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Ups and downs and lots in between!

  • 15-08-2016 5:14pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭

    Hi everyone, I have decided to take on a 5 week cut to get from 14% at 175lbs to 8% which should bring me down to 164lbs (assuming maintenance of current levels of muscle). I would like to have more than 5 weeks to do this in but due to some commitments, 5 weeks is the max continuous amount of time I have at it. Hopefully it will be enough to reach the 8% target!

    My main motivation for doing this is to get a feel for how cutting will work for me as I have never really been in single figure body fat percentages before. Following the cut, I plan to bring the body fat back up to 10-12% for the purpose of muscle building and will take the idea of further cuts from there.

    Given the significance of this task, I feel it would be a good idea to start a log here to keep note of my progress and help keep me on track with the nutrition. I have my calorie deficit in order (600g deficit of 2,500 from maintenance level of 3,100) and my Macros planned of 1.6gs protein per lb of lean body mass, 0.4g fats per same, and the remainder in carbs. I have also planned my nutrition on a daily basis to make sure I am getting in exactly what is needed. Also, planning on including a carb loading day from week 2.5-3 to kick start the metabolism every once in a while. Getting all of this in order has taken a lot planning and some help from a few people for which I am very grateful.

    Will start making updates of training and cutting progress as often as I can.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Session: Chest + Biceps + abs

    Bench Press:
    60kg x 10
    70kg x 10
    80kg x 5
    85kg x 4
    (60kg x 5) x 4 sets

    Dumbbell press:
    30kg x 7
    30kg x 5
    30kg x 4
    30kg x 3

    Cable Flys:
    40kg x 12
    50kg x 10
    60kg x 8
    50kg x 10

    Dumbbell Bicep Curls:
    15kg x 10
    15kg x 10
    17.5kg x 8
    20kg x 6

    Decline Bench superset with EZ bar Bicep curls:
    50kg x 12 - Decline
    30kg x 12 - EZ curls
    60kg x 8 - Decline
    30kg x 10 - EZ curls
    60kg x 8 - Decline
    30kg x 8 - EZ curls

    20 x sit ups x 4kg medicine ball overhead
    10 x side sit up (each side)
    Lower ab leg raise 40 secs
    Leg raise pull up bar x 5
    Plank 60 secs
    Side planks 30 secs

    Jet lag aside, I felt grand after that. Obviously the affects of the calorie deficit hasn't started taking its toll yet. If anything, reducing protein to 1.6g per lean pound, fats to 0.4g per lean pound and upping the carb intake accordingly has helped.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Session: Back + Triceps:

    80kg x 12
    100kg x 8
    120kg x 5
    130kg x 5
    140kg x 3

    Pull-ups + Dips superset:
    PU- Bw x 6
    Dip- Bw x 12
    Pu- Bw x 6
    Dip- Bw x 12
    Pu- Bw x 4
    Dip- Bw+10kg x 8
    Pu- Bw x 4
    Dip- Bw +15kg x 7

    Bent over row - barbell
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 8
    60kg x 6

    Lat pulldowns (med neutral grip) + seated rows superset:
    Level 5 x 12 (both)
    Level 6 x 10 (both)
    Level 7 x 8 (both)
    <can't figure out how much the plate levels on the machine in raw weigh. Anyone know???>

    Tricep pushdowns (rope grip)
    70kg x 15
    80kg x 12
    90kg x 8
    90kg x 6
    70kg x 8

    Was pretty tired after that one! Didn't get the best sleep last night so I reckon it's more a result of that than the calorie deficit. Anyway, only time will tell what impact the deficit starts having!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus


    The dreaded leg day! I really hate doing legs, not just because it's the toughest, most draining session. The main reason is that my knee issues make it extra challenging. My left knee tells the tale of years of patella dislocations. When I first dislocated it (15 years ago), there were very few (if any) successful surgical options to fix the problem. Had 2 surgeries in 2012 which stopped the dislocations and corrected the tracking but unfortunately the osteoarthritis was already there from years of dislocations. The right knee isn't perfect either, suffer from patellar tendinitis in that one, from overcompensating for the other leg.

