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Keep on rururunning!



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    Good luck on Saturday, enjoy the experience.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Rururun

    gypsylee wrote: »
    Good luck on Saturday, enjoy the experience.

    Hope you feel better soon.

    Thanks a mil!
    The three ur old sent home with vomiting big today so was getting he fear I mightn’t get to go! Luckily my amazing lovely babysitter is more than capable and happy to hug him better! We were meant to venture to dub tonight but I didn’t want to leave him so will head early in morn!
    Me with a bad chest, him puking
    It can only get better right?!

    I just want to see how it goes to help me do better in future ones - I’m very nervous about every part of it - the swim most of all!!! Yuck the Liffey! Also nervous of the technical bike section and then the hill running! But I am very very excited at the thoughts of running over the finish line!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Rururun

    Triathlon today - loved it!
    First one finishing at 1.40 - lost two mins in T1 trying to get out of wetsuit!! Bloody coudnt teach the Velcro - won’t happen again!!
    Anyway for the purposes of this log my run was 5.5km in 29.36. I was happy with this after a good cycle. The first 2km was harsh up hill too and did the last three at average 5.13 pace so was happy about that!
    Lots to improve on and lots to learn but a great experience and I def think I’m hooked on triathlon!

    Next up the half marathon- only 4 weeks to go... more than a titch nervous now cos really have no long didatance running done! Had purely focused on tri so I’m off now to google half marathon training plans that I might be able jump in to the last four weeks of!

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Rururun

    8km easy/recovery @ 6.15 - total 50mins.
    Delighted to get this done relatively comfortably as it starts the focus on the half now. Hoping to follow Hal Higdon intermediate two and just jump into week 9 of training - not sure how realistic this is but hoping the tri training will cross over.
    Have decided to go a little wild and aim to def best my PB of 2.02 for half and with any luck nab a sub 2hr time. This is ambitious for me tho and with no long runs under the belt I’ll have to see how it goes. My 5kms are ok at 5.15-5.20 so I’m hoping I can keep 5.40 up over the longer distance. Maybe I’m daft. Sure I’ll try anyway!
    So will pace myself based on that for next 4 weeks.
    Tomorrow is a speed session and I’m just hoping the little fella who is off sick today will be well enough for preschool so I can fit it in!

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Rururun

    Intervals today - total 6km - 36mins
    400m @6.30
    400m @5.15
    Repeated 7 times
    Managed to keep this about right speed wise and was happy enough!
    The legs are tired but I’ve two long days work ahead so won’t be able run so was keen to get this done.
    Plan is for 5k on fri -tempo
    My first attempt at a long run in ages on sun morn - plan 15km

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  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Rururun

    LSR today after a weekend of no running due to a number of factors.

    First attempt at long run recently even tho only 2 & 1/2 weeks to half marathon but hoping the triathlon training will have helped.

    16km @ 6.26 pace average. Total 1.42 mins
    This was a little hilly and felt much harder than a LSR should and I’m just not sure if I’m going too fast or if I’m just not able due to lack of previous long runs. My heart rate was average 150 which is prob too high but I’m really clueless about how to calculate what it should be on a long slow run so I’ll have to figure that out! Any suggestions welcome - I’m 35 if that matters!

    Anyway I’m glad to get it done as I’m working the next two days 12 hours shifts so won’t be running.

    My training really isn’t frequent enough for this half marathon and I think I may need to park my sub 2hour hopes!

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Rururun

    5.8km threadmill - meant to be 8km tempo.
    Awful.... first time in ages I just couldn’t do it!
    Planned to do ten mins easy at 6/km ish and up to 5.30/km for 5-6 and then 1km 6.30 cool down.
    My watch said I was running at 6.30 when threadmill said 5.27 and basically I’ve no idea what was goin on but can’t blame the technology anyway as I had no will for any pace so finished at 35 odd mins for the 5.8 with no idea what pace. Did 5min walk up and cool down separate to clock on either side. - did the first km easy and then struggled through the rest until I just gave up (after a long mental battle for about 4km!)

