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Liveline thread 12/08/16 to date



  • Registered Users Posts: 20,337 ✭✭✭✭monkey9

    Duffy has the gall to conduct an interview like that after a week's discussion on bullying. He honestly just didn't see what a thick he is.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭PeterTheNinth

    I dont know why everybody is surprised by Joe Duffy. He is frequently as rude and unprofessional with the people who take time out of their day to wait around and appear on a publicly funded show that only Duffy himself gets paid to speak on. His rudeness and subjectivity is something that should have been tackled a long time ago, with a stern word in his ear, but nobody in RTE ever had the balls to stand up to him.

    A bit like how Pat Hickey himself evolved to be honest.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,793 ✭✭✭Red Kev

    I dont know why everybody is surprised by Joe Duffy. He is frequently as rude and unprofessional with the people who take time out of their day to wait around and appear on a publicly funded show that only Duffy himself gets paid to speak on. His rudeness and subjectivity is something that should have been tackled a long time ago, with a stern word in his ear, but nobody in RTE ever had the balls to stand up to him.

    A bit like how Pat Hickey himself evolved to be honest.

    His buddies on the Funny Friday team get paid as well. ;)

    BTW, it's at 16:30 in this when he says, "You have a gun on you in the photograph, why didn't you tell the media to get lost".!rii=b9%5F21043416%5F53%5F25%2D08%2D2016%5F

  • Registered Users Posts: 53,028 ✭✭✭✭ButtersSuki

    A selection of comments from broadsheet so to speak:

    When I hear the commentators on the Joe Duffy show, I have to remind myself that 80% of the population over 60 left school at 14!
    Unfortunately, that’s the demographic that votes and the deadweight that continues to vote for Fianna Fail, Fine Gael etc…

    R T E

    “And who decised to Fillum the arrest?…..what about de fillum, de fillum?” Jesus Christ his pronunciation drives me nuts. He’s putting it on the accent at this stage. How long is he working in RTE?

    I’m glad they filmed him getting arrested, I’m very happy that he was humiliated. I’m sure he has humiliated many athletes/investigators over the years. He was arrested in Brazil and now hopefully he will be jailed in Brazil.

    Joe makes a fair point, this is not how these situations are handled in Ireland and the Brazilians have it backwards. The correct SOP for a corruption case should have been

    1) An arrest is made without anyone knowing, months after the original suspicion
    2) The suspect is brought to a Garda station, allowed tea and refreshments and the ability to give no information.
    3) Despite overwhelming evidence the suspect is then released and allowed to go home, back to their relative life of luxury. One or two photos of them leaving the station and getting into a car are allowed
    4) Flip all is done for a very long time. This is commonly referred to as ‘A file is being prepared for the DPP’.
    5) The odd scathing article is written, it’s often clever writing and gets your ma riled up, but then she moves on to the Property supplement. The odd Joe Duffy segment is dedicated to outrage, followed by a segment on online scams. And we all realize we are benign, and die a little more inside.
    6) The court date gets moved, removed, moved and then delayed. When the suspect finally makes it in front of a judge their lawyers ask for an extension to prepare more smoke and mirrors. This is granted
    7) Final court date, nothing done, slap on the wrists. Statement by defense lawyers outside courthouse thanking people for their support and saying his client would like everyone to respect his privacy as it’s been a very difficult time for them and their family.
    8) Rinse…and repeat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 53,028 ✭✭✭✭ButtersSuki


    Joe Duffy: “Commissioner Aloysio Falcão of the Rio de Janeiro police and one of the lead investigators in this case, good afternoon.”

    Aloysio Falcão: “Good afternoon, how are you?”

    Duffy: “Good, thank you and I hope you are aware also, are you aware Commissioner, that in Ireland this has been the biggest story in the last 10 days?”

    Falcão: “Yeah Yeah we knew.”

    Duffy: “Why did you decide to film the arrest of Pat Hickey.

    Falcão: “Because we knew that Pat Hickey was the guy who [unintelligible]

    Duffy: “Okay Commissioner, that’s all fine but in Ireland that’s not a crime, it’s not a crime and it’s not a crime for Pat Hickey to be in communication with Marcus Evans it’s not a crime why did you decide to film to video to bring along a cameraman to film Pat Hickey in the middle of the night, a 71 year old man obviously in distress why did you decide to film and release that video?”