    I have to say though, while it's extra unpleasant, doing proper leg workouts (with weightlifting shoes + proper knee pads of course) have made a huge difference to my stability and the extra muscle supporting the joints is definitely of benefit. Worth doing for sure- anyway, here it is:

    60kg x 10
    70kg x 6
    80kg x 5
    90kg x 3
    60kg x 6

    Leg press (total weight):
    100kg x 10
    150kg x 8
    170kg x 6
    180kg x 4

    Calf Raises (total weight):
    40kg x 8
    40kg x 8
    40kg x 8

    Leg extensions (3 of)
    Single - 15kg x 10
    Double - 35kg x 10

    Felt pretty good after that. So far so good with the cut, day 3 done!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Shoulders + Traps:

    Before doing this session, I did a Yoga + Pilates fusion class, then drove straight from that to the gym. It was mainly Pilates based so plenty of core + ab work. Felt nice and loose after it, definitely helps the day after leg day in that regard. The only drawback was that my arms were a bit tired going into my shoulder session- not ideal but the only real effect was the loss of a few reps on Overhead/Shoulder Press.

    Overhead/Shoulder Press (Olympic Bar):
    40kg x 10
    50kg x 8
    50kg x 4
    55kg x 3
    40kg x 6

    Dumbbell Shoulder Press/Lateral Raises/Bent over raises (Superset):
    SP - 20kg x 6
    LR - 8kg x 10
    BR - 8kg x 10
    SP - 20kg x 5
    LR - 10kg x 8
    BR - 10kg x 8
    SP - 20kg x 6
    LR - 10kg x 8
    BR - 10kg x 8
    SP - 20kg x 6
    LR - 7.5kg x 10
    BR - 7.5kg x 10

    Shrugs (Dumbbells):
    32.5kg x 15
    35kg x 12
    37.5kg x 10
    40kg x 10

    Upwards Row (EZ Bar) + Face Pulls (super set):
    UR- 25kg x 12
    FP- 40kg x 10
    UR- 25kg x 12
    FP- 40kg x 10

    Felt great after all of that, pleasantly surprised to be honest!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,600 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Out of interest, is it a program you're following or how does it play out over time?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Out of interest, is it a program you're following or how does it play out over time?

    It's not a program as such - best way I could describe it is a bodybuilding type split program centered around compound lifts. Basically it's a four day split between: Legs; Chest & Biceps; Back & Triceps; Shoulders & Traps. Each day has a main compound exercise in it (Squats; Bench Press; Deadlift; Overhead/Shoulder Press) with other exercises following. I sometimes vary the other exercises after the compounds but have found that certain ones work very well for me.

    I don't limit myself to 4 days of weights session a week though. Normally do 6 if I am able to time wise and rotate everything except legs which I only do once a week. Thinking of adding in legs for a second day (combined with something else) where I would do leg press and leg extensions (not squats, I feel twice in one week would be too much for me).

    Have only really started training properly again in April (first period of sustained training in a few years) so I can only really give you the over time feedback since April. I have found that the results have been general increased strength and muscle gain since then, which is pretty much what I'm going for - Goal is to get functionally stronger and improve the physique aesthetically. At the moment I'm cutting to 8%, which adds an extra dimension to the nutrition side of things!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,600 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Was just looking at the sets and reps and I just wasn't sure if there was a progression to top sets or just go up through weights til you hit a weight that you can't do more than 3 reps....just in the context of situations where it's not clear if there's a progressive overload.

    That said, it was more just me thinking through situations that won't make that much of a difference over time

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Was just looking at the sets and reps and I just wasn't sure if there was a progression to top sets or just go up through weights til you hit a weight that you can't do more than 3 reps....just in the context of situations where it's not clear if there's a progressive overload.

