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Berlin Q or Bust: Road to sub 2:45



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Gutted for you. But not a shock. You're right to fully recover and knuckle down again for Dublin. Its easy to look back and think you've little to show for all the training since DCM19. That's true in the sense of progressing your marathon time. What you dont see or feel right now is just how much you've come on as a runner since then. You'll eventually see that come through in race results but its hard to see the wood for the trees at times like this.

    By the way I would 100% feel the same way if I was in your shoes so its easy for me to offer advice. Just point back to this advice for me when I eventually and inevitably catch Covid myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,875 ✭✭✭squinn2912

    Ah Jaysus i was wondering myself when I hadn’t seen any activity and hoped in vain you might have just gone into stealth mode for a few weeks. Rotten bad news.

    If Limerick is out would you think of Cork? You never know who you might bump into down yonder!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Ah really sorry to read this. I needed to reevaluate after Covid & my injury, I decided that my focus needed to be on Dublin. It kinda feels good to have one main focus, I want to get there with a really good training block & the positive mentality to go with it.

    I think the best thing now for you is to fully recover both physically & mentally then focus on Dublin. You have had some really impressive training blocks sonce DCM19 & that's not wasted, your day will come!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,186 ✭✭✭MY BAD

    Sorry to hear that J. You're doing the right thing pulling the plug on Limerick

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Tough timing, J. It’s some scourge.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,306 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Sorry to read this, it seems to be unavoidable at the moment. How are you doing since?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,190 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Thanks gents. It is what it is. Will appreciate things a lot more when I get back to full health and fitness that's for sure.

    Not fantastic tbh. I was hoping I'd be out the other side relatively quickly but that hasn't turned out to be the case. General lethargy seems to be reducing by the day, but runs have been sporadic and easy in nature. Got in about 70k of easy running this week including an enjoyable 20k this morning. I'm definitely moving in the right direction but I don't want to rush things.

    Thanks for that E. It's important to keep things in perspective I know. I can be uber dramatic at times 😋 The log is a good tool to vent and verbalise things though, so I'm probably not finished with that side of things yet! DCM the main thing, but not thinking about it for a while yet.

    Ha, would you believe it that the original plan included me putting a time on the board in Limerick and then heading to Cork to either a) pace a mate (for as long as possible) to sub 2:55 or b) be on the bike for him. So I actually should be able to help you out on you the day as I doubt very much I'll be in any sort of shape to help him out as a pacer. I'll give you a shout closer to the day, but feel free to pencil me in to carry a few gels and drinks and provide good vibes 😉

    Have exited the Stravasphere. It's just a source of frustration for me atm and I'm unsure as to whether I'll return. I think @jebuz probably has the right approach to it and just throws up races onto it. Will still keep up the log as I enjoy the community on here, but gonna simplify things for a while and focus on my own fitness.

    Oh and thanks to @Wubble Wubble for the good wishes too, mobile version won't let me quote posts not on the most recent page of the log.

    @browne_rob5 yeah a pity alright. Hopefully we might share a bit of road in a race soon enough 😬 best of luck in Limerick

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,875 ✭✭✭squinn2912

    Great to hear from you lad I was just beginning to worry a little!! You’re on the road to recovery anyhow and that’s the most important thing. Thanks very much for your offer we’ll def talk closer to the time but you concentrate on yourself for now and see where that goes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,190 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Still on page 2 of Training Logs after 7 months away! Will probably need a few posts to get a few things out of my head and system. *Spoiler Alert for what's coming; it's not going to involve a lot of running and it's not going to be particularly positive. But as I am now running again, well sort of, I can start posting here again. I have missed the log...

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    A good few others have missed it too! Welcome back

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Two big comebacks on Boards in 24hrs. I'm a happy man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,501 ✭✭✭Laineyfrecks

    Welcome back 😊

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,190 ✭✭✭healy1835

    So where to start? Well I suppose I’ll map out my last few months and then talk about what my next steps might be. 

