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Due January 2017



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,093 ✭✭✭rawn

    I'm actually píssed off waiting to hear from the Rotunda now. Would it be an issue if I called a different hospital and tried to get an appointment there? Or do I need to do it through my GP? I spoke to her this morning and she basically just told me to keep ringing them and making appointments >.<

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,093 ✭✭✭rawn

    Not at all, she just told me to keep calling them as "sometimes things get lost in translation". I'm going to call the Coombe tomorrow and ask will they take me on instead.

    Did anyone else have to call their hospital themselves to get an appointment? I assumed the GP sent a letter?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭catrionanic

    Gp sent letter to Holles st and they contacted me

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,093 ✭✭✭rawn

    I was given a letter to bring with me on my first appointment, which i was to make myself. I was on anxiety meds and was weaned off when i got pregnant so the letter included a referral to the psychiatrist, so I'm extra annoyed at the wait! I contacted Holles St so I'm hoping to hear back from them this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭catrionanic

    I just had my first appt with Holles st (I'm 12 weeks 5 days). It was with the midwife so there was no scan. She took bloods and a urine sample, and listened to the heart with a Doppler. My next hospital appt will be at 21 weeks for my scan then.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,093 ✭✭✭rawn

    I booked a private scan for Wednesday (got tired of waiting!) Do i need to do anything to "prepare"?! Someone mentioned i should have a full bladder to get a clearer picture, are they winding me up?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    Rawn no it's not a wind up, fuller bladder makes it easier to see the baby. Not so full that you're bursting to go but pretty full, can always reduce the amount if needed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,093 ✭✭✭rawn

    Got my private scan done today. Worth very single cent!! I can't believe how perfectly clear the image was, we could see individual fingers and all! Baby is healthy and extremely active, a workmate was commenting saying the Rotunda scans are nowhere near as clear so I would definitely recommend the clinic I was at! Not sure if I can name it here but if anyone is interested let me know!

  • Registered Users Posts: 122 ✭✭cupcake queen

    rawn wrote: »
    Got my private scan done today. Worth very single cent!! I can't believe how perfectly clear the image was, we could see individual fingers and all! Baby is healthy and extremely active, a workmate was commenting saying the Rotunda scans are nowhere near as clear so I would definitely recommend the clinic I was at! Not sure if I can name it here but if anyone is interested let me know!

    That sounds brilliant Rawn! We had our 12 week scan a couple of weeks ago and until I actually saw the baby on the screen I was a little bit afraid that I was imagining the whole pregnancy! We have the 20 week scan at the start of Sept and I can't wait 😊Did you get your hospital appointment all sorted in the end?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,093 ✭✭✭rawn

    That sounds brilliant Rawn! We had our 12 week scan a couple of weeks ago and until I actually saw the baby on the screen I was a little bit afraid that I was imagining the whole pregnancy! We have the 20 week scan at the start of Sept and I can't wait 😊Did you get your hospital appointment all sorted in the end?

    Aw good I'm delighted for you, i know what you mean about the imagining thing, for the whole scan i couldn't stop laughing, kept saying "it's a baby in there!". Not a dickie-bird from the Rotunda yet, i went in myself last Monday week and they were extremely rude about the whole thing, and said (like they say every time!) that i will hear from them in 2 weeks., its been a week and a half now! I also sent an online app to Holles St and left them a voice mail about 3 weeks ago and haven't heard anything from them either, gotta say i feel pretty invisible in the whole thing... private scan eased my worries so much though

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  • Registered Users Posts: 122 ✭✭cupcake queen

    rawn wrote: »
    Aw good I'm delighted for you, i know what you mean about the imagining thing, for the whole scan i couldn't stop laughing, kept saying "it's a baby in there!". Not a dickie-bird from the Rotunda yet, i went in myself last Monday week and they were extremely rude about the whole thing, and said (like they say every time!) that i will hear from them in 2 weeks., its been a week and a half now! I also sent an online app to Holles St and left them a voice mail about 3 weeks ago and haven't heard anything from them either, gotta say i feel pretty invisible in the whole thing... private scan eased my worries so much though

    I can imagine. That's ridiculous that they are being so difficult. I hope you get word in the next few days and then you can relax about it!

    I guess we are all pretty much in the second trimester now! I am not at all sorry to leave the first one behind :) Feeling better than I have in weeks. How is everyone else doing?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,093 ✭✭✭rawn

    Second trimester is definitely more fun than first!

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Cailleachdubh

    I'm 4 months tomorrow (17+2)! Baby bump feels like it's properly starting to show now as the bloating has subsided.

