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Monster Hunter Boardsie Caravan Ultimate Generations X G



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,123 ✭✭✭✭Star Lord

    lol, thanks for reading my nonsense wall-o-text Banjo.

    Your posts are hardly nonsense, they're great reading to be honest! :)

    Another Gypceros hater here too! That blinding flash and standing there dazed while he does his baby-on-rollerskates run towards you, and powerless as he starts spitting his poison, beating the buttons like you want to push them out the back of the 3DS, but to no avail...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,123 ✭✭✭✭Star Lord

    While I think on it, my main pet peeve with MH in general is that I'm such a poser...

    I assume you guys are too. I mean, doesn't everyone feel the urge, nay, the NEED to pop a pose right after you take a healing potion? Doesn't matter that that pissed off stinky windbag of a Congalala has just launched himself into the air, and his flabby yet curiously armoured stomach is currently on a high speed trajectory that will, at some point in the immediate future get in the way of my head... but I just feel the need to show off just how good I feel having quaffed a green vial of Dr. Feelgood's Cure-All Tincture, and to let the world know just how good it is by flexing my muscles for all to see...

    *awakens while being dumped off a cart by some Felynes that are now running away*

    Sorry, where was I?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Banjo wrote: »
    Is there not a weird kind of fulfillment in taking on a job to pay for the materials for the next one - you can't get a more direct causal link between your actions and your goals! - or does the Ammo shortage just make the whole thing a real trudge?
    I tried the ranged weapons once, I just can't get into the rhythm. It felt like maybe you're supposed to use them more in a group when you can let your melée guys keep the beast busy.

    Missed this first time I saw your post. There is definitely no fulfillment in being a poor gunner. For example on my file currently I have enough tradable Ludroth parts to make his LBG (which Rapid Fires water, my first potentially useful LBG/source of water element damage! Very exciting!!), but I am about 1.5k short on money to make it. It definitely feels like an awful trudge.

    With regard to ranged weapons in solo play: You can't just grab a gun and head out without any knowledge of the system and expect to do well. The gunner classes in MH are very much a different game (which is why it was a good candidate for an alt for me). In the simpliest terms, to be optimum, you really just have to pick the bullet you want to shoot (e.g. Normal 2, Pierce 1, Rapid for Bows), and then built a set around shooting that as efficiently as possible. This includes picking a weapon. You should pick the bullet first then choose a weapon to go with that later.

    To do that you really have to know what every bullet in the game does, what the optimum range to shoot them from is and what skills you'll need to get the most out of it etc etc

    This feeds into a concept I've seen discussed online of damage reductions being inbuilt into both styles of play. For blademasters it's obviously that moment when your weapon sharpness drops. If you don't sharpen you have a permanent damage drop, and if you do sharpen, you loose dps via taking the time out of combat to sharpen your weapon. The only thing you need to overcome this are whetstones and maybe an investment in a skill like razor sharp. It's easily managed.

    For gunners though, the damage drop comes when you run out of your chosen bullet. You can offset this a bit by bringing combines for extra ones, or bringing the combo pro skill (if applicable), but generally when you run out of your preferred bullet, you suffer an incredibly bad and permanent damage drop. This continues to occur in tiers as well, as you run out of your "next best" bullets one after the other. This is very hard to manage and probably one of the core difficulties in playing the gunner class.

    They're totally viable in solo play though. For me currently I can really unload on a monster while my cat has their attention, but if they're not looking at my cat it feels a lot like a bullfight: Continuously fire at a charging monster, roll out of the way last minute, spin around and start shooting the still charging monster up it's arse. Rinse and repeat.

    You have a lot more opportunities to attack as a gunner (even if it's totally solo with no cats) because you never need to be right beside a monster to hit it.
    Star Lord wrote: »
    Your posts are hardly nonsense, they're great reading to be honest! :)

    Thanks! I have a bad habit of using multiple thousands of words when ten would suffice.
    Star Lord wrote: »
    Another Gypceros hater here too! That blinding flash and standing there dazed while he does his baby-on-rollerskates run towards you, and powerless as he starts spitting his poison, beating the buttons like you want to push them out the back of the 3DS, but to no avail...

    Gypceros is one of the best reason to promote Veliciprey armours, since it can be gemmed for that sweet sweet Negate Stun.

    One thing I didn't really notice until playing with my alt is how the mechanic of the flash works. It looks like it's basically a large spherical "hit" centred on Gyp that does 0 damage and max stun.

    I didn't realise this until I got knocked out of charging my bow by flashes.
    Even with negate stun, you still take the "hit", but take no damage and don't get dizzied. The action was probably always too frentic and/or I was using a blademaster weapon with superarmoured so I never noticed this.

    Logically as well, if it's a "Hit" you should just be able to sidestep or roll it with good timing.
    Star Lord wrote: »
    While I think on it, my main pet peeve with MH in general is that I'm such a poser...

    I thought this was going to be a post about being a fashion hunter and making sure your armour pieces match lol

    I think the "drink potion, flex, get hit by a monster" is one of the main reasons new players and people trying the demo think MH is slow and clunky and stupid and don't play it past that point.

    The way I always try to explain it to them is: The thing about Monster Hunter is that your base character is inherently flawed in a couple of ways, but you can spec your character to remove whatever aspect of the game most annoys you:

    - If you don't want to get swept up in unfair monster hitboxes while rolling, get an armourset with Evasion+1,2,3

    - If you don't want to be staggered while blocking using a Lance, Gunlance or Charged-up-Charge Blade and get an armourset with Guard+1,2

    - If you don't want to stand there flexing after eating items, get an armourset with Speed Eating+1,2

    - If you want to be able to use items without putting your weapon away, use SNS

    The rub is that you're not going to be able to (reasonably) eliminate ALL of these things in a single build, so you have to pick what bothers you the most, and build a set around that.

