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Can I really do this?



  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    And the training continues....

    Monday 24th September

    Got out straight after work for this one. Lovely evening and I enjoyed this run. A bit quicker than an easy run but felt good.

    Distance: 5 km. Time: 32 mins.
    Splits: 6.42, 6.32, 6.32, 6.32, 6.13.

    Wednesday 27th September

    I can't remember much about this run at all! Guess I must have enjoyed it!

    Distance: 11.3 km. Time: 1 hour 17 mins.
    Average split: 6.51 km.

    Thursday 28th September

    Another run after work before dinner.

    Distance: 6.5 km. Time: 45 mins.
    Splits: 6.45, 6.48, 6.55, 7.02, 7.02, 6.58, 6.50 (0.5)

    Saturday 30th September

    This was an LSR of 14 miles. Headed out early, a beautiful Autumn morning. Was going to break this down into two parts with a toilet break at home around 15 km. I was enjoying the run so just stopped at the shop for a banana half way and did the last few kms on a road I have never ran before. Was nice to have a change of scenery. Delighted to get this one done but I was tired by the end. The pace should have been slower but every time I slowed right down my legs ached a bit so stuck with my easy pace.

    Distance: 22.2 km. Time: 2 hours 46 mins.

    Splits: 7.21, 7.24, 7.24, 7.43, 7.39, 7.24, 7.30, 8.44, 7.17, 7.35, 7.06, 7.15, 7.21, 7.58, 7.00, 7.26, 7.32, 7.19, 7.07, 7.30, 7.21, 7.22.

    Sunday 30th September

    This was a local 5km run which a few of my family were doing so I joined in. I ran/walked it with my eight year old niece. She left me for dust at times! Her fastest 5 km race yet. It was a lovely morning for it. Legs felt a bit tired so I was happy to walk at times.

    Distance: 5 km. Chip time: 38.29 min
    Average split: 7.52 km.

    Total kilometres this month: 202 km. My highest ever!

    Monday 1st October

    Another early evening run before the darkness took hold. A bit blustery and then wet but enjoyable.

    Distance: 8 km. Time: 55 mins.
    Splits: 6.45, 6.45, 6.52, 6.57, 7.00, 6.57, 7.04, 6.57.

    The pace is still too fast for an easy run, should be around 7.30. I can't seem to get it right at the moment.

    My body is feeling achy this week, nothing specific just generally tiredness in my arms, hips, legs which I am hoping will ease before the 20 mile run on Saturday.

    Pilates tonight so hoping that will help.

    Delighted with the training so far, have managed to complete all the runs on the HH plan, great to see the bottom of the plan getting nearer on the spreadsheet and all the runs ticked off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Well done gypsylee! You've been seriously consistent with the training. Great to hit your highest distance ever for the month too! Probably explains some of the general tiredness.
    gypsylee wrote: »
    Delighted with the training so far, have managed to complete all the runs on the HH plan, great to see the bottom of the plan getting nearer on the spreadsheet and all the runs ticked off.
    So satisfying isn't it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    gypsylee wrote: »
    And the training continues....

    Monday 24th September

    Got out straight after work for this one. Lovely evening and I enjoyed this run. A bit quicker than an easy run but felt good.

    Distance: 5 km. Time: 32 mins.
    Splits: 6.42, 6.32, 6.32, 6.32, 6.13.

    Wednesday 27th September

    I can't remember much about this run at all! Guess I must have enjoyed it!

    Distance: 11.3 km. Time: 1 hour 17 mins.
    Average split: 6.51 km.

    Thursday 28th September

    Another run after work before dinner.

    Distance: 6.5 km. Time: 45 mins.
    Splits: 6.45, 6.48, 6.55, 7.02, 7.02, 6.58, 6.50 (0.5)

    Saturday 30th September

    This was an LSR of 14 miles. Headed out early, a beautiful Autumn morning. Was going to break this down into two parts with a toilet break at home around 15 km. I was enjoying the run so just stopped at the shop for a banana half way and did the last few kms on a road I have never ran before. Was nice to have a change of scenery. Delighted to get this one done but I was tired by the end. The pace should have been slower but every time I slowed right down my legs ached a bit so stuck with my easy pace.

