set up a couple of rooms and invite you guys in this topic in, but I have satellite so that's not even remotely feasible.

    We'll have to arrange a local meetup of our own at some point.
    I played a bit MH4 before bed last night. We killed Teostra easily and a quest with All Frenzied Seregios, B. Diablos and Rajang. We did it pretty easy. Then it just went pure crap side. I put up Kushala Daora and we got wiped in first 5 minutes!!! WTF happened there? I could not even get near to it to throw a punch. It was all over the place and winds going everywhere. Do you need wind resist skill to even try fighting it?
    Tried twice a few other random quests and just pure unlucky. Lab Partners quest was just silly. All of us just got cough by Brachy in a very bad mood. Failed horribly.

    Kushala and Teostra both have elemental auras. As you've noticed, Kushala's one is an annoying wind barrier that knocks you around so he can more easily kill you, and Teostra's one is a heat aura that saps your health away.

    If you ever want to try gunning these guys, you'll also find that Teostra's aura destroys bullets (they just go poof and do no damage) and Kushala bloody well REFLECTS them back at you so they hit you. I can't remember if they actually damage you, but they do knock you over.

    In MHFU, you could make the auras go away permanently by breaking their horns, but you could ONLY break their horns with Dragon element damage, and also only once their HP had dropped to a certain % of their max.

    I'm not sure how much of the above is still true. I know you DON'T need Dragon element damage to break their horns anymore. I am unsure if breaking their horns makes the auras go away permanently, and also unsure if you need to drop their health before a horn break. I don't trust the internet consensus on this because I find the MH community too prone to repeating info they heard as true without personally testing it.

    What I can tell you though is that you can disable both their auras by poisoning them. When I run these elder dragons I almost always bring poison. If I'm fighting them in a group, we usually have one person bring poison.

    My two go-tos are usually the Chameleos Dual Blades (good damage, good poison) or the Gypceros Gunlance (awful damage, amazing poison). That latter one with status+2 and felyne specialist can get up to 880 poison element iirc!
    Anyway, looks like Gaijin Hunter has english version of game already!!! He is putting some set vidoes and stuff. I am completely ignoring them! I dont want to spoil it for myself. In a way that Android app really spoiled my mh4 experience. I just started looking up weapons and upgrade paths, instead of just making them and checking what I can get. Same with armour sets. I think for mhx I will go pure blind. The only thing I will look up is weapons guides on how to use them.

    Yeah, I am similarly uninterested in watching Gaijin Hunter stuff for a while. Once I've had some time with the game, and I've spent enough time using each weapon, I'll definitely check out his weapon tutorials to see the little tweaks that always happen between games.

    I have no problem with doing this, as the game itself, and even the manual, never go into 100% details on what each weapon can do.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Doublepost because things seem quiet here in the run upto MHgen. I've been cracking away at my own little gun farming mission, but that mostly just involves an irritating amount of Yian Garuga guildquests. I need far too many beak and back breaks, and I do not enjoy mounting with ranged weapons on the super flat everwood maps.

    Once I'm done with Garuga I think I just need one Tigrex Scalp and approx 40,000 Bracydios runs to be finished. No way I'm going to get that done before generations drops.

    I wanted to flag for you guys that a Podcast I quite enjoy listening to, VGMPire just uploaded an episode reflecting on Monster Hunter music.

    I haven't listened to it yet, but its a quality show, and the host is a former Capcom employee, and the guest is the Capcom Unity MH community manager, so I would assume their knowledge and music choices for this episode are good ones.

    Hopefully this link works.

    If my messy google link doesn't work, just go to and download the most recent episode!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,123 ✭✭✭✭Star Lord

    Looks like Generations got 9/10 on Nintendo Insider:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Star Lord wrote: »
    Looks like Generations got 9/10 on Nintendo Insider:

    I don't really care what it gets on review sites, but that is good for the game. Hopefully it will review perfectly on many sites and the positive buzz will bump the worldwide monster hunter interest to a higher level.

    Personally speaking, it could have gotten 0/10 from every review site on the internet and I'd still be guaranteed to buy at least three copies on launch day :D

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  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,444 Mod ✭✭✭✭Andrew76

    It's out this Friday yeah?
    Wonder will Argos stock it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Andrew76 wrote: »
    It's out this Friday yeah?
    Wonder will Argos stock it.

    Smyths 45eu. That's where I am getting it. I think I am off tomorrow too, so it do all shot food stacking up tomorrow.

    Haven't played more mh4. All of my old crew got back to wow. So we playing that a lot. :)

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,444 Mod ✭✭✭✭Andrew76

    Smyths 45eu. That's where I am getting it. I think I am off tomorrow too, so it do all shot food stacking up tomorrow.

    Haven't played more mh4. All of my old crew got back to wow. So we playing that a lot. :)

    No Smyths near me unfortunately so either Argos or maybe Gamestop if they don't add on their usual tax.

    Haven't played WoW since The Lich King, couldn't justify the monthly sub anymore tbh. Remember playing for about 3 or 4 years from launch, was so much fun in those early years.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Andrew76 wrote: »
    No Smyths near me unfortunately so either Argos or maybe Gamestop if they don't add on their usual tax.

    Haven't played WoW since The Lich King, couldn't justify the monthly sub anymore tbh. Remember playing for about 3 or 4 years from launch, was so much fun in those early years.