    Hopefully that gets them to stick around for long enough to me to start boring them to tears with epic yarns about my woes with bullet inefficiency...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    lol, thanks for reading my nonsense wall-o-text Banjo.

    Sorry, wasn't looking for recognition, I was trying to let you know that the length and level of detail of your posts is part of the appeal :D

    2 more Gypo capture fails. I keep forgetting that the Gathering Hall monsters can take more of a beating... it doesn't help that I crafted a number of traps and tranq bombs ahead of this hunt to mitigate my tendency for premature entrapulation, and then skipped off to the quest gate without taking them out of my storage box. Twice! But surely if you tranq a drooling, limping beast, then trap him, then shove 8 more tranqs down his nostrils, he should just take the hint and go the **** to sleep? Is it worth losing your life to make the point that you're not tired yet? *sigh* Maybe I should stop pussyfooting around with this glaive and go back to smashing faces open with my Charge Blade. Or maybe it's time to retreat to Animal Crossing for a while and rethink my life choices...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Made the Nerscylla HBG and Bow.

    They're remarkably similar. Great weapons with high raw and positive affinity, but with crappy ammo capacity.

    HBG can only siege fire pellet 1, poison 1 and sleep 1. All it's non-siege ammo have very small clip size and longer than average reload.

    The bow can only use sleep and poison coatings (no power, sad), but it does have power shot as it's ability, which I think is my first bow which has that.

    I took the HBG out on my only guild quest I'm high enough level to do (1 Vel, 1 Kut ku) and tore the monsters up pretty easily. I also finally had enough flame sacs from kut ku to upgrade his bow to be rare 2, whereupon it got good raw, decent fire element and the ability to use power coatings(!!!). The power coatings thing is huge because that's a 50% boost in damage. That could well be the biggest damage boost on any weapon in the whole game.

    A fire bow with power coatings should see me very nicely through my upcoming boat trip, but remember how I said I spent all my money on bullets and none on coatings, and now I'm completely poor?

    Yeah.... poor foresight on my part.

    I also still have not made that Ludroth LBG so I can RF some watershots. Which, ironically would have been the best weapon to use to farm Tetsucabra and Yian Kut Ku, who I had to kill a lot to make all their weapons.

    It's starting to feel like I really went about this gun run arseways, haha.
    Banjo wrote: »
    Sorry, wasn't looking for recognition, I was trying to let you know that the length and level of detail of your posts is part of the appeal :D

    2 more Gypo capture fails.

    Well if you enjoy an excessive amount of words, I am more than happy to comply.

    I assume you're familiar with how capturing works in general and how Gyppy is immune to shock traps specifically?

    Beyond that the best tip will always be to just free up 5 slots on your armour set, and plug in 5 perception jewels for that sweet sweet Capture Guru skill. No risk of accidentally murdering Gyppy yet.

    I've had a capture fail recently myself that resulted in me making my own cap guru armour, it was the Gendrome gathering hall quest.

    I was popping Normal 2 shots into the Gendrome's face, and switching between that and pellet to also kill his minions.

    At that point, the face broke and I saw a shiny on the ground.

    "Ooooh" I thought "I'll have that." and my hunter crouched down to begin the gathering animation.

    "He's probably nearly capable now" I thought "I should probably stop shooting him now anyway".

    As if via telepathy, my little ace palico nods his head. He's decked out in his full Blanka outfit and glows red, leaps dramatically into the air and swings his Brazil Fish straight and true.

    Gendrome dead. Quest failed. I didn't even finish the gathering animation on my shiny.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,123 ✭✭✭✭Star Lord

    D'oh! Damn you Blanka!!!


    Question for you guys, the DLC quests for the cool hunter/palico costumes, are these only available from a particular rank? I've carried out a quick search online, but it only mentions talking to the housekeeper, and then the person in the Guild Hall to initiate them, but they don't show up in my event quests yet.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Banjo wrote: »
    Sorry, wasn't looking for recognition, I was trying to let you know that the length and level of detail of your posts is part of the appeal :D

    2 more Gypo capture fails. I keep forgetting that the Gathering Hall monsters can take more of a beating... it doesn't help that I crafted a number of traps and tranq bombs ahead of this hunt to mitigate my tendency for premature entrapulation, and then skipped off to the quest gate without taking them out of my storage box. Twice! But surely if you tranq a drooling, limping beast, then trap him, then shove 8 more tranqs down his nostrils, he should just take the hint and go the **** to sleep? Is it worth losing your life to make the point that you're not tired yet? *sigh* Maybe I should stop pussyfooting around with this glaive and go back to smashing faces open with my Charge Blade. Or maybe it's time to retreat to Animal Crossing for a while and rethink my life choices...

    As baal said, perception would be your best bet if you still iffy on whole capture. I used a lot Nerscylla or what's it called set with that skill, all around was a great low rank set for me. Used it everywhere, even in bedroom to spice things up. :pac:
    Even if not full time set, it's still great for learning amd getting a feel of capturing monsters. I had an issue of killing them before they even start limping. Its all due to my way of playing with CB. I just wait for openings and then unleash whole hell on monster with charged up CB, then just realise I over done it and it's dead.

    As for my MH progress... It was not huge after leap I did few days ago. I actually went ott yesterday. Finally decoded to make myself great sword! Went for khezu one and upgraded it to rank 5. Had to kill two more of hr khezus for mats. All in all nice electric damage GS.
    Went to try out in woods. Was just g.jaggy and gypceros. Poor jaggy did not even see the number plates of **** truck that hit it. Then went for gypceros.was so satisfying to run to its face, while it was doing a dance I fully charged it up and hit it in a face!! Broke his head in one hit lol.
    After that Kut Kut and Rathalos joined in. They died same fate. I think I will stick to GS now. :)

    I looked in to whole armour for GS and at my level it's sad. I can't get anything with Focus and crit draw yet. I'll stick with my geno set, attack L and half stun.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    @STarlord - I think the Metroid armour was G-rank, so presumably some/all of the rest of them are?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,123 ✭✭✭✭Star Lord

    Damnit, it'll probably take me another year or two to get that far, and I really want to dress as Samus and do the 'prance' manouver...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    I like your optimism, the assumption that you will resist Generations long enough to get to G rank. Impressive!

