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41+1 to 42.2...



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Busy day today! In a middle finger to the tube strike, I ran a double commute. 6.6km each way from nursery to work. It remains to be seen how the legs feel about this in the morning...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Added another Parkrun to the list this weekend with a 1 second buggy PB (28:33) - that's 20 now, 40% of the way to my goal of 50 by the end of 2017.

    Ended up having to cut the long run short though - I was doing it on Monday evening after horrendous weather on Sunday made it impossible to get it done and the stomach just wasn't right at all so I cut it off after 10km. On the flipside, I did discover that Highbury Fields is well lit at night and a relatively good place to extend a run commute home from work.

    Still going to try for the 10 miler this weekend though - Sunday looks cold and crisp, ideal for a trot around Hampstead Heath :)

    Applied for the Mizuno VIP lounge for Reading half for the craic, if nothing else it'll be somewhere for the hubby to crash out with the little lad while I'm running.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Well my falling habit strikes again. 2.5km into a run commute home I had a heavy fall and all my weight came down on my right knee, cutting it almost to the bone. An evening in A&E and 6 stitches later and it's not a pretty sight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 743 ✭✭✭Ferris B

    Well my falling habit strikes again. 2.5km into a run commute home I had a heavy fall and all my weight came down on my right knee, cutting it almost to the bone. An evening in A&E and 6 stitches later and it's not a pretty sight.


    Get well soon.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    speedy recovery J

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Sorry to read this, I hope you are ok. Nasty fall.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Still off the road. Stitches are still in because the fecking doctor's surgery wouldn't give me an appointment to have them out until Friday (5 days late for removal) despite the fact that I rang up the morning after I got them. Very little pain in the knee now but it's itching like hell. I've managed short cross-trainer and upper body strength workouts at the gym and long walks with our not-so-little-any-more dude in the carrier.

    It's very difficult to see the marathon happening right now tbh. I'm too far behind training-wise, the absolute most I can do now really is make it to around a 25-28km long run in training and maybe do a planned run-walk in around 5:00-5:30 on the day. I can't even really have a good crack at Reading half as anything more than a long run to finish because that's only 7 weeks away.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Back running this morning, went to run to work but gave up after around 4k and got the bus in the rest of the way. Knee is absolutely fine but my head is all over the place. Some things are harder to fix than others...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Dragged myself back out anyway - 5km on Wednesday night very slowly, Parkrun on Saturday with the buggy in 30:29 (slooooooow) and then a 12.5km "long run" on Sunday. Feeling a bit better about things but still feels like there's a mountain like the north face of the Eiger ahead over the next few weeks. No issues with the knee thankfully - looks like it's going to be about a 5cm scar and there's no feeling for about 2cm below it, but no pain or tightness while running.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭racheljev

    Back running this morning, went to run to work but gave up after around 4k and got the bus in the rest of the way. Knee is absolutely fine but my head is all over the place. Some things are harder to fix than others...

    Catching up on your injury. After my shoulder dislocation, it took me a good while to trust myself on the road again. After the second dislocation and chin sticking-back-together, it took ages. Don't worry, the head will come back.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Dragged myself back out anyway - 5km on Wednesday night very slowly, Parkrun on Saturday with the buggy in 30:29 (slooooooow) and then a 12.5km "long run" on Sunday. Feeling a bit better about things but still feels like there's a mountain like the north face of the Eiger ahead over the next few weeks. No issues with the knee thankfully - looks like it's going to be about a 5cm scar and there's no feeling for about 2cm below it, but no pain or tightness while running.

    Use bio oil twice daily when the skin has healed for the scar. It has worked wonders for me.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Got a few good buggy runs in last week while my son was off from nursery with a bug (a blast around Highbury Fields in the BOB helps burn a cold out, right?) and got a 16km long run in on Sunday. Felt pretty good throughout that run thankfully and really enjoyed it, and wasn't in absolute ribbons on Monday morning. Did a short recovery run last night too.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Pretty good week last week all in! Run commute to work on Wednesday, run commute home on Thursday, Highbury Fields Parkrun with the buggy on Saturday (#22, 29:50 ish, was taking it relatively handy) and long run on Sunday. I set out towards Regent's Park with intentions of doing around 20km and was taking it nice and handy, but managed to plan my second loop inside the park badly and added some distance. I was still around 2.5km from home when I hit the planned 20km and told myself "if you hit half marathon distance by Tufnell Park Cinema there will be some ice cream". Got there, was at 21.4km and just said "Feck it, we'll go home and pig out later". Got home and there was 22.4km logged in Strava, around 14 miles in old money and 2:25 elapsed (with two toilet breaks and a trip to Co-op for a water bottle).

    Just under 45km total for the week, pretty satisfying all in! I'm absolutely delighted to get a run longer than half marathon distance done, to not be dead afterwards (I walked around a shopping centre pushing my son in his buggy on Sunday afternoon) and to be able to then run to work quite comfortably on Tuesday morning as well.