    I can't complain too much about the first trimester but the 2nd trimester Is definitely better so far! Way more energy, headaches much frequent and the constant gnawing hunger has resolved itself. Feeling good overall, which is just as well cause I just started a new job that involves long hours and lots of running around. So I'll need all the energy I can get!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,093 ✭✭✭rawn

    So I get a text from the Rotunda at 4:30pm this afternoon "reminding me" that I have an appointment at 8:30am tomorrow. This is the first and only time they contacted me, I'm livid! I don't finish work until 12am tonight, I'll be up at 6am to get there for 8:30am. I'll be there for god knows how long then I'm in work again from 4pm to 12am. I can't arrange anything with work on such short notice. I know I shuld just be glad to finally get an appointment (and I will be!) but right now I'm just fuming. I'd like to say I'll give them i piece of my mind but it's more likely that I will just cry :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 122 ✭✭cupcake queen

    rawn wrote: »
    So I get a text from the Rotunda at 4:30pm this afternoon "reminding me" that I have an appointment at 8:30am tomorrow. This is the first and only time they contacted me, I'm livid! I don't finish work until 12am tonight, I'll be up at 6am to get there for 8:30am. I'll be there for god knows how long then I'm in work again from 4pm to 12am. I can't arrange anything with work on such short notice. I know I shuld just be glad to finally get an appointment (and I will be!) but right now I'm just fuming. I'd like to say I'll give them i piece of my mind but it's more likely that I will just cry :/

    That's unbelievable Rawn! Very bad form on the hospitals part :( They must think they sent you a letter at some point even though you never got it. Very annoying altogether. I'm sure you will be happy to get started with the appointments but still! Definitely ask them tomorrow how they will normally communicate with you re appointments; is it possible they have an error in your address?

  • Registered Users Posts: 15 rdhelp

    Hi, my son has had a lot of health issues since he was born. It's an unfortunate reality of the health system in this country when it comes to referrals. I learned the hard way that you have to follow up every referral as a lot of the time letters go missing. It can be very frustrating dealing with hospitals but try not to let it get to you. It used to drive me mad, now I take it as a given that if I don't follow up on his appointments he won't get seen.

    I'm 16 weeks tomorrow and my energy is finally coming back!!! Starting to feel human again :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭catrionanic

    Ah rawn that is so annoying! I would be livid. You will be so exhausted tomorrow - I think you should seriously consider calling in sick to work if it's too much for you. You gotta look after yourself these days!

  • Registered Users Posts: 122 ✭✭cupcake queen

    Hello ladies, I thought I would give the thread a bump just to see how everyone is getting on :) I'm 19+3 today, can't believe how fast the time is going!! I have my first ante natal class this week and then anomaly scan the following week. Bump still seems small but then I usually wear loose enough tops anyway so I dont know if that's the reason no one seems to notice! Back eating relatively normally but my exercise regime is non existent :( Need to tackle that next. What are u ladies doing for exercise?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,093 ✭✭✭rawn

    I forgot about this thread! I'm 20 weeks exactly, scan on the 16th to find out the gender, does anyone know theirs yet? Or like me, anyone *know* the gender? I'm convinced I'm having a girl :D i can feel her moving around in my belly, especially when I'm lying down <3

    Second trimester is fun! Barely showing but it's there, energy levels have picked up, appetite had increased... i walk for exercise i think that's all i can handle!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭catrionanic

    Hello all, good to see a bit o life in this thread again!

    I'm 20+2 and definitely showing, although I can still hide it if I wear loose clothing - I just look a bit chubby instead! Unfortunately I'm still nauseous. My GP gave me Cariban when I was 15 weeks, as I was feeling so crap that id become quite depressed. It has helped immensely.

    Otherwise I feel ok, just tired. Still haven't felt any movement, and am dying to! Every day I sit there and try to feel something but there's nothing. We have our big scan on the 14th.... Has anyone else been convincing themselves that there's something wrong with the baby?! Or am I just a big pessimist/worrywart? I think because we haven't had any scans in Holles St before now, so I've had no reassurance.

    My diet is better than it was in the first trimester. I'm just doing a bit of walking, although I'm already noticing that I can't go as fast and that I get short of breath more easily. I've also started doing pre-natal yoga.

