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March 2017 Babies club



  • Registered Users Posts: 513 ✭✭✭waterfaerie

    dreamstar wrote: »
    That's miserable about work. Is there any option to go part time? Or could you look for something else? Life is too short to be miserable.

    It already is part time but I can't stand being away from her at all. I agree that life is too short. That's why I think I just need to do what I need to do, despite everyone's advice that it's too good to give up. My baby is more important. I just need to get up the courage, really!

    It's great to hear you and your son are doing great as well. It's funny how different each baby is with the different milestones!

    We've got one tooth so far. I had couple of bites at first but I think she realised it hurt me and she doesn't do it anymore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    We've got one tooth so far. I had couple of bites at first but I think she realised it hurt me and she doesn't do it anymore.

    Oh that's fantastic so you're still breastfeeding? Amazing - go you. Are you exclusively breastfeeding?
    We're still doing morning and evening but that's it. Won't lie I do love the morning feed coz I can stay lying in bed! :-)

    The work thing is very tough and it is so hard to know what to do. I would give anything to stay at home full time but we just can't afford it. Not sure how I'll feel leaving him. I'm already getting butterflies thinking of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 513 ✭✭✭waterfaerie

    Yeah, exclusively breastfeeding. The plan is to keep it up until she's 2 at least.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,825 ✭✭✭LirW

    Hi ladies, so delighted to hear you're all doing so well!

    We're doing pretty well too, we moved in our own house not too long ago and there is a lot that needs to be done, but she's great sports.
    Not sitting either but as dreamstar's boy, you can't leave her for a second because she's knows how to move to her target.

    She eats well after she had her troubles with gaining weight, put her entirely on bottles since she was 4 months old and she made up for everything. Not gonna lie, I was very disappointed in myself and the care we got because I got all the blame and nobody realized that she has a tied lip and can't gain weight until I brought it up. But she's fine now. Teething like nothing, since she got her first 2 so very early but nothing new yet.
    Food-wise, she eats her mashed stuff well, she's having one meal a day but planning to put her on a second because she's jealous of all the food we have.

    She is VERY vocal though. She's not only babbling but also saying proper stuff like "mamamamama" "Gagagaga" and "babababa". She kinda knows that I react on Mama. And she won't stop talking, it's insane. I think she got that from me really.
    I'm honestly curious on how raising her bi-lingual will show once she starts talking properly.

    Also sleeps like a trooper. Sleeping was - thank god - never a big deal with her, she always slept incredibly well and I really hope it stays that way.

    My sister had her baby 2 days ago, so mine have a little cousin now! She's a really petite girl, 1.59m and she had a 4kg (8 lbs 12 oz) baby, he is huge!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    Yeah, exclusively breastfeeding. The plan is to keep it up until she's 2 at least.

    Wow fair play. Im always in awe of ladies breastfeeding so long. I would have definitely kept it up only for the biting. A friend said its usually a phase and they stop but i was dreading each feed and the pain was unbearable.

    LirW great to hear you guys are doing great. That's a pain with the tongue tie. It's so common isn't it?

    Sometimes I still can't believe I'm a Mammy. Like I look at him and think I can't believe he's mine.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,825 ✭✭✭LirW

    It's unfortunately not uncommon but it's not easy to see if it's not severe. A lip tie even more so, the GP wants to get her checked in Temple street but of course we're going to wait forever for an appointment.

    I breastfed my big one for a year but I always had a nipple cap, we couldn't feed without unfortunately. I know some women use them when they start teething and biting for that period. It really only is a phase but I feel you, it's a horrible pain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    LirW wrote:
    I breastfed my big one for a year but I always had a nipple cap, we couldn't feed without unfortunately. I know some women use them when they start teething and biting for that period. It really only is a phase but I feel you, it's a horrible pain.

    Yeah I did try nipple shields but it actually just made him bite down more and it still hurt with it on. The joys of being a woman eh?
    Hope you're not waiting too long for your appointment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 513 ✭✭✭waterfaerie

    I'm delighted you're getting on well, too, LirW. I'm sorry to hear about the lip tie and breastfeeding ending sooner than you wanted. It's appalling how many people are let down by the system. It sounds like your baby's doing great now, though.
    LirW wrote: »
    Not sitting either but as dreamstar's boy, you can't leave her for a second because she's knows how to move to her target.

    When you say she's moving, do you mean she's crawling?
    LirW wrote: »
    She's not only babbling but also saying proper stuff like "mamamamama" "Gagagaga" and "babababa".

    Yeah, mine is doing that, too but I'm sure she doesn't know what it means. She's also joining different syllables like mababagagoo and things like that.

    She's started turning when I call her name as well but I'm still not sure if I'm imagining it!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,825 ✭✭✭LirW

    When you say she's moving, do you mean she's crawling?