    Just re-reading Shadowhearth's post... I'm wearing the Nerscylla armour. (in the game. Not at work. That would be silly. It's the female armor and I wouldn't fit into it) Hang on, are you telling me I already have the ability to see when a monster is trappable and I'm STILL screwing it up?


    I just googled it. I have Capture Guru AND Trap Master! What the hell is wrong with me?

    But I guess, thanks for letting me know :D

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,123 ✭✭✭✭Star Lord

    Banjo wrote: »
    I like your optimism, the assumption that you will resist Generations long enough to get to G rank. Impressive!
    Yeah, that's not going to happen, Generations looks too good to resist!
    Banjo wrote: »
    I just googled it. I have Capture Guru AND Trap Master! What the hell is wrong with me?
    Might have to investigate this Nerscylla armours myself, or just gem the ones I have as much as possible for those! I'm currently wearing a ghetto fabulous mixture of armours for Attack up XL...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Banjo wrote: »
    I like your optimism, the assumption that you will resist Generations long enough to get to G rank. Impressive!

    Just re-reading Shadowhearth's post... I'm wearing the Nerscylla armour. (in the game. Not at work. That would be silly. It's the female armor and I wouldn't fit into it) Hang on, are you telling me I already have the ability to see when a monster is trappable and I'm STILL screwing it up?


    I just googled it. I have Capture Guru AND Trap Master! What the hell is wrong with me?

    But I guess, thanks for letting me know :D

    Jaysus m8, you done goofed lol. What do you think it ment when pink dot on minimal started flashing? Monster is ready for some sexy time, it fully aroused? :D

    I don't really know about MH generations now. I love mh4. Its best in series so far. And the thing with monster hunter games is that they are still very similar, but at the same time stand alone as great games. You don't get the whole cod wide out of them where newer is better and you need to get updated. Monsters that you hunt in mh4 won't be all in MH X. Each MH brings something different to make it a stand alone entry of franchise that needs to be played.

    Most likely I will buy MH X on day one and play it. Its still not going to be out for few months so plenty of time to play. Even so, I don't feel like wasting time in mh4 just because new one soon. I net you I will go back to it after I played enough mhx. Just would be nice to play MH game when it's in peek of popularity and busy online rooms.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Wow, this thread got busy since I last checked it.

    I got my first talisman guys! Mined as a mystery charm in area 9 of the P. Forest while doing a Crystal Bone delivery quest. Ideally what I'd like is something with lots of points in Attack and slots for days, but really what I was expecting was something useless like Cold Res+1 or Poison C+2.

    What I actually got was...... Gathering +10. Wow. That's actually pretty amazing for a first charm on a new file. Now all my combat sets have free Gathering+1 built in, and my Leather gathering set has Gathering God and Divine Whim. Not bad at all.

    I'm ready to take that boat trip in the rain now and meet my destiny...

    Regarding MHX: Day 1 purchase for me. Absolutely. Two purchases really, will have to get one for the missus too.

    While the games get mechanically better with each iteration, there's a lot to be said for the unique content of each installment. I still think 3U has probably my favourite monster roster ever, and I find plenty of reasons to go back and play it. AFAIK the online for it is still active despite MH4U. That won't chance with MHX.

    I mean, jesus, I've been playing MH4U for like 18 months. How much did it cost me to buy? Does it even matter? That's value for goddamn money right there.

    Starlord: There are DLC quests for every rank. The only reason my Palico is Blanka is that you don't unlock scraps for regular costumes until Sunsnug island on Cheeko sands. I'm not that far yet. I got the Blanka costume via the Low Rank DLC quest "Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'" where you fight giant Konchus while naked. You access it via downloading all the DLC from either the main menu of the game or the chamberlain in your house. After that you can post the quests from the appropriate rank questatrix in the gathering hall. Also attack up XL is a great armourset. What weapon do you use?

    Shadowhearth: Glad you're digging Greatsword. It's a lot of fun especially if you're after tails.

    Banjo: Capture guru makes the monster's painted icon on the map flash when they're capable. So it will appear to do nothing if you don't paintball the monster or never look at your map. It helps to zoom in the map (pause and press Y I think) to be sure you don't miss that flash.

    If you can run Cap Guru and Autotracker on the same set (possible but difficult in the early game), you don't need paintballs ever.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,123 ✭✭✭✭Star Lord

    Starlord: There are DLC quests for every rank. The only reason my Palico is Blanka is that you don't unlock scraps for regular costumes until Sunsnug island on Cheeko sands. I'm not that far yet. I got the Blanka costume via the Low Rank DLC quest "Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'" where you fight giant Konchus while naked. You access it via downloading all the DLC from either the main menu of the game or the chamberlain in your house. After that you can post the quests from the appropriate rank questatrix in the gathering hall. Also attack up XL is a great armourset. What weapon do you use?

    Still using the "Dear Lutemia" Charge Blade, which is the second Rathian CB. So I've attack boosts up the wazoo, but my defensive abilities really need some work. Not got to play much (if at all!) this week though, but might get in some time this evening or the evenings this weekend!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    Congrats on the talisman UPB!

    I know its cheating but if the boat fight is going badly keep standing on the edge of the boat and let him knock you off so you can swim back on board. You can have a nap or drink some supplies, maybe smoke a cigar or write a play. Magala is a true gent and will wait for you

    Banjo: Capture guru makes the monster's painted icon on the map flash when they're capable. So it will appear to do nothing if you don't paintball the monster or never look at your map. It helps to zoom in the map (pause and press Y I think) to be sure you don't miss that flash.

    Wait.... There's a pause button???