    Falcão: “In Brazil, ticket touting is a crime, you know. It’s a serious crime, I had to respect…”

    Duffy: “Of course it’s a crime in Brazil, It’s not a crime in Ireland, but some people believe it should be a crime in Ireland. But why did you film the arrest of Pat Hickey?”

    Falcão: “I did the arrest because I had to respect the law.”

    Duffy: “Is every arrest in Brazil filmed?”

    Falcão: “No, but…”

    Duffy: “So why did you film this man being arrested?”

    Falcão: “I had to do what the judge said on the warrant. When I arrested him I sent him to the hospital to check everything out, he spent in the hospital one day…”

    Duffy: “I understand and very good, very good, very good, that’s important. Why did you decide and who filmed this man in distress in his bedroom?”

    Falcão: “Because he was in the hotel, in his bedroom, you know we had judge warrant, we had to do it. And he wasn’t in his room, his wife was in his room, his wife, he was in a different room from his wife. His wife told the police he went back to Ireland you know.”

    Duffy: “Hmm well as I said last week when all of this was happening, there might have been a misunderstanding. It is a different language. Are you saying the Judge ordered the arrest of Pat Hickey being filmed.”

    Falcão: “Yeah, yeah he did.”

    Duffy: “So are you saying the judge said I want to see video and film evidence I want to see the film, the movie of this man being arrested.”

    Falcão: “Not the judge’s order, it’s like the media. We didn’t authorise the media, you know.”

    Duffy: “And Commissioner, where does the investigation stand now. Is there any possibility that Pat Hickey who, as you know is a 71 year old man, you know and you had to call the doctor, that Hickey could be released on bail and out of that prison.”

    Falcão: “Yeah, we have a kind of domiciliary prison where the guy is older than 80 or is in bad health, his lawyers are trying to get this kind of prison for him to be in.”

    Duffy: “So can I ask you, Commissioner, on behalf of the Rio de Janeiro police, would you object if the judge said you can release this man from prison and put him under as you say domiciliary containment, would you object Commissioner?”

    Falcão: “No.”

    Duffy: “So you would be in favour of Pat Hickey being released from prison once he dose not leave Rio, is that correct?”

    Falcão: “Sure. The Brazilian system is not unfair [unintelligible]. I’m going to talk to the judge today.”

    Duffy: “So you’re going to talk to the judge today to say you have no objection to Pat Hickey being released. Have you any objection to him leaving Brazil?”

    Falcão: “Yeah. He has to stay in Brazil because he has more questions about more people who are being arrested… he can be in domiciliary jail but it’s the judge’s decision, I can’t decide that, you know.”

    Duffy: “But can you – is it within your power to say to the judge we will allow Pat Hickey to hold in a hotel in Rio so long as we have his passport and he cannot leave Brazil, is that your opinion?”

    Falcão: “I have the power to talk to the judge but not to release him from jail.”

    Duffy: “Yes but once he stays in Brazil.”

    Falcão: “Yeah but we don’t have this power you know, it’s the judge’s decision.

    Duffy: “But approximately Commissioner when do you hope to hand the file to the judge and say we’ve done all our investigations now you decide when is that a week a month, how long ?”

    Falcão: “I can’t tell you, maybe between 1 and 3 months, between 1 and 3 months, I hope so you know.”

    Duffy: “So if Mr Hickey – which he vehemently asserts, as does Mr Mallon, that they were innocent, you’re saying well we will not have a decision on that from the Brazilian system for up to 3 months?”

    Falcão: “If they are innocent for sure we have a decision, the Brazilian court, it’s Brazilian law I don’t know how it works in Ireland but we have to make sure that people don’t run away from the country otherwise it’s going to be impossible to inquire them.”

    Duffy: “Have you asked Interpol to help?”

    Falcão: “Yeah, for sure. I am in contact with the Interpol the Interpol is going to help the Brazilian police.”

    Duffy: “And what country are Interpol going to ask to assist?”

    Falcão: “Interpol is based in France.

    Duffy: “Yes, I know that, it’s based in Lyon but are you saying to Interpol, can you get information from Ireland?”

    Falcão: “I can’t tell you about the information but what I can tell you is that I made contact with Interpol they are helping the Brazilian police.”

    Duffy: “Have you had any representations from the Irish government?”

    Falcão: “No. That’s why I also want to get some help from the media because we need some help from the government. I know Shane Ross had a meeting but he has left. I also want to know about the government position, what they are doing you know. Our police can be helped by your government. We can trade information about this scandal.”