    She's doing a combination from rolling and the soldier crawl. So not on her knees but like soldiers do on the ground. It's looks hilarious.
    My big one never crawled, he went from soldier to getting up.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,466 ✭✭✭CheerLouth

    Glad to hear everyone is doing so well!

    My little man was 7 months last Friday. He's doing really well now! Sitting up by himself and trying to crawl. Can't leave him for a second as he can make his way around now by shuffling and rolling. I put him in a play pen quite often so he can play away and also to separate him from his big sister who insists on pulling out of him. She means well but still doesn't get "he is a baby".

    We are still weaning him, he gets two meals a day now, breakfast is porridge with a bottle, he gets a bottle at midday and then he has his dinner at three/four and then bottle before bed. He loves his bed! If we bring him in in the morning, he will fall back to sleep and easily sleep until 8.30am! Great at the weekends!

    I'm back to work three weeks now! Didn't intend on going back so soon but got an offer I couldn't refuse and as it was an option to getting out of my previous hated job, I couldn't let it go! All going ok now, am finding the time that I have with them is so limited now which plays on my mind so much and the guilt level is at an all time high. But I think this job is definitely a lot more family friendly and the day is not as long!

    Can't believe that this time last year, we were only telling people that he was on the way and now he is nearly crawling already. The time just flies! I can totally feel a slight urge to go again! Only that I'm in the new job & we have a lot on next year, it means we'll wait another while but fingers crossed for the future!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    How's everyone doing? Babies must be getting big now and all excited for their first Christmas!
    So I've just discovered I'm expecting again. Aaaaah! Very early days.
    I'll be going back to work in January to tell them I'm pregnant again! I'm so scared / excited!!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,466 ✭✭✭CheerLouth

    Oh wow, Dreamstar! That's amazing! Congratulations! Don't worry about work - it'll be fine!

    Hope you are feeling well and not too tired! I found the tiredness on number 2 so much harder to handle than on no.1 - probably because I couldn't just lie on the couch all evening lol!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    Oh yeah I can see why. I was so precious on my first. Napping in the afternoon and taking it easy. Didn't know how good I had it! At least - all going well - I'll have the first 3 months at home. And the little man still has his two naps a day. It'll just be the house that suffers. :-)
    Still can't believe it!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,466 ✭✭✭CheerLouth

    Don't worry about the house - it will still be there in a few weeks lol! At least you know when you are going back to work, that you've only a few months to go!

    I'd love another one - if I had my way, we'd go now, but we have lots on next year - I'm bridesmaid twice and I'm only just in a new job so will have to wait till 2019 :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    How many do you have Cheerlouth? I have to be honest I never thought it would happen so quick for us. I am a bit nervous managing 2 under 2. But also so excited. Just hope all goes ok now.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,466 ✭✭✭CheerLouth

    We have two! I've always imagined four though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 513 ✭✭✭waterfaerie

    Wow Dreamstar, congratulations! How exciting. I don't know anything about managing two but I'm sure you'll do brilliantly. When are you due?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,825 ✭✭✭LirW

    Oh wow, congratulations Dreamstar!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    Thanks so much guys. Due date is 17th July. I don't think it's sunk in at all. Will be weird going back to the hospital. :-)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,825 ✭✭✭LirW

    That's amazing and you'll see it'll be all fine! My older one came on the 16th of July, summer babies rule :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33 Jellybeanmom

    Hello everyone

    How are all the babies!!!

    Cannot believe they are all coming up to a year old!! Crazy how quick times flies! This time last year we were on the homestretch!

    Any walkers yet! Mine wasn't born til start of April,crawled at six months,something my older little girl never done, she can even climb the stairs!! She has been going around pulling herself up holding onto things and will let go for a split second them realises and sits back down!

    She has never ever ever slept through the night! I have been back to work since November and we just take it in turns! Only a nice warm 7oz bottle does the trick! I've tried it all, ignoring (can't do it as their bedroom are right next to each other and older girl wakes up) watering her bottle down, just offering water, porridge before bed!! Nothing works! PHN has said it's a habit o need to stop! Any tips??

    Hope u are all keeping well!!

    Take care xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,130 ✭✭✭dreamstar

    Hey Jellybean!
    I know - what a fast year?! My little guy is 1 on the 27th. I can't believe it! He's crawling and is very sturdy standing. Will take a few steps with the walker alright but not on his own. I've even tried holding his hands but he just plops down. :)

    That's very tough with the sleep. I hear of parents all the time who's babies don't sleep - I don't know how you do it.
    Is it the same time every night?
    We went through a phase when little man learned how to stand and he would refuse to lie down and would literally stand in the cot screaming!!! We got one of those projector thingys that plays music and projects pictures on the ceiling.
    Do you leave toys in the cot? Sometimes he'll wake, play away for a bit and go back asleep.