    That said, it was more just me thinking through situations that won't make that much of a difference over time

    It's more a case that I know what my max is at the moment on each of the compound lifts to about 3-4 reps. This has gone up a few levels on each of the compounds since I started back in April. I'm not really interested in 1 rep maximums so for me, if I can get to a point where I can comfortably do more 4-5 reps on what was previously a 3 rep max weight, I know it's time to increase the weights. There's probably more scientific ways of doing this and I'm definitely open to ideas in that regard, so please do feel free to critique/advise - any advice will be really appreciated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,600 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    It's more a case that I know what my max is at the moment on each of the compound lifts to about 3-4 reps. This has gone up a few levels on each of the compounds since I started back in April. I'm not really interested in 1 rep maximums so for me, if I can get to a point where I can comfortably do more 4-5 reps on what was previously a 3 rep max weight, I know it's time to increase the weights. There's probably more scientific ways of doing this and I'm definitely open to ideas in that regard, so please do feel free to critique/advise - any advice will be really appreciated.

    I suppose I just thought that say you were doing OHP next week and you hit 50x8 and then went with 50 again and got 6. Two reps up on the second set of 50 from this week. But it cost you on the 55 where you got 2. In theory it's more volume but less at the higher weight. So I wondered if you lowered the volume at 50 how much more you might get at 55?

    But like I said I probably over-thought it by looking at volume of the top weight versus overall volume and in the long run, you would get stronger anyway and in reality any difference is negligible.

    And I just like reading the workouts other people do and seeing what I might learn :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Chest + Biceps:

    Bench Press:
    60kg x 10
    70kg x 10
    80kg x 5
    85kg x 4
    (60kg x 6) x 4

    Dumbbell Press:
    30kg x 8
    30kg x 5
    30kg x 5

    Incline Press:
    50kg x 7
    55kg x 6
    60kg x 5

    Cable Flys
    40kg x 12
    50kg x 10
    60kg x 8
    50kg x 8

    Chin ups:
    Bw x 8
    Bw x 7

    15kg x 10
    17.5kg x 7
    20kg x 5

    50kg x 12 - DB
    25kg x 15 - BC
    60kg x 6 - DB
    25kg x 15 - BC
    60kg x 8 - DB
    25kg x 12 - BC

    Felt great before, during and after. Think the fact that I'm getting the majority of my daily carb intake in before and after trading is the key to keeping the energy levels up despite being on a 600 calorie deficit. Let's hope that continues to do the job!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Back + Tr:

    60kg x 10
    90kg x 10
    110kg x 8
    120kg x 5
    130kg x 5
    140kg x 1
    Wasn't really feeling up to the 140kg today, decided to go for it anyway. Only had the one in me, still better than none!

    Pull ups + Dips (Superset):
    Pu x 7
    Dip x 12
    Pu x 6
    Dip + 10kg x 10
    Pu x 6
    Dip + 15kg x 8
    Pu x 4
    Dip + 20kg x 6

    Bent over row (Olympic bar):
    50kg x 10
    60kg x 8
    60kg x 7

    Lat Pull down + Rows (Superset):
    5 x 12 (both)
    6 x 10 (both)
    7 x 8 (both)

    Tricep Pulldown:
    70kg x 12
    80kg x 12
    90kg x 10
    100kg x 8
    70kg x 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    5km run this evening, did it in 26 mins. Was doing a quicker pace for the first 3km (did 3.1km in 15 mins) but started gassing after that. Getting close to sub 5 min Kms over 5-6km, would be nice to reach that soon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus


    Yep, my favourite session of the week again!!

    60kg x 8
    70kg x 7
    80kg x 5
    90kg x 4
    60kg x 8
    60kg x 7
    60kg x 6

    Leg press (total weight):
    100kg x 10
    150kg x 6
    150kg x 4

    Leg extensions:
    Single Leg - 15kg x 12
    Both legs - 35kg x 12
    3 sets of:
    Single Leg - 15kg x 12
    Both legs - 35kg x 12

    Leg Curls:
    3 sets of:
    Level 4 x 10
    Level 5 x 5 (1 set)

    Calf Raises (total weight):
    50kg x 8
    50kg x 8
    50kg x 8

    2 rounds of:
    Sit ups (4kg ball) x 20
    Side sit ups x 10 (each side)
    Leg raises pull up bar x 10
    Leg raised x 60 sec
    Plank x 60 sec
    Side plank x 60 sec (each side)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Shoulders + Traps:

    Today was the first day since I started the cut that I really wasn't feeling good walking into the gym. Had a fairly poor nights sleep followed by a stressful day in work (one of those where everything you do seems to go ar$eways). Then my left shoulder started hurting during overhead press and sort of bothered me for the rest of the session. Just took it relatively light and did 5 sets of light face pulls at the end. Wasn't a great session but at least I got in and did something!! On the plus side of things, I'm really starting to notice the effects of the cut, which is good encouragement to keep going with it!