    Argos should have it around 45-50eu. Gamestop 55eu. Smyths 45. Love living in limerick city now. All the choice of vendors. :)

    I played wow in vanilla. Gotten every single extension. But really played only up to cataclysm. After that just try it out and that's it. Wouldn't even have patients to level up to max level as pandaria and garrisons in warlords really put me off.
    I got years sub as present from sister and brother in law at Xmas, so I finally used it this month. All our old crew gathering up already to play wow. Us 5-6 that still on vent and real life friends now, but we played other stuff for all these years . Around 4 more people who got back to us since wrath.
    I have to admit, i am really enjoying it again. Leveling characters and stuff.
    It will hard to jungle my time between wow and mhx. :(

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,123 ✭✭✭✭Star Lord

    I'll be just getting it from the eshop, €49.99 there. Can take it with me, and have another game in the slot to swap back to if I feel like it!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Star Lord wrote: »
    I'll be just getting it from the eshop, €49.99 there. Can take it with me, and have another game in the slot to swap back to if I feel like it!

    This. A thousand times this.

    Also I live in the arse-end of nowhere now and am not making a dedicated trip to Cork city to just pick up some pieces of plastic.

    I am annoyed though that there's no pre-purchase, pre-installation option, as I could have left MH Generations installing on multiple machines in sleep mode across the week in order to be ready for my big BBQ/party this weekend.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    No way I am going digital as you guys already know. If Nintendo do it account wide games, then yes, tied to console - **** no.
    I like how they keep your wallet and balance on your account and you can jump from 3ds to 3ds, but not your games... **** that, I lost my Mh3 like that. If I would not have digital version I would have had it. Plus I already bought 2 n3ds in short time. Who knows if I might get some nice limited edition at some point. I don't want to worry about my games being lost.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 10,444 Mod ✭✭✭✭Andrew76

    Physical copy for me also. Games tied to the machine rather than an account puts me off spending full price on digital games. It's also nice having a box to put on a shelf. :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    I have now listened to that podcast guys, and definitely check it out, it's a good love-letter to the series.

    My only disappointment is that the deviljho theme wasn't featured, as I have a personal affinity with that monster.
    Andrew76 wrote: »
    Physical copy for me also. Games tied to the machine rather than an account puts me off spending full price on digital games. It's also nice having a box to put on a shelf. :)

    I do dread the inevitable day I drop my shiny N3DS XL, but I do really enjoy the convenience of not having to change game cartridges around.

    Also I hate putting boxes on shelves. Move homes enough times, and you learn to hate shelves too. Minimal is best.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,123 ✭✭✭✭Star Lord

    I do dread the inevitable day I drop my shiny N3DS XL, but I do really enjoy the convenience of not having to change game cartridges around.

    If it comes to that, Nintendo support can move your purchases to a new 3DS though. They just need your serial number details etc

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Generation not available for pre-purchase nor pre-installation.

    I am displeased.

    Definitely not going to finish my MH4U gun alt objective in the 15 spare minutes I expect to have today to play MH. I was wrong about the total stuff I need with regard to monsters too.

    Monsters I need many things from: Yian Garuga, Brachydios

    Monsters I need exactly one thing from: Seltas Queen, Gypceros, Tigrex, Zamtrios (this is even assuming Zam's bow isn't upgradable in low rank after I make it).

    I might still crack away on this character even after Gen comes out. My other half will probably not want me playing my Gen character without her, and I don't know if I already want to be thinking about making a Gen alt before I've played the damn game.

    Star Lord wrote: »
    If it comes to that, Nintendo support can move your purchases to a new 3DS though. They just need your serial number details etc

    That's good to know thanks. I'll note that down with the expectation of future bad luck.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Oh baby! Oh baby! Less then 24 hours! I am on my own tomorow all day too. Can't fecking wait!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Free Monster Hunter Generations 3DS Theme

    I can't click on this so I don't know what's involved, but I got a theme download code from this sent to me by a US guy who used a VPN to enter the giveaway, and then couldn't redeem the "EU only" download code in the US theme shop.

    Redeemed it no problem, working fine and looking cool.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,123 ✭✭✭✭Star Lord

    I got a "Sorry, this promotion is not available in your country."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Star Lord wrote: »
    I got a "Sorry, this promotion is not available in your country."

    Must be UK only. You will probably need to fake a UK IP address or use a VPN or something to enter

    But once you've done that, you will be able to redeem the key with no problem (I was, so it should be fine).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,123 ✭✭✭✭Star Lord

    Have the game downloading now, free theme with it too!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Star Lord wrote: »
    Have the game downloading now, free theme with it too!

    Me too. Gonna leave it overnight.

    I haven't got time to play since I have to go and buy half a cow for this weekend in the morning.

    My MH weekend is ironically preventing me from playing MH for now :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 429 ✭✭Linoud

    I'm jealous.. :L I'm still playing bits of 4U. Just gonna play a bit more solo mode I guess till I inevitably get Generations. Hopefully soon. I know a few friends from two irish FB groups about the game/nintendo in general all jumping onto it on launch day. Q_Q

    I resumed playing after a long few months away, only have about 50 hours racked up and only hunted Gore Magala properly there. RIP. I should've really invested more time into the game when I could. :p

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    This is bull****. I am at smyths. Dude looked at me like I have 3 heads. Then goes on his pc and comes back with this:

    Sorry it's not in stock yet, it's between 15-22 July!!! Wtf!!!!! I am actually furious!
    Argos does not have it on system yet properly, so I wonder if even bother.
    Only option gamestop?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Waited for argos to open. Their system as fudged. Took a while, but they had it! One copy only!!! Need food buff for myself now and off I go!