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,123 ✭✭✭✭Star Lord

    Banjo wrote: »
    I know its cheating but if the boat fight is going badly keep standing on the edge of the boat and let him knock you off so you can swim back on board.

    Or just jump overboard?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    Star Lord wrote: »
    Or just jump overboard?

    It wouldn't let me jump. Maybe I just hadn't found the sweet spot. I was a little preoccupied, what with the football field sized death machine trying to rip my face off with its snaily-boppers n all...

  • Registered Users Posts: 175 ✭✭Withrax

    Star Lord wrote: »
    D'oh! Damn you Blanka!!!


    Question for you guys, the DLC quests for the cool hunter/palico costumes, are these only available from a particular rank? I've carried out a quick search online, but it only mentions talking to the housekeeper, and then the person in the Guild Hall to initiate them, but they don't show up in my event quests yet.

    Star Lord you have to download them first. You can do that by talking to the housekeeper. A lot of them are low/high rank too. Like the sonic, mario and blanka ones. just search this page for the gear you want

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    I finished work a bit early last night so had tiny bit of time for MH. Needless to say I was ****ingAround with my GS!
    Did all key quests for gathering hall 2 stars and got urgent to progress to 3 star. Its going to be gore magala... Now it was piss easy to do the 2 stars with GS and I was more messing then being efficient. Learning stuff. I might use that GS to gore magala too and not play safe with Seregios CB. **** it, if I get carted too much I'll bring CB and rail Road the bastard. :)
    Hoping to finish at good time work today and hopefully misses will be tired, so I will try gore magala. It was ages since I hunted it in caravan quests and I wonder how much harder it's going to be solo gathering hall.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    HR2 bitches!

    I know its not much but I've never HRed up before.

    Funny how wimpy some caravan monsters seem after a couple of gathering hall smackdowns. Iodrome was duly smoten, but with my newfound capture master abilities I could see he was in very bad shape very quickly.

    Is it worth crafting a heat-proof or cold-proof set (lagombi and plesioth I think) for extreme environments?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    Banjo wrote: »
    HR2 bitches!

    I know its not much but I've never HRed up before.

    Funny how wimpy some caravan monsters seem after a couple of gathering hall smackdowns. Iodrome was duly smoten, but with my newfound capture master abilities I could see he was in very bad shape very quickly.

    Is it worth crafting a heat-proof or cold-proof set (lagombi and plesioth I think) for extreme environments?

    Gratz. Finally not a a noob. :D funny enough I did Hunt last night before sleep and it was key quest gore magala. I am now hr3! :D i did it with GS too!

    So you finally good at capturing hehe. The set is very handy. I love it, was even thinking making hr one. I love how it looks.

    Don't bother with those sets m8, just use hot or cold drinks when needed. Use sets for better skills.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    I beat all my pre-"lets take our boat for a ride" quests so that I wouldn't feel like I was cheesing this file by skipping any hard quests and coming back to them later when I was stronger.

    So I finished every single possible quest EXCEPT for "Deliver 4 Small Goldenfish", because I don't like fishing quests at the best of times. Even when they're made significantly easier with Outdoorsman (which I don't have), so I refused to piss around in case it turned out like this

    Small Goldenfish are thankfully farmable at the Sunsnug island minigame, so I'll just post the quest later when I already HAVE the 4 stupid fish and I can beat it in exactly 2 seconds.
    Banjo wrote: »
    Congrats on the talisman UPB!

    Thanks! It's STILL the only one I have, but a free gathering skill might be one of the best early game skills. If only I was hardcore enough to running around killing all the big monsters in leather gathering armour..
    Banjo wrote: »
    I know its cheating but if the boat fight is going badly keep standing on the edge of the boat and let him knock you off so you can swim back on board. You can have a nap or drink some supplies, maybe smoke a cigar or write a play. Magala is a true gent and will wait for you

    Would you believe, I ended up doing exactly this fairly often, as the boat fight did not go well at all.

    I thought bringing my Kut Ku bow would make this a cake walk.

    Power coatings and effective fire element! What could go wrong?

    The problem, as it turns out is that this ain't Pokemon son, effective element won't carry you through a hard fight, and bow has a very particular optimum range. When Gore Magala is on the boat, he's too close. When he's flying, he's too far away. Unlike every other map in the game as well, the boat one doesn't allow you to freely choose what range you stand in, so this fight was just mostly me trying to get to optimum distance, and Gore Magala beating the tar out of me.

    I did pass the quest without dying, but it felt like the damage was 50% Dragonator, 25% Ballista, 20% Cat and 5% Me. Woeful performance by me.

    I wasn't even the one to repel it, my cat got the last hit.
    Banjo wrote: »
    Wait.... There's a pause button???

    Not sure if you're joking, because I said pause button when I meant menu button, but there is also a pause option in the menu. I never use it specifically because you can pause the game by closing the clamshell and unpausing it by pressing anything at all.

    In multiplayer closing the clamshell will immediately disconnect you, but you can thankfully finish the quest on your own if you want (In Tri a disconnect would bump you all the way back to the gathering hall).The ghosts of your teammates will stay where they were standing for a short while, which is the only way to get miiverse screenshots of multiple players.
    Star Lord wrote: »
    Or just jump overboard?
    Banjo wrote: »
    It wouldn't let me jump. Maybe I just hadn't found the sweet spot. I was a little preoccupied, what with the football field sized death machine trying to rip my face off with its snaily-boppers n all...

    Banjo's right. I couldn't just jump overboard. I've been throwing myself accidentally off that little boat since the event-only Jhen Moran fight in MH Tri, so it's fair to say I'm pretty familiar with it. The scripted Gore even seems to use a different boat level, because the only way I found I was able to throw myself into the ocean was getting hit hard, or running away from Gore Magala and superman diving off the edge. Regular run and roll tactics weren't doing it.