    After Limerick was off the cards, my post-Covid return to running was a bit of a struggle. I took a Strava sabbatical as I was really frustrated and down about the cards I’d been dealt by the running Gods, and looking at other people smashing races and posting times I thought I should be posting was not very enticing.

    Looking at Garmin Connect here it’s telling me I ran 21 times in April and covered just over 200km. I’d say nearly every run was over 5min/kms. I wasn’t feeling it whatsoever. Whether it was Covid-related or not, my mojo was close to zero. May came and went, 130km of meh. By now I was just trying to maintain some sort of fitness with a view to starting a block for DCM in late June. Kildare & Clare were both going well and I was enjoying myself at the weekends. I definitely was of the mindset to make the most of not having any big target and was happy to take the hit on my fitness in order to be refreshed for the start of the DCM block.

    June saw this pattern repeat itself, except with less running (140km). July came, and I was ready to get back on the horse again. First week back I managed to tweak something in my knee as I was coming down off a kerb. It was painful and I wasn’t able to get back going without the pain becoming too much. It was the same knee that I'd had my ACL reconstructed in back in the day so I’m used to it giving a bit of lip the odd time. I was heading off for the weekend so I thought nothing more about it…until the following Monday when I had to pull up after 400m. Same pain again. Not good. 

    Went to my physio, and was happy to hear that everything was still intact there, but that I needed to strengthen a couple of things and take 6 weeks off running. This resulted in me sporadically doing the prescribed exercises, sitting up on a turbo trainer on a couple of occasions to cross train, and basically eating and drinking my way through the summer. Fast forward to me returning to physio to tell him that I’d taken no heed of his advice whatsoever. I promised that I’d play ball for 6 weeks with exercises and cross training and, to be fair, I more or less did.

    I started back running on 21st October, got covid 4 days later (you couldn’t even script this **** at this stage) but am now back following a return to running type of plan and that seems to be going well. I’m 2 and a half stone overweight, very unfit and at the very very bottom of the ladder. However, as of November, I’m back living that life again and feel better for it. It’s going to be a long enough road back, but the mind and body are willing again.

    I’ve no goals or targets as of yet. Just getting back running was number 1. In a couple of weeks I should be in a position to start looking at the comeback plan in a bit more detail.

    I definitely didn’t appreciate the gift of being fit and healthy. It sort of feels like I’m starting again. I know that’s not actually the case and this time last year I toed the line in a marathon looking to run in the low 2:40’s. Sure even as close back as March I did a 30k run @4:04/km… but I’m treating it as if I am. Will post training on here again once it starts to look like real running again, but in the mean time I'll spare people the recount of my 6x3min run/1min walk sessions! Ego has been parked. I am where I am. Looking forward to climbing the ladder again


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 220 ✭✭E.coli

    Sorry to hear of all your woes. I can relate to the starting from scratch mentality around it in some ways it can be liberating to an extent (mine albeit not as externally driven with the misfortunes you have had)

    Best of luck on the road back and enjoy it as much as you can and embrace the process rather than the outcome it can take the pressure off a bit (If you look up a guy called Andrew Huberman he essentially breaks down the neuroscience as to why this sort of mantra is actually backed in science not just some holistic view of life)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Just let me know what races you're doing for the next 2-3 months will you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,190 ✭✭✭healy1835

    I suppose for the sake of posterity I may as well log the training I'm doing. Hopefully I'll be looking back in a years time marveling at how far things have progressed.

    Mon: Rest. Had ran 4 days in a row so didn't want to over egg the pudding.

    Tue: 6.7k @5:51/km inc 5x5mins run/1min walk w/5min jog w/u & 4min jog c/d

    Mooch around the town while the eldest fella was at soccer training.

    Wed: 7.1k @5:31/km inc 3x9mins run/1min walk (same w/u & c/d as above)

    Mooch around Industrial Estate while middle fella was at karate.

    Thu: 7.1k @5:31/km inc 3x9mins run/1 min walk (same w/u & c/d)

    Mooch around the Camp. Very windy.