    Distance: 22.2 km. Time: 2 hours 46 mins.

    Splits: 7.21, 7.24, 7.24, 7.43, 7.39, 7.24, 7.30, 8.44, 7.17, 7.35, 7.06, 7.15, 7.21, 7.58, 7.00, 7.26, 7.32, 7.19, 7.07, 7.30, 7.21, 7.22.

    Sunday 30th September

    This was a local 5km run which a few of my family were doing so I joined in. I ran/walked it with my eight year old niece. She left me for dust at times! Her fastest 5 km race yet. It was a lovely morning for it. Legs felt a bit tired so I was happy to walk at times.

    Distance: 5 km. Chip time: 38.29 min
    Average split: 7.52 km.

    Total kilometres this month: 202 km. My highest ever!

    Monday 1st October

    Another early evening run before the darkness took hold. A bit blustery and then wet but enjoyable.

    Distance: 8 km. Time: 55 mins.
    Splits: 6.45, 6.45, 6.52, 6.57, 7.00, 6.57, 7.04, 6.57.

    The pace is still too fast for an easy run, should be around 7.30. I can't seem to get it right at the moment.

    My body is feeling achy this week, nothing specific just generally tiredness in my arms, hips, legs which I am hoping will ease before the 20 mile run on Saturday.

    Pilates tonight so hoping that will help.

    Delighted with the training so far, have managed to complete all the runs on the HH plan, great to see the bottom of the plan getting nearer on the spreadsheet and all the runs ticked off.

    Well done, another great week. You've been very very consistent, the tiredness is normal, it's probably not what you want to hear but i doubt it will ease much before the weekend's LSR i'm afraid :o but remember if you can run 20 miles fatigued then you will easily manage 26m on the lovely fresh legs you will have after a 3 week taper. It's almost pay-day now so hang in there ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    It's getting close now....

    Wednesday 3rd October

    Distance: 16 km. Time: 1 hour 55 mins.
    Splits: 7.06, 7.00,7.00, 7.04, 7.26, 7.26, 7.19, 7.22, 7.22, 7.15, 6.57, 7.00, 6.52, 6.58, 7.06, 7.37

    I was apprehensive about this run as I was feeling tired. In the end it turned into a lovely run. It was very humid though.
    Happy with the pace.

    Thursday 4th October

    Distance: 8.1 km. Time: 59.35
    Splits: 7.32, 7.11, 7.15, 6.58, 7.47, 7.07, 7.09, 7.17.

    It was dark and it lashed rain for this one. I really enjoyed it though.

    Saturday 6th October

    The dreaded longest run on the plan....

    Distance: 32 km. Moving Time: 4 hours 5 mins. (Probably 4 hours 15 mins with a short stop)

    Splits: 7.22, 7.09, 7.19, 7.39, 7.30, 7.21, 7.06, 7.02, 7.07, 7.35, 7.09, 7.21, 7.06, 7.11, 7.17, 7.41, 7.28, 7.09, 7.52, 7.37, 8.01, 7.11, 7.19, 8.05, 7.13, 7.49, 8.41, 7.28, 9.22, 9.06, 9.28, 9.06.

    I was actually looking forward to this run, mostly just to see if I could do 20 miles and how long it would take me. It was very cold starting off. My plan was to stick to 8 min per km but I just could not slow down even though I felt I was nearly walking at times. Stuck to familiar roads around the Curragh and just enjoyed the first half. Planned the route so I stopped at home at the 20 km point. A quick toilet visit, half a banana, topped up the Tailwind and set off again. Around the 27 km point my legs started to feel really tired. The top half of me felt fine but my legs were getting achy. Slowed down at this stage. Tried to pick up the pace again but it hurt! I know it is supposed to hurt but I just didn't have it in me to keep running. I was okay with this. I rang my daughter and she met me with three kilometres to go and we walked the rest of the distance. I just wanted to finish at that stage even if I had to crawl.