    Would she settle in with you? I know this is a habit people don't want to get into either.
    Ultimately I'd also say go with your gut. If you think she needs the bottle or if it does settle her - I'd just give it. But if it is something you do want to cut out could you try a sleep consultant? They might have some advice?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,466 ✭✭✭CheerLouth

    Hi All!

    Such a fast year! Our little guy is thriving! Shuffles around the place on his knees & lots of babbling! Has started to assert his authority or try to anyway, he shouts if you take something off him and he's not happy about it! :P

    The sleep thing is so tough, Jellybean! Our fella has started waking up around 11ish and screaming the house down. Some nights he will settle back and others, he's just up for the craic! Would you try giving your little one a dream feed around 11 or 12? We did that on both of ours when they were quite young and it kept them going until the morning, then we gradually cut it back by 30 mins every couple of nights. I know it's so hard especially when you have another child in the house! We are very lucky that our eldest would literally sleep through a hurricane so she never wakes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 Jellybeanmom

    Thanks for the replies guys and congrats to your Dreamstar so exciting!!!

    YES I tried the dreamfeed used to work a "dream" lol with my older girl but this baba is a law onto herself she'd drink the dreamfeed and still Wake up in the middle of the night and scoff another bottle!! It can be anywhere between 1 & 4 am!!! But in saying that its a quick 8 min job and we are back in bed, so I feel sometimes it's easier to keep giving it!! She is very slow to get her teeth and won't take a soother so I feel sometimes it's the comfort of chewing on something she likes!!!

    If I bring her into our room she will scream til I put the light on and may drop off about an hour later...!!

    I am off work for a few days next month and if she is still waking I might try wait it out and she will she settle back with no bottle. I planned on trying it sooner but we have had a month of back to back Illnesses, tonsilitis chest infections and then I got the chicken I will leave it while before i deprive anyone in the house of any less sleep!!!

    Thanks girls for getting back to me!!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,466 ✭✭✭CheerLouth

    It's amazing how different they can be isn't it? Our eldest is a great sleeper, the house alarm has gone off before and not woken her. The youngest would wake up if he heard you breathing in his vicinity!

    It might just be a result of her being ill no, she might have got used to waking in the night? We also have had a terrible time since Christmas with chest infections, colds, vomiting bugs, ear infections etc! I think my boss must think I either have kids with the worst health ever or that I'm making it up lol! I'm hoping that once our little guy starts walking that he'll be wrecked and sleep like his sister lol

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,466 ✭✭✭CheerLouth

    My little lad was one yesterday! :D How quick the year has flown by! How quiet our lives were without him! He's the noisiest, smiliest boy I've ever met! :D:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 513 ✭✭✭waterfaerie

    CheerLouth wrote: »
    My little lad was one yesterday! :D How quick the year has flown by! How quiet our lives were without him! He's the noisiest, smiliest boy I've ever met! :D:D:D

    Same here CheerLouth. Our babies were born on the same day. I can't believe a year has gone since then! And I can't believe how much she has changed and grown in that time. I feel like I have a proper little girl here now and not a baby.

    I hope everyone else is getting on well, too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,058 ✭✭✭chases0102

    Hi folks, hope all is getting on great with your LOs, 16 months on!

    MY little fella's appetite is causing me to slightly worry (even though I know it's probably an over reaction)

    He is quite light, with tiny hips (he's been on No. 4 nappies forever!) and just lacks bulk - he's not very steady on his feet at all so has no interest in walking - and that was all fine until we have started trying to get him to feed himself, instead of us spooning him.

    As a result, he is eating very little of his breakfast, lunch or dinner.

    Should we go back to spooning him? Or should we stick it out, in the hope that he'll eventually get that he needs to feed himself!!

    With his build I hope we are not doing the wrong thing!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,825 ✭✭✭LirW

    I'd get in touch with the public health nurse. They're going to have another check soon-ish anyway but if you have a great nurse it's invaluable and your first point of contact.

    Mine isn't walking either, she's just about doing it for aaaages now but she's a bit lazy to be honest. Speech is also just about to develop, she's a pretty late bloomer in general. She turned from tiny thing into a pretty long spaghetti child, not particularly pudgy but she's quite long.

    I hope everyone else's are doing well!

    Mine is a cheeky little criminal, she's a very quiet kid and she knows how to use that as an advantage. My boy was the typical case of "when it's quiet something bad is happening" but she's always quiet so you always need to have an eye on her! And while she's not walking, she's a ridiculous climber, it's scary. She gets up and down everywhere, I spend my days proofing everything.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,058 ✭✭✭chases0102

    Thanks for the reply Lirw! Sounds very similar regarding the walking situation.

    Yeah will try to contact PHN. We're in the middle of moving houses so living with OH parents at the moment, so just stuck in a kind of life-admin timewarp, but will contact our new PHN. He's fine overall, just curious whether or not to keep going the way we are, or if anyone here had a similar experience.