    Fri: 6.8k @5:45/km inc 2x14mins/1 min walk (same w/u & c/d)

    Onto the plains for the first time in a long time. Heavy going, but enjoyable. Run walk starting to get annoying.

    Sat: 6.7k @5:24/km

    I've had the bones of an initial return to running plan sketched out, but it was always skewed to the more cautious side of things with the caveat that if the knee was in good fettle, that we could progress through it a little quicker. I'd been in a pair of Pegasus 39's for all my previous runs, but threw on the Invincibles for this one. I'd forgotten how nice they felt for more the more sedate type of runs. I see the second iteration are a decent price on the Nike app so I might pick up another pair as these have a good few miles on them.

    I'd decided I was going to just head out and run around the bog loop. No warm up or cool down, no run walk set up, just run. Didn't pull the jacket sleeve up until we were back at the homestead and had a very enjoyable afternoon.

    Sun: 5 Miles @5:13/km

    Sunday Long Run 🤣 Best I've felt since I came back. Will touch base with mate who coaches me and do a bit an information dump. I've been avoiding him due to my embarrassing lack of fitness and self discipline the last few months.

    42.5km for the week. Progress.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I'm really looking fwd to seeing how you progress through the gears and I dont think it will take as long as you think it will. Be careful in the initial weeks and you'll bounce back quicker.

    We'll be doing fast long runs in the PP in no time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    The very best of luck with the return to training, J - I love the fact you're accepting that you are where you are, I actually think that's the first mistake a lot of people make (I know I've done it in the past too)

    You know yourself anyway but consistency wins out over any big session or race, every time, we generally don't appreciate the gift of being fit when we're fit so don't be too hard on yourself on that front.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,190 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Mon: 5 Miles: 44:48@5:35/km

    A tired enough shuffle around the town during eldest’s GAA training.

    Tue: 5 Miles: 41:37@5:10/km

    Made a triumphant return to my beloved Lidl loop for the first time in a long while. The big sessions and 2:56 marathon-on-a-whim felt a long way away, but it was good to be back up there.

    Wed: Rest. I’d ran 8 days in a row, so a rest day was probably in order, even though I didn’t particularly want to take one.

    Thu: 5 Miles: 39:56@4:57/km

    Felt good after the day off. This one was faster than the others runs of late. Was in the Invincibles so the quicker pace wasn’t exactly by design, just happened.

    Fri: 5 Miles: 44:30@5:32/km

    Soft shuffle around the EOI loop on the plains. Gorgeous late afternoon on the Curragh.

    Sat: Rest. Other half was away so just left the run.

    Sun: 7 Miles!!: 57:18@5:05/km

    Long Run of a Sunday :) Was gonna go longer but decided not to push my luck. Felt great to be able to head out and cover some sort of distance. Knee feels fine. Might look at introducing a small bit of stuff into the plan this week.

    43.5km for the week (5 runs)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Great to see progress - keep it going!!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Happy days

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,190 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Hectic week in work and family stuff, but still managed to get out for a few runs. Things will clear up considerably the next couple of weeks so looking forward to getting some decent running in.

    Mon: 5 Miles: 44:36 @5:33/km

    EOI Loop on the plains. Soft.

    Tue: 5 Miles: 42:00 @5:13/km

    Mooch around the town during soccer training.

    Wed: 5 Miles: 43:29 @5:24/km

    Run/Wade around the town during Karate. My first soaking in months. Inspectors in the school for a few days. I'd be a relaxed kind of guy about these things, but the pressure does take a toll at times. Tired that evening.

    Thu: Rest. Of the mental variety rather than physical.

    Fri: 10k: 55:40 @5:34/km

    Ran with a chap after work who I've known for a long while, but never ran with. Enjoyable to run with another human again. He thanked me for the workout after, telling me it was his 2nd fastest 10k ever. 'What's your fastest 10k?' he asks...I have to think for a while, but fob him off with an answer that it's a long way away now. Which it is. But the show is back on the road, so watch this space (probably for quite a while if you're looking for a 10k PB!)