    Planning to try for 22-25km again this weekend as my long run, I'm running home from work this evening with a few "penalty loops" of Highbury Fields to turn it into a medium-long one too. Usual Parkrun with the buggy on Saturday as well.

    Maybe, just maybe - I might not completely **** this up?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Was having a pretty good week last week until the weekend, Sunday was a mess. ****e weather, a cold for both me and my son and *drumroll*... first post-baby time of the month 11 months on. Needless to say I felt like my long run about as much as I felt like being punched in the face repeatedly and the long run got skipped. Had been having a decent week up to that.

    Got back out on Tuesday and the rest of the week was ok, usual run commutes with one extended a bit midweek. 6-9km at a time, just over 6 min/km pace, nothing much of interest there. Parkrun on Saturday morning, did Finsbury Park because there was a crane blocking the path at Highbury Fields and it would have been a nightmare to try and get around it five times with the buggy in a crowd. Ran my fastest buggy time at Finsbury Park of around 29:20 (usually 1-2 minutes slower than Highbury Fields with the buggy because of the hills) - and forgot my fecking barcode. Argh. Walked the legs off myself with the little fella in a baby carrier around Greenwich on Saturday afternoon after that. Was knackered on Sunday morning and could feel the run slipping away again, but forced myself out the door to Regent's Park just after lunchtime and ended up getting 24km/15 miles done, longest so far. Not going to lie, the coffee and cake in Coffee Republic afterwards were pretty epic :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Usual midweek run commutes with one extended - 6.5km on Tuesday and Thursday and 10km on Wednesday evening. Absolutely beautiful day on Wednesday and let's just say it certainly seemed very much like "High"bury Fields when I was doing a couple of laps of it to stretch the run out! :pac:

    Jogged around Parkrun (#24) with the buggy on Saturday morning, legs felt a bit dead but actually remembered my barcode this time! 31 and change, met up with a couple of girls from my antenatal group afterwards who were doing their first Parkrun (no buggies though).

    Reading Half Marathon yesterday... decided to go out with the 2 hour pacers. That was a bit of a mistake, the hills in the early part of the course let me know that quite quickly! Settled a bit around the university at the 4-5 mile mark and felt good as the race approached the city centre. There's a big hill at around 8 miles and 8-10 felt like a bit of a dark night of the soul, I could feel a blister starting to come up on my right foot at about that stage as well so not a happy place to be at all! Once I got to around 11 and the straight road and I could see the Madejski in the distance it wasn't so bad, just keep on plugging on and I'd get there. Finished in a chip time of 2:05:25 in the end which I'm a bit disappointed in but the legs just didn't have it on the day. It's probably a combination of not recovering well due to baby wrangling, probably took a bit out of the legs by doing a buggy Parkrun the day before, and the 8-10kg spare tyre around my waist over the last time I did it. Either way, C has a new toy to play with in my finishers medal :)

    Legs not entirely happy with me this morning so glad of a seat on the train to work!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Another decent enough week in the bag there.

    Legs were in bits after Reading, so took Monday off and forced myself to run home from work on Tuesday. My legs felt like I was running on two wooden legs for most of it but they felt better on Wednesday for having gone for a run. Run commutes again on Wednesday and Thursday and another buggy Parkrun (#25) on Saturday. Ran it chatting to a girl who had been in my antenatal group a year ago, she has just started doing our local one. Got around in 29:22 anyway without feeling like it was that much of an effort.

    Long run on Sunday - headed for Victoria Park this time, just for a bit of variety. Canal path was disturbingly crowded and I reamed some twat out of it for messing with his phone while he was wobbling along on a Boris bike on a narrow section and coming close to both hitting people and falling into the canal. Once I got to the 7.5km mark and was in the park it was grand though. Ended up doing just under 26k (16 miles) in the end, pace was very slow (over 3 hours for the lot) but that included queuing for the ladies twice along the way and stopping for a brief chat to hubby and to pick up some Lucozade.

    Total of just under 51km for the week - I know it's low mileage for marathon training but I literally did not have time for more!

    Next up... Oakley 20 for my longest long run. This is going to hurt :pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    And another week down! Usual run commute on Tuesday, very laid back and some good music on. Unfortunately got called home early because my son had a fever, turned out to be a slightly productive one because tooth #7 made its appearance on Wednesday morning! Due to nursery rules I was stuck at home on the Wednesday, so took C out in the running buggy to Hampstead Heath. Did a hilly 8km ish and then took him to the one o'clock club to play with the toys. Run commute again on Thursday, pretty bog standard really.

    Parkrun with the buggy on Saturday - didn't think I was really giving it a go but accidentally set a buggy PB of 28:28! (previous was 28:33) Probably not my brightest move considering what was coming on Sunday...

    ...Oakley 20. Tiny village in rural Bedfordshire with a 20 mile race that was pretty much all people doing it as their last long run for London or MK with one token lady training for Belfast. Two loop course, 12 miles for the first loop and the second one cuts off earlier for 8 miles. Rolling hills all the way - it never felt like more than a few minutes at a time were flat. Still got through it ok anyway even if it was a bit rough from 15-18... finished in 3:29:25 by chip and 3:30:58 by gun. Legs in bits afterwards but damn satisfying to get a 20 done - if someone had told me 2 months ago that I'd actually have gotten to a 20 in training I'd have laughed in their face.