    After I beat that quest I got access to Cheeko sands finally, and did the Congalala quest to unlock more Cat sidekicks. Now I can finally start collecting them. It probably would have been more optimum to rush to this quest first, and then collect cats while mopping up the easier quests, but if there's one thing my alt character has NOT been, it's optimum lol

    I finished work a bit early last night so had tiny bit of time for MH. Needless to say I was ****ingAround with my GS!
    Did all key quests for gathering hall 2 stars and got urgent to progress to 3 star. Its going to be gore magala... Now it was piss easy to do the 2 stars with GS and I was more messing then being efficient. Learning stuff. I might use that GS to gore magala too and not play safe with Seregios CB. **** it, if I get carted too much I'll bring CB and rail Road the bastard. :)
    Hoping to finish at good time work today and hopefully misses will be tired, so I will try gore magala. It was ages since I hunted it in caravan quests and I wonder how much harder it's going to be solo gathering hall.

    There's no harm bringing weapons you're not 100% confident with on most quests, the only ones I wouldn't do that for are the actual urgents, since they're often slightly higher in difficulty.

    I'm sure you can GS Gore to pieces.
    Banjo wrote: »
    HR2 bitches!


    Banjo wrote: »
    Is it worth crafting a heat-proof or cold-proof set (lagombi and plesioth I think) for extreme environments?

    As SH said, no.
    Gratz. Finally not a a noob. :D funny enough I didn't Hunt last night before sleep audit was key quest gore magala. I am not hr3! :D i did it with GS too!

    Grats also! I replied to your earlier post before seeing you had posted again, lol.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 429 ✭✭Linoud

    I think I used DB for Gore Magala, but it could've been Greatsword. I'm more positive it was dual blades though. I think I couldn't resist using my chainsaws >.>

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Wall of text incoming, be warned.

    I've had a situation in the game more recently where the NPCs have been throwing more good quests at me than I know what to do with, and I'm not sure which to do first.

    "Do this and upgrade your kitchen"
    "Do this and upgrade your Wycoon"
    "Do this and upgrade your cat island"

    Alright alright, one at a time. Sheesh.

    As I mentioned previously I needed to do the Congalala to get recruitable cats. I'm glad I had Autotracker as I'm not sure I would have thought to look for him in the cat area where Large Monsters can never ever appear, but he did. He was so laughably easy I don't even remember the fight. I just know I brought the Kut Ku bow and broke his hair comb.

    Beating this unlocked the cat house on Sunsnug and the fishing minigame, and my very first fish haul was my old pal Plesioth. So I can start collecting
    Plesioth parts for his LBG and HBG (which I use on my main file because they're easy to make), and use the catching machine on regular fish to replenish bullet and coating reagents.

    Also this let me finally set my first first stringer, which I think is a scripted healing cat called "Calico". I collected hundreds of cats on my main file, and none of them were ever called that, so that's why I think he's pre-determined. He's a healing cat, so setting him meant my main cat would play more healing horns than normal, which was nice.

    I've also decided that another requirement of my alt file is that I must nickname every cat I recruit (Nuzlock style), mostly because iirc you can't rename them after hiring, and I never paid attention to or cared about their names. As a result my main file ended up with an annoying abundance of Quarks, Watsons and Davids.

    Then I beat a Slagtoth quest for the Wycoon so I could have 2 carts multiplying items at once (very important). I brought a LBG to this quest because at this point I just feel pity for its low usage.

    Next quest was to rescue the Meownster Hunters from the Zamtrios, which I brought the Kut Ku bow to again. That was fun because the top charge level of the Bow is Spread, which (if you are unfamiliar with bows) shoots out 5 arrows simultaneously in a kind of horizontal fan shape.

    The issue with spread bowing is generally that you want all 5 arrows to hit the monster, but also you want to stand in optimal bow range, which is usually too far away for all 5 arrows to hit. So you'll often be in the situation where you have to choose which not-optimal range to stand at.

    This is NOT a problem with hilariously inflated Zamtrios though. He gets so ridiculously big that he occupies that weird sweetspot where you can stand far enough away to do max damage and none of your arrows will miss.

    On top of that, his inflated belly is his weakest point for shot AND fire damage, so it was a wonderful "stars aligning" moment for me and my fire arrows. I was doing pro mlg speedrunning damage to the poor shark.
    He left the area I met him by limping away to have a sleep.

    I got three poison applications too by bringing max coatings and grabbing the extra 15 from the box. Probably not optimal to go for status but poisoning things is fun, and iirc Zamtrios has a lot of health.

    Beating this quest unlocked the Meownster Hunters mini-game so I can finally make more cat gear than just the Blanka costume.
    Also got a cat injection bringing my palico population up to around 7. Thankfully the spares came wearing equipment, which I stripped off and redistributed to more useful cats.

    Then the typical "You could do that, or..." of Monster Hunter started to rear it's ugly head. Cheeko Sands Village chief wants me to fight a Najarala to upgrade my kitchen. I've also been after his parts to upgrade a few guns for ages. He's weak to Lightning and Ice, two weapons I don't have. So I could do that... OR I could farm Zamtrios and Khezu (just unlocked) to make the corresponding weapons to make that fight easier.

    I opted to not fall into this trap, and even though I felt uneasy about the Najarala (I don't like fighting it as a blademaster) I just brought the Nerscylla
    HBG and decided my strategy was to ignore element and put my trust in high affinty and raw and "Shoot it inna face".

    The quest went........ remarkably easily. Being able to just pop bullets up his beak made the usually difficult task of face breaking laughably easy. I broke it so fast I didn't actually believe I had broken it, I assumed I was seeing things. It wasn't until I flinched his face 3 or 4 more times that I moved onto shooting him in the back for the subquest rewards.

    He did very nearly one-shot me with an angry slam attack, and I suspect his trap/coil/dig combo is something I would never survive. The inherent weakness of unupgraded gunner armour is showing itself here. I hope I get new armor spheres soon.