    Sat: Rest. Family stuff. Had a few beers for the first time in a few weeks. Didn't overdo it and was able to get out for...

    Sun: 10k: 52:13 @5:13/km

    Run around an industrial estate during soccer training. Need a change of scenery for a run soon.

    44k for the week of 5 days. Meh enough, but was doing well to get that in. Will try and get 6 runs in this week and maybe, just maybe, a little bit of work.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Comparison is the thief of Joy - even if your comparison is a previous version of you.

    You'll get it back and no doubt it'll be more of a pleasure than the original journey!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,190 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Okay. A little bit of a false start before Christmas with the log, but hopefully this return shall be a little more on the permanent side of things 👍

    December wasn't the most disciplined of months but reached the New Year ready to rock and roll.

    Ran 261k in January. Predominantly easy running, mostly 5 milers. Felt better as month went on and more often than not, felt better at the end of runs than the start. I'm taking this as a positive anyway. Paces fairly serene for obvious reasons. But 5:30kms were slowly creeping down closer to 5min kms by the end of the month.

    The two longest runs, a 10 Miler in around 79mins and a 12k @4:39/km were the only runs at a quicker clip than 8 mins miles.

    Last Wednesday saw me do my first session since before Limerick Marathon was canned last March. 5x2mins on/off. I made it through, I'll spare people the splits, but it was good to let the handbrake off a little.

    Starting a block next week to try and push things on a little, with a view to DCM in October. No targets. Just happy to be back running and hopefully can build a bit of momentum now.

    Debated changing the name of the log to prevent it coming a millstone around my neck...but no, it's staying as it is. This journey still has a way to go yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,190 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Right, let's get this log motoring again.

    Sun 12th Feb: LR 20.2k: 1:42:14 @5:05/km

    Up early of a Sunday morning to get this is in with a buddy of mine who's flying at the moment. Planned to do 10 Miles but all systems were fairly comfortable so ended up heading around the Lidl loop again which brought up the 20k.

    Mon 13th: 5 Miles Recovery: 43:28 @5:24/km

    It was nice just to have something to recover from to be honest!

    Tue 14th: 10k Easy: 52:29 @5:14/km

    Was on midterm for full week myself, but the kids were only off on the Thu & Fri. Couple of goes around the Lidl loop.

    Wed 15th: 8.2k Easy: 44:48 @5:29/km

    Left calf was giving a bit of lip on this one, but have been conscious of giving it a decent stretch and bit of attention since and hasn't reared it's head again.

    Thu 16th: 7 Miles Easy: 56:34 @5:01/km

    Pre trip up to the Zoo. I've been in the Phoenix Park on a few occasions over the last while, and this was the first day where I actually wanted to be out running.

    Fri 17th: 7 Miles: 54:45: @4:51/km

    Actually, this was the one that I was feeling my calf. Was worried at the time, but it seems to have been fleeting. Planned 20k as I was heading down to Ennis for the weekend, but didn't want to risk doing something very bad to the calf so cut run short.

    Sat/Sun/Mon - 'Rest'

    Ennis was the last big obstacle to my regaining fitness for a while.

    Tue 21st: 12.4k Easy: 1:02:46 @5:05/km

    Calf showed no signs of any ill effects from Friday's run thank goodness.

    Wed 22nd: 8 Miles Easy: 1:04:47/km @5:02/km

    Thu 23rd: Session! Actual Session! Well, in name anyway. It's a start.

    13.4k inc 3x1mile on/off: 1:04:35 @4:51/km

    First things first, I actually misread the session and it was meant to be 4x1mile on/off, but I could have managed another without completely killing myself I think. Just ran up and down the back road of the Lidl loop for this one. Wasn't sure what pace to aim for. At the moment, we're doing most things on feel until we gauge where paces are etc. Did a warm up of just over 2 miles and then cranked out a 7:00 mile, followed by 6:56 & 6:48 miles for the efforts. Broke in a new pair of Endorphin Speed 3's for this one (a sure sign I'm on the way back is that I'm buying runners again) and they felt great.

