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Living in Navan

  • 08-08-2016 7:26pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 123 ✭✭


    Just wanted to ask about this as I can only find old posts. Am considering moving to Navan from Dublin. My partner and I work in Dublin (me in rathmines, him in the city centre).

    How is the commute from Navan to Dublin? What do people find is the best route? Is the N3 still a nightmare?

    Is Navan a nice place to live? Is it rough? Are there good amenities? Restaurants etc? Schools?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,599 ✭✭✭Fiskar

    Normally I would say rent before you buy but there ain't much to rent!

    If you are using 1 car the commute would be cost effective, however your nightmare will start at the Blanchardstown (junction to M50) and it can be mighty slow in the mornings.

    What time do you and partner need to be in Dublin & Rathmines? If 9 am then leave 7 am or else you is on the slow train to dawn.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,492 ✭✭✭✭Vicxas

    Have you looked at houses? If so where?

    I travel from Navan to the city center and takes me around 50 mins on the old N3 and that's at 7am.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 123 ✭✭KnocKnocKnock

    Thanks for the replies.

    I have to be in Rathmines for about 8 15, partner has to be in work for 9. We wouldn't be using the same car. We were looking at houses in Johnstown.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 47 Viriconia

    I moved from Dublin to Johnstown, it's grand!
    I work in Dublin, near the airport, it's 35/40 mins in the morning. I leave at 8 or 8.10 and I'm in work for 8.45. M3, straight clear run the whole way, bit of a slow down at Blanch but usually moves quickly.
    It can be a bit rough in some areas, but where isn't these days.
    It's got lots around, a very nice Supervalu, the town has nice restaurants, while you don't have the same choice in Dublin, you're not likely to be stuck for anything.
    The only thing I miss about Dublin is the vet I go to!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 47 Viriconia

    I moved from Dublin to Johnstown, it's grand!
    I work in Dublin, near the airport, it's 35/40 mins in the morning. I leave at 8 or 8.10 and I'm in work for 8.45. M3, straight clear run the whole way, bit of a slow down at Blanch but usually moves quickly, so if you're going into the city or to rathmines, you'll need to allow a bit longer.
    It can be a bit rough in some areas, but where isn't these days.
    It's got lots around, a very nice Supervalu, the town has nice restaurants, while you don't have the same choice in Dublin, you're not likely to be stuck for anything.
    The only thing I miss about Dublin is the vet I go to!

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