    Fresh of my crushing victory over the Najarala I ran on with my Ner HBG and overflowing enthusiasm straight into the heavily scripted
    "Protect the Ace Hunters" versus the Gore Magala expedition. Mostly because my Ace Palico buggered off and I wanted him back.:pac:

    This went by pretty quickly. It was funny at certain points when the Cadet was like "Oh no, a pack of 6 Veliciprey! Protect us while I blow up this wall" and in every situation I'd just go into Siege Mode, Crouch fire pellet 1, and kill all small monsters simultaneously in about 4 shots.

    The Gore Magala had his serious face on and did kill me once. He is a lot stronger than my current level of armour. I've unlocked his proper non-scripted kill quest now, so I'm going to soldier on in the hopes I can use him as a Tesco self service checkout for purple coloured guns.

    What to bring though?

    The high raw, high affinity but slow walkspeed/slow reload Nerscylla HBG?

    The decent raw, fire elemental Kut Ku bow?

    Or a light bow gun, with no useful attributes, stats nor element of any kind?

    Only time and the alignment of the universe will tell!
    If I have enough materials to bring max power coatings I'm bringing the bow, if not it's the HBG.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,123 ✭✭✭✭Star Lord

    Sounds like you're making pretty rapid progress!
    Think I'm at a stage where I need to up my evasion game, or up my armour as much as possible, as there's a few quests that just send me home looking sheepish and bruised... The double frenzy khezus for example, are an embarrassing combo that I've just not managed to beat into submission yet, they just seem to manage to sucker hit me every time. Manage to get just one of them in an area, concentrating on not getting shocked and pummelled, when the other one sneaks in behind me and shocks and pummels me... And then the other one joins in because it looks like great craic to them...

    That damn windbag of a Emerald Congalala too, every time I think I'm making a dent on him, lopes off and starts chewing on his mushroom. Need to focus on the tail next time perhaps!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    Is the Khezu the thing with an arse for a face and an arse for an arse? Not a fan of the regular flavour, not looking forward to the frenzied variety. Do they react to Dung Bombs, or is there a shock-proof armour / gem set?

    Reading UPB updates is always so bitter-sweet, gets me all fired up to try a ranged weapon, but then the reality of the ranged weapons and my level of understanding and ability to use them hits and I'm back in the doldrums. Maybe I'll throw an aul' gunlance together or something as a half-way house?

    Just noticed that there are a few references to Leather Armour in previous posts - I don't have any and never have, but when I looked at the skills it brings, there's one called Gather. Am I a mug for not crafting this to use on Harvest Tours?

    The thing about MH that really gets it's hooks deep into me is the way you face an impossible situation, take stock, then go back and kick that situation's arse. Gravios bated me around the place the first time, but I guess the lizard part of my brain was watching and learning, because in the rematch it very much the other way around, and I was amazed at how telegraphed most of his moves are. It's difficult to feel like a big man on campus when you're literally nibbling at the heels of a behemoth, but once he starts limping and you're gleefully jabbing his skull while playing rodeo you're the king of the world...

    And now, at last, I have outpaced my original MH4 save game. It's virgin earth and fresh blood from here on out.

    Faced off with the frenzied Congala. Got covered in a lot of ****, and drank a lot of potions, but spanked him good. At last I've got an airship, I can start gathering Gossamite Ore for my Nerscylla glaive update. Huzzah! Meanwhile there's a Zinogre - whatever the hell that is - and a Rathalos waiting in the wings to maul my face / become a sweet hilt for an awesome blade (delete as applicable)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Star Lord wrote: »
    Sounds like you're making pretty rapid progress!

    It will seem like it when I write thousands of words about it. I think it was closer to like four 12-minute long quests on a lunch break. I foresee a lot of attempts at Gore Magala in my immediate future.

    Not because I expect to fail, but because I expect to want to make all 3 of his weapons, and that will take a lot of attempts.

    I just hope to christ none of his gun weapons need tail carves, because I have no viable way of lopping them off.

    I know I could look all this stuff up in advance, but I find it more fun to just bumble my way through weapon upgrading in the hopes of finding an unexpected gem.
    Star Lord wrote: »
    Think I'm at a stage where I need to up my evasion game, or up my armour as much as possible, as there's a few quests that just send me home looking sheepish and bruised... The double frenzy khezus for example, are an embarrassing combo that I've just not managed to beat into submission yet, they just seem to manage to sucker hit me every time. Manage to get just one of them in an area, concentrating on not getting shocked and pummelled, when the other one sneaks in behind me and shocks and pummels me... And then the other one joins in because it looks like great craic to them...
    Banjo wrote: »
    Is the Khezu the thing with an arse for a face and an arse for an arse? Not a fan of the regular flavour, not looking forward to the frenzied variety. Do they react to Dung Bombs, or is there a shock-proof armour / gem set?

    They don't see you, so iirc you can't panic run/dive away from their attacks (might be thinking of MH2), but they definitely don't play any theme music, which I think is boring as hell.

    Surprisingly, since they hunt by smell, dung bombs aren't a crazy OP Khezu disabling weapon, they just work no more or less effectively as they do on a Rathian.

    You COULD go all in on high elemental resistance if you wanted, or gem in 10 points in Paralysis to prevent yourself from being disabled by the shock attacks, but I feel like gearing yourself up to fight Khezus is just a waste of time and resources.

    You might just fair better by focusing on blocking his body shocks (remember once you block the start of an animation, the rest of it can't hit you), so when he does Blanka electricity, you could guard point the start of it, and then press X+A to combo from the guard point into a burst attack. Your Rathian CB is the perfect elemebt so you should be doing great damage. Avoid his projectiles though, because iirc from MH2, they're unblockable without guard up.

    Khezu is one of the many many monsters I am disappointed to see return from MH2. It just looks, as Banjo said, like a pale fat lump with two arses.

    This harkens back to why I'll say that I prefer 3U, even though 4U is the "better" game.