    Fri 24th: 8.3k Recovery: 44:01 @5:19/km

    Short window for a shuffle on the plains.

    Sat 25th: 10.2k Easy: 52:34 @5:09/km

    Industrial Estate miles before eldest fella's soccer match. Uninspiring but passed quickly and felt pretty good.

    Sun 26th: Planned a 20k LR with a bit of work thrown in, but ended up having to drive down to Limerick to hand back a lovely dog called Buddy who we had only rescued from the dog shelter the day before. Very sad for all the Healy's, but Buddy just wasn't suited to his new surroundings in the Bridge and we had no choice but to bring him back. This torpedoed my morning's running plans. Made it back just in time to see Kildare get annihilated by Derry, but my bad humour didn't last too long as I tuned into proceedings from Wembley :)

    Mon 27th: 10 Miles faster-than-Easy: 1:18:43@4:53/km

    GAA training was scheduled for 90mins so I said I'd try and make up some of the distance I missed out on the previous morning.

    Tue 28th: 10k Easy: 52:54 @5:17/km

    Easy mooch around the plains.

    Things are starting to come around a bit. Weight is beginning to drop, runs are feeling less hard. I'm enjoying running. You can't really ask for more than that can you. Will try and get up to speed with people's logs over the next while as I reintegrate myself into the running world.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    bloody Man U fans, coming over here ruining our buzz...............

    Much progress - great to see. Sub 6 min/miles in a few weeks.

    Gis a buzz soon for a meander in the PP.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,190 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Wed 1st: 12k inc 4 miles up tempo: 57:12 @4:46/km

    Plan called for 8 miles with last 4 miles up tempo. A little tight for time so ended up slightly less than 8 miles but got the 4 quicker miles in. Wore the Speed 3's for this. Lovely shoe. Although whilist I was browsing through a thread last week I saw a good few people had them in their rotation as an easy shoe which surprised me. I would struggle to run easy in those I have to say. Maybe their marketing department has gotten to me, but the roll on them is real, and I'd struggle not to naturally quicken the pace. And they're exactly not the softest shoe ever to boot. Anyway, the run.

    Breezy enough day which sort of turned the tempo miles into a more progressive effort. This and the fact I'm still reaching for paces and am consciously trying not to overdo things. Splits ended up looking like (7:37, 7:19, 7:03 & 6:55). Felt decent and was happy enough with the effort.

    Thu: 10k Easy: 54:47 @5:29/km

    Plains shuffle.

    Fri: 5.1k Easy: 27:32 @5:25/km

    Window shortened considerably for this one so was just happy to get out for a little stretch of the legs.

    Sat: LR 15 Miles: 1:55:25@4:47/km

    Got out in the early afternoon and overclubbed the gear side of things which saw me stashing the hat and gloves a couple of miles into the run. Started off around 8 min miles and as the run went on I was able to naturally up the pace and was running under 7:20's by the end. Body felt good afterwards so all in all a good day.

    Sun: 5.7k Easy: 30:17@5:25/km

    Industrial estate recovery miles whilst eldest had soccer training. Managed to put my left big toe through a sock and actually had to cut run short as it was really uncomfortable and starting to blister badly. Decided to cut losses and protect the toe for another day :)

    Trip up to Ardee followed by a dash back down the country to see both of my beloved sporting teams lose in equally pitiful and disgraceful fashion. Yep, that's how bad Kildare were. Oh well.

    83k for the week.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 10,481 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Nice work there J. Agree with you completely about the Speeds. People have gone mad! 😀

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Good to see you moving again, J - I'm always a bit surprised by people wearing anything other than a "normal" pair of runners on their easy runs, like you say re the speeds, they're just not designed for it and you'd wonder if people are missing out on that more foundational stuff as a result

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,306 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Is it just me or is it getting harder to identify a normal pair of runners? I find there'll be some nod to "composite plate", "nylon plate", "reinforced plate" or "rocker geometry" in nearly all reviews I read these days - is the line between super shoes and "normal" shoes becoming more blurred 🤷

    Good to see things going well in these parts again.
