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Dance lessons in Newbridge/Naas area

  • 20-04-2016 11:52am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1


    I was wondering if anyone could recommend somewhere for couples dance lessons in the Newbridge/Naas area. I've looked around but most of the places I've found through google are for kids or have shut down... The lessons are for our wedding.

    Has anyone here had good experiences with any place in the area?



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭matchthis

    Welcome to boards and such an appropriate username! Although I don't have anywhere to recommend, I would suggest you keep an eye on the notice boards at the entrance of super valu stores as they normally have leaflets/ advertisements for things like this.
    Wedding fairs and hotel wedding planners might be a good place to ask too

    Maybe a post in the wedding forum, might get a recommendation. A good place to have a read through in the run up to the big day

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 982 ✭✭✭VincePP

    A quick Google shows up based in Newbridge and specialising in wedding dance tutorial