    I thought poison Gigginox and his electric subspecies were far more interesting, more different and better animated, as far as double-arsed-giant-cave-dwelling-parasite-monsters go.

    Not to spoil things, but Khezu's subspecies is just red. It has minor attack differences, and an arbitrarily different elemental weakness, but is basically the same monster in a different colour.

    I feel the same way about Purple Gyp, Blue Kut Ku, Emerald Conga, White Monoblos and Black Diablos. Hell even splitting Mono/Diablos into two different monsters was dodgy padding in the first place.

    If you look back at 3U at the way they did subspecies: Electric Qurupeco, Snow Barroth, Sand Barioth, Poison Ludroth, Nibelsnarf, Water Agnaktor etc etc. All drastically different appearance/attack/element/environment.

    And even when there was a differently coloured but same element subspecies, the Ivory Lagiacrus, it felt like a completely different fight because of how much they redesigned it.

    The only really weak subspecies from 3U I thought were the Steel Uragaan and Mud Duramboros, who just weren't different enough.
    Star Lord wrote: »
    That damn windbag of a Emerald Congalala too, every time I think I'm making a dent on him, lopes off and starts chewing on his mushroom. Need to focus on the tail next time perhaps

    What armour/skills have you currently?

    As I mentioned, I think this is a stupid monster and a stupid fight. He's weak to ice iirc, but the only really useful advice I can give you is that Bio Researcher is a 10 point "2 points per single gem" skill that is very easy to gem into any armourset. This makes you immune to being farted on and preventing your item usage. I imagine that's the only thing causing you difficulties.

    Bio researcher also makes you immune to blast blight/slime and makes your dung bombs more effective, so if you make a version of your current armourset with it gemmed in, you'll get a lot of milage out of it later too.
    Banjo wrote: »
    Reading UPB updates is always so bitter-sweet, gets me all fired up to try a ranged weapon, but then the reality of the ranged weapons and my level of understanding and ability to use them hits and I'm back in the doldrums. Maybe I'll throw an aul' gunlance together or something as a half-way house?

    I think Gunlance is poorly named. It's not the halfway point between gunning and blademastering. I feel like a more apt name would be the "Bomb Stick".

    The real halfway point between gunning and blademastering is the bloody Bow.

    The best way to gun is to do the exact opposite of what I'm doing: Don't play through the game as the 3rd class citizen that is a gunner. Don't spent your whole file fretting about being able to afford bullets. Don't stress out about having zero useful armour skills for most of the game. Wait till you're endgame, then make one or two incredibly effective ranged weapons + armoursets, and try them out then. That's what I did in every single MH file, except these purposeful limited alts.

    End-game gunning is great fun. Anything earlier than that feels like running with weights on you feet.
    Banjo wrote: »
    Just noticed that there are a few references to Leather Armour in previous posts - I don't have any and never have, but when I looked at the skills it brings, there's one called Gather. Am I a mug for not crafting this to use on Harvest Tours?


    Full low rank leather gives Gathering+1(or 2?) which is a skill that gives you more chance to get more items from resources on every gather/bug/mining/honey/bonepile etc etc.

    It also gives the Whim skill, which makes it less likely your pickaxes/bugnets (also horns/boomerangs) will break when you use them.

    So just bringing a set of low rank leather armour on gathering quests practically guarantees you will get more items, at the cost of less resources (pickaxes etc).

    High rank leather armour is where it's at though, and what I am looking forward to in gearsets, because that also throws in Speed Gathering, which reduces the gathering animation to like a third of the time.

    An ideal gathering set would be Gathering+20 (Gathering God), Whim+15 (Divine Whim), and Speed Gather+10 (Speed Gatherer). That will just make your life way easier.

    The one downside is that all the leather armour has paper defense, so if any large monster show up, they'll probably one shot you.

    On my main file I used leather and hr leather armour right the way up to G3, but I eventually had to use Athena's Ass to make a custom armour set with G rank defenses, because I was getting 2 shot by Jaggis (not even Great Jaggis or Jaggia, the littlest ones).
    Banjo wrote: »
    The thing about MH that really gets it's hooks deep into me is the way you face an impossible situation, take stock, then go back and kick that situation's arse. Gravios bated me around the place the first time, but I guess the lizard part of my brain was watching and learning, because in the rematch it very much the other way around, and I was amazed at how telegraphed most of his moves are. It's difficult to feel like a big man on campus when you're literally nibbling at the heels of a behemoth, but once he starts limping and you're gleefully jabbing his skull while playing rodeo you're the king of the world...

    Haha, well done. I am not looking forward to my first run in with Gravios. Giant sweeping unblockable flame lasers will not mesh well with my paper gunner defenses.

    Banjo wrote: »
    And now, at last, I have outpaced my original MH4 save game. It's virgin earth and fresh blood from here on out.

    Faced off with the frenzied Congala. Got covered in a lot of ****, and drank a lot of potions, but spanked him good. At last I've got an airship, I can start gathering Gossamite Ore for my Nerscylla glaive update. Huzzah! Meanwhile there's a Zinogre - whatever the hell that is - and a Rathalos waiting in the wings to maul my face / become a sweet hilt for an awesome blade (delete as applicable)

    I think I might not understand the story behind your current attempts. Is this your 2nd save file in MH4u itself? And you're further now than you were originally?

    What made you restart?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    I think I might not understand the story behind your current attempts. Is this your 2nd save file in MH4u itself? And you're further now than you were originally?

    What made you restart?

    3rd actually.
    I started the game up fast, without paying any attention to my character look or name, downloaded the once-per-cartridge/NNID starter pack (which I thought was once per character) then realised I wouldn't want to play online as Chesty McBooberson and started over. That 2nd playthrough stalled out at tail end of the Gore Magala quests for various reasons. And then I started over a few weeks ago with a new weapon set (rather than jump back in to the old save with the Zamtrios and Gore Magala who were both giving me and my long sword a lot of trouble). Besides, I was mostly playing on my lunch break and events conspired to make that difficult.