    Glad to hear you're both keeping well!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 122 ✭✭cupcake queen

    Ah I'm dying to start the pregnancy yoga; was given a voucher for some classes as a present so I must get going and book those. It would be a start at least!! That's brilliant that the Cariban has helped Catriona. My nausea is mostly gone but I still throw up the odd morning. I'm mad to find out the gender too Rawn!! Our scan is the 14th. I thought it was a girl for a while but now I'm not so sure :) I dont feel any movements at all. Sometimes I feel little bubbles of air but I dont know if that's just my digestive system or the baby!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 15 rdhelp

    Hi all, I'm 20 weeks now, had my scan last week, all looking good so far. I'm doing pilates and yoga. Find the yoga great for relaxation, which is also good for the baby :) Not feeling too bad at the moment. I'm most certainly showing though. This is my second and I'm a lot bigger than before. I wasn't in proper maternity clothes on my son until 27 weeks, I'm in them already now, and have been for a while. We're expecting another little boy, very excited!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭catrionanic

    Latest quote from the mother in law - "you're getting a very big arse on you"


  • Registered Users Posts: 952 ✭✭✭s4uv3

    Latest quote from the mother in law - "you're getting a very big arse on you"


    Excuse the language, but for fcuk sake :(
    Hope it didn't bother you too much, that'd have me bawling. Remember what a miraculous job you're doing growing that little person, and to hell with anyone who wants to knock you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭catrionanic

    s4uv3 wrote: »
    Excuse the language, but for fcuk sake :(
    Hope it didn't bother you too much, that'd have me bawling. Remember what a miraculous job you're doing growing that little person, and to hell with anyone who wants to knock you.

    I was pretty upset by it. She's been making lots of comments since I've been pregnant, whether it's about my weight or how she thinks I should do things, and also keeps going on about how she did everything when the children were small because her husband was working, how he didn't do a single night-feed or change any nappies, and that this is how she thinks it should be if the man is working.......

    I was annoyed at my husband because he just sat there and didn't say anything or stick up for me. He has since had a word with her and told her it's unacceptable to say things about my appearance like that.

    I mean I'm wearing size 10 maternity jeans and she's about 17 stone herself!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,455 ✭✭✭Beanybabog

    I mean I'm wearing size 10 maternity jeans and she's about 17 stone herself!

    Next time say "yeah, if I put on any more weight I'll be borrowing clothes from you." :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 122 ✭✭cupcake queen

    That's desperate :( I have definitely noticed that people in general are so pass remarkable about pregnancy!!! Everyone wants to tell you exactly how to do it, and everyone says entirely different things. Initially I got so annoyed by it all but now I just take it in one ear and let it out the other. Comments about size and appearance are taking it too far though. Thats just plain rude.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,503 ✭✭✭✭fits

    Thats really rude. My mum is a little preoccupied with my weight as well, cos she has struggled with hers all her life.

    Then people keep telling me Im very neat for twins, and Im like WTF!!! Ive nearly put on two stone, and in theory, I could have almost four months to go!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,091 ✭✭✭catrionanic

    So I am finally feeling baby's kicks! I was getting so impatient. It started at 21+3, and daddy has even got to feel a few too. It's so magical!

    I must admit, I'm not really a fan of the feeling of the baby turning and twisting inside me. It feels like there's a snake slithering around in there and it freaks me out?! I was starting to get convinced there was something wrong though, as the kicks and movement seemed to take so long to arrive, so I am relieved.

    We have our one and only scan tomorrow in Holles St which is very exciting! Husband is desperate to find out the sex but I want to keep it a surprise... If he peeks when he's not supposed to I will kill him!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 122 ✭✭cupcake queen

    So I am finally feeling baby's kicks! I was getting so impatient. It started at 21+3, and daddy has even got to feel a few too. It's so magical!

    I must admit, I'm not really a fan of the feeling of the baby turning and twisting inside me. It feels like there's a snake slithering around in there and it freaks me out?! I was starting to get convinced there was something wrong though, as the kicks and movement seemed to take so long to arrive, so I am relieved.

    We have our one and only scan tomorrow in Holles St which is very exciting! Husband is desperate to find out the sex but I want to keep it a surprise... If he peeks when he's not supposed to I will kill him!

    I have my 20 week scan tomorrow in the Coombe! (Well, 21 week really) We are really hoping they'll be able to tell us the sex :) I always said I would want to know but I think if my husband felt differently I could be persuaded otherwise. He feels the same way though so we're gonna ask! I've started to feel movement too. Agree its a strange sensation. It took me a while to recognise it as the baby, at first it just felt like constant air bubbles or digestion. I had a coke tonight and then went to a show which was really loud and I could feel non-stop movement going on inside! Poor baby, ill have to frequent some calmer places in future :)