    And now my plague-bringing one year old has given me a cold. Lovely jubbly.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Welp. It's been a while. Not much to fill in the gap until race day - 3 week taper, plenty of easy running. Chipped another little bit off the buggy Parkrun PB (down to 28:15) and tried my best to get over the fact that the legs felt consistently a bit dead.

    The week before the marathon was Fun. For very small values of fun. C got yet another bug, so a mix of working from home while baby wrangling and broken nights of sleep because he was waking up 4-5 times a night looking for mammy. He was supposed to get vaccinations on Friday but had been running a high temperature too recently to have them. He was a lot better by Saturday thankfully though.

    And so... London Marathon 2017, 23rd April.

    The butterflies hit bigtime shortly after I'd had my desperately craved pre marathon dinner of chicken Pad Thai from our local takeaway on Saturday evening, spent the night and early Sunday morning thinking "oh ****, what am I doing". 6am start on a Sunday is always fun, but the little fella had other ideas and made it a 5:20 start! Waking up with a big "playtime, mammy!" smile on his face was not what I'd planned. Left at 7 with him cuddling up to daddy - who managed to coax another 2.5 hours of sleep from him. Tube to Charing Cross where I joined the zombie march of other runners to the national rail platforms for the train to Blackheath and the blue start. I was feeling incredibly nervous at that stage. Met up with a few of the ladies from an FB group I'm on, had a good chat. Couple of visits to the female urinals (bloody great invention - queue moves way quicker than the one for the portaloos) and into pen 8 (of 9, I'm slow). Chat to a few randomers and then off, crossed the start line after around 11 minutes.

    Knew very quickly that this wasn't going to be one of my brighter shining days on the road - felt a little bit off, my left shoulder was hurting from sleeping weirdly on it a couple of nights during the week and 6:30/km pace felt like more of an effort than I thought it would. Kept at it anyway, grabbed a sneaky bathroom break at mile 2 and chugged on. Cutty Sark was pretty cool at mile 6 ish and the crowds were absolutely amazing everywhere on the route. I was already fighting mentally an hour in - "I could just drop out now and head back" etc. Felt a little better once my first gel kicked in and decided to just enjoy it. Tower Bridge was cool and I was feeling a bit better from around 10-15 miles, it started to get really tough as we went east again towards Canary Wharf though and I walked for the first time around 18 miles. Just for a minute but it had to be done. Walked again a little around 20 miles and again just after 22, then gave myself a bit of a talking-to. "Not too far to go, Brian and Conor at mile 25, can still get sub-5 if I can keep this 7:30/km ish pace going and the fastest way to make the pain stop is to keep running". Stopped on Embankment just before mile 25 and 40km for baby cuddles and unleashing a string of expletives in my husband's general direction about how I felt at that point in time. Was passed by the 5 hour pacers from green start, which was a bit depressing but forced me to get a move on! Struggled my way around the last 2ish km from there, couldn't even put on a bit of a finish and had to dodge people taking selfies at the 385 Yards To Go sign. Crossed the line, when they put the medal on it felt like an absolute ton weight around my neck. Got my gear back and was getting dizzy, practically ripped into my bag for the pre-stashed can of real Coke. Chugged that, was highly disappointed by the gluten-free vegan protein ball in the goody bag, I needed the biggest dirtiest bar of chocolate on earth at that stage.

    Overall: 4:53:09, 26299th overall, 8341st women, 4662nd AG (18-39).

    Personal worst by 26 minutes.

    I probably couldn't have asked for anything more from my body though - with an overweight BMI and having given birth 13 months ago, and having missed 3 weeks in January and February after slicing my knee open in a running fall I wasn't in a position that's in any way ideal to be running a marathon at all. I did the best with what I had - run commuting to work quite a bit to get mileage in midweek, Saturday Parkrun with the buggy and long runs on Sunday (daddy-son time!).

    Will I go again? Not any time soon. I just can't justify putting in the effort and time that's needed at the moment to improve over marathon distance. Very long runs in London's sticky summer heat aren't massively appealing either. I'm going to concentrate on improving over 5k/10k over the next while, the Battersea Monday evening 5ks on the flattest course you can possibly imagine are starting up again soon so will give at least one a good rattle! Plenty of outdoor swimming over the summer too, the ladies pond is calling :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,695 ✭✭✭Chivito550

    Runners taking selfies? Tell me this is a joke.

    Well done getting through comfortably enough in your first one back. I'm sure you'll want to do it again next year when dust settles.

    In the mean time Beer Mile World Classic in August. It's back in London again. Guaranteed PB then head off to the Olympic Stadium as happy as a pig in sh1t.

    That's what I plan to do anyway.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Absolutely 100% serious. A lot of people around 5 hours are just out for the craic and seeing several people stopping for selfies at a time at certain places isn't unusual.

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