    This thread made me restart.
    Hunter war stories are infectious :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Banjo wrote: »
    3rd actually.
    I started the game up fast, without paying any attention to my character look or name, downloaded the once-per-cartridge/NNID starter pack (which I thought was once per character) then realised I wouldn't want to play online as Chesty McBooberson and started over. That 2nd playthrough stalled out at tail end of the Gore Magala quests for various reasons. And then I started over a few weeks ago with a new weapon set (rather than jump back in to the old save with the Zamtrios and Gore Magala who were both giving me and my long sword a lot of trouble). Besides, I was mostly playing on my lunch break and events conspired to make that difficult.

    This thread made me restart.
    Hunter war stories are infectious :D

    Haha, Hunter war stories are definitely infectious.

    Jaysus, I know it's a pretty natural thing to restart in games when you forget where you are, but I can't imagine doing it in MH. My urge to play MH games kinda comes and goes with the tides, but I never have any problem picking up where I left off.

    The main reason I'm playing a gun alt now is that I don't want my main character to outpace my missus' one, and being a solo gunner adds some definite challenge.

    It took me a while to realise, but the once per cartridge NNID starter pack is the reason that my main file had a totally OP Luigi skinned Palico for most of my playthrough, whereas this alt was wearing rare 1 acorn crap for ages until I realised the DLC Blanka Outfit was available before the ability to craft Palico gear.

    I realise I misremembered as well, I didn't only gun in the end games of all the MH games. This was only true in Tri. I'd actually generally make a general use set at the start of the game for both classes (Jaggi in 3U and Vel in 4U), and then in HR this would branch out into a specifically good blademaster gearset (Volvidon S in 3U, Mix set I linked before for Sharpness+1 in 4U), and a specifically good gunner one (Azure Rath in 3U, Mix set I linked before in 4U).

    High rank might be a good place to dabble in gunning if you're still interested. I wouldn't do it any earlier. I can't really recommend any sets because I'm less familiar with 4U gunning (this knowledge is steadily increasing as I play the alt), but the best place to get started is always with an armourset with Normal Up, and a HBG with good Normal2 clip size, or a LBG that can rapid fire Normal2.

    Only ever fire that bullet, and bring combines to make more. This way you can bring about 400 per quest which is more than enough.

    Then just stand as close to the monster as you feel safe, and shoot them in their shot weakpoint for massive damage.

    This is both remarkably simple and surprisingly effective.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22,929 ✭✭✭✭ShadowHearth

    So yesterday was my last day of 6 day 11h++ each day work marathon. How did I celebrated it? After misses felt a sleep I played MH4 until 6 in the morning after 11h shift. :D

    During my work binge I only did 2 quests. First one was Brute Tigrex 9star Carava. I did it to show a lad at work 3DS and MH4. Needless to say he just was amazed by 3DS and MH4. He never heard of it. I mentioned I might sell my 3ds as I want to upgrade to XL and he wants to buy it from me hehe.

    As for B. Tigrex himself - I spanked him very easily. I was actually surprised. I am still using seregios CB for my hard progress quests.
    Other quests I did before work was Lagombi and Red Khezu 8 Star Caravan. Lagombi went down like a sack of potatoes, but Khezu still tried to fight for its life. Stupidly got cought by one of his Lightning strikes and got stunned. Needless to say he just carted me right after it. Came back very angry and gave him a nice slap!

    Last night was a bit more interesting. I decided to clean up some HR caravan quests. Went for Monoblos capture 8star. On first try I just whaled on it like no tomorrow. Killed him.... Now annoying thing is I cant see its limping animation or it there was non. Quest failed... And I was doing so great - cut off his tail, broke head and clipped wings. Second time I was more careful and was holding myself back. At some point I was just throwing few punches and then checking if he is limping. Stil no limping and I droped one trap and tried to capture him, but it failed. Then, I **** you not, threw 3 punches and he started limping... Captured him, unfortunately have no need for his parts.

    Now next quest was my " **** YOU MH4!!!!" quest. Guess who I tackles? Azure rathalos? Nah, Seregios? Nah, those guys are weaklings. HR gore magala? Please... That thing is laughable. I did the most hardest quests, which only the hunters with biggest grapes can undertake and not throw 3DS in to a wall. The quest is: Powderstone delivery 8star caravan!!! From now on, all these delivery quests can **** off, and **** off fast!!! Powderstone actually burns you, so you need to make it as fast as possible to box or you will just die! You cant use pots! Thanks god I use Palicios who are healing based. At one point I was in the last arae before delivery box, jumped on the wall and started climbing... And out of nowhere Konchu rammed at me in his crappy ballsack form!!! I was furious!!! To make it wors I could not go in to a a longish "****" monologue as at it was around 5 in the morning and misses sleeping next to me... I managed to do that Q with few minutes leftover. Never ever again, unless I just have to, I will be doing these delivery quests.

    My last hunt was Zinogre and Gravios duo 9star caravan. Oh that was some fight... When you got them both in one area, get ready to be slapped around like a rag doll. Imagine Gravios doing his pew pew LAZOR in to your face, while you got Zinogre jumping around, like it just did 5 lines cocaine. Was fun fight, but very hard. Zinogre is just waaaaaaay to mobile for my liking. Not as bad as Azure Rathalos, but still, very scary.

    So thats my little progress. I am off today and tomorrow so I will try to play a bit more. Hopefully will advance more in 9Star Caravan or finally start 3star Gathering hall. I started playing a bit of Vanilla Wow with friends last week, but looks like its ddosed to hell. So MH4 or Mad Max on the menu. :)#

    Edit: Sorry, it became a wall of text with no paragraphs for some reason. just ignores my paragraphing and jams it all in one big blob. I will just do spaces between them to make it a bit easier to read, as I know, its hard to read my post as is, specially when my auto correct on the phone has a very strong connection with Narnia...