    Overhead Press (Oly Bar):
    40kg x 10
    50kg x 6
    50kg x 5
    40kg x 7
    40kg x 7

    Lateral Raises/Bent over raises (Superset):
    LR - 7.5kg x 10
    BR - 7.5kg x 10
    SP - 20kg x 6
    LR - 7.5kg x 10
    BR - 7.5kg x 10
    SP - 20kg x 6
    LR - 7.5kg x 10
    BR - 7.5kg x 10
    SP - 20kg x 5
    LR - 7.5kg x 8
    BR - 7.5kg x 8

    Shrugs (Dumbbell):
    32.5kg x 15
    35kg x 12
    37.5kg x 10
    40kg x 10

    Face Pulls:
    40kg x 10
    40kg x 10
    40kg x 10
    40kg x 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Chest + Biceps:

    Bench Press:
    60kg x 10
    70kg x 8
    80kg x 5
    85kg x 4
    (60kg x 7) x3
    60kg x 6

    Dumbbell Press:
    30kg x 4
    30kg x 4

    Incline Press:
    50kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    50kg x 5

    Cable Flys
    50kg x 12
    50kg x 10
    60kg x 8
    70kg x 5
    40kg x 7

    Chin ups:
    Bw x 8
    Bw x 6

    15kg x 10
    17.5kg x 7
    20kg x 5

    50kg x 10 - DB
    25kg x 12 - BC
    50kg x 10 - DB
    25kg x 12 - BC
    50kg x 7- DB
    25kg x 12 - BC

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Thursday evening (only getting around to posting now): Yoga & Pilates Fusion class.

    I try to do some form of movement based yoga session at least once a week. I find it complements weight training very well and helps prevent/lesson the stiffness that can come from lots of lifting.

    As it turns out, my left shoulder has been bothering me this week so it was a good time to take a day off the weights. The yoga/pilates class was a good way to spend an hour 15 of the evening given that I wasn't hitting the gym. Shoulder felt much better during and afterwards as well, which was definitely a plus. Felt I got good benefits in terms of core & abs from the Pilates part of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Back + Triceps:

    60kg x 10
    90kg x 10
    110kg x 8
    120kg x 6
    130kg x 5
    140kg x 3

    Pull ups + Dips (Superset):
    Pu x 7
    Dip x 12
    Pu x 6
    Dip + 10kg x 10
    Pu x 6
    Dip + 15kg x 8
    Pu x 5
    Dip + 20kg x 6

    Bent over row (Olympic bar):
    60kg x 8
    60kg x 8
    60kg x 8

    Lat Pull down + Rows (Superset):
    5 x 12 (both)
    6 x 10 (both)
    7 x 8 (both)

    Tricep Pulldown:
    70kg x 12
    80kg x 12
    90kg x 10
    100kg x 8
    70kg x 10

    Re-feed day tomorrow, can't wait to eat some serious carbs!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Shoulders + Traps + Legs:

    Overhead Press (Oly Bar):
    40kg x 10
    50kg x 6
    50kg x 4
    40kg x 8
    40kg x 6

    Reduced the weight on overhead press due to the issues I've been having with my left shoulder. Went to see my chiropractor this morning who did a bit of work on it, pain + discomfort is now gone. He reckons the issue is being caused by my hip position (and consequently core engagement) during shoulder exercises- I seem to have been pushing the left hip forward ever so slightly to compensate for slight weakness on that side. Made sure I got it right for my overhead presses and all other shoulder exercises I did today. A case of learn, assess, apply. Now that I've made adjustments to get the form right, the strength + muscle gains will come in time!