    Duffy: “But have you contacted the Irish government via our embassy?”

    Falcão: “Not yet.”

    Duffy: “But you’re saying you want to speak to Shane Ross and also the Irish Government. Do you want to speak to the Irish police?”

    Falcão: “Yes. It would be great for the enquiry because more information is much better, it’s more fair for the process, we don’t want to be unfair, I have to know what happened with the government in Ireland and also the government, they will want to know what happened in Brazil.”

    Duffy: “Well, Commissioner, a number of politicians in Ireland, some in opposition, some in Government, Minister Simon Coveney, Shane Ross made a reference to it as well, as the leader of the Labour Party said this is not the way we do things in Ireland, I’m quoting a onetime leader of the Labour Party, can you understand that the arrest of this man, the filming of the arrest the immediate removal, okay you took him to a hospital, and his incarceration in prison, to some people in Ireland to a lot of people I think in fairness they don’t think that is very fair.”

    Falcão: “I know. What I can tell you is that the police treated him very well. We left him in the hostel for one day, he then went to the prison when the doctor examined him met him and said well now he’s okay… I talked to him and his lawyer always, always you know.”

    Duffy: “You know this cocktail party, this sting operation where you sent undercover policeman to this cocktail party does that mean you have been on, when did this case open, did it open when the Olympics started or had it started a few years ago, how long have you been on this case?”

    Falcão: “We had a lot of investigation at 2014 at the World Cup football, we arrested a director of THG and we know that THG was trying to get credentials for the Games, that’s why we started the investigation. Two years ago.”

    Duffy: “You were watching THG before the Olympics. Before they arrived, were you aware of the arrival of the Irish Olympic Committee, were you suspicious of a connection then.

    Falcão: “The Olympic Irish Council was suspected when we found maybe 800 tickets and all those tickets were designated for the Irish Olympic contingent.”

    Duffy: “So is it fair to say that before then, Pat Hickey and indeed Kevin Mallon and indeed other people whom you now want their passports, you were not suspicious of them you were not suspicious of them, you only became suspicious of them when you found those tickets at this cocktail party for instance. Before they arrived in Rio you were not suspicious of them. You only became interested in them when you found the tickets at this cocktail party. All the tickets you found were only from the Irish Olympic Council?

    Falcão: “ Only Irish.”

    Duffy: “Whey did you put Pat Hickey’s boarding card and his accreditation, why did you put them on your table for those photographs you were at?”

    Falcão: “I didn’t put them on my table.”

    Duffy: “The media didn’t have his passport, you had his passport.”

    Duffy: “Ah now no hang on hang on the media didn’t have his passport why did you put his passport on the table

    Falcão: “We confiscated it.”

    Duffy: “Oh what you have okay okay, that’s the way in Brazil, okay. And did Pat Hickey have a second passport?”

    Falcão: “He had a second passport he gave to the police, yes.”

    Duffy: “And is the second passport Irish?”

    Falcão: “Yeah, I think so.”

    Duffy: “But you can’t have two passports. And both passports were valid?”

    Falcão: “Yeah, yeah, I think because he travels a lot he has a second passport.”

    Duffy: “A spare one. But you’re adamant It wasn’t a false passport, it was a spare passport.”

    Falcão: “It’s original, it’s a true passport.”

    Duffy: “But there’s nothing wrong with that is there?”

    Falcão: “Nothing wrong.”

    Duffy: “Okay Commissioner thank you for your time.”

    Falcão: “Okay thank you I appreciate that also. Sorry for the question I didn’t answer. It’s difficult to talk over the phone. I’m not good at the language.”

    Duffy: “But given that you raised the question you didn’t answer, do you regret, are you sorry that you let the cameras in to a 71 year old man in distress?

    Falcão: “No, I didn’t authorise that, I didn’t. It was a problem with the hotel security.”

    Duffy: “And also, do you carry a gun?”

    Falcão: “ I can tell you, I didn’t like what happened.”

    Duffy: “Well then why didn’t you tell the media, you have a gun on you in the photographs, why didn’t you tell the media to get lost.”

    Falcão: “The media were there, a lot of television, they saw the police coming in, they entered in the hotel, security people didn’t stop them, when Pat Hickey was arrested we didn’t put anything on the internet, we went out through the basement because of the media, I authorised this, he asked me can I go out through the basement because of the media and I said, sure, yes.”