    Not a great run for the confidence! Will try again tomorrow and maybe do intervals to distract myself as “tempo” clearly not good for me - won’t try that again on treadmill as it just put me off!

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Rururun

    5km 6.10 pace - easy run. Around a new city so lots of stopping and starting at lights etc. nice run but not exactly a progressive one! Hope for long one tomorrow but with almost 20000 steps doing the tourist thing today I’m wrecked!

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Rururun

    So delighted with this - 19km 1.58 mins
    Long slow run - really enjoyed exploring new city at a lovely pace. Felt way up until km 16 when the legs started to hurt. Obvs I’m not used to long runs but today made me realize why I love it so much! Just a lovely two hours to myself listening to tunes and absorbing my surroundings! Uneven splits as felt great at times and did a few trial 500m at race pace of 5.40.
    No idea how I’ll actually get on at race pace for half marathon but in anycase this felt good!

    Lap splits: 6.37, 6.20, 6.18, 6.11, 6.22, 6.23, 6.26, 6.15, 6.35, 6.03, 5.54, 6.05, 6.12, 6.10, 5.56, 6.20, 6.20, 6.58, 6.47

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Rururun

    Right - I have the fear - only managed two runs since that - one which was slow and 4km and one 3km and slow!!
    Not sure whether I should even attempt the half now after missing the whole last two weeks training!! I’ve only done two long runs as was doing triathlon stuff before that.
    Well initially I was dying for the Galway half marathon to be my first sub 2 hr half and now I think if I can do it even under 2.05 I’ll be doing well 😖😣😣 I’m gutted. Have the feeling of wanting to just miss it as I know I haven’t done my best but in general I have worked hard this summer so I have to hope if I just cop on and go try that some of it will stand to me!
    Wish me a miracle!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Rururun

    Well I made a mess of it really but I suppose I knew it was coming!
    2 hours 5mins on watch - no tag time yet.
    Around 5.55 per km
    First 10km @5.20-5.35 and that was my mistake!!! With not enough long runs done I just couldn’t keep it up and ended doing a few 6.20-6.30’s!
    If I had stayed with the 2 hr pacer at 5.40 maybe would have been better but as I had no idea what to expect I said I’d just go for it!
    On the plus side I now know what I can do 10km in and I have one lined up for two weeks time!
    Gorgeous weather! Not a fan of a two loop course tho - found it mentally challenging!
    Overall I did not put in the time and I got the result I deserved - I’m happy with it as a starting point and will improve it next time! Lessons learned!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    Well done on completing the Half when it would have been easy to say feck it and not bother!

    That sub 2 hours will be yours the next time. It's all a learning curve.

    Good luck with the 10 km run, you will nail it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Rururun

    Thanks a mil,
    I just really feel I wasn’t running enough but at the same time know I couldn’t fit more in with work and the kids at the mo so I hope to improve on that now! Also want to get more cycling done - have moved the bike inside on turbo trainer for the winter so hopefully I’ll be able do that when the kids in bed!
    Will find a half at end of spring or start summer to target that sub 2 again!
    gypsylee wrote: »
    Well done on completing the Half when it would have been easy to say feck it and not bother!

    That sub 2 hours will be yours the next time. It's all a learning curve.

    Good luck with the 10 km run, you will nail it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Rururun

    Tues - 3 km slow easy jog so loosen out stiff hips

    Wed - 6km walk to loosen out some more!

    Today - intervals on treadmill - (400m @5.05 and 400m @ 6.30 ) x 8 - 7km including 500m warm up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 107 ✭✭Rururun

    Sat - turbo trainer bike - 2 mins hard, three mins easy x 7 = 35mkns

    Sun - 5km 26.02mins
    Splits: 5.42, 5.10, 5.03,5.10, 5.00