    Lateral Raises/Bent over raises (Superset):
    LR - 7.5kg x 10
    BR - 7.5kg x 10
    SP - 20kg x 5
    LR - 7.5kg x 10
    BR - 7.5kg x 10
    SP - 17.5kg x 6
    LR - 7.5kg x 8
    BR - 7.5kg x 10
    SP - 17.5kg x 5

    Shrugs (Dumbbell):
    32.5kg x 15
    35kg x 12
    37.5kg x 10
    40kg x 10

    Leg press:
    100kg x 10
    100kg x 10
    140kg x 7
    100kg x 10

    Leg extensions:
    3 sets of:
    Single Leg - 15kg x 12
    Both legs - 35kg x 12

    Leg Curls:
    3sets of
    Level 4 x 10

    Face Pulls:
    40kg x 10
    40kg x 10
    40kg x 10

    Must say, I'm enjoying the 3,200+ Calories I'm eating today, it's carb-tastic! Back to the deficit tomorrow!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    6km run tonight, time of 34 mins- 5:40 mins per km. Not be but have done it 2-3 mins faster before. Still, happy enough with a good evening's cardio!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Chest + Biceps:

    Got the body fat measured, before I started, down to 12% (12.5 to be exact) which is decent progress from 14.3%. If I keep going at this rate, I might just make 8% in the 5 weeks I have given myself.

    Bench Press:
    60kg x 10
    70kg x 10
    80kg x 6
    85kg x 4
    (60kg x 7) x 4

    Dumbbell Press:
    27.5kg x 7
    30kg x 5
    30kg x 5

    Incline Press:
    50kg x 6
    50kg x 6
    50kg x 5
    50kg x 5

    Cable Flys
    40kg x 12
    50kg x 10
    60kg x 8
    40kg x 10

    Doing a yoga class in 40 mins, looking forward to that after the weights session!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus


    60kg x 8
    70kg x 7
    80kg x 5
    90kg x 3
    60kg x 8
    60kg x 8
    60kg x 8
    60kg x 6

    Leg press (total weight):
    100kg x 10
    150kg x 8
    150kg x 6
    170kg x 5

    Leg extensions:
    3 sets of:
    Single Leg - 15kg x 12
    Both legs - 35kg x 12
    1 set of:
    Single Leg - 15kg x 8
    Both legs - 35kg x 8

    Leg Curls:
    3 sets of
    Level 4 x 10
    Level 5 x 6 (1 set)

    Calf Raises (total weight):
    50kg x 8
    50kg x 8
    50kg x 8
    50kg x 8

    2 rounds of:
    Sit ups (4kg ball) x 20
    Side sit ups x 10 (each side)
    Leg raises pull up bar x 10
    Leg raised x 60 sec
    Plank x 60 sec
    Side plank x 60 sec (each side)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Back + Tr:

    70kg x 12
    100kg x 10
    110kg x 8
    120kg x 4
    120kg x 4
    130kg x 4
    140kg x 2
    100kg x 8

    Pull ups + Dips (Superset):
    Pu x 6
    Dip x 12
    Pu x 6
    Dip + 10kg x 10
    Pu x 6
    Dip + 15kg x 8
    Pu x 5
    Dip + 20kg x 6

    Bent over 2 arm long bar row:
    40kg x 10
    60kg x 8
    50kg x 10
    60kg x 6
    40kg x 12

    Lat Pull down (Medium neutral grip):
    5 x 12
    6 x 10
    7 x 10

    Tricep Pulldown:
    70kg x 12
    80kg x 12
    90kg x 8
    100kg x 7
    70kg x 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Chest + Biceps:

    Bench Press:
    60kg x 10
    70kg x 8
    80kg x 5
    85kg x 5
    90kg x 3 (2.5 really)
    (65kg x 6) x3

    The 90kg was a new pb. It was done with a spotter and in fairness the 3rd rep was sh*t, hence the 2.5 really. Still, I'm happy enough with it.