    Duffy: “And you’re saying Pat Hickey requested that he be taken out of the hotel privately?”

    Falcão: “Yes, the basement, I authorised that.”

    Duffy: “Commissioner Falcão, lead investigator with the Rio police, thank you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,511 ✭✭✭Mike Guide 69

    I wonder with what happened earlier and with the reaction, could it be a game changer for Duffy, mainly in the way he tried to, as someone posted earlier (apologies, cant remember), "trying to put words in the commissioners mouth" during stages of that shambolic interview, prerecorded and all!!!

    But knowing Joe, the gruff that he has, it'll be carry on regardless. An apology should be issued by the producers of Liveline, quite ridiculous, that us as licence fee payers had to listen to that oaf go on a personal agenda and try to mirror Irish justice in front of a Brazilian Police Commissioner, the man is a hypocrite , simple as that!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 228 ✭✭Gergiev

    It's soul destroying to listen to RTE interject 'there is no suggestion of impropriety' on every news bulletin every time somebody is referenced or introduced into this story.

    They are so under the thumb of every interest group, press officer and PR man that rings to harangue them on behalf of their clients nowadays that they don't know what they exist for or who they serve any more...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,843 ✭✭✭Uncle Ben

    Should be interesting to see if any of the newspapers run with this. Or any of the different radio stations.

    Nah. They'll all close ranks. This is Ireland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 53,028 ✭✭✭✭ButtersSuki

    Gergiev wrote: »
    It's soul destroying to listen to RTE interject 'there is no suggestion of impropriety' on every news bulletin every time somebody is referenced or introduced into this story.

    They are so under the thumb of every interest group, press officer and PR man that rings to harangue them on behalf of their clients nowadays that they don't know what they exist for or who they serve any more...

    And again.....the elephant in the room is on the board of the RTÉ Authority, he's the chairman in fact (Tom Savage). Savage is also an owner of and Director of The Communications Clinic (in any other country that would be a conflict of interest that would disqualify you from a role in the state broadcaster but not in Ireland).

    Guess who is a client of TCC? The OCI.

    Guess who's another? THG (the ticket sellers). Conflict again? Not at all.....

    You want to know where the pressure to conduct that call came from? Follow the chain of dominos.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,386 ✭✭✭✭Dan Jaman

    You want to know where the pressure to conduct that call came from? Follow the chain of dominos.....

    ... and of course, our Joe is such a yelllow-bellied arselicker fearful of jeopardising his massive fees that he'll go along with just about anything that can be justified by the Great and Good that run the place.
    Вашему собственному бычьему дерьму нельзя верить - V Putin

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,833 ✭✭✭✭ThisRegard had an interesting story regarding the communication clinic yesterday, worth a read if you're not familiar with that particular story.

  • Registered Users Posts: 53,028 ✭✭✭✭ButtersSuki

    By the way, forgot to mention this beauty about TCC; in the past their clients have sued RTÉ! Only in Ireland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 53,028 ✭✭✭✭ButtersSuki

    ThisRegard wrote: » had an interesting story regarding the communication clinic yesterday, worth a read if you're not familiar with that particular story.

    What was that? Do you have a link?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,833 ✭✭✭✭ThisRegard

  • Registered Users Posts: 53,028 ✭✭✭✭ButtersSuki

    ThisRegard wrote: »

    Oh I'm very familiar with that story. VERY familiar.

    Funny how Duffy didn't cover that seeing as it features his latest favourite topic of bullying and his all time favourite topic of suicide? Yeah, funny alright.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,420 ✭✭✭✭sligojoek


  • Registered Users Posts: 82,341 ✭✭✭✭Atlantic Dawn

    More heat so to speak...
    Police in Brazil were told Pat Hickey was the “big chief” of ticketing for the Olympic Council of Ireland (OCI) during a meeting with two executives on Thursday night.

    Chef de Mission Kevin Kilty and CEO Stephen Martin spoke to police in Rio for four and a half hours on Thursday.

    Their colleague Honorary General Secretary Dermot Henihan, met with police on Tuesday.

    Ronaldo Oliveira, head of specialised operations units with the Civil police, told reporters after the meeting that the men are witnesses, not suspects.

    "They collaborated and confirmed the participation of Patrick Hickey as the big chief of this operation. All practices are determined by him. We were able to put together the jigsaw and we’ll soon have more actions.”