    I was so delighted to get this run done. It gave me a big mental boost. I am confident now that I will cross the marathon finish line. It will be slow, no doubt it will be painful but it will be done.

    I hit the 1000 km for 2018 at the 23 km mark. That was a great feeling.

    I actually didn't need much fuel on the run, had a bottle filled with Tailwind and refilled it at 20 km. Half a banana and three jelly babies. That was it. I didn't even feel hungry after I finished. Will take more food on board during the marathon as maybe not eating enough was part of the reason for the slow finish.

    Delighted with how my legs felt yesterday, going down stairs was a bit of an issue and I felt tired but not half as bad as I expected. If I feel half as well this day three weeks I will be happy.

    And now it is taper time. Still a bit of running to be done but looking forward to the shorter distances.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Well done gypsylee another great week in the bag and some great achievements your first 20 miler and hitting the 1000KM congrats on that :D

    do not forget you just ran 20 miles on tired legs Cumulative Fatigue and all that :D so you may find you only need a little more fueling on race day or the same amount per hour.

    Enjoy the taper now

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  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    Nearly there now....

    Monday 8th October

    After the 20 miles on Saturday my legs felt tired for this run. Lovely evening for it though and I enjoyed it.

    Distance: 8.1 km. Time: 58.42 mins
    Splits: 7.13, 7.11, 7.04, 7.06, 7.19, 7.22, 7.11, 7.07.

    Wednesday 10th October

    So I set out to do the 8 mile run as per the plan. Cut it very short at 4 km. Legs felt so heavy and my head was not up for this run at all. Looking back at it now I realise that I ran Monday's run too quick and I should have started this run a lot slower too. Too late now but lesson learnt. The first run on the plan that I did not finish.

    Distance: 4 km. Time: 27.43 mins
    Splits: 7.04, 6.47, 6.37, 7.02

    Saturday 13th October

    Distance: 14.7 km. Time: 1 hour 50 mins
    Splits: 7.24, 7.21, 7.22,7 .32, 7.15, 7.13, 7.19, 8.23, 7.32, 7.35, 7.11, 7.26, 7.07, 741 ,7.56.

    A lovely early morning run in the lashing rain. Glutes and calves started niggling during this run. That and the fact that I was passing my front door at the 9 mile mark meant I cut this short. Should have been 12 miles but I was soaked so called it a day.

    Had physio later in the morning. She said my calves were tight and my glutes were very tight. Did a good work out on them and given more exercises to do.

    Monday 15th October

    Distance: 6.9 km. Time: 47.42 mins
    Splits: 6.50, 6.32, 6.52, 6.53, 6.58, 7.02, 7.11

    Rang this run too quick. Should have slowed right down but I enjoyed it.

    On Tuesday the niggles were back. My own fault as I should have probably skipped Monday's run to give them a chance.
    Plenty of stretching and foam rolling. I didn't do Wednesday's run of 6 miles. I hated missing this one as it was a lovely morning for it.

    Thursday 18th October

    Decided to do a slow run to test the glutes and calves. It was a lovely evening for it. Took it very easy and ran 7 km.
    Really enjoyed this run, glutes were niggly at the start but the pain went half way through.

    Distance: 7 km. Time: 55.24 mins
    Splits: 7.56, 7.45, 7.47, 7.43, 7.56, 8.03, 8.05

    No niggles this morning which is good.

    The plan states 8 miles tomorrow which I am going to run at a slow pace. Back to physio on Monday evening so will miss Monday's run. At this stage if she tells me not to run again until the marathon I will be okay with that. I don't think a few kilomentres will make much difference at this stage.