    Dumbbell Press:
    30kg x 6
    30kg x 5
    30kg x 5

    Incline Press (Narrow grip):
    50kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    50kg x 5

    Chin ups:
    Bw x 8
    Bw x 6
    Bw x 5

    Cable Flys
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    60kg x 8
    70kg x 4
    40kg x 8

    15kg x 10
    17.5kg x 7
    20kg x 5

    Decline Bench + EZ bar bicep curls (super set):
    60kg x 8 - DB
    30kg x 12 - BC
    60kg x 7 - DB
    30kg x 10 - BC
    60kg x 6- DB
    30kg x 10 - BC

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Shoulders + Traps:

    Overhead Press (Oly Bar):
    40kg x 10
    50kg x 6
    50kg x 5
    50kg x 4
    40kg x 8
    40kg x 7
    40kg x 6

    Lateral Raises/Bent over raises (Superset):
    SP - 20kg x 4
    LR - 7.5kg x 10
    BR - 7.5kg x 10
    SP - 20kg x 5
    LR - 7.5kg x 10
    BR - 7.5kg x 10
    SP - 20kg x 5
    LR - 7.5kg x 10
    BR - 7.5kg x 10
    SP - 20kg x 5
    LR - 7.5kg x 10
    BR - 7.5kg x 10

    Shrugs (Dumbbell):
    35kg x 15
    35kg x 15
    37.5kg x 12
    40kg x 10

    Shrugs (Olympic Bar):
    60kg x 12
    60kg x 12
    60kg x 12
    60kg x 12
    60kg x 12
    60kg x 12

    Side plank cable rows + Face Pulls (Super set):
    4 sets of:
    SPCR 40kg x 10
    FP 40kg x 10

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Leg Day:

    Back to the gym tonight for my favourite leg session after a nice weekend away. Managed to stick to the diet in terms of calorie intake as much as possible while I was away- all estimates really, hard to know exactly what calories are in what in restaurants. Did the feed up day on Friday which meant I go enjoy lots of the local cuisine in Amsterdam and just restricted it as much as possible the other 2 days while still fitting in things I wanted to eat. The plan for this week was always to start to further reduce the calories from last week's levels to account for the weight I have dropped since the start- should have a good impact on my body after the weekend.

    60kg x 8
    70kg x 8
    80kg x 6
    90kg x 4
    60kg x 8
    60kg x 7
    60kg x 7
    60kg x 7

    Leg press (total weight):
    100kg x 10
    150kg x 7
    150kg x 7
    170kg x 5

    Leg extensions:
    3 sets of:
    Single Leg - 15kg x 10
    Both legs - 35kg x 10

    Leg Curls:
    2 sets of
    Level 4 x 10
    Level 4 x 8 (1 set)

    Calf Raises (total weight):
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 8
    50kg x 8

    2 rounds of:
    Sit ups (4kg ball) x 20
    Side sit ups x 10 (each side)
    Leg raises pull up bar x 10
    Leg raised x 60 sec
    Plank x 60 sec
    Side plank x 60 sec (each side)

    Row machine (2 minute legs, flat out):
    - 2mins: 473m
    - 2mins: 447m
    - 2mins: 414m

    The heat in the gym this evening was insane, the sweat levels were getting a bit disgusting!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Chest + Biceps:

    Played a game of tag rugby before this (well some of it, we had plenty of subs) so it was pretty late when I got to the gym. I wasn't as fresh as usual and had less time in between set to fit my full session into 50 mins or so. All things considered, I was happy with how it went.

    Bench Press:
    60kg x 10
    70kg x 8
    80kg x 3
    85kg x 3
    90kg x 1
    65kg x 6
    65kg x 6
    65kg x 5

    Dumbbell Press:
    30kg x 5
    30kg x 4
    30kg x 4

    Incline Press (Narrow grip):
    50kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    50kg x 5
    50kg x 5

    Cable Flys
    50kg x 10
    60kg x 8
    70kg x 4
    40kg x 10

    Dumbell Bicep Curls:
    15kg x 10
    17.5kg x 7
    20kg x 5
    10kg x 10

    Decline Bench + EZ bar bicep curls (super set):
    60kg x 7 - DB
    25kg x 12 - BC
    60kg x 7 - DB
    25kg x 12 - BC
    60kg x 6- DB
    25kg x 10 - BC

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Due to illness, I could not go to the gym last night. Following a trip to the doctor this morning, I have to avoid exercise for 48 hours (stupid sinus infection:mad:). Will be back on Saturday, stronger than ever I hope!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Back + Tr:

    Back in action after 3 days out. Nowhere near 100% but healthy enough to get through a decent session.