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,833 ✭✭✭✭ThisRegard

    On De Examiner, I see Duffy hiding up the top.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39,386 ✭✭✭✭Dan Jaman

    ThisRegard wrote: »

    Fractured hyoid, eh?
    This is one for Joeratio...
    ... or maybe not. He'd leave his bloody great moddy bootprints all over the flower beds.
    In fact, he'd walk half the garden through the french doors into the lounge carpet.
    Вашему собственному бычьему дерьму нельзя верить - V Putin

  • Registered Users Posts: 53,028 ✭✭✭✭ButtersSuki

    ThisRegard wrote: »
    On De Examiner, I see Duffy hiding up the top.

    Jaysis he looks fatter than usual in that pic.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,986 ✭✭✭philstar

    what a pointless interview, it was obvious the brazilian's english wasn't up to standard for a serious radio discussion, made for painful listening imo

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭PeterTheNinth

    Interested to see how the Brendan O'Carroll section is described on the RTE website.
    Mrs. Brown's Boys
    Brendan O'Carroll joined Joe to address criticism his work received after Mrs Brown's Boys was voted the best sitcom of the 21st century by 'Radio Times' readers.

    Surely if Liveline lived up to it's remit, then the CALLERS would be brought on to debate back and forth whether the show was deserving of the award or not? Instead we get Joe Duffy alone discrediting the people who wrote negative articles about the show.

  • Registered Users Posts: 53,028 ✭✭✭✭ButtersSuki

    "The American Newspapers", I'd say you will be waiting for him to say which specific ones :pac:

    Joe of course thinks that no one in Ireland will be able to read American newspapers online (from anywhere in the wurild no less), they're only available on his EYEpad so to speak.

    He's also likely unaware you can buy physical copies of most major US papers in many newsagents across the country, including Easons where his dawturr duz be working hard on de Saturday to get a few bob for de cuddle and dat.

    The mask that hides his temper, his inner bully and the buffoon slipped yesterday in a far more public way than usual. If it were anyone else I'd ask did they spend the evening in solemn contemplation wondering "how will I atone for this"; I fear however he actually thinks he put the policeman in his place! As bad as the interview was however the gun comments at the end were truly bizarre and outrageous for a "broadcaster" (and I use that term lightly) to call on a policeman to turn his weapon in his colleagues in the media. He should be reprimanded for that of nothing else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 53,028 ✭✭✭✭ButtersSuki

    Interested to see how the Brendan O'Carroll section is described on the RTE website.

    Surely if Liveline lived up to it's remit, then the CALLERS would be brought on to debate back and forth whether the show was deserving of the award or not? Instead we get Joe Duffy alone discrediting the people who wrote negative articles about the show.

    No he had some simpleton fangirl on who was equally fawning.

    Caller driven show. Balance. Fairness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,065 ✭✭✭✭Odyssey 2005

    I think in his own little overpaid mind that the "Liveline" programme has somehow morphed into the " Joe Duffy Show". If it's good enough for Miriam,Tubers O'connor and F'Arcy it should be good enough for him. His ego is really eating him up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,357 ✭✭✭✭thesandeman

    I didn't hear the show Joe, but I've sent off a complaint anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,756 ✭✭✭buried

    That O' Carrol bit was prime apex Livelick Joe Duffy. It nearly sounded like someone doing a parody of the two of them it was that ridiculous - "You either love Mrs. Brown da teevee show or else you are a heartless evil bastard what wishes ill will upon the mentally handicapped so just go and kill yourself"

    "You have disgraced yourselves again" - W. B. Yeats

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 14,115 Mod ✭✭✭✭pc7

    I think this time Joe may have gone to far, hopefully everyone writes in and complains and he at least has to apologise.

    On a side, this pretty much sums up how I feel about MBB

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,379 ✭✭✭CarrickMcJoe

    According to Kim Joe ill (unwell), we should all sit in our sackcloth and watch reruns of Mrs Brown every evening...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,833 ✭✭✭✭ThisRegard

    Joe being criticised online,

    I wonder will Joe arrange for his fellow member of the Hickey legal team, Tubridy, to come on to his show to address this scurrilous criticism.

    I stumbled across this via a real member of the legal community btw who shared what seems like pretty much all of Irelands viewpoint on this. (may be an exaggeration)

This discussion has been closed.