    So just over a week to the marathon. The weeks have flown by, Overall I am happy with how my training went. I loved all the runs. My confidence and belief that I will be able to complete the marathon has grown since the Half Marathon a few weeks ago. My pace was spot on that day and I hope to replicate that run X 2 next Sunday. I am putting myself under no pressure at all, going to embrace the whole experience as it is very unlikely that I will sign up for another marathon. Hoping to finish in just under 6 hours but what will be will be.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Your training has been a pleasure to watch over the past few months, it hasn't been much bother to you at all! Take it handy for the next week and do whatever the physio recommends.

  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    Sunny Dayz wrote: »
    Your training has been a pleasure to watch over the past few months, it hasn't been much bother to you at all! Take it handy for the next week and do whatever the physio recommends.

    Thank you. I enjoyed the training a lot more than I thought I would. Who knows, maybe next year I will be following your marathon training :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    gypsylee wrote: »
    Thank you. I enjoyed the training a lot more than I thought I would. Who knows, maybe next year I will be following your marathon training :)
    Oh no trust me you won't be! No marathon on the horizon for me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    gypsylee wrote: »
    Nearly there now....

    So just over a week to the marathon. The weeks have flown by, Overall I am happy with how my training went. I loved all the runs. My confidence and belief that I will be able to complete the marathon has grown since the Half Marathon a few weeks ago. My pace was spot on that day and I hope to replicate that run X 2 next Sunday. I am putting myself under no pressure at all, going to embrace the whole experience as it is very unlikely that I will sign up for another marathon. Hoping to finish in just under 6 hours but what will be will be.

    I love your positive attitude, well done on a super training cycle, you've been so consistent throughout, you should have every confidence in yourself heading to the start line next week :)
    gypsylee wrote: »
    Thank you. I enjoyed the training a lot more than I thought I would. Who knows, maybe next year I will be following your marathon training :)

    Watch out sunnydayz - it is contagious ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    It's nearly here.....

    So this is my last post on my log before the big day. Really looking forward to the run. I will be at the start line on Sunday knowing that I could not have done anything more or different during the training. What will be will be.

    Saturday 20th October

    Distance: 13 km. Time: 1 hr 35 mins
    Splits: 7.32, 7.28, 7.58, 7.32, 7.28, 7.30, 7.35, 6.57, 7.00, 7.04, 7.00, 7.19, 7.06.

    This was a tad faster than the LSR should have been. It was a perfect morning for a run, legs felt fresh and this was one of my favourite runs of the whole training plan. Everything felt good.

    Monday 22nd October

    I skipped Monday's run as I had a physio session this evening. She gave the legs and hips a good shake out to loosen them.

    Wednesday 24th October

    Distance: 6.9 k.m. Time: 49 mins.
    Splits: 6.52, 7.17, 7.04, 7.17, 7.06, 7.13, 7.15

    Again this was a bit faster than I would have liked. It is so hard to get the legs to slow right down.
    Hip felt a bit niggly after it but it is okay this morning.

    So only one more short 3km run this evening to finish the training plan.

    Looking forward to the Expo tomorrow, going to have a leisurely day in Dublin.

    Saturday is a busy day as I have booked to get my eyebrows and nails done! Priorities.

    All that is left then is to make it to the start line and run the victory lap! My planned pace for the first half is slower than any of my training runs so I am hoping I can manage to slow right down. Hoping then to have something in the legs to push on for the second half and hopefully I will achieve my goal finish line.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,760 ✭✭✭ReeReeG

    Best of luck J! You've got the training done and always a positive voice on here, hope you have the best day on Sunday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    gypsylee wrote: »
    Saturday is a busy day as I have booked to get my eyebrows and nails done! Priorities.
    Haha brilliant! Clearly you are a more organised human than I am :o
    Enjoy the expo tomorrow and good luck!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    The very best of luck to you!!! Enjoy your weekend and soak up all the atmosphere. Remember you have all the training done, you are well prepared and able for it. Just remember to start out slow. Looking forward to hearing how it goes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    gypsylee wrote: »
    It's nearly here.....