    70kg x 12
    100kg x 10
    110kg x 8
    120kg x 6
    130kg x 5
    140kg x 1
    150kg x 1
    100kg x 7

    Pull ups + Dips (Superset):
    Pu x 6
    Dip x 12
    Pu x 6
    Dip + 10kg x 10
    Pu x 6
    Dip + 15kg x 8
    Pu x 4
    Dip + 20kg x 6

    Bent over 2 arm long bar row:
    40kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    60kg x 6
    50kg x 7
    40kg x 10

    Lat Pull down hammer strength:
    30kg x 12
    40kg x 12
    50kg x 10
    60kg x 10

    Tricep Pulldown Rope grip:
    60kg x 12
    70kg x 12
    80kg x 10
    90kg x 8
    100kg x 6
    70kg x 7

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus

    Shoulders + Traps:

    This was the best shoulders day I've had in weeks in terms of how it felt- perhaps the illness imposed time out combined with the small (but important) adjustment to form have helped sort out the shoulder issues I was having a few weeks ago.

    The gym was wedged this evening, as packed as I've ever seen it- couldn't get near a rack for overhead press so just got an Oly bar on the free area and cleaned it to the start position for the press. Worked pretty well in fairness.

    Overhead Press (Oly Bar):
    40kg x 10
    50kg x 7
    50kg x 6
    50kg x 4
    50kg x 4
    55kg x 3
    55kg x 3
    40kg x 7

    Lateral Raises/Bent over raises (Superset):
    SP - 20kg x 7
    LR - 7.5kg x 10
    BR - 7.5kg x 10
    SP - 20kg x 7
    LR - 7.5kg x 10
    BR - 7.5kg x 10
    SP - 20kg x 6
    LR - 7.5kg x 10
    BR - 7.5kg x 10
    SP - 22.5kg x 4
    LR - 10kg x 7
    BR - 10kg x 7

    Shrugs (Dumbbell):
    35kg x 15
    37.5kg x 12
    40kg x 10
    45kg x 7

    Upward Row:
    30kg x 12
    30kg x 12
    35kg x 8
    35kg x 8

    Shrugs (Olympic Bar):
    Front + behind sets of:
    60kg x 12
    70kg x 12
    80kg x 10

    Side plank cable rows + Face Pulls (Super set):
    4 sets of:
    SPCR 40kg x 12
    FP 40kg x 10

    Leg raises hanging:
    3 x 10

    Rowing machine:
    3mins: 639m
    3mins: 643m

    Leg raise lying (alternate leg positions):
    60 seconds x 2

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,454 ✭✭✭slicus ricus


    60kg x 10
    70kg x 8
    80kg x 6
    90kg x 3
    95kg x 3
    60kg x 7
    60kg x 7
    60kg x 7

    Leg press (total weight):
    100kg x 10
    150kg x 8
    150kg x 7
    170kg x 5

    Leg extensions:
    Single Leg - 15kg x 10
    Both legs - 35kg x 10
    Single Leg - 17.5kg x 10
    Both legs - 37.5kg x 10
    Single Leg - 17.5kg x 10
    Both legs - 37.5kg x 10
    Single Leg - 15kg x 10
    Both legs - 35kg x 10

    Leg Curls:
    Level 4 x 10
    Level 5 x 10
    Level 5 x 7
    Level 4 x 17

    Calf Raises (total weight):
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 10
    50kg x 8
    50kg x 8

    2 rounds of:
    Sit ups (5kg ball) x 20
    Side sit ups x 10 (each side)
    Leg raises pull up bar x 10
    Plank x 60 sec
    Side plank x 60 sec (each side)

    I have finally accepted the reality that 5 weeks is simply just not enough time to cut from 14% to 8% bodyfat. I will do well to be hitting 10-11% at the end of this week, which is the end of week 5. Granted, getting sick in week 4 was not part of the plan and certainly did not help. Will be away with work next week so won't be able to give anywhere near my usual level of focus on training and diet. When I come back, I will be continuing the cut for another 5-6 weeks to reach the 6-8% zone. At this stage, I want to prove to myself that I can do it!

    On the positive side, I'm leaner than I've ever been in my adult life and very happy with the results so far. I will get there!