    So this is my last post on my log before the big day. Really looking forward to the run. I will be at the start line on Sunday knowing that I could not have done anything more or different during the training. What will be will be.

    You've a really great attitude and you're absolutely right: you've a great block of training behind you. It's time to reap the rewards.
    gypsylee wrote: »
    Saturday is a busy day as I have booked to get my eyebrows and nails done! Priorities.

    You'll show us all up in McG's!
    gypsylee wrote: »
    All that is left then is to make it to the start line and run the victory lap! My planned pace for the first half is slower than any of my training runs so I am hoping I can manage to slow right down. Hoping then to have something in the legs to push on for the second half and hopefully I will achieve my goal finish line.

    The very best of everything to you for Sunday. Enjoy the victory lap!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Best of luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    The best of luck gypsylee you will have an epic day enjoy every second :)

    I am going to be out supporting going to cycle around to different points aiming for 5, 13, 18,22 mile points so if you see me give me a wave I have a bright pink cycling jacket on :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,673 ✭✭✭juke

    Enjoy the Expo. Enjoy the victory lap, looking forward to seeing you. No excuses :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 582 ✭✭✭Pomplamousse

    Good luck tomorrow gypsylee. I hope you have a really enjoyable day:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Good luck tomorrow!! Hope it goes great for you. Marathon time!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,672 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Good luck and enjoy it!

    (though I would guess you are asleep by now)

  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    Marathon Report

    So now that it is done it's time to reflect on the day itself.

    I really enjoyed the 18 week training plan. I got a great sense of achievement ticking off each run as it was done. Seeing myself become fitter over the weeks and run distances I would never have dreamed possible gave me a great boost.

    The marathon and all it entails was something I was doing just for me. All solo runs so my time, my distance, my way.

    I could think of nothing else in the weeks and then days leading to the marathon. Running was consuming all my thoughts and decisions.

    And so the day dawned. Up at 6, forced the porridge down and was on the road by 7. My husband, son and daughter all came with me to support. They even wore t-shirts for the day "Team J.... DCM 2018". I was delighted with the support and effort they went to.

    Left them at the barrier, did the bag drop and made my way to Wave 4. Toilet trip and then I just hung around waiting to get going. Didn't talk to anyone else and just tried to keep warm.

    And we were off. I got a bit emotional crossing the start line, this was it, I was running a marathon. The crowd spaced out fairly quickly and I had plenty of room around me. The first few kilometres flew by.

    Before I knew it the 10 km marker was in sight. Splits: 7.35, 7.24, 7.19, 7.15, 7.17, 7.13, 7.07, 7.24, 7.41, 7.17.

    After crossing the marker I focused on getting to the half way point where I knew my family were waiting. It was nice to focus on seeing them. The support on the route was amazing, lots of high fives, shouts of encouragements and offers of sweets.

    Stopped just after the half way marker to see my family, had a jaffa cake and on my way again.

    Splits from 10km to 21km: 7.32, 8.01, 7.02, 7.19, 7.04, 8.01, 8.08, 7.43, 7.15, 8.30, 7.56. Happy with these.

    I found the next few kilometres after the half way mark to be the toughest (I am not familiar with the area names). Support was sparse in places, and it seemed to be just a continuous boring long road. Just a case of getting through it.

    Crossing the 20 mile marker was great, I knew at that stage that I would finish it. Legs getting tired but still enjoying the whole experience. I kept getting comments about my smiling, yes, I was enjoying it that much. Starting walking intermittently.

    Splits to 32 km: 7.30, 7.58, 8.10, .10, 8.10, 8.33, 8.18, 7.43, 8.05, 7.58, 8.03.

    I knew my brother, sister in law and nephew were waiting at the flyover. My sister in law met me at the 22 mile mark and ran/walked with me til I reached the 40 km marker. She was a welcome distraction at that stage. I was walking a bit more at this stage but my only goal was to finish in less than six hours and I knew I was still on track for that.

    Once she left me it was a case of just reaching that finish line. The support in the last couple of kilometres was amazing. My top said "Believe Achieve" and people kept telling me I was going to achieve. Having strangers shouting encouragement at me was very humbling.

    And there is was! The blue carpet. It seemed to take forever to reach, my family were just before it shouting and waving at me. Everyone was clapping and cheering. A few tears were shed at this point. And then I crossed the finish line. I had done it, I had completed a marathon. I was so emotional and absolutely thrilled to have achieved my goal.

    Official time: 5 hours 46 mins 13 seconds.

    Splits from 33km to end: 8.18, 8.49, 9.09, 8.58, 8.55, 8.33, 9.06, 9.31, 8.38, 8.20, 7.41 (0.7km).

    So so happy to get the medal and t-shirt. Made my way very slowly to the bag drop. It took me ages to find my way back to my family as my sense of direction is really terrible. Once I saw them and had lots of hugs and photos taken we made our way very slowly back to the car and the drive home.

    A week on from the big day I am still thrilled that I managed to complete a marathon. I really enjoyed the whole experience, the hours out on the course just flew by thanks in no small way to the support of strangers who were just amazing.

    I will not be running another marathon. I am going to focus on improving my times for 5kms and 10kms. I hope to do a couple of half marathons next year. For now I just want to run for the sheer enjoyment of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Well done! Truly deserved after pouring your heart and soul into training. Enjoy the shorter stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,299 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Super report and super running, well done you, you really it believe and achieve - i'm delighted for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,367 ✭✭✭Sunny Dayz

    Was looking forward to reading your report. I'm delighted for you that the day went according to plan, you put in all the training and you seemed to really enjoy the marathon. Well done!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Yay, Gypsy! Congratulations. I loved reading your report. I'm so glad you'd an enjoyable experience.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Good luck tomorrow enjoy the day :) I am nervous but looking forward to it :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    Baby75 wrote: »
    Good luck tomorrow enjoy the day :) I am nervous but looking forward to it :)

    Thank you. Didn't get to do the run though as I was in bed sick all week with a flu type thing. Hope you enjoyed it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    gypsylee wrote: »

    Thank you. Didn't get to do the run though as I was in bed sick all week with a flu type thing. Hope you enjoyed it.

    I hope your feeling much better now :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 746 ✭✭✭gypsylee

    This log has been neglected recently because they wasn't much to report! Took three weeks off from running after the marathon as I felt my body needed it. Had a bad cold/fluey type thing which knocked me for six! All well now so back at it.

    Thursday 22nd November

    Distance: 6.2 km. Time: 43 minutes
    Splits: 6.57, 6.47, 6.48, 6.37, 6.35, 7.37, 6.15.

    Monday 26th November

    Distance: 5 km. Time: 35.19 mins.
    Splits: 7.07, 7.09, 6.48, 7.02, 7.00.

    Saturday 1st December

    Distance: 8.5 km. Time: 1 hour 1 min.
    Splits: 6.57, 6.58, 7.04, 6.58,7.09 6.58, 6.55 7.45, 7.43.

    Monday 3rd December

    Distance: 6.2 km. Time: 43.40 mins.
    Splits: 7.09, 7.07, 7.02, 6.53, 6.34 7.07, 6.35 (0.2)

    Sunday 9th December

    Distance: 10 km. Time: 1 hour 9 mins.
    Splits: 7.02, 7.02, 6.58, 6.40, 6.08, 6.57, 6.50, 6.52, 7.19, 7.35

    Slowly getting back into the running. Just need to get into the routine of three or four runs a week again. It's hard this time of year to fit everything in. I have a 5k run on Saturday. I will be happy to get under 35 minutes for that one which I think will be about right for my current fitness level.

    I have signed up for a 12 week group training plan starting in January. That should keep me focused for the rest of the Winter.
